标签归档 上海千花贵族宝贝


Taxi New Deal: Operating royalties are cancelled, and molecular money is expected to be reduced

  China News Service, Beijing, July 29 (Zhang Ni) Recently, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry", and the Ministry of Transport and other seven departments jointly promulgated the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services".

  The release of two long-awaited blockbuster documents not only clarified the legal status of online car-hailing, but also ushered in an important turning point in the development of the traditional taxi industry. In the future, new taxi operating rights will no longer be paid, and the controversial high "portion money" is also expected to be reduced.

  All new taxi operation rights are used free of charge

  – Forcing the "portion money" down?


  All new rental car operating rights shall be subject to term restrictions, and indefinite restrictions shall no longer be implemented. The specific period shall be determined by the city people’s government according to the actual local situation. All new rental car operating rights shall be used free of charge, and the operating entity shall not be changed. If the existing rental car operating rights need to be changed within the term, they shall be changed in accordance with the conditions and procedures stipulated by laws and regulations, and shall not be speculated or transferred without authorization. For existing rental car operating rights that do not specify the specific operating period or have been used for a fee, the city people’s government shall comprehensively consider all factors, scientifically formulate a transition plan, reasonably determine the operating period, and gradually cancel the paid use fee.


  As part of the "molecular money", the paid royalties for operating rights are directly related to the cost of taxi enterprises and the income of taxi drivers, so the reform of operating rights is also regarded as the "bull’s nose" of the reform of traditional cruise vehicles.

  Wang Hao, deputy director of the Highway Traffic Development Research Center of the Highway Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, analyzed the China News Service (WeChat official account: cns2012) reporter that in the past, the paid royalties charged by the government to companies or individuals for operating rights used to be an important source of funds for urban transportation construction. But now the operating rights are not just a service license, but have become an investment and speculation indicator of "rare goods to live in", increasing the operating costs of taxi companies or individuals, forcing enterprises to enter a vicious circle of "multi-pull fast running" while resisting quantity adjustment. Expert analysis said that the cancellation of the operating rights fee also makes "molecular money" have room for downward adjustment.

  Contract fee standard can be negotiated

  – Will "portion money" go down?


  Encourage, support and guide taxi companies, industry associations to negotiate on an equal footing with taxi drivers and trade unions, and rationally determine and dynamically adjust taxi contract fee standards or quota tasks according to factors such as operating costs and freight rate changes. Existing contract fee standards or quota tasks that are too high should be reduced. To protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers and build a harmonious labor relationship. Taxi companies are strictly prohibited from charging drivers high collateral, and existing collateral that is too high should be reduced.


  The so-called taxi "part money" generally includes vehicle depreciation, insurance, maintenance fees, driver’s basic salary, social insurance, business management costs, taxes, profits, and the sharing of operating rights and royalties. High "part money" has also been controversial.

  Wang Hao believes that with the entry of online car-hailing into the rental industry, taxi drivers have more employment options. Market regulation has increased the bargaining chips between drivers and enterprises over "part money", and the participation of trade unions and industry associations has made the negotiation more organized. In the future, the government will regulate that companies cannot charge drivers high risk deposits, etc., because high deposits limit drivers’ employment options.

  Dynamic adjustment of taxi capacity scale

  – Quantity control is no longer "monolithic"?


  It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of large, medium and small cities, the diverse travel needs of the public and the development orientation of taxis, comprehensively consider factors such as population size, economic development level, urban traffic congestion, and taxi mileage utilization rate, and rationally grasp the scale of taxi transportation capacity and the share ratio in the urban comprehensive transportation system. Establish a dynamic monitoring and adjustment mechanism to gradually realize market regulation. New and updated taxis, priority is given to the use of new energy vehicles.


  In many parts of China, the number of taxis has not been adjusted for more than ten or even twenty years. For example, since 1994, the total number of taxis in Beijing has been controlled at the standard of more than 60,000. Does the dynamic adjustment mechanism mean that the total number of taxis will be liberalized?

