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Hao Lei was praised for her high skills in "bed drama", and Guo Fucheng applied a mask for pretending to be tender

Group photo of the main creators of "Silver Empire"

From left to right: Directors Yao Shuhua, Guo Fucheng, Hao Lei

Hao Lei

Guo Fucheng

  Movie Network News(Photo/Qian Jia’s memoir/Diao Zongrui) On August 16, "Silver Empire" held its premiere press conference in Beijing. Director Yao Shuhua, starring Guo Fucheng and Hao Lei, appeared on the scene to build momentum for the film. At the press conference, Yao Shuhua praised Hao Lei’s superb skills in filming "bed scenes", and Guo Fucheng revealed that he applied a mask for being tender.

Guo Fucheng and Hao Lei

Director Zan Haolei’s superb "bed scene" and Guo Fucheng cooperate tacitly like a couple

  Although this is the first time to make a film, Yao Shuhua is confident in her handwriting. "The film is exciting and powerful enough," she said. Yao Shuhua also praised her two favorite generals, saying that she learned professionalism from Guo Fucheng. When it comes to Hao Lei’s acting skills, Yao Shuhua is even more admired. She mentioned that three bed scenes required Hao Lei to cry. "She answered the call three times. I don’t know what kind of state she is going through in her heart. I can only say that this is a very superb technical performance."

  Hao Lei humbly claims that she is not a very expressive actor, but that the entire filming environment and situation made her feel very safe. She said, "I was not very familiar with Guo Fucheng at the beginning, but the director prepared it perfectly and let us get into it quickly." The director also broke the news that Guo Fucheng and Hao Lei cooperated quite tacitly and were once mistaken for a couple by foreigners.

Guo Fucheng was exposed as a "hot pot madman" who applied a mask to play tender

  Talking about her personal impression of Guo Fucheng, Hao Lei said that because the two people are the same constellation, they are more like each other in many ways. She also revealed that Guo Fucheng loves hot pot very much, and called Guo Fucheng a "hot pot madman".

  Guo Fucheng admired the performance of Hao Lei as a young woman and returning to the age of 17 in the play. He said that he had never seen an actor achieve this state. However, he went to great lengths to apply facial masks in order to return to the age of 17. And his poor Mandarin also became an obstacle in his performance. Because he read "disaster caused by Xiao Wall" as "disaster caused by xianmei" more than a dozen times in a row. He also laughed, "Fortunately, the director is more tolerant."

  Guo Fucheng also said that musicals have always been her dream. He hopes to bring his musicals to perform in Beijing and different parts of the country in 2011.

"Silver Empire" is expected to enter the US market

  As an epic film about the evolution of Shanxi merchants, it is said that in addition to using special effects to restore the life scenes of Shanxi merchants in the late Qing Dynasty, the film is also not sloppy in details such as costumes and props. Most of the costumes, decorations and utensils are real cultural relics. Hao Lei said that the cashmere cloak she wore during the filming was very delicate, and she intended to keep it after the filming.

  Yao Shuhua believes that the local folk customs of Shanxi are fully responsible for borrowing a lot of antiques for filming. She also mentioned that the museum in Pingyao, Shanxi Province, even closed the museum for two days to assist in the shooting of "Silver Empire." In addition, Yao Shuhua also praised the local extras in Shanxi Province. She said that one scene was filmed at 2:30 at night, the weather was very cold, and the performance of the extras was so serious that she was moved to tears.

  Yao Shuhua denied rumors that the film was interested in the Oscars, but according to her, the Oscar chairperson had seen the film during the Shanghai Film Festival and said he liked it very much and could learn a lot about Chinese culture. He also intended to help Yao Shuhua find distributors in the United States to promote the film.

  It is reported that "Silver Empire" will be released nationwide on August 21.


Ren Xianqi: Every time I sing "My Heart is Too Soft", it will be the last time in my life

  At the celebration banquet of "The Extinct Man" in 2003, Du Qifeng, who was slightly drunk, looked at Ren Xianqi with wide eyes, and suddenly said in silence, "I see an evil spirit in your eyes. When people like you become fierce, they will make everyone more afraid."

  Ren Xianqi was very surprised. Why did Du Qifeng say this? In the eyes of others, how could Ren Xianqi, who had no "public harm", be associated with "evil"?

  In 2004, Ren Xianqi took over the filming of Qifeng To’s "Big Event" and played a gangster in the film. Since then, it seems that Ren Xianqi has embarked on a "villain’s road of no return". In 2016’s "The Tree Attracts the Wind", Ren Xianqi played Ye Guohuan, one of the "three kings of thieves" in Hong Kong. Because of Ye Guohuan’s role, Ren Xianqi was finally recognized by the film industry. And it was this simple "affirmation" that Ren Xianqi took 12 years.

  Ren Xianqi hopes to share this difficult journey with everyone. He chose to use his old business – singing, and use a concert called "Miracle" to relive the footsteps we have walked together. "There will be a concert at the provincial gymnasium on July 6. Because for so many years, many people have grown up listening to my songs, and their youth has my singing in it. So this concert has a little more sharing and a little more gratitude we want to express." In an exclusive interview with Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star News, Ren Xianqi said with emotion.

  Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star News reporter, Ren Hongwei, intern, Yi Qinyuan, photojournalist, Wang Xiao

  Gain weight for acting

  "Eating" is torture

  After the interview, Ren Xianqi invited reporters to have dinner together. He invited his agent Ke Shangmin to pack vegetables, eel noodles, and hoof soup in advance and eat them in the ultra-luxurious presidential suite. "It’s still lively to eat with more people. Well, this side tastes really good." As Ren Xianqi enjoyed the delicious food from the Chengdu Fly Restaurant, he scooped a large spoonful of scallions from the plastic bag in the hands of the agent and put them into the noodle bowl.

  For a long time, "eating" was not a pleasure for Ren Xianqi, but more of a torture. When filming the movie "War Horse" last year, Ren Xianqi spent a lot of time eating fat. The final conclusion is that "eating fat is not so happy," because when eating more than one’s load and needs, it is a kind of torture. "I have to eat six meals a day, and when I don’t have enough calories, I have to eat chocolate, nutritional supplements, and training to increase muscle mass and make it look fat when it is covered in fat. When I need to lose weight quickly, my body can’t handle the weight training and aerobic training that I need next, and it is very painful every day." However, Ren Xianqi, who finally lost weight, has to gain back to 100 kilograms. Because he may have to take over the follow-up filming of the movie "Horse Running".

  Singer in movie

  Let everyone forget my identity as a singer

  Putting aside the greasy big fat man in "War Horse", the gangster Santa in "Silent Witness", the thief king Ye Guohuan in "The Tree Attracts the Wind" before, and even the earlier "Death Gold", "Exile", "The Big Event", you will find that Ren Xianqi actually plays all kinds of villains, all kinds of villains. "Now the invitations are basically villains," Ke Shangmin added.

  Ren Xianqi and Ke Shangmin both admitted that playing the villain was because of a sentence by Du Qifeng. After thinking about it, they agreed with each other from the bottom of their hearts. "When a singer goes to act in a movie, the first thing to do is to make everyone forget my identity as a singer. I can’t have any concerns about baggage or appearance. At the beginning, when being a singer was popular, I was invited to participate in film and television performances. Usually, the image was very close to the singer, or even the true character of the performance. But when I gradually came into contact with the professional field of actors, I felt that the actor should act like what, so when I received a role, I should analyze how to act like him."

  However, on the road of movie acting, only transformation can take you further. To Qifeng once said, "If an actor is not good at acting, he should be responsible for it himself." After so many years of experience, Ren Xianqi has also found a way to truly belong to his own actor.

  "Together" Concert

  Share more

  For veteran fans, "Qi Qi" is no stranger. Ren Xianqi’s first concert since his debut in 1998 was called this name. This time, "Qi Qi" is a little more sharing and a little more gratitude that Ren Xianqi wants to express.

  There are many good songs to be sung in the concert, "Too Soft Heart" and "Pacific Heartbreak" are indispensable. If you have to make a choice, I would like to know which of these two songs has a greater influence on Ren Xianqi. "" Too Soft Heart ", after all, it is this song that everyone knows me and accepts me, and it is like a key to open the door to my music hall." From fame to now, "Too Soft Heart" should have been sung tens of thousands of times. Won’t Ren Xianqi be numb? "No, because every time I sing it, I treat it as the last time I sing it in my life. If I don’t sing it well, I won’t have a chance." Some people may also listen to Ren Xianqi sing this song for the first time. How can I sing the most sincere touching and sincere feelings to everyone? Ren Xianqi said, "Before every time I sing, I will have a precipitation and spiritual arm, because if you don’t hear the emotion, this song will invisibly reduce the position in your heart."

  Very content

  I am a happy singer

  Along with the "miracle", there were also many skeptical voices, thinking that Ren Xianqi had only sung a few representative works for so many years. In this regard, Ren Xianqi smiled and said nothing.

  "A lot of people dream of having a masterpiece, and I am very satisfied. I have many masterpieces, and they are different in various genres, so I am a happy singer, and I am very satisfied." The real challenge is how to continue to develop masterpieces, not just Ren Xianqi, but also many Tianwang-level singers. "Everyone has high expectations for us, and we also have a certain style, and then everyone will encounter some bottlenecks after the golden age. We have a place in the hearts of fans and listeners, and it is not suitable to write the same kind of songs as we grow older. It is really not so easy to create surprises and brilliance. Now the vein of the music industry is that there are talents from all over the country, and each leader is coquettish for hundreds of years."

  Long distance running artist

  It doesn’t have to outperform everyone.

