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Spring outing is just the time, and this kind of people need to be vigilant!

In the spring of March, spring blossoms, and it is the right time to enjoy the spring. However, in this good time to enjoy the scenery, people with allergies have such a trouble: they often have itchy eyes, tears, sneezing, stuffy nose and runny nose. In fact, this is mostly hay fever.

Since beginning of spring this year, due to the relatively warm climate, the spring pollen season in Chengdu, Sichuan and other places is one month earlier and lasts longer than that in the northern region. A beautiful spring will be a disaster for pollen allergy patients.

According to the monitoring of the Allergy Response Center of West China Hospital, the amount of airborne pollen in recent years is 19 times that of 30 years ago, and some of them are 80 times that of 30 years ago, so the number of people with pollen allergy is increasing.

Every spring from February to May, especially in March, the pollen quantity reaches its peak.

What is hay fever?

Pollinosis is caused by patients’ allergy to plant pollen, which mainly involves eyes, upper respiratory tract and skin. In spring, poplar, willow, sycamore and other trees are the main pollen, and a few patients may be caused by fungi, dust mites or other inhalants or foods with obvious seasonality. The types of allergens are complex, and many people are allergic to them repeatedly, which may be because they are repeatedly exposed to allergens without knowing it.

The clinical manifestations of pollinosis include symptoms and signs of different parts such as eyes, upper respiratory tract and skin. Pollen allergic rhinitis can be characterized by itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, blocked nose and poor breathing. Pollen allergic asthma is characterized by paroxysmal cough, dyspnea, white foam-like mucus, sudden asthma attack and gradual aggravation, which is no different from normal people after remission; Pollen allergic conjunctivitis can be characterized by itchy eyes and swollen eyelids, often accompanied by watery or purulent mucus secretions; Allergic dermatitis can be manifested as systemic or local erythema, papules, small scales, itching or burning sensation.

Cold knowledge

What makes most people allergic is not flowers, but trees!

Which of the following four ABCD plants do you think is the most likely to cause pollen allergy?

Do you think that the above two kinds of flowers with high face value and bright colors are the "killers" who cause everyone to cough and snot Qi Fei? Wrong, in fact, it is more likely to cause allergies. It is the pollen of the following two seemingly ordinary and harmless trees (C: cypress) and weeds (D: humulus)! Tree pollen is the main cause of allergy in spring, while weed pollen is the main cause of allergy in autumn.

In nature, plants are divided into wind-borne flowers and insect-borne flowers according to the different modes of pollen transmission.

anemophilous flower

"Wind-borne flowers" are flowers that use wind as a pollination medium. These flowers are generally small in size, not bright in color, and even many of them are in a degraded state, with no fragrance and nectaries, so that you can’t see or smell like flowers.

However, wind-blown flowers produce a lot of pollen, with smooth surface and light dry texture. When the wind blows, they can fly to very high and far places, such as the height of 2 or 30 floors.

Representatives of this kind of flowers are: poplar, elm, cypress, birch, ginkgo, phoenix tree and so on.

entomophilous flower

"Insect-pollinated flowers" are flowers that are pollinated by insects such as butterflies and bees. Most of these flowers are bright and beautiful, with fragrance or other smells. The pollen grains are usually relatively large and the yield is relatively small. In addition, they are often stuck together, which is not easy to be blown away by the wind, and it is even more impossible to blow high!

Therefore, in comparison, trees and weeds that are odorless, colorless, tasteless and even do not look like flowering plants are the main culprits of human allergies because of their large pollen yield+easy to be blown high and far by the wind.

Understanding of hay fever in traditional Chinese medicine

There is no name of hay fever in TCM, which can be classified into sneezing, coughing, wheezing, wet sore, addiction rash and other categories according to different clinical symptoms of hay fever.

aetiological agent

Hay fever is essentially an immediate allergic reaction. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that hay fever is due to deficiency of the essence and excess of the essence, and the qi of the lung, spleen and kidney is insufficient, and the exterior of the body is unstable. Once exogenous pathogenic factors such as wind-cold or wind-heat are induced, the lung loses its function, the spleen loses its transport and the kidney loses its function, then the stagnation of qi and water stops phlegm, and pathological products accumulate, either in the eyes, nose, skin or respiratory system.