  Wang Hao analyzed that the biggest problem with the control of the number of taxis in the past was that there was no dynamic adjustment mechanism. The number of taxis in some areas remained unchanged for many years, and the original market formed a solidification of interests. But in the future, with the automatic adjustment of the market, this situation is expected to be broken, and some industry participants will also anticipate the market to avoid blind entry and disorderly competition. But he stressed that due to the characteristics of the taxi operation model, dynamic adjustment does not mean liberalizing the control of the number of taxis, especially in big cities like Beijing.

  Establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for freight rates

  – Will taxis bid farewell to the "low price era"?


  Taking into account factors such as taxi operating costs, income levels of residents and drivers, traffic conditions, service quality, etc., scientifically formulate and timely adjust the level and structure of taxi freight rates. Establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for taxi freight rates, improve pricing rules, and improve the linkage between freight rates and fuel prices. Give full play to the leverage role of freight rates in adjusting the supply and demand relationship in the taxi transportation market.


  Wang Hao pointed out that taxis in China are generally operated at low prices and are even used as public transportation to and from get off work, making the supply far less than the demand. Dynamic adjustment means that the future taxi fare will be able to return to a reasonable level. But he also stressed that such adjustment needs to be dynamically evaluated, because excessive freight rates will lead to a significant reduction in market demand and affect the "rice bowl" of taxi drivers.

  The integrated development of cruise cars and online car-hailing

  – Either one or the other?


  Encourage cruise car operators and online taxi booking operators (hereinafter referred to as online ride-hailing platform companies) to implement corporatized management in accordance with the modern enterprise system through mergers, reorganizations, and absorption of shares, so as to achieve the integrated development of new and old business models.


  The legalization of online taxi-hailing means that traditional taxis will face the fate of being eliminated? In this regard, Vice Minister of Transport Liu Xiaoming commented that it is still uncertain who will replace the online taxi-hailing car and the cruise car. The two have their own strengths, and more of the two formats promote each other. It is up to the market and passengers to make the final choice.

  In Wang Hao’s opinion, the market demand for traditional cruise cars is still there, and the taxi mode of raising hands and beckoning cars makes the cruise cars operate more efficiently in the core areas of the city. In addition, passengers who have privacy requirements for the ride route or elderly passengers still have demand for traditional cruise cars, and cruise cars can also get orders through online platforms in their spare time. The integrated development of the two will provide people with a variety of choices.


"It’s Worth It" held an event, and Wu Lei’s speech made Hu Ge’s face red

1905 movie network news A few days ago, the film held an event and attended. Wu Lei revealed that his idol was Hu Ge, causing the other party to blush on the spot and causing the audience to laugh.

In the producer-directed film, Hu Ge plays the eulogy editor for "giving away the last journey", and he has many opposite scenes with Wu Lei’s Little Yin. When asked about his relationship with Hu Ge in the play and growing up together outside the play, Wu Lei said that he has always regarded Hu Ge as an idol, but now that he has grown up, he is embarrassed to express it, and hopes to cooperate with "different characters in the future."

Hearing Wu Lei’s words, Hu Ge blushed shyly and said with a smile that he had "sweated", letting everyone see the cute side of Hu Ge.


Revealing the daily limit | The upcoming Global Game Developers Conference will strengthen the game and cultural media sector.

On March 13, the three major stock indexes of A shares closed down, closing at a daily limit of 62 shares (including 5)ST shares); 30 strands failed to seal the board, and the overall sealing rate was 67%.

Battlefield of daily limit: over 700,000 hands pay the bill to raise money.Xingguang stock

securitiesAccording to the statistics of Times and DataBao, from the closing daily limit, the number of closed orders was the highest, with 717,200 lots; Followed byZhongdian xingfaRongji softwareThe daily limit orders were 568,800 lots and 311,000 lots respectively.

Calculated by the amount of the seal,The amount of 5-share seal exceeds 100 million yuan,China softwareThe amount of sealing orders was the highest, with 362 million yuan, 293 million yuan and 199 million yuan respectively.

Judging from the number of consecutive daily limit days,Aiai precision workLihang technology7 boards,Ming pu guang ci, 4 connecting plates,,Zhangyue technologyYinglian stockPutian technology3 even the board,,Winning numbers jewelleryJi’ nan high-techCaesar cultureEqual to 9 strands and 2 boards.