  A few days ago, before Hunan Satellite TV’s "Singer" finals, there was an article on the Internet with the title "He’s going to be Qi Yu’s guest, it turns out that Xiao Qi has become a third-tier singer". Ke Shangmin was helpless: "There are so many people helping to sing, so we picked Xiao Qi to write, and we can’t help it. In fact, we didn’t receive an invitation, and these remarks are inexplicable."

  But it is undeniable that "The Singer" does provide a good stage for many singers. Did Ren Xianqi not think of participating in similar shows to let everyone know themselves again? Ren Xianqi said: "In fact, there are many invitations. I am not a competitive contestant. Every singer has his own style. There is no first or second. I don’t think I am suitable."

  "Some media use the term’long-distance runner ‘to describe me, and I think it’s quite appropriate. I think life is like a marathon, you have to adjust your rhythm and pace, and understand your own conditions. The same is true of performing arts, which should be competing for a thousand years rather than competing for one. You may be lucky and have a boost, and suddenly run smoothly. But if you don’t adjust your mentality, you will start to encounter some physical exhaustion like running a marathon. All the physical information is telling you to give up. If you really give up, you won’t be able to run to the finish line." Ren Xianqi said that you need to have a strong willpower, fighting spirit and endurance to match the rhythm of your body. "You don’t have to beat everyone, but you have to run to the finish line, even if you win. So I want to face my life with the spirit of a sportsman. I will not be discouraged if I win or lose, and I will not retreat if I am beaten to death. "


Live interaction meets "Love Science Fiction" and triggers a chain reaction. Can the legend of "Finished" be replicated?

6 female protagonists in "Finished". Picture/Steam platform screenshot

"When she looked at the male protagonist, her eyes were too bright, and then I realized that the big eyes were really beautiful." The male player Wood described his favorite character "Shen Comet". Shen Comet is one of the six female protagonists in "Finished! I’m Surrounded by Beautiful Women!" (hereinafter referred to as "Finished").

After "Invisible Guardian" opened up the first year of live-action interactive film games, "Finished" has become another "out of the circle" new work on this track.

From October 30th to November 9th, the WeChat official account of Hippo Games has released 3 interactive film tour project news in cooperation with the "Finished" team, including the production of the female version of "Finished". On November 22nd, the shell financial reporter verified with the relevant staff of Guangzhou Xiaoyou Content Interactive Entertainment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Xiaoyou Interactive Entertainment), the producer of "Finished". He said that the female version of the interactive love game project reached with Hippo Games is fake news, "This project is actually an IP (intellectual property rights) of the INTINY studio of Xiaoyou Interactive Entertainment announced on November 9th, and an interactive imaging product jointly created with Hippo Games and Qishu Youyu." He also revealed that the "Finished" DLC (game downloadable content) is currently ready for launch.

"Finished" was launched on the Steam platform on October 18, and once hit the hot-selling list. However, the Steam platform did not directly disclose the sales data of game products. As of November 23, when the shell financial reporter entered the "Finished" Steam mall, the page showed the number of reviews was 25,185. According to industry habits, the reporter took the median value of 37.5 times 20 to 55, and estimated that the total sales of "Finished" was about 944,000 copies. (Regression analysis based on 100 game data in 2021 by Video Game Insights shows that the relationship between sales and reviews of games released on the Steam platform after 2020 is likely to be 20-55 times.) According to the latest estimates of the Steam Spy platform, the number of users of "Finished" is between 1 million and 2 million. If 1 million sales are calculated, according to the 42 yuan mall pricing and the "37 share" convention, the current revenue of "Finished" is roughly 29.40 million yuan.

Chen Yurong, the producer and general manager of Xiaoyou Interactive Entertainment, revealed in an interview with the "Daily Economic News" that the total investment of "Finished" is about 5 million yuan.

Such a live-action interactive movie game has the possibility of nearly 6 times the cost of income, why is the "sci-fi sense" of "Finished" addictive, and whether its success can be replicated or continued? Shell Financial reporters interviewed game practitioners, analysts, and "Finished" players on the above issues.

More than 90% of users are male, and the "tap water" promotion triggers a herd effect

Chen Yurong has publicly stated that male users of "Finished" currently account for more than 90%.

Zheng Ziyan, one of the 6 female leads of "Finished". Picture/Screenshot of Steam platform

According to the plot setting of "Finished", players will start a love journey with six female protagonists with different personalities and appearances from the first-person perspective of the male protagonist "Gu Yi": Zheng Ziyan, the Midnight Elf, Li Yunsi, the Flower of Gaoling, and Xiao Lu, the deer in the forest, as well as Shen Comet, the proud lady, Lin Yueqing, the goddess of slashing men, and Zhong Zhen, the overbearing female president. "These 6 girls are all around you, and the actors’ small expressions are vivid and natural," the aforementioned male player Wood commented. If the player is too "scumbag", it will trigger the two BE (Bad Ending) endings of "Male Girlfriend" and "Lonely Family".

Most of the gamers surveyed said it all started with the day they were "pushed" by a video or social media platform. They also had some expectations about the quality of the game’s content before playing the game through video footage or comments: the cover is very page game, the plot is unbelievable, the sci-fi game…

The fun person option in "Finished". Figure/Steam platform screenshot

"There are a lot of’fun people ‘options in the short video, such as you can choose to fight the landlord or the big brother in the same ward. These options are not like normal choices that people make in social interactions, and there is a simple humor in them, so I wanted to go and see it," said Li Hua, a male player. "The producers also accept everyone’s evaluation of its’sci-fi game’, and I think it is very low-profile," Li Hua added.

"Some of its plots are particularly embarrassing. Usually, bullet comments are swiping’heaven defying ‘at this time, which makes people laugh, so I went to see where this game came from with an entertaining attitude." Wood was attracted by the name when he watched Bilibili UP’s "Pen Bar Evaluation Room" use "Finished" to test the performance of the computer game, and then "entered the pit" vertically.

Chen Yurong, general manager of Xiaoyou Interactive Entertainment, admitted in an interview that the original target user group of "Finished" was men, providing them with emotional value.

Men are less demanding on aesthetics, one woman told a veteran gaming practitioner. "It doesn’t have to be more than 9 points, 8 points is OK, and 7 points is not OK, but it may be more diverse." From a psychological point of view, real-life interaction meets men’s visual satisfaction needs and helps them establish a sense of sight or real experience in the game. "Men need to see real people to have an immersive feeling."

And female players who are not part of the target audience mostly mention the word "curious" when telling Shell Finance about the opportunity to play the game.

Cai Jing, a female player, said that many of Douyin’s couple accounts are playing "Finished", and "the video and comment areas will quarrel over the game, so I wonder why they quarrel over this."

As Zhihu blogger’s Wang Jia, I see the name of "Finished" on Zhihu’s hot list every day. "Because they all say’this is a man’s paradise, ‘I also want to experience for myself what kind of game men are after," Wang Jia said.

"At first, it was my boyfriend who said the game was very popular and wanted to play it. After seeing some negative comments, I thought’why don’t I play it first ‘." After playing, Shi Qi, a female player, thought it was "okay", and she sometimes distracted herself from what actresses wore.

Wang Jialun, founder of Game Teahouse, explained to Shell Finance that the videos could be interpreted as "tap water". He speculated that most of the buyout games on the Steam platform will not be too invested in publicity. "The gameplay is somewhat creative, and it is more suitable for live broadcast, so it will naturally become popular. There may be some help later, but it should not cost a lot of money," he said.

In the eyes of women, "paper people are perfect", and women have little chance of success in "Done"

"It’s so weird to have a Qi Sili around, the paper man is perfect!" Molly, a player of B Games, a love simulation game developed for women, stressed.

The above-mentioned woman told game practitioners that compared with the female market, the live-action interactive model is more likely to succeed in the male market. He analyzed that this is due to the difference in the mental mechanism of women and men to trigger imagination. Women can have imagination and happiness through words, but men usually have difficulty generating such brain supplements. "They rely on visual satisfaction, at least in the field of love games, they are more realistic."

Based on his own market observation experience, the practitioner concluded that women are extremely interested in the beauty of game characters, "they have fantasies about game art, characters, and even the game itself". He stressed that real-life play may destroy the perfection that women desire, while two-dimensional art is easier to meet women’s perfection requirements. To this end, the shell financial reporter asked the interviewed female players for their inner hopes of the real-life interactive B game male lead portrait, and received answers including very handsome, non-greasy, emotionally stable and the actor cannot collapse.

"If you choose a real person, girls may choose to chase stars directly," Shi Qi said. Female players interviewed by Shell Finance said they do not necessarily need to use love games to satisfy emotional needs and intimate relationships.

Cars, guns, and balls are the mainstream of the game market, and the sustainability of real-life interactive movie game products needs to be verified

"Love games are niche games. Even if’Finished ‘sells hundreds of thousands of copies now, it just seems to be popular," said the male player Li Hua. He introduced to Shell Financial reporters with years of gaming experience that the traditional "car, gun, and ball games" in Europe and the United States are the mainstream of the market. "Car" refers to fixed-speed games, "gun" refers to shooting games, and "ball" represents sports games. "Then it came to Japanese role-playing." The male player Wood also said that he prefers open-world, police and bandit racing games and other games, and "is not very interested in love games."

At present, the number of online players of "Done" has declined. According to the monthly player statistics of the little black box, as of November 22, the average online number of "Done" in October was 39,342, and the number in November was 22,028. The average online number has dropped by 44% in one month.

