The "Hot Search" roadshow in Xi ‘an was praised by the audience as "the sense of reality hits the soul directly"


The "Hot Search" roadshow in Xi ‘an was praised by the audience as "the sense of reality hits the soul directly"

1905 movie network news The film directed by, starring, and starring is being shown. The film was released for six days, with a cumulative box office of 53.95 million, with 9.2 points for Cat’s Eye Platform and 9.3 points for Taobao Film Platform. Yesterday, "Hot Search" opened the second round of national roadshow of "Sound All the Way" and came to Xi ‘an. Director Xin Yukun and actor Song Yang came to the roadshow to communicate with the audience after the show. The director said that Xi ‘an is the place where his movie dream started, and this time he came back here to have a kind of "feeling of going home with a movie".

"After watching the movie, my heart rate soared to 130", "I was very worried by the weakness of reality" and "I was moved by the power of women’s mutual help" …… After watching the movie, the audience praised the movie and said that it was "a direct stab at people’s hearts". Han Xiaojiu, a media practitioner, shared his experience of receiving malicious comments at the scene and said that he felt "empathy" after watching the movie. There are also audiences who sent their own wooden seals to the main creator, saying that "the film is very good and I want to engrave it in my heart". The director said frankly: "I hope to tell you the complexity behind public opinion through a movie, so that when you return to life and become a part of the network, you can look at these problems more rationally."

The realistic topic resonates "moved by women’s mutual help"

The audience praised the film: it presented the dilemma and strength of women.

The realistic topic in the film aroused the discussion of the audience. Some viewers said that "as a girl, she has special resonance with the events in the film" and encouraged girls to "bravely say no when encountering sexual harassment and take legal weapons to protect themselves". The director admits that he has paid attention to the injuries suffered by some underage women in recent years, and hopes to tell everyone through movies that "there are many different women’s dilemmas that need to be paid attention to in different classes of our society, and some women’s mutual help needs to be passed on."

At the scene of the road show, female entrepreneurs came to support the film, saying that "the film hits the soul directly". In Chen Miao’s body, "I was very moved to see that women in the new era are not afraid of power, are not instigated by interests, and speak for justice". The director said that Zhou Dongyu tried a "role with a sense of age and strong energy output" this time, and Chen Miao had the power of women. "She was not influenced by family of origin, and she worked hard to achieve her career. When she encountered problems, she had the special strength to help more vulnerable victims."

The public opinion confrontation is shocking, and the role contrast is surprising.

The audience praised the film and woke themselves up "to make a brave voice of justice"

In the movie, Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Justin launched a fierce public opinion game around the "industrial chain of choosing a concubine on campus" caused by a girl’s jumping off a building. The audience called "the bloody reality is shocking" and "the public opinion confrontation is very enjoyable again and again". Among them, He Yan, played by Song Yang, is hard to distinguish between good and evil in the film, and the audience lamented "being cheated by acting", saying that "it was a special surprise to see the reversal after shaking with anger". When it comes to He Yan’s role design, Song Yang said frankly, "We should put him in the social animal state of middle-aged crisis", and even sometimes the audience will "ignore He Yan’s existence", which is exactly what is needed to shape the role, so as to "hide the last gorgeous turn".

The film not only unveiled the back of public opinion, but also brought more rational thinking to the audience. Some viewers said that the movie woke me up, "let me rethink the current network reality and social phenomenon", and "make a brave voice of justice" when facing similar incidents. The director said frankly: "In this era, the Internet is all around us. In case of any injustice, online public opinion may help everyone." Song Yang also said: "It is not Chen Miao’s team that finally defeated Peng Yue, but countless everyone. Everyone stands together and a single spark can burn out."


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