Besides,ST huatie6 th, 4 boards,*ST meisheng5 th, 3 boards,Luoxin pharmacy2 boards on the 4th,Beijing keruiBaw blue valleyST Shuguang3 rd, 2 boards.

Leading the finishing touch:new energyMulti-share daily limit of automobile industry chain

1. Automobile industry chain

Daily limit stocks:,Lan hai Hua TengSongzhi stockShanzi stockYingli automobileDongan powerBaida precision work

March 12 th news,Xiaomi automobileIt is officially announced that Xiaomi SU7 will be officially listed on March 28th, 2024. On March 11th, the director of the State Financial Supervision and Administration said that he was studying to reduce the down payment ratio of passenger car loans and further optimize the pricing mechanism of auto insurance.

: On March 13th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the 381st batch of "Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products", which included the brand-new smart choice vehicle Enjoying S9 jointly built by Huawei and Beiqi Blue Valley, and the production place was the Beiqi Factory in Caiyu Town, Daxing, Beijing.

: wholly-owned subsidiaries Wuxi, Xu Xuehai and Xinneng.Venture capitalThe establishment of Wuxi Huateng Xinneng will focus on the early stage of Huateng Xinneng.fuel batteryTechnical reserve and research and development of automobile drive system, plug-in hybrid electric vehicle drive system (including extended range) and new energy marine drive system.

: The company has obtainedJACThe passenger car thermal management project cooperated with Huawei is still in the development stage, and the production has not been actually scheduled, which will generate sales revenue after mass production.

2、gameandCultural media

Daily limit stocks:Borui spreadCentury huatongMingchen healthyDasheng culture、、Huicheng technology

In the news, the Global Developers Conference will be held in San Francisco from March 18th to March 22nd, Beijing time.

: Two companies under the company belong to game developers, and independently research and develop well-known IP such as "Chivalrous Road".online gameThe product line covers mobile games, page games and end games.

: AI Xinghe is a project that the company explores the field of "game+medical care" by combining AI and VR technologies.


Daily limit stocks:, Rongji software,Jiuqi softwareenormous data

In the news, Huawei Shengsiartificial intelligenceThe framework summit will be held on March 22, 2024.

: The company’s position in the operating system industry of Galaxy Kirin continued to consolidate, and its market position remained ahead.

Rongji software: the company undertakes government affairs.cloud computingPlatform, engineering, information security and other major national information projects, as well as core business support systems and key common technology platforms in many industries.

The company is mainly engaged in the research and development of report management software, e-government software, ERP software and business intelligence software, and its product line mainly covers government reports and statistics. existbig dataThe application field introduces industry solutions focusing on finance and taxation.

Dragon and Tiger Stand: Net Buy of Dragon and Tiger ListCitic HaizhiOver 80 million yuan

In today’s dragon and tiger list,Insai group、、Shenzhou high-speed railBoshi stock, American new technology,Beilong precisionChuanrun stock,, Lanhai Huateng and others are on the list.

Among them,,, were the top three net purchases in the Dragon and Tiger List that day, with 82.7471 million yuan, 69.0448 million yuan and 41.9992 million yuan respectively.

Among the stocks on the list of institutional seats, the top three net purchases areHuaci stockXingyuan zhuomei, 4.0402 million yuan, 1.3746 million yuan and 166,000 yuan respectively.

ShengutongNet selling of dedicated seatsHigh-tech development56.8152 million yuan, 55.1538 million yuan.Shanghai Stock ConnectNet purchase of dedicated seatsGuoguang electricity23.7335 million yuan,Dongmu stock20.2571 million yuan.

In terms of hot money, Huaxin Xi ‘an Branch bought a net amount of 73.0073 million yuan from CITIC Haizhi;Citic jiantouThe sales department of Qinghe East Road in Guangzhou sold century huatong 71,291,700 yuan.

Disclaimer: All information in DataBao does not constitute investment advice, and the stock market is risky, so investment should be cautious.


Five conjectures about the application of digital RMB, which one do you care most about?

  Zhongxin Jingwei Client August 20th (Wei Wei) Imagine this scenario. Each of us has a digital currency wallet on his mobile phone. Even if the mobile phone is disconnected, you can transfer your digital currency to another person by touching two mobile phones. This scene may be getting closer and closer to us.

