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Taxi New Deal: Operating royalties are cancelled, and molecular money is expected to be reduced

  China News Service, Beijing, July 29 (Zhang Ni) Recently, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry", and the Ministry of Transport and other seven departments jointly promulgated the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services".

  The release of two long-awaited blockbuster documents not only clarified the legal status of online car-hailing, but also ushered in an important turning point in the development of the traditional taxi industry. In the future, new taxi operating rights will no longer be paid, and the controversial high "portion money" is also expected to be reduced.

  All new taxi operation rights are used free of charge

  – Forcing the "portion money" down?


  All new rental car operating rights shall be subject to term restrictions, and indefinite restrictions shall no longer be implemented. The specific period shall be determined by the city people’s government according to the actual local situation. All new rental car operating rights shall be used free of charge, and the operating entity shall not be changed. If the existing rental car operating rights need to be changed within the term, they shall be changed in accordance with the conditions and procedures stipulated by laws and regulations, and shall not be speculated or transferred without authorization. For existing rental car operating rights that do not specify the specific operating period or have been used for a fee, the city people’s government shall comprehensively consider all factors, scientifically formulate a transition plan, reasonably determine the operating period, and gradually cancel the paid use fee.


  As part of the "molecular money", the paid royalties for operating rights are directly related to the cost of taxi enterprises and the income of taxi drivers, so the reform of operating rights is also regarded as the "bull’s nose" of the reform of traditional cruise vehicles.

  Wang Hao, deputy director of the Highway Traffic Development Research Center of the Highway Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, analyzed the China News Service (WeChat official account: cns2012) reporter that in the past, the paid royalties charged by the government to companies or individuals for operating rights used to be an important source of funds for urban transportation construction. But now the operating rights are not just a service license, but have become an investment and speculation indicator of "rare goods to live in", increasing the operating costs of taxi companies or individuals, forcing enterprises to enter a vicious circle of "multi-pull fast running" while resisting quantity adjustment. Expert analysis said that the cancellation of the operating rights fee also makes "molecular money" have room for downward adjustment.

  Contract fee standard can be negotiated

  – Will "portion money" go down?


  Encourage, support and guide taxi companies, industry associations to negotiate on an equal footing with taxi drivers and trade unions, and rationally determine and dynamically adjust taxi contract fee standards or quota tasks according to factors such as operating costs and freight rate changes. Existing contract fee standards or quota tasks that are too high should be reduced. To protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers and build a harmonious labor relationship. Taxi companies are strictly prohibited from charging drivers high collateral, and existing collateral that is too high should be reduced.


  The so-called taxi "part money" generally includes vehicle depreciation, insurance, maintenance fees, driver’s basic salary, social insurance, business management costs, taxes, profits, and the sharing of operating rights and royalties. High "part money" has also been controversial.

  Wang Hao believes that with the entry of online car-hailing into the rental industry, taxi drivers have more employment options. Market regulation has increased the bargaining chips between drivers and enterprises over "part money", and the participation of trade unions and industry associations has made the negotiation more organized. In the future, the government will regulate that companies cannot charge drivers high risk deposits, etc., because high deposits limit drivers’ employment options.

  Dynamic adjustment of taxi capacity scale

  – Quantity control is no longer "monolithic"?


  It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of large, medium and small cities, the diverse travel needs of the public and the development orientation of taxis, comprehensively consider factors such as population size, economic development level, urban traffic congestion, and taxi mileage utilization rate, and rationally grasp the scale of taxi transportation capacity and the share ratio in the urban comprehensive transportation system. Establish a dynamic monitoring and adjustment mechanism to gradually realize market regulation. New and updated taxis, priority is given to the use of new energy vehicles.


  In many parts of China, the number of taxis has not been adjusted for more than ten or even twenty years. For example, since 1994, the total number of taxis in Beijing has been controlled at the standard of more than 60,000. Does the dynamic adjustment mechanism mean that the total number of taxis will be liberalized?

  Wang Hao analyzed that the biggest problem with the control of the number of taxis in the past was that there was no dynamic adjustment mechanism. The number of taxis in some areas remained unchanged for many years, and the original market formed a solidification of interests. But in the future, with the automatic adjustment of the market, this situation is expected to be broken, and some industry participants will also anticipate the market to avoid blind entry and disorderly competition. But he stressed that due to the characteristics of the taxi operation model, dynamic adjustment does not mean liberalizing the control of the number of taxis, especially in big cities like Beijing.

  Establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for freight rates

  – Will taxis bid farewell to the "low price era"?


  Taking into account factors such as taxi operating costs, income levels of residents and drivers, traffic conditions, service quality, etc., scientifically formulate and timely adjust the level and structure of taxi freight rates. Establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for taxi freight rates, improve pricing rules, and improve the linkage between freight rates and fuel prices. Give full play to the leverage role of freight rates in adjusting the supply and demand relationship in the taxi transportation market.


  Wang Hao pointed out that taxis in China are generally operated at low prices and are even used as public transportation to and from get off work, making the supply far less than the demand. Dynamic adjustment means that the future taxi fare will be able to return to a reasonable level. But he also stressed that such adjustment needs to be dynamically evaluated, because excessive freight rates will lead to a significant reduction in market demand and affect the "rice bowl" of taxi drivers.

  The integrated development of cruise cars and online car-hailing

  – Either one or the other?


  Encourage cruise car operators and online taxi booking operators (hereinafter referred to as online ride-hailing platform companies) to implement corporatized management in accordance with the modern enterprise system through mergers, reorganizations, and absorption of shares, so as to achieve the integrated development of new and old business models.


  The legalization of online taxi-hailing means that traditional taxis will face the fate of being eliminated? In this regard, Vice Minister of Transport Liu Xiaoming commented that it is still uncertain who will replace the online taxi-hailing car and the cruise car. The two have their own strengths, and more of the two formats promote each other. It is up to the market and passengers to make the final choice.

  In Wang Hao’s opinion, the market demand for traditional cruise cars is still there, and the taxi mode of raising hands and beckoning cars makes the cruise cars operate more efficiently in the core areas of the city. In addition, passengers who have privacy requirements for the ride route or elderly passengers still have demand for traditional cruise cars, and cruise cars can also get orders through online platforms in their spare time. The integrated development of the two will provide people with a variety of choices.


Big Mouth View | Geely "Galaxy": Let everyone "look up", or end up in "disappointment"?

To say that the domestic car circle has been a big "fire" in recent days, "Geely Galaxy" should be well deserved.

The story seems to have happened suddenly – according to an industry insider close to Geely’s factory, it didn’t take long from the finalization of the "Galaxy" project to the official launch.

If you carefully follow the clues, from the time the factory first announced the news of "launching a mid-to-high-end new energy series" during the Spring Festival to the official arrival of "Galaxy" on February 23, Geely only took a total of one month – not to be said to be "efficient".

Of course, this will inevitably give many people in the industry a sense of "rushing on the horse".

At the same time, Geely’s chosen promotional "strategy" also seems to support the above situation from the side – in the face of the two major factory slogans "Galaxy: the starry sky everyone looks up to" and "Galaxy L7: the ideal car from the Galaxy", not only BYD looks up to the brand and the ideal (L7) will be speechless, but passers-by will also be "shocked".

After all, Geely is the "top" car company among Chinese car brands in terms of sales in 2022. Basic "integrity" should always be required, right?… If it is said that such a "hot spot" move with almost no "offline" is the brand’s "long-planned and well-considered" behavior – whether you believe it or not, I "dare not believe it" anyway.

