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Avita 12 delivery process continues to accelerate, empowering Avita’s overall delivery record

  According to the official news of Avita Technology, in December 2023, Avita delivered 6,106 units, setting a record high in delivery and achieving outstanding results. Among them, Avita 12, which has just started national delivery, has made outstanding contributions, delivering 2004 units in only 20 days, ranking in the forefront of pure electric cars above 300,000. It can be said that Avita 12 uses an efficient delivery attitude to enable the majority of car owners to accelerate the appreciation of its "smart beauty top stream" charm.

  It is reported that in the first month of its listing on November 10, 2023, the order of Avita 12 exceeded 20,000 units, and it was unanimously favored by many car owners. Counting the charm of this future intelligent luxury model born out of the industry-leading intelligent electric vehicle technology platform CHN, its three characteristics of "top intelligence, top design, and top luxury space" are really eye-catching, which can be called Changan Automobile, Huawei, and Ningde Era to redefine the new standard of luxury in the era of smart cars. In addition, the price range of three configuration models under Avita 12 is 300,800 yuan to 400,800 yuan respectively. Combined with its overall configuration, it can be said that the cost-effective advantage is obvious.

  With the support of Huawei’s high-end intelligent driving system HUAWEI ADS 2.0, Avita 12 shows the industry’s leading intelligent driving strength. In addition, all its models are equipped with 3 lidar as standard, which can provide a horizontal field of view of more than 300 °, powerful lateral 3D spatial perception and high-resolution and high-confidence level detection capabilities. Thanks to these software and hardware configurations, Avita 12 can easily cope with intelligent driving needs in various road conditions without relying on high-precision maps, helping users to achieve worry-free travel.

  It is worth emphasizing that the intelligent driving strength of Avita 12 is not only leading at the moment, in the next 3-5 years, through the OTA upgrade of the software system, it can still bring first-class intelligent experience to the majority of users. According to the statistics released by Avita, at present, Avita’s intelligent driving function has been fully trusted and used by users. The accumulated mileage of intelligent driving is 35 million kilometers, accounting for 23% of the total mileage, which is the first in the industry. Intelligent parking assistance has been called 3.70 million times to help many users solve parking troubles.

  Coupled with the latest good news from Avita Technology, it has become one of the first companies to be approved for a high-speed road conditional autonomous driving (L3) test license. Level 3 autonomous driving is a watershed between "assisted driving" and "autonomous driving", meaning that the driver can "let go", "take off" and "take off the eyes" under certain conditions, and the vehicle can also fully accelerate, steer and brake automatically under certain conditions. This means that Avita 12 users can look forward to one day in the future, can experience the thrill of autonomous driving with Avita 12.

  Today, the national delivery process of Avita 12 is ongoing, constantly meeting the expectations of more users to pick up the car, so that they can feel the pleasure of intelligent travel. In addition, Avita is currently steadily advancing the "going to sea" strategy, so that Avita 12 can continue to release the "wisdom and beauty top" charm on the world stage.


Last night, Xu Jiayin said harshly: Do these points well, Hengda will definitely be able to pay off the debt!

Hengda, which has fallen into the crisis of the capital chain, held the "Pledge Conference of Guaranteed Building" under the leadership of Xu Jiayin in early September, but its delivery volume in September, October and November was less than 10,000 sets.

Now that there are still five days left in 2021, how is Evergrande’s "Baojiao Building" going?

On the evening of the 26th, the official account of Evergrande Group disclosed the latest situation.

Xu Jiayin said at the weekly meeting of the resumption of work and production that night that all employees of the group, with the support and care of all sectors of society,After several months of hard work, the resumption of work and production to ensure the delivery of buildings has achieved initial results.

As of December 26, Hengda Group’s national project resumption rate was 91.7%, an increase of 40% from the beginning of September; the number of people who resumed work 89,000, an increase of 31% from September.

Source: Hengda Group official account

However, Xu Jiayin said that Evergrande’s goal is not to resume work and production, but to ensure quality assurance and hand over buildings to owners. The next stage of the group’s goal is to continue to increase the number of people who resume work to improve efficiency. "In December, the group has 115 projects scheduled to be delivered. There are still five days left in this month. We must sprint to ensure that we complete the goal of handing over 39,000 buildings this month."

Evergrande also revealed a message, saying that more than 80% of the main bodies and decoration units have resumed cooperation with Evergrande, and long-term cooperative material suppliers have also resumed supply, which has played a key role in the final hardcover project of "Baojiao Building".

Xu Jiayin also emphasized one point at the meeting.That is, "no one at Evergrande will be allowed to lie down. As long as we resume work and production at all costs and do a good job in engineering construction, we will definitely be able to deliver the house to the owner, and we will definitely be able to resume sales, resume operations, and pay off debts."