Wang Jialun, founder of Game Teahouse, believes that the live-action interactive movie game is a fixed track with a fixed player group, but "the scale is not certain". He also believes that "Finished" is a short-term product, and it can only be a series or IP-based if it is to be sustained, "but this is not something that ordinary companies can do". Women interviewed by Shell Finance also believe that the cost-effectiveness of IP-based games of this kind is not high, "because the cost of games is very high now".

Huatai Securities Research Report shows that the continuity of the follow-up products of this live interactive movie game needs to be verified.

"The combination of text and short video forms appeared early," the woman told game practitioners. In March 2019, Tencent launched the "1001" mobile end platform, which offered interactive narrative products including visual novels, anime and live-action dramas, but it was officially discontinued on February 8 this year. According to statistics, "Invisible Guardian" sold 1.40 million copies in 2019, but its production studio New One Studio has not yet launched a new product.

The practitioner believes that short video games such as "Finished" can be understood as FMCG, "it is similar to online articles and short dramas, and it is also a stimulating practice. After users watch it, they forget it, and then repeatedly stimulate users’ points of interest." Chen Yurong also said in an interview with "South Wind Window" that the team has borrowed the production method of short dramas, and they are more willing to position "Finished" as an "interactive imaging product" rather than a "game". He also said that he will promote exchanges with domestic platforms such as Douyin and WeChat Mini Program.

At present, the pace of content expansion in the micro-drama market is accelerating. According to the "2023-2024 China Micro-drama Market Research Report" released by iiMedia Consulting on November 22, the circulation of China’s online micro-dramas reached 150 in the third quarter of this year, nearly twice the total of last year.

On the other hand, the content ecology of micro-short dramas is uneven. Regarding the controversy caused by "Finished", Patrick Jagoda, director of the Department of Media Arts and Design at the University of Chicago, professor of the Department of Film and Media Studies and the Department of English Language and Literature, also said in an interview with Shell Finance that the issue of content ethics exists not only in the field of video games, but also in the media field in a broad sense such as movies and TV series.

The "tight hoop" of supervision on micro-short dramas has also been gradually tightened. On November 15, the China Network Audiovisual Program Service Association released an article saying that the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television will increase and refine the management of micro-short dramas in terms of formulating the "Detailed Rules for the Creation, Production and Content Review of Online Micro-Short Dramas", establishing the Mini Program "blacklist" mechanism and the online micro-short drama push statistics mechanism. (At the request of the interviewees, the interviewees except Wang Jialun are all pseudonyms)

Beijing News Shell Finance Trainee Reporter, Wei Yingzi, Reporter, Bai Jinlei, Qin Che

Editor, Yue Cai Zhou

Proofreading, Yang Xuli


Hu Ge joined the most beautiful performance for the second time: the actor is most afraid of the state

Hu Ge

Interview with Hu Ge

       "The Most Beautiful Performance" meets Hu Ge again, four years later.

  In 2015, several major dramas such as "The Pretender", "Langya Bang" and "Good Times" put him in the spotlight. That year, Hu Ge played a boxer in the "Best Performance" short film "Intermission", and went through a month-long fitness preparation for filming.

  In 2019, the 37-year-old Hu Ge switched to the film industry, starring in the film "The Wild Goose Lake", which was shortlisted for the main competition of this year’s Cannes Film Festival.

  Many people believe that acting in costume idol dramas in their 20s attracts countless fans; after the age of 35, they become movie actors, and their first films can be shortlisted for Cannes. Hu Ge’s transformation has been very successful.

  And Hu Ge himself said that whether it succeeds or not remains to be tested by the audience after the release of "The Wild Goose Lake", but at least he has taken that step.

  This year, he joined the most beautiful performance again. Hu Ge collaborated with director Diao Yinan for the second time to stage the extra part of "The Wild Goose Lake", and one person played the triangle.

  The short film went through 8 hours of pre-scheduling preparation. According to director Diao Yinan, because it was a one-shot shooting, no mistakes could be made in all aspects. All the staff were nervous, and Hu Ge was the most relaxed one on the set.

  This kind of ease and comfort is also the feeling Hu Ge gave us. Today, he is open to the transformation of male artists, fan fundraising, film and television winter and other topics, and has also contributed a lot of golden sentences.

  Chat with Diao Yinan in the background of Double 11 about the script

  Sina Entertainment: This time, one person plays the triangle. Which role are you most looking forward to?

  Hu Ge: I treat all the roles I will play and have played equally, with no favorite or least favorite.

  Sina Entertainment: Did you have any particular urge to act when you saw the script?

  Hu Ge: Of course, because first of all it still has some relevance to our movie "The Wild Goose Lake". Then two new people were added, which didn’t seem to have much to do with the movie.

  Sina Entertainment: So the character of the fugitive is Zhou Zenong, right?

  Hu Ge: Yeah.

  Sina Entertainment: This time I played a fugitive again, and I worked with director Diao Yinan again. Did it remind you of the filming of "The Wild Goose Lake" at that time?

  Hu Ge: I don’t have to imagine it. When I got to that scene later, I thought I would go back. Because it was a big night again, we basically had more than 70% to 80% of the scenes were night scenes.

  Sina Entertainment: How does it feel to work with director Diao Yinan?

  Hu Ge: He is a very pure artistic film director. Working with him, my biggest feeling is that I can forget everything and let it go. Although I have been working with him for more than half a year, although there has been a lot of suffering and pressure, looking back now, I feel that every minute and every second is very memorable for me.

  Sina Entertainment: Did you have any discussions and preparations with him in advance about this script?

  Hu Ge: Yes, we had some discussions on the details of the script characters’ creation in the background of Double 11, including styling. When we set our makeup two days ago, we re-determined the tone of today’s performances of different characters.

  Sina Entertainment: What’s your understanding of this script?

  Hu Ge: I think it is equivalent to showing a certain scene in our movie, a condensed version of a bridge, on the most beautiful performance of Sina. Of course, on the basis of the original, some new content has also been filled, expanded and imagined.

  Sina Entertainment: After reading the script, do you think the biggest challenge is the presentation of long shots?

  Hu Ge: Indeed, the biggest difficulty for this part of me today lies in the operation of the long-shot technology, including the fact that I have to play three roles on this occasion, which is also very difficult.

  Sina Entertainment: Have you had such relevant experience before?

  Hu Ge: No. But there may be more forms of this in stage plays. For example, in stage plays, I play the role one minute, and then I quickly step down and change clothes, and then I come on stage to play another role. It is often seen on stage. But it is very rare in film and television dramas.

  Sina Entertainment: So in the short film, you also need to change clothes very quickly.

  Hu Ge: Yes, so when we set makeup, we actually have a lot of early design in technology, how can we go from clothing to makeup to styling in the fastest time?

  A good actor can go to the sky as well as the earth

  Sina Entertainment: In fact, this is also the second time that Mr. Hu Ge has participated in our most beautiful performance. The last time was in 2015. Do you remember the situation at that time? What’s new this time?

  Hu Ge: I understand that the most beautiful performance of Sina is a stage for breakthroughs and challenges. The last role I played was also very far away from me, and for that performance, I also prepared for more than a month. At that time, I had to meet the director’s requirements to play a boxer. In more than a month, I built muscle and increased circumference. Although the time is short, I think whether it is a second or an hour, it should be remembered by the audience.

  After 4 years, has your understanding of the words most beautiful performance changed?

  Hu Ge: Last time, I also wrote down my understanding of the most beautiful performance on paper very carefully. This time, of course, I am also very serious. I am not lazy, but I did not write a word. I think it is difficult to define the performance in words, especially the most beautiful performance.

  Sina Entertainment: So which play or moment brought you this change in thinking?

  Hu Ge: It may be a feeling brought to me by so many years or so many characters and works. I feel that there is no standard for performance itself, and there is no standard for good or bad.

  Sina Entertainment: What do you think is your most beautiful performance moment so far?

  Hu Ge: When I’m not acting in life, I think it should be the most beautiful. You see, I just said that I can’t define it in words, I’ll define it casually now.

  Sina Entertainment: Looking back on your long experience in the industry, what stages do you think your performance has gone through?

  Hu Ge: It’s hard for me to summarize myself. Generally speaking, I used to be desperately learning tricks and routines, but now I’m desperately trying to hide these tricks and routines.

  Sina Entertainment: What do you think is the key to being a good actor?

  Hu Ge: If you can go to the sky, you can also go to the earth. Just when you are in the sky, don’t forget that you still have two legs. You can still come back and walk. Don’t forget that you have legs when you are in the sky.

  Fans’ love should not be measured by the amount of funds raised

  What do you think was the most beautiful moment in "The Wild Goose Lake"?

  Hu Ge: After the movie is released, I will tell everyone that there are no spoilers, and the mystery must be kept until December 6th.

  Sina Entertainment: What are your current expectations for this drama?

  Hu Ge: I hope its performance can be worthy of everyone’s efforts, I mean the performance of the market.

  Sina Entertainment: But you said some time ago that you don’t need fans to raise funds to support the box office.

  Hu Ge: You may have some misunderstandings about my last comment. I’m not saying that you can’t buy tickets to support it. In fact, it’s impossible. I agree with everyone buying tickets to watch my movie or booking a group to watch the movie.

  I don’t always agree with measuring or judging whether he is a senior fan or whether he is an excellent fan by the amount of fan funding. I think this is a completely wrong standard, so I don’t really want to see these things happen. Sina Entertainment: During your growth process, how did the relationship between fans and you change?

  Hu Ge: I just celebrated the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the official website some time ago, and they have always been my motivation. I know their intentions are for my own good, so I am also very grateful. I used to say that I and my fans are like friends who don’t meet each other, and we have each other in our hearts. But maybe we met on the road, but we don’t know each other. It’s such a relationship.