Just yesterday (February 27), Changan Automobile commissioned Chongqing Baijun Law Firm to issue a "Lawyer’s Letter" to Geely Automobile, bluntly stating that the prototype "Galaxy Light" released by Geely Galaxy "has a lot of similarities with Changan Automobile’s concept car and mass-produced model, and is suspected of infringing on Changan Automobile’s intellectual property rights."

Faced with the trouble of "appearance plagiarism" after "publicity rubbing hot spots", Geely Automobile also responded quickly – today (February 28), the brand issued a "statement" to completely deny accusations such as "suspected plagiarism and intellectual property infringement".

Regarding whether it is "hastily launched" and "suspected of plagiarism", I will click the following table here. Back to the product level, Geely defined "Galaxy" as a "mid-to-high-end new energy series" (not a new sub-brand), and released a grand plan of "7 blockbuster new energy products will be launched in the next two years!"

At the same time, the first model of the series – Galaxy L7 also debuted and opened reservations. From the product positioning and estimated price (about 200,000 yuan), the opponent of this compact electric hybrid SUV is undoubtedly BYD’s "explosive", the new generation of domestic SUV segment "magic car" – Song PLUS DM-i.

So, why is Geely Automobile so eager to launch "Galaxy" when it already has new energy sub-brands such as Krypton and Geometry?… With the brand’s existing "family background", can it support the ambitious ambition of this new energy product series?… As the first model to make a grand debut, does the Galaxy L7 have the ability to truly challenge the Song PLUS DM-i?…

In the eyes of many people in the industry, all of this seems to be full of too many doubts –

True Galaxy needs to look up, but "Geely Galaxy" doesn’t

– Vehicle Power | Liu Jie

If the pattern is as vast as the galaxy in the universe, it is not impossible for everyone to look up. However, Geely’s operation is indeed a bit "petty".

Back in the day, insiders were still debating why Geely was always half a beat or even a beat slower when it launched "plug-in" products. Now, the answer is revealed – make way for "Galaxy".

Looking at the entire press conference that day, it was like a "work report", and there was very little interpretation of the core technology of the product. Perhaps, Geely also knew that the more detailed it was, the more people would "associate" with the Thor Hi · P system, but "Galaxy" was a new product series – if "old" technology was still used, it would seem a little "sincere"?…

In fact, Geely could be a little more generous – for example, Thor Hi · P was the power technology that was laid out in advance for the "Galaxy" series of products. After being tested by Emgrand, Xingyue L and other models, this system has abundant performance and strong stability… Of course, if you add some horsepower and torque parameters, it may be more convincing.

As for the "Geely Galaxy" propaganda poster with "look up" and "ideal", this is undoubtedly an even more wrong move.

Take the "BBA" who have been "in love and killing each other" for many years as an example. Although they are rivals, they almost always "touch" in terms of advertising content and marketing methods; even if they are sometimes more "explicit", they will still be very restrained from mentioning the other party’s brand name.

In contrast to Geely, would consumers really think that "BYD and Ideal are not as good as Geely" because of slogans like "Your ideal is to look up at the Milky Way"?…

Can it be done just by being "anxious"?

– Vehicle Power | Lei Tiejun

From the "rapid launch" of the "mid-to-high-end new energy series" project, to the propaganda that seriously "touches porcelain" and loses the "big factory system", it may all reflect Geely’s current mentality in facing the domestic new energy products, especially the hybrid model market segment.

One word: urgent!

In the face of BYD’s unparalleled success and far ahead, and in the face of many "new forces" and traditional car company opponents competing and refusing to give in to each other, Geely, which seems to have long been "laid out" by Geometry, Extreme Krypton, and even Maple Leaf and Ruilan brands, has not yet really made a "name" in terms of the sales scale of new energy products.

On the other hand, it is also the "top" car company among Chinese car brands that will rank among the top three in sales in 2022. Seeing that it has been unable to speed up on the aforementioned new "track" of "winning the future", how can it not be in a hurry?…

However, no matter how anxious it is, it should not mess up the "rules and regulations". If you want to "speed up", you must also have enough technical accumulation, or even "unique skills". In the face of "N weapons" such as "DM-i Super Hybrid" and "Blade Battery" that BYD is famous for, Geely might as well ask himself: Is it enough to rely on the "Thor Hybrid" that has not yet gained enough recognition and reputation?…

What’s more, in the face of the new competition landscape of the era of new energy products, the tactics of "having more children and fighting" like Geely’s "wide net" may be outdated.

Take a look at the global electric vehicle "leader" Tesla, its main sales products can’t be only Model 3 and Y cars (in essence, they can also be considered the same thing); take a look at the 2022 Q4 gross profit margin as high as 20%, much higher than the "overlord" BYD (gross profit margin of about 5%) Li Auto, L7/8/9 "matryoshka" play is simple and direct enough?…

Therefore, instead of "having more children and making a lot of noise" like Geely, it is better to really calm down and study Tesla and Li Auto’s "having fewer children and making a fortune in silence".

Only know how to play "word games", from the level of propaganda to "touch porcelain" Li Auto, Geely is probably "picking up (Diu) (le) (lian) Ma (mian), lost watermelon".


Andy Lau calls Wuhan to rescue the injured hostages and encourages them to recover soon

His wife accompanied Tan Jixiong to answer Andy Lau’s call.

Tan Jixiong is answering Andy Lau’s call.

Andy Lau left a message to Tan Jixiong.

  "I’m Andy Lau, how are you now?"

  At 5:10 PM on the 11th, Tan Jixiong, a heroic special police officer in the intensive care ward of Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, received a special call.

  The person who called was the nationally renowned artist Andy.

  As Tan Jixiong’s physical rehabilitation treatment was about to begin, with the help of reporters from Jingchu Network and Chutian Metropolis Daily, around 17:00 pm today (11th), Andy Lau, who was filming in Hengdian, called Tan Jixiong through reporters to send his sincere wishes and encourage him to muster confidence and recover as soon as possible.

  Andy was filming "Di Renjie’s Tongtian Empire" in Hengdian at this time. After learning about Tan Jixiong’s heroic deeds in the hostage-taking case of Wuhan University, he was very moved. Learning that Tan Jixiong loved listening to his songs very much, he made a special trip to call Tan Jixiong and sent sincere wishes, encouraging him to muster confidence, cooperate with the doctor for the sake of his family and society, and recover as soon as possible.

  Previously, in order to help Tan Jixiong recover, Zhongnan Hospital decided to stimulate his nerves through music. Tan first proposed to listen to Andy Lau’s songs. According to his request, the hospital arranged for Tan Jixiong to lie in bed and sing Andy’s songs.

  In order to take advantage of the example and idol to give Tan Jixiong the courage to recover and cooperate with his treatment, after being recognized by experts, Chutian Metropolis Daily joined hands with Jingchu Network to quickly send reporters to Hengdian and contact Andy. After learning of the media’s intentions, Andy readily agreed.

  During the call, Andy was very concerned about Tan Jixiong’s condition. When he heard Andy’s voice, Tan Jixiong was very excited. He whispered word by word: "Liu De Hua, you – hello". Andy Lau encouraged Tan Jixiong to persevere on the phone and said that when Tan Jixiong’s condition improved, he would have the opportunity to visit him with friends from the film and television industry. Although he could not have a complete conversation, Tan Jixiong responded frequently "um, um". Although the call lasted only 2 minutes, it made Tan Jixiong very happy and a happy smile bloomed on his face.