Source: Hengda Group official account

On the evening of the 22nd, China Evergrande announced that in response to the risks currently facing the group, the China Evergrande Group Risk Resolution Committee is mobilizing extensive resources and will actively maintain communication with creditors to resolve group risks and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all parties.

On the 24th, according to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange document, Hui Jiayin’s shareholding ratio in Evergrande Property fell from 60.96% to 58.18%, involving 300 million shares. The reason for the disclosure is that "the relevant parties have taken steps to enforce the guarantee interest in the shares against you or the right to hold the shares as security".

Prior to December 6, December 7, December 8, December 9, Xu Jiayin continued to be forced to sell China Evergrande 106 million shares, 120 million shares, 51.88 million shares and 7000 shares, a total of about 277.80 million shares, eventually Xu Jiayin in China Evergrande shareholding ratio fell from 61.88% to 59.78%.

On December 3, Evergrande issued an announcement announcing that a company was unable to meet its obligation to repay a $260 million private debt, a move that could lead to an accelerated maturity of the debt.

That evening, the Guangdong provincial government interviewed Xu Jiayin and, at the request of Hengda Real Estate Group, agreed to send a working group to Hengda Real Estate to effectively defuse risks and protect the interests of all parties.

One of the group’s main tasks at present is to ensure delivery, ensuring that more than 700 projects across the country can maintain normal operation and avoid unfinished business.

(Editor in charge: Wang Zhiqiang HF013)

Five turning points of historical gods: having culture will not live long.

Text/Cang Hai Ming Yue Sheng

The so-called history is just a repetition of the past. Taking history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall.

However, there are some things that you can guess at the beginning but not at the end.

However, they are recorded in ancient books. Although they seem absurd, they are horribly true …


In the Spring and Autumn Period, Ji Nou, Duke of Jin Dynasty, put down Chidick Chu to dominate the country, which was regarded as the leader of a generation.

No matter how long you live, you can’t resist the erosion of time. When Jin Jinggong was old, he was sick and often had nightmares.

One day, he was awakened by a nightmare, and quickly called the wizard to ask. After some calculations, the wizard said, "Your Majesty is old. I am afraid that I will not be able to eat this year’s new wheat! "

Duke Jing of Jin suddenly felt unhappy. After the wizard left, he sent someone to Qin to find a famous doctor for treatment. Before the famous doctor arrived, he had another dream: two children quarreled, and one child said, "The man he invited is a famous doctor, so I’m afraid he will hurt me. I think we’d better run away!"

Another child shrugged. "We are above the ointment. What can he do to us?"

After the famous doctor arrived, he made a consultation and bluntly said that Duke Jing of Jin was terminally ill and had no medicine to cure.

Jin Jinggong stills

By the way, this is where the idiom "terminally ill" comes from.

However, since then, Jin Jinggong’s condition has suddenly improved and his bones have become more and more tough.

In a blink of an eye, it was early summer. After he had the newly harvested wheat cooked, he called the wizard who had interpreted the dream to him to see if he could still eat this year’s new wheat.

Just then, he felt cramps in his stomach, so he got up and went to the toilet. Maybe he squatted for a long time, got up and lost his footing, fell into the toilet and drowned.

Zuo Zhuan: "Witch talk is like a dream. Gong said, "What? Say: "Don’t eat new things." Public illness, seek medical treatment in Qin. Qin Bo made the doctor slow down. Before he arrived, Gong Meng’s illness became two vertical pillars, saying, "He is a good doctor.
Afraid of hurting me, how can you escape? "One said," What if I live above the paste? " When the doctor arrived, he said, "The disease cannot be done. On the top, under the cream, you can’t attack it, you can’t reach it, you can’t do it, you can’t do it. " Gong said, "Good doctor." Thick for the ceremony and return.
In the afternoon of June, the marquis of Jin wanted wheat, so that Dianren offered wheat and gave it to others. Call the Sangtian witch and kill him as a sign. Will eat, open, go to the toilet, trapped and died. "


After Ying Zheng, king of Qin, unified the six countries, he claimed to be the first emperor. He was infatuated with Immortal Technique, the immortal, and sent the alchemist Lu Sheng to find the elixir for him.

This thing is a bluff. Where can I find it? Lu Sheng made a happy trip to China, and when he was tired of playing, he brought back a book for Qin Shihuang, claiming that the panacea had not been found, but this book seems to have a mystery.

Qin Shihuang took a look and found a prophecy in the book: "Those who die in Qin will be Hu Ye".