  In fact, the People’s Bank of China set up a special research group to study the statutory digital currency as early as 2014, and it has been six years since then. Recently, the Ministry of Commerce issued a document saying that a pilot project of digital RMB will be launched, which also rekindled the reverie of digital currency.

  What is digital RMB?

  Digital currency, the central bank, is not complicated in concept. Dong Ximiao, chief researcher of Xinwang Bank, told Zhongxin Jingwei client that digital currency refers to the digital currency issued by the central bank in parallel with cash, which is the digital form of legal tender. Digital currency (DC/EP), China’s central bank, is simply an electronic version of RMB, which is digital RMB cash.

  Insiders revealed that in recent days, the four major banks of workers, peasants and China Construction Co., Ltd. simultaneously tested the "digital RMB" e-wallet. Considering the system load and other reasons, it is still in the internal testing stage.

Agricultural Bank of China Digital RMB Wallet Source: Zhongxin Jingwei Wei Wei Photo

  On April 17th this year, the digital currency Research Institute of the Central Bank said that the digital RMB would be tested in Shenzhen, Suzhou, Xiong ‘an, Chengdu and the future Winter Olympics in order to continuously optimize and improve its functions.

  In July, Didi Chuxing said that it had reached a strategic cooperation with the digital currency Research Institute of the Central Bank to jointly study and explore the scene innovation and application of digital RMB in the field of smart travel. On August 17th, the Zhongxin Jingwei client asked Didi Chuxing about the exploration of scene application, and its reply said that there was no news to disclose for the time being, and further news would be released.

  On August 14th, the Ministry of Commerce issued the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Overall Plan for Comprehensively Deepening the Innovation and Development of Service Trade", which announced the pilot areas of digital RMB, and some people understood it as the pilot of digital RMB may be expanded. However, in fact, the current pilot scope of digital RMB is still Shenzhen, Chengdu, Suzhou, xiong’an new area and the future Winter Olympics, and it has not changed.

  However, the news came out that the digital currency plate in the capital market is still sought after by investors. According to Wind data, the digital currency index rose by 2.81% on August 14th, rose by 3.35% again on August 17th, and continued to rise by 1.07% on August 18th, which has been rising for three consecutive days, which shows that the market is enthusiastic about digital currency concept.

  How to apply five conjectures in the future

  The application of digital RMB has also caused many conjectures. Where can I exchange it? How to apply it in the future? The Zhongxin Jingwei client interviewed a number of insiders to answer questions.

  Conjecture 1: Is the carrier an APP?

  Usually, residents can exchange paper money in commercial banks, so where can they exchange digital RMB?

  According to the internal measurement maps of ICBC, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank and China Bank’s digital currency wallets circulated on the Internet earlier, the four major banks are all testing the application of digital wallets.

  "digital currency is still in the testing stage. What is certain is that digital currency does not launch an APP. Maybe each bank will launch a separate APP, or it will be integrated into the apps of various cooperative banks." Bi Tong, co-founder of financial technology consulting firm PANONY, told Zhongxin Jingwei client.

  "Launching an APP separately has higher user education costs and usage costs, and pilot commercial banks may embed services in existing apps." Yang Wang, Dean of Hande Institute of Financial Technology and Senior Research Fellow of China Renmin University, told Zhongxin Jingwei client.

  Guess 2: Do I need to go to the bank to exchange money? Can I redeem it in the APP?

  From the functional point of view, the functions of digital RMB wallets in various banks are basically the same. For example, China Construction Bank includes "Sweep", "Collection", "Payment Code" and "Transfer", and users can exchange money into digital RMB through bank accounts. Bank of China includes "recharge", "withdrawal", "transfer" and "bank card". The page of Agricultural Bank includes "scan code payment", "remittance", "receipt and payment" and "touch".

  "From the circulated internal test pictures, the main functions displayed are basically similar to the daily functions of bank electronic accounts." Dong Ximiao said.

  In Yang Wang’s vision, it takes three steps to use digital RMB. The first step is to download a corresponding mobile APP;; The second step is to register, enter personal name, ID number, mobile phone number and other information, and the relevant personal credit inquiry authorization will be displayed on the APP, which requires the user to choose to agree or reject; The third step is to bind the bank account, and then the user can exchange the bank deposit for digital RMB 1:1.