  According to Tan Jixiong’s wife, Tan is a fan of Andy Lau, because Andy Lau has a good image and is very diligent. The house is also filled with Andy’s music discs, and Tan imitates the same voice. (Dai Yuan, Rong Yu, Aidan, Chen Yuan, Gao Xiang)

  At 9 am on the 3rd, a hostage-taking incident occurred at Wuhan University. Wuhan police quickly rushed to the scene to deal with it. The hijacker was killed around 14:50 and the hostage was rescued safely. A police officer was injured and is currently being treated.

  Related links:

  • Wuhan University hostage case injured SWAT and idol Andy Lau phone 2009-06-12

  • Andy Lau called condolences to Wuhan hero special police Tan Jixiong 2009-06-11

  • Wuhan University hijacking incident close-up: "hostage text messages" at gunpoint 2009-06-09

  • Wuhan University hostage case shot police call wife name, see wife message tears 2009-06-08

  • Wuhan University hostage incident shot police, see wife message note tears 2009-06-08

  • Wuhan University hostage incident shot police Tan Jixiong’s condition improved 2009-06-07

  • Police disclose details of Wuhan University hijacking incident, talk about why not use sniper rifle 2009-06-05

  • Wuhan 6-3 hostage case seriously injured SWAT Tan Jixiong woke up 2009-06-04

  • "Tongtian Empire" began filming in May, Andy Lau played Di Renjie 2009-04-22

Editor in charge: Wang Jiaolong


The magical dance of "Subject III" caused a heated discussion. Many people were jumping, and the doctor reminded them: be careful of spraining your ankle.

  The magical dance of "Subject III" caused a heated discussion. Many people were jumping, and the doctor reminded them: be careful of spraining your ankle.

  □ Jinling Evening News/Purple Mountain News reporter Wang Guojun

  "Subject three, at first I thought we were talking about the topic of driving test. Later, when my little brother came on stage, I found out that it was a magical dance." Guo Shilan, a citizen, was a little surprised. "This dance called’ Subject Three’ is really too hot."

  The dance of "Subject III" suddenly burst into flames in the streets, and many people in Nanjing also learned to dance "Subject III". Why did the dance of "Subject III" suddenly explode? What should we pay attention to when jumping "subject three"? The reporter conducted an interview a few days ago.

  Many people in Nanjing jumped up to "subject three"

  On November 28th, Guo Shilan ate in a restaurant in Qinhuai District. Shortly after sitting down, she heard a cheerful scream "Want to see, want to see" not far away. She turned her head and found that a customer had a birthday at a table not far away, wishing to see "Subject 3", and loudly solicited the opinions of consumers in nearby seats. Everyone said "Want to see".

  Soon, the younger brother, a waiter in the restaurant, danced the "subject three" dance in public, waving his hands and playing happy music in small steps. In a blink of an eye, men, women and children took out their mobile phones to take pictures. "The young man said that he had just learned and was not particularly familiar with it, but he danced very seriously and was very happy." Ms. Guo thinks it’s interesting to watch such a dance while eating hot pot.

  According to reports, "Subject III", as the full name of dance, is called "Guangxi Subject III", which originated from the scene of many people singing and dancing at a wedding scene in Guangxi. Since then, it has begun to spread among the people. "Guangxi people will experience three exams in their lives. The subject is singing folk songs, the subject is rice noodles, and the subject is dancing." It is the hot pot restaurant that really brings the fire dance. It is reported that a waiter in a hot pot restaurant in Shandong accidentally tried to dance this dance, which set off a craze for the hot pot restaurant to dance "subject three". In a famous brand hot pot store, as long as you say "I want to see subject three", a waiter will give you a magical "subject three" dance.

  As a dance, "Subject 3" has been popular all over the streets recently, and even related topics have been searched many times. On the social platform, some people have gained 200,000 yuan for jumping this two days, and "Subject III" has also traveled all the way across the ocean and spread overseas. In Nanjing, there are also many people who learn to jump up to subject three.

  Wang Haidong, a native of Nanjing, once performed on CCTV, is the local break dance king in Gaochun and the head of the dance champion street dance club. He has been busy these days. "Many students and parents told me to learn the dance of’ subject three’, which has been popular recently." He told reporters that from his point of view, this dance has a variety of jumping methods, which are easy and lively, easy to learn for people with a little dance foundation, and easy to learn even without dance foundation. "Because many people want to learn, after this dance became a hit, I learned it and then taught everyone to jump." Wang Haidong said.

  On the social platform, from the pictures and videos uploaded by netizens, there are "Subject III" dance performances in many hot pot restaurants and commercial districts in Nanjing, and many people are learning to dance "Subject III".

  Warm up before jumping and pay attention to sports safety.

  However, while "Subject III" became popular, there were also many voices of spit. A mother in Hangzhou took her baby to dinner, and it was uncomfortable to see the waiter jump "subject three". It was really uncomfortable to take the child to see the waiter wriggle around.

  Shake your hands, twist your waist, swing your hips, and have half-twisted feet, with the music with distinct rhythm … Some people feel very happy and have a sense of atmosphere, while others feel "spicy eyes", "too vulgar" and "very rustic". Experts believe that although it looks "earthy", the popularity of "subject three" reflects the rise of Internet consumer culture. "Earthy taste" has become a traffic password and has been recognized by young people. Offline, it has indeed improved the consumption atmosphere of hot pot restaurants, bringing a unique experience of consumption, but it also brings confusion to other consumers.

  In any case, the explosion of "subject three" has its objective demand, but dancing this dance may also bring some sports safety hazards because of its large body swing. Recently, a post-00 boy from Zhejiang went to the hospital because of unbearable knee pain after jumping "Subject III", and found that the tibial plateau bone contusion. The doctor reminded that the dance requires higher knee and ankle joints, and the movements are difficult. In severe cases, fractures may occur. Therefore, warm up before exercise. Once you sprain your ankle while dancing, stop dancing immediately. If your ankle is swollen badly, you should seek medical advice in time.


Xiaomi automobile listed for a week, traffic and controversy in Qi Fei.

After Xiaomi released the smart electric car SU7 last Thursday (March 28th), 64-year-old retiree Qing Chang placed an order at the first time and ordered a Pro version of 245,900 yuan (RMB, the same below, S $46,690) for his son who works in Zhuhai, Guangdong.

Xiaomi automobile conference

Qing Yun told Lianhe Zaobao that he has been a Xiaomi mobile phone user for many years, and there are also many Xiaomi household appliances at home. "I went for a test drive two days ago and felt that the appearance was beautiful and the performance was worthy of this price. Although Xiaomi is building a car for the first time, I have confidence in their quality control. "

In the past week, among the more than 100,000 consumers who booked Xiaomi Automobile, there were not only senior "rice noodles" like Qing Chang, but also many people who booked and retired. Xiaomi, who broke into the new energy vehicle market with unprecedented heat, faced doubts and disputes while detonating traffic.

The first question Xiaomi received after its listing was its real sales. According to official data, after the SU7 was opened for booking, the order (the order for paying the deposit) exceeded 10,000 in four minutes, reached 50,000 in 27 minutes, and exceeded 88,898 units in 24 hours, exceeding market expectations.

Xiaomi automobile set 88898 sets for 24 hours.

However, unlike the "big" deposit in general car orders, the 5,000 yuan deposit of Xiaomi Auto can be refunded unconditionally within seven days, and the order will be automatically locked after the deadline, and no refund is supported. In other words, the number of lock orders can better reflect the real sales volume of Xiaomi Automobile.