  I should play a role in guiding them correctly.

  Sina Entertainment: In fact, it has become an industry phenomenon for fans to raise funds to support movies or buy endorsements. Do you think this way of fans helping idols help their careers is advisable?

  Hu Ge: I am not qualified to comment on the fans of other artists. Everyone’s intentions are good, and they are all for the better development of their favorite artists in their careers. But at the level of execution and operation, everyone may have different ideas. According to my understanding and standards, I don’t want my fans to do such things.

  I found the motivation to continue in the movie

  Sina Entertainment: In the past two years, you have also participated in the shooting of some films and cooperated with some excellent directors. What do you think is your greatest achievement in these two years?

  Hu Ge: Let me find the motivation to continue acting and the courage to return to life completely. In fact, what I think I am most afraid of is a state of being unable to rise. It is like a fallen leaf that is red, but it also falls. It floats in the wind, but it has no vitality.

  Sina Entertainment: What does this mean? Does it mean that actors must transition at the age of 30 and 35?

  Hu Ge: I mean creativity and artistic vitality. For example, if a leaf is red, it will fall off. For most people, they will be afraid and anxious. They always don’t want it to fall off, but you have to think about it falling and withering, it will rot in the soil again, and it can have new life.

  Sina Entertainment: When did you lose your creative drive?

  Hu Ge: There are often such things. Not just after the age of 30 or 35, but actually when I was in my 20s, I was thinking about this issue. Because once you are characterized as a certain type of actor, or when you are imprisoned in a certain type of film and television work, it is difficult to get out of this situation.

  Sina Entertainment: Do you think your current transformation has been successful?

  Hu Ge: At least I made it out. It can’t be said to be unsuccessful. It still needs to be tested by the audience and the market, but at least I made it out.

  Sina Entertainment: Everyone knows that acting is a relatively passive chosen profession, so is it difficult to take this step? Hu Ge: Your mileage may vary, sometimes it is forced, sometimes it is active.

  Sina Entertainment: Many people think that male actors between the ages of 30 and 35 have to transform. Do you think transformation is necessary?

  Hu Ge: Not necessarily. Because if you can be an idol for a lifetime and have traffic and popularity for a lifetime, that is also a benefit. The key is how you see yourself.

  If I become an idol for a lifetime, I will only enjoy the halo of an idol, maybe not myself; but if you become an idol for a lifetime, you can continuously bring positive energy to those who like you, which is a good thing.

  Of course, some people prefer to immerse themselves in performance, and he prefers to be accomplished in art or creation, which is another way.

  But I don’t think there is a comparison, because it’s probably easier to take the first path before you’re 30. And after the age of 30, the first path may become more and more accurate.

  Sina Entertainment: As an actor, have you ever experienced the so-called midlife crisis?

  Hu Ge: Not yet. Because now I feel that I may not have really reached the stage of middle age. Of course, when I choose roles, I will deliberately avoid some roles such as my father. Maybe after I reach a certain age, only characters like my father will come to me, and when no other young characters come to me, I may have a crisis because I have no life experience. I have not become a father in my own life, so it may be a difficult thing for me to play a father, or to have a family in the play.

  Sina Entertainment: Now is the industry’s film and television winter, and many good actors will not be able to receive plays for a long time, including fewer and fewer better projects on the market. As a member of the industry, do you have any personal experience?

  Hu Ge: When winter comes, there are still many things to do. I think if filming is not to solve the problem of food and clothing, it doesn’t mean that if I don’t film, I will have no food to eat, and I will not be able to pay the rent. If there are no worries and concerns in this regard, I think when the cold winter comes, it is also a good time to maintain health, right?

  We can take the opportunity to let the original impulsive heart settle down. You can use this time to absorb and learn something new.

  Sina Entertainment: But some people may worry that if they don’t come out to film for a long time, they will be forgotten by the industry and the market.

  Hu Ge: Back to the topic just mentioned, which path do you choose? If you prefer the first path, there is indeed such a cruel reality. If you don’t appear in front of the public for a long time, your traffic popularity may drop significantly. But if you choose the second path, I don’t think it will have much impact.


Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in May

    May is coming to an end, and it’s a popular monthcell phoneIn terms of price, there has been a good trend. No matter how valuable the machine is, it cannot escape the general trend of price reduction. Time is the biggest "bargaining tool" for any mobile phone. For the Dragon Boat Festival holiday that is coming soon, many friends may have plans to travel, so it seems that it is a good time to replace a new machine at this time. So our topic today is to take stock of the price reduction rankings of popular mobile phones in May, like this month’s domestic new machinesHUAWEI P7International styleiPhone 5s,Samsung S5,HTC One M8Wait for a good performance, come and have a look.

Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in May
Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in May

190% decrease: Unicom 4G versionHuawei Ascend P7

    4G version of HuaweiAscend P7It is a product that has not been on the market for a long time, but the popularity of this machine is still very high. The new HuaweiAscend P7It is also a flagship intelligence tool that combines extreme design, good performance reserve and innovative user experienceHuawei mobile phoneIn particular, Huawei has a resource advantage in the field of communication, and has a unique advantage in the application of LTE 4G network. Moreover, Huawei’s mobile phone market share in the global smart phone market is also increasing, and its international popularity and influence are also rising.

150Mbps speed 4G Unicom 4G Huawei P7 Amazon hot sale
Pictured, Huawei AscEnd P7

    HuaweiAscend P7Use a piece on the front5 inchesThe full high definition display produced by JDI has a resolution of 1920X1080 pixels FHD level, and the display effect is very delicate. The core has a built-in 1.8GHz HiSilicon Kirin 910T quad-core processor, 2GB RAM + 16GB ROM memory combination, and runs smoothly based on the Android 4.4 system Emotion UI 2.3 user interface. There is a 13 million pixel on the back of the fuselageSonySuper lens, and its corresponding 8 million pixel ultra-wide-angle front lens.

Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in May
Pictured, HuaweiAscend P7

150Mbps speed 4G Unicom 4G Huawei P7 Amazon hot sale 150Mbps speed 4G Unicom 4G Huawei P7 Amazon hot sale 150Mbps speed 4G Unicom 4G Huawei P7 Amazon hot salePictured, HuaweiAscend P7

Editor’s comment:

    4G version of HuaweiAscend P7The performance is very good in all aspects, especially the machine uses the new HiSilicon quad-core processor independently developed, which has a good performance and energy consumption control. In addition, Huawei P7 is also very particular about the material used in the fuselage. The back uses a 7-layer coating composite process, superimposed CD texture and dot pattern, and the most extreme feel is presented to the public. At present, the latest price of the machine is only 2698 yuan, which is only 200 yuan lower than that just listed. Obviously, this discount is still quite high. Friends who like it can pay more attention during the holidays.

China Unicom 4G HuaweiAscend P7(Licensed goods with invoice)
[Product price] 2698 yuan
[Sales Merchant] Honest Youth
[Merchant phone] 010-51282881 
[Business address] S1703, 1st Floor, South Area, Block B, Dinghao Electronic Mall, No. 3 Haidian Street, Haidian District, Beijing (enter at the southeast gate of Dinghao, enter at the entrance next to McDonald’s dessert shop, and enter on the left hand side of the elevator)

Investigation area: Is your phone set with a lock screen password?(Click to preview to see the effect)

Direct drop of 200: licensed goodsiPhone 5s A1530 version

    It is quite exciting to see such a drop. Licensed goods have always been relatively limited in terms of price reduction, and the current price is a full price difference of 500 yuan compared to the official website price, which is already favorable enough. In terms of market channels, the price of the modified version is much lower than that of the licensed version, but the price of the Hong Kong version is currently relatively stable and has not changed much in the past month; the price of the US version and the Japanese version is the cheapest, and even infinitely close to 3K, but because it is a locked version and does not support domestic 4G, the reference value is not very large.

Dragon Boat Festival big price 4G version golden apple 5s Amazon big drop
Pictured here, AppleiPhone5s

    appleiPhone5sScreen adoption4 inchesRetina retina screen with a resolution of 1136X640 pixels. The core side uses a 64-bit Apple A7 processor for the first time and a built-in M7 coprocessor, which is aimed atcell phoneAccelerometer, compass, gyroscope and other sensors are controlled; and the 5s Home button adds a sensor ring to support Touch ID fingerprint recognition technology. In terms of photography, the pixel has been increased to 1.5μm, which greatly improves the amount of light entering, supports 10 continuous shots, and Slo-Mo slow photography function. In addition, there are dual Ture tone flashes on the back of the fuselage for the first time, one is white and one is warm, for the correct color adjustment balance.

Dragon Boat Festival big price 4G version golden apple 5s Amazon big drop
Pictured here, AppleiPhone5s

Dragon Boat Festival big price 4G version golden apple 5s Amazon big drop Dragon Boat Festival big price 4G version golden apple 5s Amazon big drop Dragon Boat Festival big price 4G version golden apple 5s Amazon big dropPictured here, AppleiPhone5s

Editor’s comment:

    Gold 16GB AppleiPhone5sToday in the Amazon Mall promotion, the machine’s biggest advantage is that in addition to supporting mobile TD-LTE and TD-SCDMA networks, it also supports China Unicom’s WCDMA 3G network. Obviously, the network coverage is much better than that of the mobile 4G version. It is also a current licensed AppleiPhone5sThe most noteworthy version in. Currently Gold 16GB AppleiPhone5s The latest offer for the A1530 version on Amazon is 4799 yuan, which is 200 yuan lower than before. Friends who are interested in it can take advantage of it before the Dragon Boat Festival.