Pollen, as an allergen, can be regarded as the inducement of diseases after human body feels exogenous diseases, so pollinosis can be classified into the category of exogenous diseases and treated according to syndrome differentiation.

Chinese traditional treatment

The treatment principle of hay fever is to treat the symptoms when it is urgent and the root cause when it is slow. In the acute attack period, expelling wind and evil spirits are the main factors, supplemented by strengthening the body resistance; In the remission stage, strengthening the body resistance and consolidating the exterior are the main methods, supplemented by exorcism. The specific treatment prescription varies according to the disease.

When allergic reaction occurs, in addition to oral decoction, some traditional Chinese medicine methods can be used for treatment, such as acupoint injection, acupoint catgut embedding, acupuncture, ear acupuncture, umbilical therapy, bloodletting at the tip of the ear and so on.

For patients with acute allergy and excessive toxic heat, bloodletting therapy at the tip of the ear is suitable to dispel heat and detoxify. The specific method is that after routine disinfection at the ear tip (both sides), puncture the ear tip with a triangular needle and squeeze out 2-3 drops of blood.

Umbilical therapy refers to making medicine into ointment, pill, and powder, then applying it, taking it, smoking it, moxibustion it, steaming it, ironing it on the navel (called Shenque point in Chinese medicine), then fixing it with gauze or adhesive tape, and uncovering it after 2 hours.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that umbilical medication can act on the whole body through the connection of the five zang-fu organs, the twelve meridians and the eight strange meridians, so it has a wide range of effects. Fumigation and washing method is to fumigate and wash with decoction of Folium Artemisiae Argyi, Kochia scoparia and Senecio scandens, or fumigate nose, mouth and eyes with medicinal vapor, which has good effect.

Daily precautions

I would like to remind you that people with allergies are easily troubled by pollen when they go hiking. We should take corresponding measures in time to prevent allergies from happening, and we can start from the following aspects.


Avoid contact with pollen

In the pollen spreading season, you should wear a mask, a windproof eye mask and a nasal filter if necessary, and use a pollen blocking agent.

Reduce outdoor activities, especially going out at noon and afternoon. It is best to go out for a walk after the rain, when the air is fresh and the pollen is the least affected.

In windy weather, it is best to close the doors and windows to prevent pollen from entering the room when opening the window. An air purifier or fresh air equipment with pollen filtering function can be installed indoors.

Change and clean clothes worn in outdoor activities in time, and dry clothes in a clothes dryer instead of drying clothes outdoors.


Principles of daily diet

Strengthen nutrition, eat more light and vitamin-rich foods, and try to eat less high-protein, high-calorie and spicy foods. Preventive medication

Before the pollen stage comes 1~2 weeks, preventive medication can be taken under the guidance of a doctor, which can prevent the onset of hay fever or relieve discomfort. After the symptoms of pollen allergy such as itchy skin, cough and dyspnea appear, you should go to the hospital for treatment in time.

(Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Comprehensive China Traditional Chinese Medicine, west china hospital)


# (Sports) Football

On the same day, in the women’s final of the 2023 FISU Football World Cup held in Jinjiang, Fujian, China’s Beijing Normal University beat Brazil’s paulista University team by a total score of 7-6 in a penalty shootout and won the championship.

On October 31st, Zou Mengyao (left), a player from Beijing Normal University, competed with Diovanna, a female football player from paulista University. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

On October 31st, Zhou Xinyu (right), a player of Beijing Normal University team, shot in the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

On October 31st, Zhou Xinyu, a women’s football player from Beijing Normal University, celebrated the goal. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

On October 31st, the starting players of Beijing Normal University team took a group photo before the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

On October 31st, the players of Beijing Normal University celebrated the championship. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)


The eight games with the highest scores this year are the first two faults. Which ones have you played?