When the northern conference semifinals made an insurrection, they often invaded the Central Plains from the south. When Qin Shihuang saw this prophecy, he was furious, and immediately ordered the general Meng Tian to lead an army of 300,000, and build the Great Wall in the north to resist the conference semifinals, so that the conference semifinals dared not go south to herd horses.

Qin Shihuang stills

A few years later, Qin Shihuang died suddenly in a sand dune during his east tour, and his youngest son, Hu Hai, became king.

Three years later, the world was bitter in Ku Jin, and people from all walks of life rose up in succession, and Hu Hai was forced to commit suicide.

Qin Shihuang’s Biography: "Lu Sheng, a Yan man, sent him back to the sea to do things with ghosts and gods. Because he recorded books, he said," If Qin died, Hu also died. ". The first emperor ordered General Meng Tian to send 300,000 troops to attack Hu in the north. "


During the Chu-Han struggle, Wei Bao, the son of the former Wei royal family, followed Liu Bang, and was named King of the Western Wei Dynasty for his meritorious service in breaking the Qin Dynasty.

Wei Bao has a concubine named Bo Ji, who is gorgeous, and the physiognomist Xu Fu is good at physiognomy. She said that Bo Ji has a noble appearance, and she will be the son of heaven in the future.

Wei Bao was overjoyed when he learned that, in his view, the son is the son of heaven, and I am the son of heaven’s father. What kind of bird is that under Liu Bang?

Bo Ji stills

So, he rose up and rebelled, and said to the messenger sent by Liu Bang: "Life is like a blink of an eye. Today, Hanwang (Liu Bang) insults people and scolds princes and ministers like slaves. I can’t bear to see them again. "

The implication is that Liu Bang scolded me like a grandson, and Grandpa quit!

While contacting Xiang Yu for support, Wei Bao sent troops to the ancient city of Selin Jinguan and stuck to Anyi City.

In order to eliminate this threat, Liu Bang took Han Xin as the general to unite hundreds of troops, and surrounded Anyi City in lightning speed, and the whole family was captured in Kaesong, Wei Bao.

Liu Bang pitied Wei Bao’s bravery, and treated him well at first. Two years later, he got rid of him. His beloved concubine, Bo Ji, was naturally accepted by Liu Bang.

Later, due to an accidental misfortune, Bo Ji gave birth to Liu Heng, the generation king, who really became the Emperor of Chinese.

Historical Records: Family of consorts: Xu Wei’s negative phase, Bo Ji’s phase, cloud when the son of heaven.


During the Western Han Dynasty, there was a man named Qin Niuque, who was good at reading and often had amazing words.

One day, when he was out, he was suddenly robbed by a group of robbers. The robbers searched for a long time and found no property, so they stripped him of his clothes.

To say that this group of thieves is also quite wonderful. After walking less than two miles, they suddenly became interested and wanted to see how miserable the goods that had just been stripped were now, so several people turned back.

I didn’t expect the scene in front of me to disappoint the gang. Qin Niuque was not only depressed, but also somewhat happy. The robbers wondered: "We robbed you, shouldn’t you feel sad?" Why are you still happy? "

Qin Niuque replied, "Money for horses and chariots is just a thing outside the body. A saint will not harm his body and mind for things outside the body."

After listening to it, the thief was surprised: "This product has an extraordinary export realm. It seems that it is not an ordinary person. If the court knows about it, it will definitely reuse him, and then we will be in trouble!"

Then the robber hacked him to death.

"Huai Nan Zi Ren Jian": The thief smiled at each other and said, "A husband is a saint in the world who does not want to hurt his life or benefit his body. To see the king in this way, you must take me as your business. " And kill it.


At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao, the prime minister, held the emperor as a vassal, ranking among the officials.

Cao Cao was suspicious by nature. One day, he had a dream: three horses were grazing in the same manger.

After waking up, Cao Cao was frightened, thinking that Marten, Ma Chao and Ma Dai, the father and son of Xiliang, would replace Cao Shi in the future, and his heart was extremely scared.

So Cao Cao tricked Ma Teng into being an official in the DPRK, and later found an opportunity to put him to death to break the ominous sign in his dream.

Cao Cao stills

After Cao Cao’s death, his son, Cao Pi, succeeded to the throne as Wei Wendi, and he made great use of Sima Yi, a senior minister, and appointed Sima Yi as the assistant minister before his death.

More than ten years later, Sima Yi, Sima Shi and Si Mazhao replaced Cao Shi.

"The Book of Jin Xuandi Ji": "It’s very evil to dream that Sanma eats the same food."

Sometimes, history is so strange, and the turning point of God comes too fast, which makes people unprepared!