The special operation of refundable deposit has caused many people to follow suit and place orders, and later they can’t refund the deposit because they mistakenly touched the "lock the order in advance". On the second day after the release of SU7, the topic of "Xiaomi Auto can’t refund the deposit" was posted on Weibo Hot Search, and some users set up rights protection groups for this purpose.

Car blogger Sun Shaojun Tuesday (April 2)
It is estimated that 72 hours after Xiaomi Automobile went on the market, the average store accumulated 1800 to 2000 orders, the lock rate was between 35% and 40%, and the unsubscribe rate was as high as 40%.

Xiaomi official did not confirm the authenticity of the above data. Xiaomi founder Lei Jun disclosed on Wednesday (3rd) on the delivery day of the first batch of SU7 that SU7 had received more than 100,000 orders, and the number of orders locked had exceeded 40,000. The lock rate was in line with the forecast.

Shanghai hardware engineer Gao Weize (26 years old) also placed an order on the day of the release of SU7. However, he later learned that the original version he had booked would be delivered in a week, and he had not obtained the qualification of Shanghai new energy vehicle license required to pick up the car, so he could not keep the order at that time. At this time, if you change to other versions, you have to wait for nearly half a year to pick up the car.

After several trade-offs, Gao Weize cancelled the Xiaomi order and changed to another China electric vehicle brand. When interviewed, he said that the price of krypton is the same as that of SU7, but it can be delivered within two months, just in time for him to apply for a license.

The production capacity of Xiaomi Automobile is another focus of the market. Goldman Sachs, an investment bank, predicted in its research report this week that the average delivery cycle of SU7 has been extended from five to eight weeks to 18 to 21 weeks. According to another data, the delivery cycle of the Max version with the longest waiting time has come to 29 to 32 weeks. In other words, car owners who book the Max version now will not be able to pick up the car until the end of this year.

From Tesla to Huawei, sales of new energy vehicles have declined because the production capacity of new energy vehicles can’t keep up with the growth of orders. Market participants believe that whether Xiaomi can cross the "productivity hell" in the next few months determines how long its hot sales can last.

Tesla automobile

With the addition of Xiaomi, the new energy vehicle market has set off a new round of price war. Huawei, Krypton, Weilai, Tucki and other models with prices ranging from 200,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan have reduced their prices in a week. But this "catfish" that stirs up the market also has to bear the initial losses.

Lei Jun said frankly after last week’s press conference that "every car sold by Xiaomi is a loss". He took Tesla Model 3 as the pricing reference, and set the price of SU7 at 215,900 yuan, which is 30,000 yuan cheaper than Model 3, which means that the pricing of Xiaomi car should not only make consumers feel sincere, but also be able to bear the losses.


Can selling scripts live become a "life-saving straw" for screenwriters?

  This article contributes to the author, which is the author’s personal opinion, and the opinion does not represent the position of poisonous eyes.

  Wen | Pu Juan

  In recent months, the wave of goods carried by the whole people has risen.

  First, Luo Yonghao settled in Tik Tok with high profile, and held several live broadcasts to sell goods and pay off debts. Later, Liu Shishi, Yang Yang, Victoria Song and other stars appeared in the live broadcast room to recommend products to fans together with well-known online celebrity such as Li Jiaqi. Later, even CCTV celebrities Zhu Guangquan and Ouyang Xiadan and Gree Chairman Dong Mingzhu also joined the wave.

  In the last month or two, the fire of live broadcast with goods has finally "burned" into the film and television circle, and screenwriters have joined the ranks, but the goods they bring are not lipsticks and food, but scripts.

  In April, the Writers’ Gang held three online "live selling scripts" activities, and organized 15 writers to bring goods online, including Yu Geng, the original author of the recent hot film "I am Yu Huanshui", and Run Nian Dong, the screenwriter of "My heart is blooming" and "Crazy Alien". People who usually bury themselves in writing suddenly turned into anchors with goods, which attracted the attention of many people in the industry and people who eat melons. The number of views of the third phase of the event accumulated about 13,000 times.

  As of May 2, four "live screenplay selling" activities have been held.

  (Screenshot from the screenwriter to help Weibo)

  Selling scripts live is essentially an online venture capital meeting. Each screenwriter first conducts a 10-minute roadshow to explain his creative experience and script outline to the audience. Then there is a 5-minute interactive question-and-answer session, in which the audience directly asks questions and the screenwriter personally answers them. Although it is somewhat different from the common live broadcast, the audience can also reward the screenwriter or brush comments according to their own preferences, and the producer can also contact the screenwriter to learn more about the script by rewarding 168 yuan.

  The writers’ gang publicized the first phase of the event as "The World’s First Live Screenplay Selling Conference", which also attracted well-known screenwriter Song Fangjin and others to open the platform in Weibo. However, from the feedback of the third phase of the event, it seems that writers, producers and other people in the industry did not fully buy it, and the comment area was polarized.

  Song Fangjin sells scripts for live broadcast in Weibo.

  In the author’s opinion, the reason why the live broadcast of scripts will encounter unsatisfactory feedback is that on the one hand, it has just begun to try, and all aspects still need to be improved and improved; On the other hand, it has something to do with China’s "awkward" position in the industry.

  Why is there a live broadcast selling scripts?

  On the surface, the appearance of selling scripts live is because many aspects of the film and television industry have come to a standstill under the epidemic, so film and television people take this opportunity to launch a self-help. But in fact, apart from self-help, the writer’s weak right to speak in China and the lack of appropriate channels for safeguarding rights and assistance are very important internal causes.

  The film and television industry is a huge social system engineering, which is not only a long industrial chain, but also a "cosmic planet"-like existence, radiating and blending with many related industries. From the perspective of modern enterprise operation, production, distribution and projection in the film and television industry chain correspond to the production, promotion and sales of goods respectively.

  Nowadays, the United States, South Korea, Japan and other major film and television countries have formed a mature industrial value chain of "upstream development, midstream expansion and downstream extension". The production, distribution, marketing and screening of film and television works are closely linked, while the film and television industry chain in China is still in the process of gradual improvement.

  The script development link is a relatively immature one. Script is the starting point and the core soul of a film and television work. As the creator of this soul, the importance of screenwriter is beyond doubt. But compared with other countries, China’s screenwriters are marginalized.

  According to "Hollywood 2017 Salary Report", the top film writers in the United States can earn $3 million to $5 million, while gold-medal TV writers often have the opportunity to enjoy the same treatment as executive producers. Ordinary film writers can also get about $500,000, and TV writers can earn $5,000 to $10,000 for a single episode. At the same time, there is also a Writers Guild ofAmerica in the United States, which has the right to speak in the industry, helping writers to protect their rights and providing notarization of their works and some legal basis.

  In South Korea, top screenwriters can get 100 million won for a single episode, and ordinary signed screenwriters are worth 20 million won, which is basically the same as that of big-name stars. Excellent screenwriters are not only well paid, but also have a high status. Directors can’t modify their scripts without authorization. It is also disrespectful for actors to modify their lines. Even TV stations will make decisions according to their status as screenwriters.

  In contrast, China screenwriters seem to have "long lost their names" in the industry.

  According to an industry insider, there are generally about one million top film writers, and it is not bad for newcomers to reach 150,000. The number of online screenwriters is about 100,000-100,000, and the number of TV dramas is 10,000-30,000. Only the top big coffee can reach 6 digits, and the number of online drama writers will be lower. In theory, scriptwriting is the freest, but in fact, I write scripts almost all the time, and I feel guilty even when I go out for dinner.

