The Ministry of Education issued the early warning information of the 2023 college entrance examination to remind the majority of candidates to beware of being cheated in the integrity examination.


The Ministry of Education issued the early warning information of the 2023 college entrance examination to remind the majority of candidates to beware of being cheated in the integrity examination.

Cctv newsAccording to the Ministry of Education, the college entrance examination is a big test in the life of college students, which is related to the vital interests of candidates and has attracted much attention from the society. The college entrance examination in 2023 is approaching, and the majority of candidates are actively adjusting their status and preparing for the exam calmly and orderly. However, some lawless elements are driven by economic interests to spread false information about the exam, sell and create anxiety, and even commit fraud and induce candidates to cheat in the exam, which seriously disrupts the enrollment order of the exam. To this end, the Ministry of Education, in conjunction with relevant departments, combined with some typical cases in recent years, solemnly reminded the majority of candidates and parents to be vigilant, beware of being deceived, and do the integrity test.

  First, organizing cheating in the college entrance examination can’t escape the recovery of the French Open.

  [Case] Before the college entrance examination in 2020, the candidate Zhu Moumou and Wen Mou (handled separately) negotiated to organize cheating in the exam. Zhu Moumou provided the test questions, and Wen Mou was responsible for finding the "gunner" and jointly paid the "gunner" for the test questions. During the examination, Zhu Moumou brought his mobile phone into the examination room, photographed the examination paper and handed it to the "gunner". After the "gunner" answered, he sent the answer to the candidates for plagiarism. Participants and organizers were quickly captured. Candidate Zhu Moumou committed the crime of cheating in organizing exams, was sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for five years, and fined RMB 6,000.

  【 Regulations 】 The Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) clearly stipulates that it is illegal to "organize cheating" and "provide examination questions and answers to candidates" in the national examinations prescribed by law. The Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in Handling Criminal Cases, such as Organizing Cheating in Examinations, clarifies that those who organize cheating in national education examinations, such as college entrance examinations and graduate examinations, will be directly identified as "serious" acts, and will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and fined.

  [Reminder] In recent years, local public security organs, together with the education departments, have continued to maintain a high-pressure and severe crackdown on all kinds of illegal and criminal activities involving exams. Remind the majority of candidates that they must enhance their legal awareness, know the law and abide by it, and don’t be confused for a while and regret it for life.

  Second, "Gui Li" will eventually become "likui jy", and it is not feasible to challenge the law.

  [Case] In the unified entrance examination of art and design major in colleges and universities in a province in 2020, two fraudsters found a college student to take the test for a candidate and were arrested by the police. Two cheaters were sentenced to three years and eight months in prison and three years and two months in prison respectively. Taking the test for college students was sentenced to five months’ criminal detention and suspended for one year.

  【 Regulations 】 The Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) clearly stipulates that it is illegal to "organize cheating" or "substitute others or let others take the exam instead of themselves" in the national examination prescribed by law.

  [Reminder] In recent years, some new technical means have been gradually used in the management of national education examinations to prevent fraud such as taking exams. Although the exam is valuable and the price of honesty is higher, don’t believe in the temptation of criminals, so as not to be deceived, and don’t be lucky enough to take the exam for others or let others take their place. Trying the law will eventually "eat the consequences".

  Third, avoid the security check and bring your mobile phone, and cheating in the exam will ruin your future.

  [Case] During the college entrance examination in 2022, a candidate avoided the entrance security check and illegally brought his mobile phone into the examination room. After the exam, he took a test paper and sent it to the QQ group for an answer. According to relevant regulations, candidates who violate the rules are dealt with seriously.

  [Regulations] The college entrance examination is a national education examination prescribed by law. The Measures for Handling Violation of National Education Examination clearly stipulates that anyone who uses communication equipment during the examination shall be deemed as cheating in the examination, and his scores in all subjects registered for the examination at that time shall be invalid. The Education Law of the People’s Republic of China clearly stipulates that candidates who carry or use cheating equipment and materials in national education examinations, if the circumstances are serious, shall be ordered by the education administrative department to stop taking the relevant national education examinations for more than one year and less than three years; If it constitutes a violation of public security administration, it shall be punished by the public security organ according to law; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

  [Reminder] In recent years, the Ministry of Education, together with relevant departments, has deployed a special treatment for mobile phone cheating in the college entrance examination, so that mobile phones can’t be brought in, used or sent out. During the college entrance examination, students from all over the country will fight for their dreams under the standardized examination room and full video surveillance. After the examination, the video and video of the examination room will also be played back in a centralized way to determine whether each candidate has violated the rules and regulations. Candidates should consciously abide by the requirements of the rules of the examination room, obey the management of the examiners, refuse to carry illegal and prohibited items such as mobile phones, and abide by the examination discipline. Losing an exam is not important, but losing your life is really not worth the loss.

  Fourth, false propaganda is not credible, and there is no "pie" with "trap"

  Exam proposition experts teach, strengthen the package, and so-and-so students are admitted to a famous school … … Such propaganda copy and enrollment advertisements often appear in the enrollment propaganda of various examination and training institutions, which makes many parents believe it. Judging from the typical cases of false propaganda and advertising violations in public education and training institutions, there are problems of diversification, popularization and price fraud in different degrees. Fictitious education teachers’ ability and level, excessive exaggeration and propaganda on the effect of education and training, and false propaganda in the name of students and beneficiaries have become the usual tricks for training institutions to implement fraud.

  【 Regulations 】 The Advertising Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) clearly stipulates that advertisements for education and training shall not contain the following contents: (1) Make an express or implied guarantee commitment to entering a higher school, passing an examination, obtaining a degree or a certificate of qualification, or to the effect of education and training; (two) express or implied that the relevant examination institutions or their staff and examination proposition personnel participate in education and training; (3) Using the names or images of scientific research institutions, academic institutions, educational institutions, trade associations, professionals and beneficiaries for recommendation and certification.

  [Reminder] The college entrance examination questions belong to the national top secret materials, and their storage and transportation have extremely strict management measures. It is impossible for all kinds of training institutions to ensure that candidates "package", nor can they provide "real questions", let alone spend money on diplomas. Candidates should not listen to false propaganda and be deceived, causing property losses and delaying valuable review time.

  Five, "Zhankeng Post" is a gimmick, and the "prank" involved in the test cannot be touched.

  [Case] After the math subject test of the college entrance examination in 2022, some netizens posted some pictures of the test papers and were suspected of leaking the test questions. After investigation by the public security organs, it was found that it was a malicious editor who "occupied the post". Before the exam, it posted irrelevant posts on the relevant platforms, and then replaced the original content with the content of the test paper after the exam. The post time was still displayed before the exam, which caused the illusion that it was suspected that the questions were leaked before the exam. In addition, some candidates posted on the Internet claiming to be "taking the test questions before the exam", which also belonged to the "occupation posts" maliciously edited after the exam.

  [Reminder] Lawyers and experts remind that if candidates maliciously publish such information, they will be suspected of breaking the law in addition to violating the examination discipline, and if the circumstances are serious, it will constitute a crime. If a training institution or other personnel, for the purpose of illegal possession, fictitiously obtains the information of test questions or "real questions" before the exam by publishing "posts occupying pits" to defraud a large amount of public and private property, it is suspected of fraud. Candidates should not "fool" themselves in order to entertain others.


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