Golden AppleiPhone5s A1530 (licensed)

[Preferential price] 4799 yuan. Amazon Apple Promotes 11-inch MBA Delivered to Home at Ultra Low Price

[Promotional Merchant] Z.CN  Amazon Apple Promotes 11-inch MBA Delivered to Home at Ultra Low Price 

Decrease of 300:Xiaomi mobile phone3 (official website)

    milletcell phone3 in this May can be said to be eye-catching, not only in the purchase mode no longer need to make an appointment, or F code purchase, and more directly is a direct drop of 300 yuan, although some people say that this is because of the price reduction of Meizu MX3 and forced to "take over", but anyway the result is good, obviously in May, the popularity of Mi 3 has exceeded that of other products in the same door, and even the popularity is highRedmi NoteEnhanced version. In addition, the telecom version of Xiaomi 3 is also on sale at the same time, supporting Unicom and Telecom dual 3G, which is very practical.

MX3/Dashen 1S leads 2K with high popularity and perfect mobile phone recommendation
The picture shows the telecom version of Xiaomi Mi Phone 3 (for reference only)

    The thickness of the telecom version of Xiaomi Mi Mobile Phone 3 is only 8.1mm, and it adopts a magnesium-aluminum alloy integrated body; on the screen, the machine is equipped with a Sharp/LG joint build5 inchesIPS display, and adopts OGS single glass full lamination technology, the resolution reaches 1080P FHD level, the pixel density is 441PPI, and supports ultra-sensitive touch. Core aspect: It adopts Qualcomm 2.3GHz Snapdragon 801 MSM8674AB version quad-core processor, and a memory combination of 2GB RAM + 16GB ROM.

MX3/Dashen 1S leads 2K with high popularity and perfect mobile phone recommendation
The picture shows the telecom version of Xiaomi Mi Phone 3 (for reference only)

Editor’s comment:

    The telecom version of Xiaomi Mi 3 is available on Xiaomi’s official website, and the cost performance is still quite high, although Xiaomi has not released the expectedMi 3SHowever, at this stage, the products are actually sufficient to cope with the competitors around them. The comprehensive strength of the Mi 3 is still relatively outstanding. Although it is not the strongest in the industry in terms of design or performance, it seems that it is still a national quad-core mobile phone recognized by everyone. Obviously, the brand recognition has sufficient influence on its products.

Telecom version Xiaomi phone 3 (licensed)
[Product price] 1699 yuan
[Sales merchant] Xiaomi official website

Drop 300: Curved screen quad-core LG G Flex

    LG G FlexIt can be regarded as a very rare product. In addition to its unique OLED curved screen, the machine is also better than others in terms of value preservationcell phoneMore powerful, obviously the current price is not easy, if you want to experience the latest technology, then LG G FlexIt’s a good choice. Obviously, curved screens will also become the future development trend. If the current OLED curved screens are too expensive to accept, curved screen phones can still be considered. In short, the visual experience will be amazing.

Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in May
The picture shows LG G Flex

    LG G FlexThere is a 6-inch POLED curved display on the front, with a resolution of 1280X720 pixels HD level, and the display effect is very clear. There is also a 13 million pixel high definition camera on the back of the fuselage, including LED fill light, and its corresponding 2.10 million pixel front lens. The core aspect has a built-in 2.2GHz Snapdragon 800 series quad-core processor, including 2GB RAM + 32GB ROM memory combination, which runs the Android 4.2.2 system smoothly.

Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in May
The picture shows LG G Flex

Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in May Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in May Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in May
The picture shows LG G Flex

Editor’s comment:

    LG G Flex D958 is a very special product. The main feature of this machine is the use of a curved screen, and the screen size has increased to6 inchesAlthough the resolution does not reach 1080P, it can still bring enough stunning results to users in the actual use experience, which obviously shows LG’s absolute dominance in imaging. Currently curved screen quad-core big coffee LG G FlexThe price on JD.com is 3,999 yuan, a direct drop of 300 yuan. Friends who are interested in it can follow it.

LG G Flex D958 (licensed)
[Product selling price] 3999 yuan (direct drop of 300)
[Sales merchant] JD.com
[Related Links] http://item.jd.com/1045274.html

Decrease of 400:Seven inches.8-Core CoolPad God

    The CoolPad is the first smartphone to reach 7 inches and feature an eight-core processor solutioncell phoneWith the upcoming upgrade of the machine CoolPad God 1S, the machine has also made a very big concession in terms of price. It can be said that 400 yuan is still quite sincere for such a flagship product, and looking at the machine’s sales of more than 10,000 on JD.com. It can also be seen that consumers’ recognition of this super cross-border mobile phone is still very high, which also lays the market foundation for the next product.

Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in May
The picture shows the CoolPad god

    The front of the CoolPad God adopts a 7-inch black diamond-level full-fit display with a resolution of 1920X1200 pixels, and the display effect is very outstanding. The core has a built-in 1.7GHz MediaTek MT6592 octa-core processor and a memory combination of 2GB RAM + 8GB ROM, which runs Android 4.2 smoothly and its integrated new CoolLife UI 5.5 control platform. The back of the fuselage has an f/2.0 super aperture 13 million pixelsSonyStacked camera, and its corresponding 5 million pixel front lens.

Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in May
The picture shows the CoolPad god

Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in May Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in May Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in May
The picture shows the CoolPad god

Editor’s comment:

    The CoolPad feels quite domineering, and the price of the whole machine is not expensive, not as high as its screen size, which is commendable. In addition, the thickness of the machine is only 7.6mm, familiar with AppleiPhone5sYour friends must be familiar with such parameters. In addition, the machine is also very elegant in workmanship. The screen uses the strongest new generation of gorilla glass, and the light transmittance is also very high. At present, the latest price of CoolPad is 1488 yuan, which has dropped by 400 yuan for the first time. If you like it, come and have a look.

CoolPad God (licensed goods)
[Product price] 1488 yuan (direct drop)
[Sales Merchant] JD.com
[Related Links] http://item.jd.com/1039332.html

Decrease of 400: Quad-coreSAMSUNG GALAXY S5

    SamsungGALAXY S5The performance throughout May was also very good, especially in terms of the revision machine, which was more cost-effective. Although it was missing in the domestic mobile 4G network, the machine was no different from licensed goods in terms of appearance and performance, including the newly added fingerprint recognition function, heart rate monitoring, and IP67-level dustproof and waterproof, etc. Therefore, if funds are limited, or friends who are not currently interested in mobile 4G can choose this cost-effective international versionSamsung S5

Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in May
Pictured, SamsungGALAXY S5

    SamsungGALAXY S5The front is equipped with a5.1 inchesFHD Super AMOLED display, with a resolution of 1920X1080 pixels FHD level, the display effect is excellent; and on the back of the fuselage, there is an ISOCELL sensor16 million pixelsSuper lens, including LED fill light, can easily support 4K video recording, etc. The core has a built-in 2.5GHz Snapdragon 801 quad-core processor, and a memory combination of 2GB RAM + 16GB ROM.

Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in May
Pictured, SamsungGALAXY S5

Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in May Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in May Dragon Boat Festival purchase, see here the list of popular mobile phone price reductions in MayPictured, SamsungGALAXY S5

Editor’s comment:

    SamsungGALAXY S5Recently, the promotion of the machine has increased again, and the performance of all aspects of the machine is very good, especially the price is also loose again. Compared with the listing, it has fallen below the 3K5 mark after a month or so, which is really happy. Obviously, the price of the machine is much lower than the licensed version, and the competitiveness has greatly increased. Currently 16GB SamsungGALAXY S5The latest offer is 3399 yuan. This machine is a very good sports product. It is no longer afraid of sudden accidents and is very practical.

SamsungGALAXY S5(European version)
[ReferencePrice] 3399 yuan
[SalesMerchant] Guomao SOHO Special Offercell phonenet 
[Business phone] 13910199938
[Store address] 1107, Building 3, Soho Modern City, No. 88 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, take the subway to Dawang Road Station, and take the bus to Bawangfen Station! Drive 2 kilometers east of Guomao Bridge.

500% decrease: 4G versionHTC One M8

    HTC One M8The decrease seems obvious, of course, this is related to the high licensed price, but in any case, the current price of the machine has a gap of nearly 1,000 yuan compared with the official price. Of course, the official price includes a smart stand-up display leather case, and the products purchased in the market obviously will not entrain this to consumers, so how to choose is up to you. From the product side, this machine supports TD-LTE 4G network, and is divided into mobile and China Unicom two frequency bands 4G, and the metal body is very high grade.

Unicom 4G helps HTC One M8w Amazon drop 300
The picture shows the HTC 4G version of Unicom. One M8W (for reference only)

    Unicom 4G version HTC One M8W Positive adoption5 inchesCapacitive multi-touch screen, the resolution reaches 1920X1080 pixel FHD level, the pixel density is maintained at 441PPI, and the display effect is excellent. In addition, there is a 4 million pixel lens with Ultrapixels ultimate pixel concept on the back of the fuselage, as well as a depth of field camera, and includes dual LED fill light. On the core side, there is a Snapdragon 801 quad-core processor with a main frequency of 2.5GHz, and a memory combination of 2GB RAM + 16GB ROM, running the new Android 4.4 system.