  Wang Hailin, a well-known screenwriter, once mentioned: "Basically, children from the planning department come to you, and then put out a bunch of data to tell you that the market needs this and that, and even teach you which are popular writing methods." He also pointed out that the excessive voice of capital and stars makes the screenwriter’s control over the script weaker and weaker.

  In addition, screenwriters also face difficulties such as weakening the right of signature, being paid in arrears, the script being stolen, and the difficulty in safeguarding rights. The Report on the Ecological Investigation of Young Screenwriters in China Film and Television Industry from 2019 to 2020 shows that 75% of the interviewed screenwriters have been cheated. However, due to the overlord clause, weak power and other reasons, even with the protection of relevant laws and associations, screenwriters can not safeguard the most basic rights of works.

  Source "2019-2020 Ecological Investigation Report on Young Screenwriters in China Film and Television Industry"

  In the already weak situation, this year’s epidemic situation can be described as making the screenwriter industry worse. At this stage, the film and television industry is in a state of suspension, and many companies have closed down or laid off a large number of employees. Although screenwriters are relatively safe jobs, many people have said that their income will be greatly reduced this year due to the collateral effect. For screenwriters, especially newcomers with meager income, it will undoubtedly bring many uncertainties to their future development.

  Being in trouble and encountering a black swan, the live broadcast of the script seems to be an attempt by the screenwriter to save himself. Du Hongjun, the founder of the writers’ guild and deputy secretary-general of the China Film Literature Society, said that he hoped to help writers build a good stage for script trading in the form of live broadcast, and then he would help outstanding writers to promote projects and provide legal aid for writers’ rights and interests.

  High opening and low walking, live broadcast with goods unacceptable?

  Since entering Tik Tok to live broadcast and bring goods, Luo Yonghao has not only satisfied the curiosity of all spectators, but also made all brand sellers addicted to the focus of the crowd. Let’s not comment on the rate of goods, but people really brushed up a wave of popularity. It is understood that after seeing Luo Yonghao’s debut show with goods, the screenwriter Run Nian Dong felt in the circle of friends that he also wanted to sell the script live, which was recognized by many well-known screenwriters.

  In April, the live broadcast of the script really came. In the film and television industry, stars, producers, directors and so on often do roadshows to publicize the films that have been completed in the later stage, and never involve the original script. The venture capital clubs specially for screenwriters are generally offline salons or small forums, and there are few online activities.

  Under the epidemic, many new formats have been born, and selling scripts live is one of them.

  Many screenwriters, producers and people in the industry are curious about the "World’s First Live Screenplay Selling Conference", and some of them are melon-eating people attracted by the "live screenplay with goods". Therefore, on April 3, the first activity of the screenwriter gang won more than 7,000 views. Du Hongjun revealed that most of the audience are insiders, many well-known screenwriters and production companies are among them, and some people also participated in the discussion.

  Screenshot from CCTV6 program China movie report

  During the live broadcast, the writers "do as the Romans do", like online celebrity, came to the screen, used different narrative methods, roadshowed their scripts in turn, and answered questions from the audience. It can be seen that these "literary veterans" are still novices when they become online celebrity. The face is simple, there is no filter, and the speech is still one-sided. However, it is this contrast that has aroused the curiosity of the outside world, and the comment area is very lively.

  These screenwriters have different backgrounds and different working years. They come from professional classes, have changed careers, and have won film festival awards. The types of works they create are also different, involving suspense, science fiction, war and other themes. For such diversity, some producers affirmed: "If there is a lack of projects or screenwriters, I will come here to dig well, and it should be no problem for good screenwriters to reach cooperation."

  However, with the live broadcast, the doubts from the producers became more and more obvious.

  The first is the way to bring goods. Many people I have come into contact with don’t quite buy it: "The script is a matter that requires many parties to participate and communicate many times. It is very difficult to make a deal immediately after watching the live broadcast."

  It is reported that during the live broadcast, if the producer wants to know more about the script, he can be rewarded with 168 yuan, and the screenwriter will help to match and communicate with the screenwriter. If the two sides reach an agreement, the script can be traded. The writers’ gang should set up such delivery rules to shorten the length of the script supply chain and eliminate the risk of second-hand dealers. However, judging from the producer’s attitude, the writer’s road to realizing the goods may still have a long way to go.

  Users can further communicate by rewarding and unlocking (source "Screenwriters")

  The scriptwriter’s explanation is also the hardest hit by the producers. Some screenwriters only talk about the content of the script, so it is difficult for producers to raise interest and judge the quality. Some people jokingly call it "trying to sell but hiding". Some screenwriters have no primary and secondary explanations, which makes people unable to find bright spots. Other screenwriters are immature, perhaps out of self-protection, but basically no one wants to know more about them.

  Producers are more worried about too much creative disclosure. "Now people are too smart to read the whole script at all, just one core idea is enough." A senior person said that a good core idea has been borrowed, and after the film and television company buys this script, there may be risks in copyright and it will also affect the film release.

  Feedback from fellow screenwriters is also mixed. Some people are eager to try and comment on social platforms after watching the live broadcast, saying that this has opened a channel for mutual communication and is also a resource channel. Some people think that the platform needs to establish better processes and copyright protection mechanisms, and continue to wait and see. Some people are not optimistic about this model, and think that public shouting is beneath the dignity of cultural people.

  "Li Jiaqi sells lipsticks and Viya sells rockets, all of which are in kind, just like painters sell paintings and sculptors sell sculptures. Commodities are traceable, and it stimulates your desire for consumption. However, the script is a creative work, which will involve the way of copyright purchase and whether it will be revised subsequently, which is different from a one-time transaction of buying lipstick. " Screenwriter Chen Lu said more directly, "it is better to sell scripts live than to sell screenwriters live."

  In the hot discussion of the main trading objects, the popularity of selling live scripts declined. On the 14th, the second activity was only watched more than 2,000 times, and on the 25th, the third activity was only watched more than 4,000 times. The total cargo volume of the third phase of the event is still unclear, but after the second phase of the event, Du Hongjun mentioned that there are about 10 producers who want to know more about it.

  From much attention to the decline in heat, is it unacceptable for live broadcasts to go so high and low in the screenwriter circle? Not necessarily.

  A painted skin without drawing bones may turn into a paper tiger.

  The screenwriter brings the goods with him. The audience can enjoy 6.66 yuan if they like it, 2.22 yuan if they don’t like it, and 168 yuan if they want to place an order. On the surface, this is the standard of live broadcast, but strictly speaking, selling scripts live is not a real live broadcast.

  The definition of live broadcast with goods is to sell goods by live broadcast, activate and transform users. Under the catalysis of capital, Taobao, Aauto Quicker and Tik Tok have already developed rapidly, forming a "three-legged" pattern in the field of live broadcast. Each platform has a huge user base, a large number of online celebrity anchors, all kinds of commodities, and a perfect supply chain.

  At present, in the mature industrial chain of live broadcast, these factors are indispensable: platform, seller, MCN and user. In the live broadcast of selling scripts, the writers’ gang is the platform, the writers play the dual roles of sellers and online celebrity, and the users are the producers.

  The screenwriter helped the founder Du Hongjun respond to the transaction of the first live broadcast.

  First, from the platform point of view, compared with Taobao, Aauto Quicker, Tik Tok and other pan-entertainment live broadcast platforms, the writers’ gang is more vertical, focusing only on script products. The quality of users of the platform is high, but the volume can’t compete with the big platform at all, and there is no perfect drainage mechanism, so the live broadcast viewing volume is generally low.