  Ceng Gang, deputy director of the National Finance and Development Laboratory, predicts that there will be two accounts in the future, one is a digital RMB account, and the other is an account derived from the deposit in a bank account, and the two are in a mutual conversion relationship. Depositors can pay directly from the digital wallet, but it may involve transferring money from the bank account to the digital RMB account before making payment.

  In terms of experience, Yang Wang believes that the digital RMB wallet is similar to the third-party payment with high public acceptance, and can also support QR code payment, fingerprint payment and face payment. However, the above payment methods may not be all online at once. Considering technical problems, QR code payment may be online first, and then other payment methods will be online gradually.

  Guess 3: Can two mobile phones "touch" money to transfer money successfully?

  "As long as you and I have a DC/EP digital wallet on our mobile phones, we don’t even need a network. As long as the mobile phones have electricity and two mobile phones touch each other, we can transfer digital currency in one person’s digital wallet to another person," Mu Changchun, director of the digital currency Institute of China People’s Bank, once said in an online open class.

  Yang Wang said that a major feature of digital currency, the central bank, is dual offline payment, that is, mutual transfer can be realized without network signals.

  "Of course, it’s not that the money is transferred when touched," Yang Wang explained. This function is similar to confidential payment. Users need to sign an agreement with the bank before they can use this function. Every time they enter the transfer scene, there will be a button to confirm the payment, and they can only transfer the money after clicking agree. At the same time, this function may stipulate an upper limit, and once a certain threshold is triggered, they will not be able to transfer money, so as to ensure the security of the user account.

  In terms of security, Bi Tongtong said that some insiders also pointed out that the patents disclosed at present have not explained how to solve the "double flower problem" in the case of double offline (note: a sum of money is spent twice), which requires more technical patent disclosure. However, this problem can also be prevented by legal means, and the payment can be made after it happens.

  Guess 4: Which scenarios can be paid in digital RMB?

  Users are more concerned about the scenarios in which they can use digital RMB. Yang Wang introduced that in addition to recharging and withdrawing cash, digital RMB can also be used for transfer between users and consumption.

  According to Yang Wang, the application scenarios currently supported in the pilot stage include retail, catering, transportation card recharge, etc. With the maturity of pilot applications in the future, the application scenarios will be expanded in a wider scope.

  Recently, the media reported that Julu County, Hebei Province has applied to digital currency, the central bank, for subsidies such as environmental protection. The relevant person in charge of Lezhi Technology Co., Ltd. introduced that the company jointly developed the "Falling in Love with Julu County, Hebei Province" APP, and the poverty alleviation subsidies of local residents in the future will be distributed in the form of digital RMB, and residents can realize fund withdrawal, transfer and consumption in the APP wallet, such as paying party fees, buying train tickets, charging telephone bills and other convenient services can be settled in digital RMB.

  The company is also cooperating with commercial banks. In the future, residents can pay the digital RMB to the bank and convert it into an equal amount of RMB cash, which can be converted into electronic accounts of commercial banks or converted into paper RMB at bank outlets. It is understood that the APP will be launched in the near future, but the digital RMB function will not be open for the time being, and will be launched separately after subsequent debugging.

  Guess 5: Will Alipay and WeChat transfer money to each other in the future?

  At present, for most residents, they are used to using third-party payment such as Alipay and WeChat. Will digital RMB shake the status of third-party payment in the future?

  Bi Tongtong believes that the biggest difference between the central bank’s digital RMB and Alipay and WeChat payment lies in the difference in legal rights. The central bank’s digital currency is endorsed by the state, which is equivalent to legal tender. However, the assets of ordinary people in third-party payment are actually a bookkeeping, which is based on commercial bank settlement. Whether digital currency, the central bank, will attack the market position of WeChat and Alipay is a process determined by the market, which depends on the convenience of use, commercial value and economic scale.