Unicom 4G helps HTC One M8w Amazon drop 300
The picture shows the HTC 4G version of Unicom. One M8W (for reference only)

Unicom 4G helps HTC One M8w Amazon drop 300 Unicom 4G helps HTC One M8w Amazon drop 300 Unicom 4G helps HTC One M8w Amazon drop 300The picture shows the HTC 4G version of Unicom. One M8W (for reference only)

Editor’s comment:

    Unicom 4G version HTC One M8W was quoted a good price before the Dragon Boat Festival, and the machine has long since fallen below the 4K5 mark. This is indeed a rare thing for the new 4G flagship. Consumers will naturally feel very happy, especially students who like HTC’s metal style. And the back of the machine also uses a metal wire drawing process, which is especially obvious in sufficient light conditions, which further highlights HTC’s manufacturing technology level. Currently Unicom’s 4G version of HTC One M8W’s latest offer on Amazon is 4,300 yuan, which has dropped by as much as 300 yuan. Interested friends can pay attention. 

Unicom 4G version HTC One M8W (licensed)

[Preferential price] 4300Yuan Amazon Apple Promotes 11-inch MBA Delivered to Home at Ultra Low Price

[Promotional Merchant] Z.CN Amazon Apple Promotes 11-inch MBA Delivered to Home at Ultra Low Price

500 + Decline: Mobile 4GSonyZ2 L50t

    Mobile 4G version of SonyXperia Z2 L50t in 4G flagshipcell phoneIt still occupies a strong enough position in theSONY Z1The upgraded version of the, in all aspects of the performance is very outstanding, and the random access memory upgrade to 3GB RAM is also better than thisSamsung S5withHTC One M8The two flagships are obviously very good for the overall smoothness of the Sony Z2, not to mention that Sony has always performed well in system optimization. Simplicity and propriety are its style and attitude.

Mobile 4G flagship, Sony Z2 L50t Amazon pre-holiday promotion
Pictured, SonyXperia Z2 L50t

    The front of the Sony Z2 L50t features a 5.2-inch 1080P display screen, and uses Sony TRILUMINOS Terri Charm Color mobile display technology and X-Reality Xunrui image processing engine mobile version, the display effect will be more realistic. In terms of core, the machine is also equipped with a 2.3GHz Snapdragon 801 quad-core processor, as well as a 3GB RAM + 16GB ROM memory combination, which can run Android 4.4 system perfectly. And in terms of photography, there are nearly perfect settings20.70 million pixelsSony G lens and BIONZ image processor assist, support 4K video recording function.

Mobile 4G flagship, Sony Z2 L50t Amazon pre-holiday promotion
Pictured, SonyXperia Z2 L50t

Mobile 4G flagship, Sony Z2 L50t Amazon pre-holiday promotion Mobile 4G flagship, Sony Z2 L50t Amazon pre-holiday promotion Mobile 4G flagship, Sony Z2 L50t Amazon pre-holiday promotionPictured, SonyXperia Z2 L50t

Editor’s comment:

    Mobile 4G version of SonyXperia Z2 L50t dropped again today, the current price of the machine is the same asHTC The One M8 is not much different, and the two products are indeed of the same level. Obviously, Sony Xperia focuses on aesthetic design and extreme audio and video experience. Of course, the metal body of HTC One M8 will not lose to Sony. Speaking of differences, the user experience styles of the two may be different. In short, the final choice is yours. At present, the machine is priced at 4,160 yuan in merchants. Friends who like it can consider it.

Mobile 4G version Sony Z2 L50t (licensed goods with invoice)
[Product price] 4160 yuan
[Sales merchant] Thumb Telecom
[Business phone] 010-82536899 15600229998
[Business address] DB218B, Zhongguancun Science and Trade Office Building, Haidian District, Beijing


    The above models are very popular products with a large drop in May. Overall, these products perform well, especially during this festival. It is still worth paying attention to. It is about to enter the last month of the Q2 quarter, and the new products in the first half of the year will basically come to an end, so now is the time to start comparing. From January to the present, there are still many new machines in the first half of this year, so there is a lot of room to choose from. You can consider it from a design perspective, performance, user experience, and features. Don’t rush to make a conclusion. Look more and you will always gain.

May is about to pass, and during this month, popular mobile phones have shown a good trend in terms of price. No matter how valuable the machine is, it cannot escape the general trend of price reduction. Time is the biggest "bargaining weapon" for any mobile phone. For the coming Dragon Boat Festival holiday, many friends may have plans to travel, so it seems like a good time to replace a new phone.

Pang Chao


132020 yuan, Geely icon Galaxy limited edition guide price released

  On December 23, the high-profile Geely icon officially announced the official price of its "Galaxy Limited Edition" model at 13,2020 yuan. The 2020-unit Geely icon Galaxy Limited Edition was booked out in 15 minutes at the Guangzhou Auto Show a month ago, becoming one of the few new cars that were quickly booked without announcing the pre-sale price. It is reported that after the price is announced, users who buy the model will enjoy the delivery of the vehicle from January 1, 2020.

  As a limited edition model, the new car is equipped with 1.5TD + 7DCT + 48V light hybrid power, L2 + level intelligent driving assistance, as well as exclusive car color painting, master-level exclusive chassis, and 19-inch wheels and Continental tires. Although the new car has not yet been listed, the official has only announced the single price of the model, but it can be generally judged that the price of the Galaxy limited edition of 132020 yuan basically sets the price limit of Geely icon. Compared with the same level of joint venture models such as CH-R, X-RV, Tangge and other top matching prices of about 170,000 yuan, Geely icon has obvious value advantages.

  It is worth mentioning that Geely icon has seven car colors, in addition to the "Galaxy Limited Edition" exclusive color scheme ICON 50 ° gray, Geely icon also has ICON 80 ° gray, ICON blue, ICON green, ICON gold, ICON red, ICON white, to meet the aesthetic needs of young users.

  Geely icon is based on the BMA architecture to achieve a maximum wheelbase utilization rate of 68.7% in the same class. On the 2640mm superior wheelbase in the same class, the front and rear seat spaces reach A class and the head space reaches A + class. In addition, Geely icon applies AQS air quality management system, PM2.5 monitoring purification and 2 million/cm3 negative ion generator to create an ecological purification cabin.

  Geely icon is equipped with a dual integration solution of 13 radars and 5 cameras, and the advanced driver assistance system reaches the L2 + level. The same class has unique and leading 540 ° all-terrain images, the only 360 ° driving recorder in the same class, and the whole system comes standard with a new generation of APA fully automatic parking. There are more than ten safety technologies such as ICC adaptive cruise, AEB city pre-collision system, LKA lane keeping, AEB city pre-collision system, and SLIF traffic speed limit sign recognition.

  In terms of induction technology, Geely icon supports the unique intelligent sensing functions of the same level, such as inductive door handles, inductive lights to welcome guests, and inductive ambient lights. In terms of Internet technology, it is equipped with the leading GKUI intelligent network system, dialogue-level "AI voice interaction", and two unique 10.25-inch full-color LCD screens of the same level can be swiped with three fingers to achieve dual-screen interaction, making driving more convenient and safer. In addition, Geely icon is also equipped with avant-garde technologies such as wireless charging, mobile phone keys, and car enjoyment home, which customize exclusive digital technology travel solutions for users.

  Geely icon is equipped with front McPherson independent suspension and rear multi-link independent suspension, which are precisely adjusted by an international master team. And, Geely icon has sports and comfortable dual-mode chassis adjustment models to meet more user requests. In addition, large-size brake discs and 19-inch high-end tires give Geely icon a 35-meter sports car-level braking distance.

  Geely icon is equipped with a 1.5TD direct injection turbocharged engine and a 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, matched with 48V BSG light hybrid technology. The maximum power of the vehicle reaches 140kW, the peak torque is 300N? m, and the 100-kilometer acceleration only takes 7.9s, surpassing the mainstream joint venture brand models of Toyota C-HR and Volkswagen Tangge. The strong power also takes into account economy. With an ultra-low fuel consumption of 5.7L/100km, it brings consumers a hearty power performance and a comfortable and economical car experience.

  As a masterpiece of BMA’s global modular architecture, Geely icon refreshes the value experience of Chinese brand SUVs with leapfrog quality. Compared with Toyota C-HR, Honda XR-V, Volkswagen Tangge and other hot-selling mainstream A-class SUVs in the market, the price of about 17-200,000, Geely icon Galaxy limited edition guide price of 132020 yuan, further highlighting the value competitive advantage. It is reported that the real car has arrived in the store, and it is expected that the model will be equipped with fuel and light mixed two kinds of power. In addition, Geely icon will be officially launched in Quarter 1 in 2020, and more model prices will be announced when it is listed.


The maximum discount can reach tens of thousands of yuan! 2023 Zhongshan Spring Auto Show has many highlights.

On the morning of March 17th, the 2023 Zhongshan Spring Auto Show sponsored by Zhongshan Daily and Zhongshan Automobile Distribution Association was held in Zhongshan Expo Center under the guidance of Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of Commerce. As the first large-scale indoor auto show subsidized by Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of Commerce in the first quarter, this auto show covers an area of about 10,000 square meters and lasts for three days (March 17-19), attracting nearly 80 auto dealers and over 30 auto brands from all over the city.

On March 17th, 2023 Zhongshan Spring Auto Show opened in Zhongshan Expo Center. Reporter Miao Xiaojian photo

Nearly 80 automobile dealers and over 30 automobile brands participated in the exhibition.

At 10 o’clock in the morning, people came to Zhongshan Expo Center to watch the exhibition in an endless stream. The car brands participating in the exhibition basically cover the mainstream hot-selling new energy and fuel vehicles on the market, and the new models with beautiful colors and smooth lines are very eye-catching.

Various new models are very eye-catching. Reporter Miao Xiaojian photo

It is understood that,Nearly 80 automobile dealers and over 30 automobile brands came to the exhibition.Among them, there are mainstream models of Japanese and European joint venture brands, and many first-line brands in China, such as Changan and Geely, as well as new energy vehicle brands (such as Nezha, Zero Run, etc.), which can meet the needs of different customers in an all-round way.