  Let’s look at the screenwriter who integrates the seller and online celebrity. The screenwriter is a creative seller, and his written skills outweigh his oral skills, but he may not be able to sell, which is still difficult for some people to accept. "It is a kind of sorrow that the products of wisdom are going to be sold intelligently. The onlookers are just curious, which makes the sales more tragic."

  In this regard, a Buddhist screenwriter said: "The quality of the script is the most important thing. Now I am only worried about whether my writing is good or not, and I don’t care about anything else." However, some screenwriters want to try to sell their own scripts. Although they have not signed up for the event, they have already started to discuss the speech lines with their friends.

  Finally, watching the audience, the screenwriter has been in a weak position in the industrial chain for a long time, with less publicity, weak fan base and poor appeal for bringing goods. At the same time, the marketing skills are not as good as those of online celebrity who came out of the professional system. The live broadcast process is easy to make people bored and can’t afford to buy. As the leader of the upstream link of the industrial chain, producers can decide which screenwriter will write the script, how the screenwriter will write the script, and which director and star will shoot and star in the script, but the overall number is small. The users of the general live broadcast platform are the general public with a large base.

  Display in the live broadcast of selling scripts (new Jingwei in the source)

  Therefore, the live broadcast of scripts is a kind of deformation of live broadcast with goods. Du Hongjun proved this point in the opening remarks of the event: "I hope this attempt can give some inspiration to the industry, rather than simply live broadcast e-commerce replication."

  Based on the above reasons, it is reasonable that the popularity of "live selling scripts" is low, the transaction rate is low, and the scope of influence is limited. Du Hongjun also realized the shortcomings of the activities and accepted everyone’s opinions with an open mind. He said that in the future, the form will be improved, and roles such as "venture capital tutor" or "special observer" will be added to the live broadcast, so as to guide the screenwriter to write and tell good stories and be more capable of improving stories.

  Live broadcast with goods, a possible perfect self-help

  The emergence of venture capital tutors, special observers, screenwriters and script brokers has indeed filled the gap in the "MCN plate" of live broadcast selling scripts, shared the sales tasks before scriptwriting, and made live broadcast selling scripts closer to the mature live broadcast delivery mode. If these people are big coffee in the industry, they naturally have weight in the users, that is, the producers, but now most of the film and television industry advocates "capital success", and it is still a question mark whether they can successfully bring goods in the end; And if these people are stars, the platform may have to be prepared to spend money for a long time.

  A screenwriter mentioned that similar platforms have done similar things before, but it basically didn’t work, and finally it can only be abandoned. It can be seen that increasing the number of venture capital tutors and special observers may not necessarily solve the problem of selling scripts live.

  The writers in trouble seem to have reached a dead end again, so is selling scripts live the right solution for writers to save themselves?

  Anxiety of young screenwriters, source of "2019-2020 Ecological Investigation Report of Young Screenwriters in China Film and Television Industry"

  The author believes that the landing of live e-commerce in the film and television industry can break the boundaries of interpersonal relationships, so that new screenwriters can also be exposed to the same resources as mature screenwriters and get more opportunities. Therefore, even if the current experiment is more meaningful, selling scripts live can also be a self-help for writers. If possible, it is still a perfect self-help.

  With regard to improving the live broadcast of scripts, the author tries to find the answer from the live broadcast industry chain, not that this proven business system is a panacea, but that he wants to get some suitable and effective solutions from it.

  After analysis, the author thinks that there may be traces in the following four aspects-

  First, expand the influence of the platform.

  Under normal circumstances, producers will independently develop scripts, but sometimes they will "cast a wide net, collect more fish, and choose the best ones", such as searching for good projects at major film festivals, salvaging IP online to adapt them, holding some solicitation competitions, and obtaining scripts from similar platforms such as writers’ gangs.

  At present, there are some platforms in the industry that are similar to writers’ gangs, such as script supermarket and Yunlaiwu. Expanding the influence of the platform itself and establishing the credibility of the industry are the best ways to attract the attention of producers.

  In addition to providing high-quality script content, reasonable trading mechanism and good after-sales service, the platform can cooperate with authoritative people to discuss and effectively solve some industry problems. At the same time, follow the example of the live broadcast platform, establish a perfect drainage mechanism by using communities and new media, attract more film and television companies to pay attention, create an active communication atmosphere, and thus enhance the influence of the platform.

  Second, improve the strength of screenwriters.

  Live broadcast with goods can’t turn bad stories into good stories, so the strength of screenwriters is very important.

  For mature screenwriters, the platform can provide an attractive cooperation model, and the two sides will benefit each other for a long time; For potential screenwriters, the platform can provide systematic and comprehensive training courses, such as screenwriter colleges launched by some platforms, to help screenwriters grow and improve, and then feed back the platform. Like live delivery, a good content production relationship is the key for the platform to build a high-quality supply chain.

  Tuyuan vision china

  Third, improve the marketing level.

  Song Fangjin commented that selling scripts live is a new creative form in the new era: "scriptwriters are players and their values are visualized. Stories are luxury goods, and the highest price wins them. This is different from Luo Yonghao, Viya and Li Jiaqi. "

  As said, the script is a special creative product, which is different from the main categories of live broadcast goods such as cosmetics and clothing, so the marketing methods will be different. If the screenwriter’s self-marketing ability is insufficient, the platform can be recommended by the script or screenwriter agent, star, industry expert, well-known director and screenwriter.

  In Hollywood, screenwriters basically sell scripts through brokers. "It is difficult to cultivate excellent script brokers in the domestic environment." The writers’ gang once said. But it is hard not to mean impossible, and practice is the best proof.

  Stars bring their own popularity. If they can stand for the works of screenwriters, it should be more likely for producers to consider bringing goods. Well-known directors, screenwriters and big coffees in the industry recommend scripts, which may also increase trading opportunities.

  In addition, the platform can also assist scriptwriters to display scripts through technical means and creative methods, such as script advertisements, real-life interpretation of scripts, VR/AR, applets and so on. 5G is the biggest variable of live broadcast, and it is also a live broadcast to sell scripts. The improvement of video clarity will create a better story experience.

  Fourth, expand the types of users.

  Producers tend to be market-oriented when they control the content of the script. Jing Wong, a well-known Hong Kong director, has publicly stated that the standard of his film is that the audience likes it. Although this statement may not be accurate, it can really inspire the platform.

  At present, "selling scripts by live broadcast" is mainly aimed at producers, but the scope of communication and influence is limited, far less than that of live broadcast platform. The platform can expand the targeted user types to the general public, and in turn change the minds of a few people by influencing the minds of most people. Because the producers know the public’s preferences, they may trade, then make a film and reshape the audience’s preferences.

  Of course, we can’t ignore the scriptwriting. At the beginning of the event, the platform required that the script must be a complete script with copyright, and the TV series should have at least 5 episodes. Although in theory, scriptwriters occupy the advantages of time and public opinion, there are many people who exploit the loopholes, and the legal team of the platform still needs to make emergency plans for the protection of scriptwriters’ rights and interests.

  As screenwriter Yu Fei said, it is a blessing for the industry if the live broadcast of scripts can form a new industrial model and make the best scriptwriters and scripts go to the market from here, but it is very difficult. But even if it is difficult, it is worth trying.


During the year, the new policy of new energy vehicle consumption was promoted: buying a car and charging subsidies.

  Sino-Singapore Jingwei Client November 7 (Seimi Zhang) New energy vehicles have the advantages of cleanliness and environmental protection. The reporters of Sino-Singapore Jingwei combed and found that during the year, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hainan and other places issued subsidies for new energy vehicles.