This year is a very happy year for all players. Quite a few excellent games have been launched one after another this year, and their favorite games will be released almost every month. Even the founder of TGA lamented some time ago that this year is the biggest game year in the past 20 years. There are more than 20 games with 90 points or above, and each game can compete for the best level of the year 2 or 3 years ago. However, it is hard to get a nomination this year. The following eight games are the most popular and rated games this year, and the top two are ahead of all opponents. Let’s take a look at what you have played this year.

1. Mind killer 2

Average score of MC: 87.

Alan wake was a classic horror survival game in those days. The story tells that a writer named Allen Wake and his wife came to a town called Liangpu for a holiday, during which they encountered various paranormal, such as the disappearance of his wife, and embarked on a strange adventure to save his wife Allen. The name of the game was also named after the male host, and the excellent brain-burning plot and pictures and novel gameplay were well received at that time.

The production team of the game also produced some impressive works in the following years, such as Quantum Breaking, Control, etc. This year’s "killer 2 of Mind" is even more full of players’ expectations. Facts have proved that the sequel to this classic game 13 years ago did not disappoint the players. The game continues the first generation’s high-level narrative and environmental shaping, and the screen is completely the next generation’s level. After many years, players once again experienced the original satisfaction.

2. spider-man 2, Marvel Comics

Average score of MC: 90.

Insomnia group is a model worker in Sony’s first studio. From the first generation of Marvel Comics Spider-Man in 2018 to later Miles and this year’s Marvel Comics spider-man 2, three works with online quality have been produced in just five years. This efficient mode also makes Spider-Man fans enjoy it.

Compared with the first generation, the main story is excellent, and the branch lines and exploration parts are lacking. This time, Marvel Comics spider-man 2 can be said to have made a great improvement in the weaknesses of previous works. First of all, compared with the first generation’s high repetition and slightly perfunctory side tasks, the second generation’s side tasks are a lot of heart. Many tasks have independent plots and animation performances, which is equivalent to watching a short story after completion. Compared with the first generation, the exploration part has also increased a lot of content, and the patterns of spider silk swinging have also enriched a lot.

As for the main plot, not to mention, the performances of various big scenes bombard the players’ eyes from time to time in the game. Whether it is the plot party or the picture party, there are only two words: enjoyable.

3.street fighter 6

Average score of MC: 92.

Fighting games, as a game type with high difficulty in getting started and high learning cost, have always been relatively small, and many players have been dissuaded by its high threshold. Even the best-selling real-life quick-play series in fighting games, most players go for its plot and animation. As for the number of real people playing against it, it can be said that it is terrible compared with other types of games.

This time, "Street Fighter 6" has attracted many new players to a certain extent. First of all, it has joined the exploration gameplay for the first time. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is an RPG model with nurturing elements. Players can explore all parts of the world to complete tasks and get experience rewards and various equipment to enhance the strength of characters. For light players who are not good at fighting, the exploration mode can also let them better understand the world view and plot of Street Fighter. For the old players of fighting games, they can still enjoy the better pictures and animations of the new generation of street fighters.

4. Super Mario Brothers Surprise

Average score of MC: 92.

Although the Super Mario Odyssey of that year made many players who had never been exposed to Mario series know this 40-year-old IP, to say that the foundation of Nintendo is 2D Mario. Just over ten years after the previous generation of 2D Mario was working, at the end of the NS game console’s career, Super Mario Brothers Surprise came.

Personally, as a platform jumping game, I always stay away from 2D Mario. However, this time, the cancellation of time limit and the reduction of difficulty attracted me to into the pit. My personal feeling after the overall play is quite interesting. Every level seems to tell me how big Nintendo’s brain hole is. The unique surprise flower design is also my biggest motivation, because I just want to see what the next surprise flower can do for me.