At the auto show, many exhibitors offered discounts such as limited time reduction, trade-in, and gift packages. In order to attract consumers’ attention, some exhibitors also made lemon tea, distributed small gifts and launched promotional activities such as smashing golden eggs.

Citizens get on the bus and experience it for themselves. Reporter Miao Xiaojian photo

With the help of the government, we will continue to promote consumption activities.

In order to vigorously carry out automobile consumption promotion activities and fully promote the expansion of automobile consumption in Zhongshan, the subsidies provided by Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of Commerce for the 2023 Zhongshan Spring Auto Show includeParticipating car dealers (subsidizing participation fees and sales incentives) and car buyers (consuming red envelopes), of which a total of investment was made.Spend 10 million yuan on red envelopes.In addition, customers who successfully bought cars during the auto show can also participate in the lucky draw provided by the organizer on the spot, and the winner can get the highest prize.1000 yuan fuel card.

It is reported that consumers can enjoy the most when buying a car during this auto show."Car dealer discount+consumption red envelope+on-site lottery"Triple discount,The maximum amount can reach tens of thousands of yuan..

The Municipal Bureau of Commerce subsidized the "2023 Auto Show Consumption Red Packet" for this auto show.

It is understood that Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of CommerceThis year, we will continue to support at least two large-scale auto shows held throughout the city.In addition, the "Zhongshan Tesco" series of consumer promotion activities will continue to be carried out, making car purchase concessions more "intimate" and "effective".

[Exhibition Guide]

Exhibition location:Zhongshan Expo Center

Exhibition time:March 17-19, 9: 00-17: 30.


Lovely China: Showing Do not forget your initiative mind’s Faith Power.

  "Lovely China" seminar site. Information picture

  editorial comment/note

  Recently, the TV series "Lovely China", which reflects the revolutionary deeds of the martyr Fang Zhimin, was broadcast in a prime-time program of CCTV, which triggered a warm response from all walks of life. On July 30th, a seminar on the TV series "Lovely China" sponsored by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Municipal Bureau of Literature and Art and the TV drama department of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television was held in Beijing. The experts, scholars and ordinary audience at the meeting agreed that "The Lovely China is a work with heart, hard work and emotion, and a play with rich historical value and distinctive theme of the times". The play is highly compatible with the ongoing education of "Do not forget your initiative mind, Remember Mission" by the whole party, and is highly praised for its profound thoughts, exquisite art and excellent production.

  This newspaper abstracts the speeches of experts and scholars, creative teams, media representatives and audience attending the seminar for readers.

  Belief supports spiritual height

  Li Zhun (Honorary Chairman of Chinese Literary Critics Association)

  Fang Zhimin is a pure the Communist Party of China (CPC) man, and his devotion to lofty beliefs left us an example and peak that we should always look up to. Lovely China is a new discovery of the spiritual quality of Fang Zhimin and Fang Zhimin, which has made a new breakthrough in the pursuit of new spiritual height, cultural connotation and artistic value. The play puts Fang Zhimin’s life in the context of the Chinese nation’s exploration of the revolutionary road, highlights his main activities, and proves the importance of the great choice of "encircling the city from the countryside". In addition, the play strongly presents the concept of organization and overall situation, and has strong historical penetration and practical enlightenment. Fang Zhimin is a truly pure communist party native. He has always been dedicated to the organization and the Central Committee, and strictly enforced organizational discipline. In the process of portraying Fang Zhimin’s characters, the play emphasizes the power of revolutionary belief, and especially devotes itself to showing his unique personality charm and spiritual appeal because of his firm and lofty belief.

  "Lovely China" was breathtaking and played the role of Bacon’s soul-building. Fang Zhimin’s belief runs through the whole play from beginning to end, which is very real. In the face of any difficult crisis, Fang Zhimin always has a strategically advantageous position and calmly smiles at everything with great confidence in the road ahead, which is an inspiration, an infection and a guide for the audience. Fang Zhimin’s belief strength and personality charm strongly support the spiritual height of this film, and also support the spiritual height of film and television creation.

  "Do not forget your initiative mind, remember the mission." Fang Zhimin is a mirror, and The Lovely China is also a mirror. Everyone in communist party should take it as a mirror and draw strength from it.

  A new breakthrough in the theme of revolutionary history

  Chengxiang Zhong (librarian in central research institute of culture and history, chairman of Chinese Literary Critics Association)

  Whether a work can meet the requirements of the development of literature and art in the new era depends on whether it has a spiritual height, whether it embodies the most advanced ideas of mankind, and whether it has explored the profundity and richness of the human world. Considering from these aspects, The Lovely China can be said to be a new achievement and breakthrough in the creation of major revolutionary historical themes in the history of China’s TV drama development, and it can be called a fine work of art for the current education on the theme of "Do not forget your initiative mind, keep in mind the mission".

  Lovely China artistically reproduces Fang Zhimin’s core spiritual world. Fang Zhimin devoted himself to the revolution with the initial intention of national rejuvenation, which is in line with the initial intention of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. On the other hand, Fang Zhimin has no personal interests except his dedication to the motherland and the people. This work embodies this advanced idea, which makes the audience’s spirit baptized and soul shocked. What’s more, this drama typically adheres to the creative concept of creating fine works, and it is first-class in today’s TV drama creation, whether it is the creation of its historical atmosphere, the characterization of characters or the presentation of details.

  On the occasion of welcoming the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, this work is a sincere gift. I call on the TV industry to produce more such fine works, and TV stations should broadcast more such works to help literary and artistic creation create a new situation in the new era.

  An ode to patriotism

  Zhao Tong (Director, Theoretical Research Division, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Television Art Center)

  The TV series "Lovely China" takes us, following Fang Zhimin’s footsteps, looking back at the stormy years, appreciating the original heart of China’s pure child, inheriting the power of ideals and beliefs, and drawing a blueprint for national rejuvenation.

  This drama is a work of heart, hard work and emotion. It is a drama with rich historical value and distinctive theme of the times, which clearly and thoroughly presents the experience of the Chinese nation and the historical responsibility shouldered by the Communist Party of China (CPC) people. The innovation of the play shows the value of the creator’s intention. In the past, the works describing the agrarian revolutionary war focused on the layout of the battle, the shaping of the style of the generals and the rendering of the war scenes. While writing this aspect thoroughly, this drama also describes the economic construction of the base area at a considerable length, and the full exploration of the red economy has become the uniqueness of this drama. In the play, the value of historical stories lies not only in remembrance and encouragement, but also in warning and warning. By contrast, the creator tried hard to link history with reality, highlighting the power of ideals and beliefs. Fame and wealth and ideal belief are sharp opposites in the play, which brings deep thinking to the audience.

  The play is an ode to patriotism. It eulogized Fang Zhimin, the son of the Chinese nation and a loyal soldier of the Communist Party of China (CPC). In the struggle of "two hundred years", Fang Zhimin wrote "Lovely China" and the TV series "Lovely China" which described Fang Zhimin’s deeds, both of which are deeply engraved on the initial heart of history and are powerful responses to the call of duty.

  Artistic innovation sublimates classics.

  Wang Shoude (former director of the General Political and Art Bureau)

  The TV series "Lovely China" tells us, through a character like Fang Zhimin, where New China came from, how New China came from, where China is going today and how to get there.

  The combination of the vertical linear narrative and the horizontal local development of the play is natural and smooth, which shows that great efforts have been made from the screenwriter to the director. In addition, the main story of the protagonist and the profile description are also in place. The whole revolutionary history of Fang Zhimin is fully displayed, which gives the audience a deep understanding of the characters. At the same time, the drama does not confine its vision to Fang Zhimin alone, but enlarges this perspective and affirms Fang Zhimin’s contribution through others’ narration, which makes the story more real and helps the audience understand Fang Zhimin’s role in the China Revolution. The reason why the play can achieve the broadcast effect of "moistening things quietly" is that it has not followed the map in the existing materials, but has realized the combination of historical reproduction and classic sublimation. By watching The Lovely China, the audience not only learned about the revolutionary history at that time, but also learned about Fang Zhimin’s actions, and felt his emotions and spirit. Fang Zhimin’s firm quality is expressed in a soft way, which is touching. The whole drama has brought incisive aesthetic enjoyment and profound ideological implication. The theme of revolutionary history is not a simple educational material, but a work of art itself, which can strengthen the audience’s ideological and artistic beliefs. Lovely China combines its education and artistry very skillfully, and many revolutionary thoughts and spirits of Fang Zhimin are expressed in the play, which is thought-provoking.

  For an unforgettable memory.

  Wu Ziniu (director of the TV series "Lovely China")

  Today, we filmed the TV series "Lovely China" to relive the bravery and heroism of Fang Zhimin martyrs who died fighting for lofty beliefs. The whole shooting process is a process of learning from and paying tribute to heroes, which is solemn and moving. As a director or an ordinary audience, I deeply feel that it is with Qian Qian’s revolutionary martyrs like Fang Zhimin that China is today.

  "The enemy can only cut off our heads, but they can’t shake our faith." Fang Zhimin, a believer’s swan song 84 years ago, penetrated the historical time and space, and is still inspiring. On August 6th, 1935, when Fang Zhimin’s tall body fell heavily in Xiashawo, his great spirit stood permanently on the land of China. His writings in prison, including "Lovely China", "Poor" and other immortal masterpieces, show the height of a believer’s spiritual world and set an example for today’s young people in China.