  Data map. Zhongxin jingwei photo

  In 2025, the sales of new energy vehicles will account for about 20%.

  The General Office of the State Council recently issued the New Energy Automobile Industry Development Plan (2021-2035) (hereinafter referred to as the Plan). According to the Plan, by 2025, the sales volume of new energy vehicles will reach about 20% of the total sales volume of new vehicles. By 2035, pure electric vehicles will become the mainstream of new sales vehicles, vehicles in public areas will be fully electrified, fuel cell vehicles will be commercialized, and highly self-driving vehicles will be applied on a large scale, effectively promoting energy conservation, water reduction and drainage and improving social operation efficiency.

  On November 3, at the policy briefing in the State Council, Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that on the demand side, it is necessary to strengthen policy guidance, introduce some preferential policies to encourage the use of new energy vehicles, optimize classified traffic management measures, encourage business model innovation such as changing electricity, and at the same time, accelerate the electrification of vehicles in public areas and increase the promotion of new energy vehicles to the countryside.

  Ying Xiwen, head of the macro and regional research team of the People’s Bank of China think tank, pointed out in an interview with Zhongxin Jingwei that the development of new energy vehicles will help improve China’s energy utilization structure and improve energy utilization efficiency; New energy vehicles are the key areas of future competition in the automobile industry in various countries, and it is very important for China’s related industries to occupy the high-end position in the industrial chain; The development of new energy vehicles can promote the accelerated integration of related technologies in the fields of energy, transportation, information and communication, and conform to the development trend and trend of electrification, networking and intelligence of the industry as a whole; The consumption of new energy vehicles helps to upgrade consumption and expand domestic demand.

  Jiang Han, a senior researcher at Pangu Think Tank, said that vigorously promoting new energy vehicles can transform China’s advantages in electric energy into the field of travel, which is of great significance for reducing its dependence on the oil market and enhancing its national strategy.

  Buying new energy vehicles and charging are subsidized.

  During the year, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hainan and other places issued new energy vehicle consumption subsidy policies.

  From April 23, 2020 to December 31, 2020 in Shanghai, consumers who have held the quota of non-operating buses in the downtown area of Shanghai can purchase pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles (including extended-range vehicles), but not used cars, and complete the vehicle registration procedures in this city. If the vehicles are used for non-operation, they can apply for charging subsidy funds. Consumers who meet the application conditions will be given a charging subsidy of 5,000 yuan per person.

  Shenzhen proposed that from June 7, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Individual consumers who newly purchase new energy cars will be given financial subsidies for comprehensive use, including 20,000 yuan for newly purchased pure electric advanced or economical passenger cars and 10,000 yuan for newly purchased plug-in hybrid advanced passenger cars. The newly purchased new energy car must be a new car purchased by an automobile sales enterprise registered in Shenzhen, and the sales unit in the motor vehicle sales invoice must be a registered enterprise in Shenzhen.

  From March to the end of December, 2020 in Guangzhou, consumers will enjoy a comprehensive subsidy of 10,000 yuan per vehicle when purchasing safe and compliant new energy vehicles.

  Hainan proposed that consumers who buy new energy vehicles from May 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 will not be limited by the total number of 15,000 vehicles, and they will all be rewarded with 10,000 yuan/vehicle. At the same time, the provincial business department will support the activity of "new energy vehicles going to the countryside" and promote the popularization and application of new energy vehicles in rural areas.

  Kunming pointed out that from February 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021, the city’s public charging infrastructure charging service fee does not exceed 0.72 yuan per kWh, and new energy vehicles are parked in temporary parking lots (spots) managed by the Municipal State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd., and temporary parking fees are exempted within 2 hours of the first parking on the same day.

  According to the analysis of Xi Wen, in the initial stage of new energy vehicles, due to the immature industrial development, especially the problems of battery energy efficiency and lack of charging infrastructure, the space for relying on the market’s own strength to develop is limited. In this regard, China has launched a series of subsidy policies to encourage the development of new energy vehicles.

  List the renewal targets of new energy vehicles for public transportation.

  While vigorously subsidizing the consumption of new energy vehicles, various localities have listed the renewal schedules. Sichuan pointed out that in 2021, all new and updated buses in Chengdu will be new energy vehicles in principle. In 2022, all new and updated buses in cities and counties (cities, districts) where qualified municipal (state) governments are located will be new energy vehicles.

  Chongqing said that in 2020, car companies in the city will be encouraged to promote the application of 36,400 new energy vehicles.

  Zhengzhou has made it clear that from October 1, 2020, all new energy sanitation vehicles will be used within 1 km of key areas, and the task of replacing new energy vehicles by taxis in the city in 2020 will be broken down month by month, and 3,000 vehicles will be completed by the end of the year. The rest of the vehicles will be updated, and all of them will be updated by the end of 2022.

  Ying Xiwen believes that switching taxis and buses to new energy vehicles will help expand the market space. However, it should be noted that due to the long mileage of operating vehicles and higher requirements for endurance, there may be some unsuitable situations in the actual promotion process, so we should listen to market opinions more and not adopt a "one size fits all" implementation method. At the same time, the corresponding charging infrastructure should also keep up in time. We should do a good job in the post-evaluation of the social utility of financial subsidies and make better use of financial expenditures more scientifically and efficiently.

  In Jiang Han’s view, the key to the new energy conversion of taxis and buses in various places is to be gradual, to respect the laws of the market, and not to engage in "flooding".

  Charging pile data map. Zhongxin Jingwei Fu Yumei photo

  Expert: increase the construction of infrastructure such as charging.

  How to better promote the development of new energy vehicles? Experts have said that all localities need to vigorously improve the construction of supporting facilities for new energy vehicles, increase research and development, and promote the integrated development of new energy vehicles.

  Zhejiang stipulates that the new round of award funds in Zhejiang will be distributed according to the promotion and application of new energy vehicles, industrial development, charging infrastructure construction and operation and maintenance, and the cultivation of new formats, with weights of 20%, 30%, 40% and 10% respectively. The implementation period of this round of reward and compensation policy is from 2021 to 2022.

  Xi ‘an proposes that by the end of 2022, the city will basically build a charging infrastructure system with moderate advance, suitable vehicles and piles, intelligence and high efficiency, so as to meet the charging service demand of new energy electric vehicles. The city plans to build and put into operation 200 centralized charging stations; There are 10,000 charging piles, including 3,900 in 2020, 3,290 in 2021 and 2,810 in 2022.

  Nanchang clearly supports the development of new energy automobile enterprises, supports the research and development of new energy automobile products, encourages the use of new energy vehicles, accelerates infrastructure construction and gives cash rewards.

  Ying xiwen suggested that with the technical maturity and marketization of new energy vehicles, the subsidy policy should be gradually introduced; Increase policy support for infrastructure such as charging and power exchange; Increase research and development support for core key technologies of new energy vehicles; Promote the integration of new energy vehicles with related technologies such as energy, industrial Internet, information technology and intelligent manufacturing.

  Su Jian, director of Peking University National Economic Research Center, told Zhongxin Jingwei reporter that he hoped the government would create a good business environment for the development of new energy vehicles. In addition, we should also encourage the development of new energy vehicles from the consumer side and prevent individual enterprises from defrauding and defrauding loans.


The maximum discount can reach tens of thousands of yuan! 2023 Zhongshan Spring Auto Show has many highlights.