Another highlight of the game is asynchronous online. Players can see other players who are playing at the same time while playing the level through online mode. They will not interfere with your actions, but after you die in the process of breaking through the barrier, you can turn into a soul state to find them to resurrect, and you can also look at the action routes of other players when looking for some hidden props. This kind of linkage that keeps a sense of distance can be said to be the most perfect online mode in my mind.

5. Resident Evil 4 remastered version

Average score of MC: 93.

The name of Resident Evil 4 must have been heard by even non-biochemical players. Whether it was the honor won in that year or the number of various versions reset over the years, it became a legend. Players can’t count the strange platforms on which they can play this game, but no matter what kind of reset, it can only be regarded as a small optimization, which can’t achieve the qualitative change effect.

This year’s Resident Evil 4 Remastered Edition is a real re-production of this classic game with modern technology. Excellent pictures, smooth optimization, more silky character movements and plot animation all make players unable to find fault. The plot comparison of the game was originally modified, and new play elements similar to the shooting range design in the remastered version were added. The Ada DLC that was subsequently launched further completed the plot of this work. It can be said that these two Biochemical 4 films of different times are legends of their own times.

6. Prime replica of Mitterrand

Average score of MC: 94.

Many players may be unfamiliar with the game Mitterrand, but I believe many players know it by another Chinese name, which is the Galaxy Warrior in the Galaxy Demon City type.

Galaxy Warrior has always been famous for its superb level design. This replica version not only retains the original excellent level design, but also enhances the image quality, and greatly improves the original clumsy operation feel, making it reach the operational level of truly modern FPS games. It also allows many players who are in contact with this game for the first time to better adapt to the gameplay, so as to experience this classic game that is still amazing even after 20 years.

7. The Gate of Bode 3

Average score of MC: 96.

Although this year’s masterpieces are piled up and all kinds of excellent games are crowded together, only two of them really stand out from this pile of masterpieces, and Bode Gate 3 is one of them. The average score of MC of 96 points also makes him stand in the highest position this year.

Speaking of the Bode Gate series, the last Bode Gate 2 was played by me when I was at school 20 years ago, so the decline of CRPG for many years led to the lack of a sequel to Bode Gate. Even when Larian, who had already produced Original Sin 2, took over the sequel of Bode Gate, many players said they were not optimistic.

However, this year’s full version of Bode Gate 3 gives everyone the best explanation. Excellent pictures and animation performances, massive content, interlocking plots and strategic battles together constitute this perfect fantasy world. It can easily devour hundreds of hours of game time of players unconsciously, and when I found this, I started a new day’s game while complaining that one day was wasted on the game. It can be said that the birth of Bode Gate 3 also shows that it is not that the current players don’t like CRPG, but that the previous ones were not fun enough.

8. Tears of the Kingdom of the legend of zelda

Average score of MC: 96.

Apart from Bode Gate 3, another outstanding game this year is Tears of the Kingdom of the legend of zelda. As a sequel to the Wilderness Breath that swept all the awards that year, many players once thought that the Tears of the Kingdom might not make much breakthrough before the release. After all, the previous work was too excellent. The Tears of the Kingdom tells the players with actual quality that the Zelda series has not stood still, but has gone further.

Compared with the breath of the wilderness, Tears of the Kingdom has added a new construction method, which is not only independent of the construction mode outside the game, but can really interact with all the elements in the whole world. In addition, Wang tears abandoned the four abilities of the previous game and adopted four brand-new abilities, which made the gameplay fundamentally different from the previous game. It can be said that there is no height between the tears of the kingdom and the breath of the wilderness. They are two parallel ways of playing in the same world, but they are both excellent enough.

In fact, this year’s excellent games are far more than the above eight models, and there are many excellent games such as the legacy of Hogwarts, the remake of dead space, Traveler 2, Pinocchio’s lies and so on. In previous years, they all had the qualification to participate in the competition for the best of the year. However, in this year’s situation, they may not even be nominated. This unprecedented game event is also a happy worry for players this year. Even if you try your best to play in your spare time, you will find that most games are too late to play. So, players, how many games have you played this year? Who is your best of the year?