  "If we lose the memory of history, our hearts will be lost in the dark." "Forgetting the past means betrayal!" These famous aphorisms should be engraved in the hearts of all China people. We should always remember and cherish the memory of great men, and learn from them personally, so as to contribute to the construction of a lovely China.

  The great man’s spirit shines forever.

  Wen Yanxia (one of the writers of the TV series "Lovely China")

  The TV series "Lovely China" ended successfully, and achieved a double harvest of ratings and word of mouth. As a member of the screenwriter team, my heart is full of gratitude and glory. Well-made film and television plays must be the perfect presentation of team wisdom, and the birth of the TV series "Lovely China" fully proves this point.

  "Lovely China" held many screenplay demonstration meetings, invited experts to take the pulse of the screenplay, and firmly grasped the front end of the screenplay creation. During the filming and production, the top directors, excellent actors and powerful post-production company were invited, thus ensuring the excellent quality of the play. During the creation, the screenwriter team designed various schemes based on in-depth interviews and extensive reading, and combed the life stories of Fang Zhimin martyrs. Finally, it decided to start from Fang Zhimin’s revolutionary stories in the four periods of national revolution, Soviet construction, anti-Japanese war in the north, and prison struggle, and on the basis of respecting major historical facts, use fictional little people to thread the needle and turn the originally loose historical events into "pushers" for plot development. In addition, through the plot line of revolutionary friendship between Mao Zedong and Fang Zhimin, we fully show the spiritual connection of interdependence and mutual growth between the revolutionary base areas in northeast Jiangxi and the Central Soviet Area, so that Fang Zhimin’s spiritual quality and the spirits of communist party people such as Jinggangshan spirit, Soviet area spirit and Long March spirit can shine each other and shine forever.

  Let the heroic spirit observe the present.

  Jungle (the actor of Fang Zhimin in the TV series "Lovely China")

  I am honored to participate in the TV series "Lovely China" and play the important role of Fang Zhimin. For an actor, it may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play a revolutionary hero who is admired by countless people. I am really lucky.

  I was deeply impressed by two scenes that reflected Fang Zhimin’s inner world. One scene is a scene in which Fang Zhimin is arrested in the mountains. At that time, it was winter in Hengdian. I was lying barefoot on the ground, soaked to the skin, and the cold invaded my bones, and my willpower reached its limit. There is also a scene of the public trial meeting of Yuzhang Park. Fang Zhimin got off the prison car and walked to the public platform. I put my feet, which weighed ten pounds, in chains on my feet, and I was already sweating with pain after a few steps. Unlike me, Fang Zhimin only wore the shackles for a few hours. He did wear them for several months, and he had a serious lung disease. These two scenes made me realize how strong Fang Zhimin’s will is, and let me see what is the real communist party people and what is the power of faith.

  The appearance of "Lovely China" coincided with the time when we should learn about Fang Zhimin, that era and how many martyrs like Fang Zhimin shed their blood for the future of our motherland. Only in this way can we observe the present, inherit Fang Zhimin’s spirit of "patriotism, dedication, poverty and creativity" and live a meaningful life.

  Knock on the echo in the heart

  Yuan Xinwen (Director of Literature and Art Department of People’s Daily)

  The TV series "Lovely China" does not simply repeat the characterization techniques and historical biographical narrative methods of major revolutionary historical themes in the past, but uses new ideas, new contents and new forms to impress the audience and make people feel shocked from the depths of their hearts in spirit. Specifically, I think it has three characteristics: one is to reflect the glory of faith, the other is to explore the spiritual world, and the third is to show the charm of personality.

  The play closely revolves around the course of Fang Zhimin’s 16-year revolutionary career, pushing his firm ideals and beliefs, his belief in communism and his understanding of the cause of communism to a new height. Through the in-depth exploration of Fang Zhimin’s spiritual world, the play has found new discoveries and new presentations. Fang Zhimin is not only a pure communist party person, but also a person whose personality charm can impress, conquer and influence people. By highlighting the image of Fang Zhimin, I think we have grasped the "key" and the core of character construction. Directors and actors used a lot of details to describe the process of Fang Zhimin’s growth from an ordinary farmer to an important leader of our party’s revolution. His development and progress were described in detail, which is also an important foundation and premise for the characters to stand up.

  Lovely China is not only a vivid teaching material, but also a valuable artistic masterpiece. We have the responsibility and obligation to publicize such works well, so that more people can be infected by fine works of art, so that more young people can fall in love with our heroes, truly worship heroes and establish correct values and outlook on life by watching this play.

  Made a vivid interpretation of the "four self-confidences"

  Deng Kai (Executive Director of Literature and Art Department of Guangming Daily)

  The drama "Lovely China" makes the audience touch and feel a real, warm, comprehensive and clear Fang Zhimin, and from Fang Zhimin, we can see the perfect personality of communist party people beyond the traditional intellectuals in China. The traditional intellectuals in China, "if you are rich, you will help the world, and if you are poor, you will be immune to it", while Fang Zhimin, as a prisoner, is in a dangerous situation and still has a heart for the sky; Still not frustrated, work for the party in a special way in a special environment. With his qualifications, knowledge and ability, he could be an exquisite egoist, but he didn’t, but chose a narrow path that surprised ordinary people. Bernard Shaw said: "A rational person should change himself to adapt to the environment. Only those who are irrational will want to change the environment to adapt themselves. But history is created by the latter. " Fang Zhimin is such a person — — A man of firm faith, a sentient and righteous man with tears in his eyes.

  The beauty of this drama lies in the organic combination of grand narrative and individual description. Road self-confidence, theoretical self-confidence, institutional self-confidence and cultural self-confidence, how to understand these theoretical issues? This play gives a vivid interpretation through Fang Zhimin’s choice of revolutionary road and the reappearance of his fate.

  The value of this drama lies in its strong response to the phenomena of "historical nihilism", discrediting heroes and deconstructing sublimity with sincere expression based on real history, achieving "profound thinking, exquisite art and excellent production" and opening up a new realm of film and television creation with revolutionary historical themes.

  There is always a force that keeps us going.

  Xu Yi (2018 graduate student of Zhejiang University)

  In the TV series "Lovely China", we can see the struggle track of a generation of communist party people from Fang Zhimin’s magnificent life, their unyielding national integrity and firm revolutionary ideals, and the youth they have forged with their lives, their bloody initial heart and friendship.

  For the young people at that time, it was their initial intention and mission to seek the road of national rejuvenation, national independence and people’s happiness when the country was struggling.

  I often think about this question: From "two and a half rifles" to revolutionary armed forces of ten thousand people, what did Fang Zhimin rely on? After watching the whole TV series, I found the answer I wanted: relying on his lofty revolutionary belief and personality charm, relying on his strong sense of responsibility and patriotic feelings, and relying on the firm support of the broad masses of workers and peasants. The so-called faith is the determination to restore China’s awakening in the midst of gunfire and study for the rise of China. It is also the sincerity when writing "No one has died in life since ancient times, leaving a heart to shine." As young people in the new era, while revisiting history, we should bear in mind the entrustment and expectation of revolutionary martyrs to our generation.

  There is always a kind of power, which gradually deepens in the historical rings and inspires us to keep moving forward. In times of peace, as a new force to realize the Chinese dream, we should closely link our personal ideal pursuit with the country’s future and destiny, actively shoulder the historical mission of promoting the development of the motherland, national rejuvenation and social progress, and release the youthful dream and realize the Chinese dream in the practice of Socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  Inherit the legacy of Fang Zhimin martyrs.

  Zheng Pulong (First Secretary of the Poverty Alleviation Team in Mashan Village, Caoxi Town, yiyang county, Jiangxi Province)

  The TV series "Lovely China" triggered a watching craze in yiyang county, Fang Zhimin’s hometown. The local cadres and masses are familiar with Fang Zhimin’s revolutionary deeds, and when these deeds are put on the screen, they feel very cordial and excited. For me, as the story unfolds, my vivid memories and deep nostalgia for this revolutionary elder in my hometown are also involuntarily rippling in my mind — — Fang Zhimin devoted himself to the revolution and devoted his whole life to the cause of people’s liberation in China. His love for the motherland and affection for the people, his noble character and revolutionary demeanor once again deeply touched me. In the war years, revolutionary martyrs wrote loyalty with sacrifice and demonstrated their responsibility with dedication. Now, in a peaceful era, although there is no test of life and death, I still have to always remember my mission, be down-to-earth and strive for progress.

  As the first secretary of poverty alleviation in Fang Zhimin’s hometown, I want to follow the example of revolutionary martyrs, inherit the legacy of Fang Zhimin martyrs, remember the people’s yearning for a better life, and dedicate my fiery youth to the Party’s poverty alleviation cause. I want to keep in mind the warmth and coldness of the people in difficulty, help them solve problems sincerely, lead the people in my hometown to get rid of poverty and become rich wholeheartedly, and contribute to winning the battle against poverty. Those who walk a hundred miles are half-ninety, and the poverty alleviation work has entered the sprint stage of gnawing hard bones, attacking hard and pulling out villages, facing very arduous and arduous tasks. I will certainly spur myself with Fang Zhimin’s courageous spirit, and actively participate in the "last mile" of poverty alleviation with a never-ending mental state and indomitable fighting posture, so as to achieve the goal of getting rid of poverty and running towards a well-off society in the whole village as scheduled.


Harbin Ice and Snow World Apologizes

According to the official website of Harbin Ice and Snow World, on December 18th, 2023, the 25th Harbin Ice and Snow World opened, and 40,000 tourists poured in, so some tourists’ play needs were not fully met. We apologize for this. We deeply reflect on the poor service and rectify it overnight. (national business daily)