On the morning of March 17th, the 2023 Zhongshan Spring Auto Show sponsored by Zhongshan Daily and Zhongshan Automobile Distribution Association was held in Zhongshan Expo Center under the guidance of Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of Commerce. As the first large-scale indoor auto show subsidized by Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of Commerce in the first quarter, this auto show covers an area of about 10,000 square meters and lasts for three days (March 17-19), attracting nearly 80 auto dealers and over 30 auto brands from all over the city.

On March 17th, 2023 Zhongshan Spring Auto Show opened in Zhongshan Expo Center. Reporter Miao Xiaojian photo

Nearly 80 automobile dealers and over 30 automobile brands participated in the exhibition.

At 10 o’clock in the morning, people came to Zhongshan Expo Center to watch the exhibition in an endless stream. The car brands participating in the exhibition basically cover the mainstream hot-selling new energy and fuel vehicles on the market, and the new models with beautiful colors and smooth lines are very eye-catching.

Various new models are very eye-catching. Reporter Miao Xiaojian photo

It is understood that,Nearly 80 automobile dealers and over 30 automobile brands came to the exhibition.Among them, there are mainstream models of Japanese and European joint venture brands, and many first-line brands in China, such as Changan and Geely, as well as new energy vehicle brands (such as Nezha, Zero Run, etc.), which can meet the needs of different customers in an all-round way.

At the auto show, many exhibitors offered discounts such as limited time reduction, trade-in, and gift packages. In order to attract consumers’ attention, some exhibitors also made lemon tea, distributed small gifts and launched promotional activities such as smashing golden eggs.

Citizens get on the bus and experience it for themselves. Reporter Miao Xiaojian photo

With the help of the government, we will continue to promote consumption activities.

In order to vigorously carry out automobile consumption promotion activities and fully promote the expansion of automobile consumption in Zhongshan, the subsidies provided by Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of Commerce for the 2023 Zhongshan Spring Auto Show includeParticipating car dealers (subsidizing participation fees and sales incentives) and car buyers (consuming red envelopes), of which a total of investment was made.Spend 10 million yuan on red envelopes.In addition, customers who successfully bought cars during the auto show can also participate in the lucky draw provided by the organizer on the spot, and the winner can get the highest prize.1000 yuan fuel card.

It is reported that consumers can enjoy the most when buying a car during this auto show."Car dealer discount+consumption red envelope+on-site lottery"Triple discount,The maximum amount can reach tens of thousands of yuan..

The Municipal Bureau of Commerce subsidized the "2023 Auto Show Consumption Red Packet" for this auto show.

It is understood that Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of CommerceThis year, we will continue to support at least two large-scale auto shows held throughout the city.In addition, the "Zhongshan Tesco" series of consumer promotion activities will continue to be carried out, making car purchase concessions more "intimate" and "effective".

[Exhibition Guide]

Exhibition location:Zhongshan Expo Center

Exhibition time:March 17-19, 9: 00-17: 30.


The 2023 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Auto Show will be held in Shenzhen from June 16 to 24, with thousands of models unveiled and car purchase subsidies.

Shenzhen News Network June 12, 2023(Shenzhen Business Daily reporter Yuan Weibin) 2023 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area International Automobile Expo and New Energy Automobile Expo will be held in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center from June 16th to 24th.

It is understood that this year’s auto show plans to open all exhibition halls and outdoor areas of Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center No.1-No.9. For the first time, the organizing committee has built a circle-type, interactive and shared exhibition hall in all directions, and the utilization rate of the exhibition hall has set a new record for domestic auto shows. A number of scene experience areas, such as conference forum area, intelligent technology exhibition area, test drive area and unmanned intelligent driving area, will be opened on site, with an exhibition scale of 150,000 square meters. About 100 Chinese and foreign automobile brands with more than 1,000 models participated in the exhibition, and a number of new car concept cars will be unveiled.

The theme of this year’s auto show is "going ahead to the future". Most participating brands have brought new models with intelligent applications, and almost all vehicle brands have brought models with new energy technologies, realizing the overall intelligence and new energy of vehicle brands. It is worth mentioning that on the first day of the opening of this auto show, the "2023 Future Automobile Pioneer Conference and Global Intelligent Networked Automobile Commercialization Innovation Conference" will be held again, with the theme of "CoEVO Synchronization First". It aims to explore the frontier topics of intelligent networked automobile commercialization innovation and lead the future automobile development trend.

This year’s conference is dedicated to creating an influential and authoritative comprehensive industrial public service platform for high-end dialogue and exchange, industrial policy release, forward-looking demonstration application and product display experience, and becoming the highest-standard "automobile+technology" event in the future automobile and travel industries. The conference will also focus on the cutting-edge technology applications and future development trends of high-tech cross-border innovations such as intelligent networking, intelligent sensors, unmanned vehicles and robots, artificial intelligence and autonomous driving.

In addition, this year’s auto show site will link Hong Kong and Macao cars for in-depth exchanges. The auto show will also provide L4 self-driving vehicles in conjunction with enterprises such as Yuanrong Qixing, a "future travel partner", so that citizens can experience the global self-driving team’s travel test ride and feel the scientific and technological charm of intelligent networked driving. It is reported that the car purchase subsidies that the majority of car buyers care about and look forward to will also be released during the auto show. 


Photos: The strongest handsome bodyguards from all over the world in history

Special topic: picture channel


China bodyguards are more charming than stars.
  Of course, the first person to appear is our elite man in China. Military standard crew cut, straight black suit, alert eyes, serious expression, plus young and handsome. It is said that the appearance of these Zhongnanhai bodyguards on the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China has fas cinated the Hong Kong female journalists who are used to Andy Lau and Tony Leung Chiu Wai, and they are constantly glancing at these "ouchi masters".

Israeli bodyguards who don’t like suits
  In the war-torn Middle East, there is no doubt about the business or appearance quality of Israeli bodyguards. It may be because of the hot climate and the supremacy of practicali ty. Unlike other countries, these handsome Jewish men usually don’t wear black suits when performing tasks. Jackets and cuffs are their favorite, but they can better show their strong figure.

Compatriots of God, Spanish bodyguards
  If you don’t say that God is Spanish, it really makes people feel that there is no way to explain why there are so many handsome guys in Spain. Handsome bodyguards produced in Spain are de finitely among the top three in Europe if they are better than appearance. Charming eyes, sharp edges and corners, even the wrinkles exude charm. Without being an entertainment star, the small universe really feels a little greedy.

Cemetery generator Russian bodyguard
  This eldest brother is said to be the personal bodyguard of Putin, the most attractive man in Russia. Although a little bald, there is only one word to describe his appearance: handsome. A small white face, especially those sparkling eyes, is definitely a "graveyard generator". If I hadn’t been told that this eldest brother was a bodyguard, which star would I have seen?
Bodyguard entertainment edition

Kevin Costner
  In the movie "Bodyguard", he plays a gentle and gentlemanly bodyguard who is full of love everywhere, and the image of a warm-blooded tough guy who is sincere and calm. He reveals a warm life atmosphere from time to time in his strength and courage. He is willing to be accused and snubbed in order to protect his children and a happy family, and stands up in a critical moment, which is touching.

Jet Li
  At the peak of his personal work, the movie "Zhongnanhai Bodyguard" showed his charm to the greatest extent. Lightweight posture, extraordinary skill, and restrained feelings have left a deep "tough guy" image for China’s bodyguards.

Tak Chung Ma
  Before I entered the entertainment circle, I actually worked as a bodyguard, and I was also a member of G4, a Hong Kong police protection VIP group, to protect visiting dignitaries. When Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew and British Crown Prince Charles and Princess Diana visited Hong Kong, he was one of the bodyguards.

Editor: Li Erqing