  With the introduction of digital RMB, can mutual transfer between Alipay and WeChat be realized in the future? Yang Wang believes that this matter mainly considers two aspects: willingness and ability. Digital RMB is the legal digital currency issued by the People’s Bank of China based on national credit, which means that any transaction scenario must be unconditionally accepted, and the transfer function should be supported between commercial banks and third-party payment. In terms of willingness, the problem of digital RMB transfer between commercial banks is not big, but there are business barriers in third-party payment. Different platforms may be protecting their own business ecology and will not realize mutual transfer for the time being, nor does it rule out that this function will be realized in the future. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)


25 kinds of books won the title of "the most beautiful book" of the year, which one is your favorite?

  On November 12th, the "Most Beautiful Books" in 2018 was announced. Twenty-five books from 20 publishing houses won the title of "Most Beautiful Books" this year, and they will represent China in the "Most Beautiful Books in the World" in 2019.

  This year’s "China’s Most Beautiful Books" contest began in June this year, and a total of 541 volumes of 326 participating books were received. After two rounds of voting by all the judges, 25 "most beautiful books" of this year were produced on November 10th.

  Founded in 2003, "The Most Beautiful Book" is an annual book design selection activity sponsored by Shanghai Press and Publication Bureau. For more than ten years, the "Most Beautiful Books" jury was entrusted by the German Book Art Foundation, the organizer of "The Most Beautiful Books in the World" in Leipzig, Germany, to invite top book designers at home and abroad to serve as judges, select and recommend the "Most Beautiful Books" from China in that year and send them to Leipzig, Germany to participate in the selection of "The Most Beautiful Books in the World" in the next year. Over the past decade, 15 batches of 321 kinds of "the most beautiful books" from China have appeared in Leipzig, Germany, and 19 kinds have won the award of "the most beautiful books in the world", including 2 gold medals.

  For more than ten years, the evaluation of "The Most Beautiful Book" has always paid attention to the integrity of book design, the perfect combination of book content and form, the improvement of book function by book design, the harmony and unity of design style and suitable feel, and the application of technical means as an important element of design. After more than ten years of advocacy and accumulation, the concept of "the most beautiful book" has been increasingly accepted by the publishing and design circles in China.

  Invited by the "Most Beautiful Books" jury, Japanese designer Mr. Song Tian Masamatsuda, German designer Ms. Konstanze Berner, China Beijing designers Mr. Liu Xiaoxiang and Mr. Zhang Zhiwei, China Guangdong designer Mr. Hong Wei and China Taiwan Province designer Mr. Huang Yongsong served as the invited judges of this year’s "Most Beautiful Books".

  Attachment: Winners and comments of "The Most Beautiful Book" in 2018

  Jiangsu Fenghuang Art Publishing House

  Comments: The elegant gray tone of the book and the texture-rich paper used are very harmonious with the style of the ceramist’s works. The colorless and concave title needs readers to look carefully to form an introverted style. The concave-convex feeling of the seal reminds people of the production process of pottery, and also makes readers have expectations and reading desires for the content. The content of the book is mainly pictures, and the blank layout controls the rhythm of reading, and the priorities are clear, which sets off the author’s ceramic works.

  The field of history

  China Building Industry Press

  Square books indicate many possibilities of space design on paper. Through the dialogue between architects and book designers in China, Japan and South Korea and the display of design works, the graphic designers in the space of paper reflect the control, understanding and design process of the "field" in architecture and paper, and the gap between the characters in typesetting is wide, or vertically or horizontally, suddenly large and small, and obliquely shooting at 45 degrees, which reflects different creative ideas, spatial awareness and layout logic of different styles. The paper material is soft, and the text content and architectural design concept are interlaced in the cube formed by thickness. The Chinese, English, Japanese and Korean characters have various typesetting forms.

  Beijing Joint Publishing Company

  This book uses a wooden box, which looks like an object. Open the box, the color matching of books is very unique, novel and pleasing to the eye. There are books and books, which is the popular way at present. The drawings in the book are beautifully designed, made of special paper, and of moderate size. It is commendable that the designer uses red for the annotations in the book, which is elegant with the main text.

  Huichuang Youth: A Collection of Digital Media Art and Animation Works

  Higher education press

  The colors used in book design are very modern, and with abstract geometric figures, they have a strong visual impact and are full of youth. Every part of the book is combined with double contrasting colors, which is easy to identify at the incision of the book and convenient for readers to read and retrieve. Books are small and thick, with moderate feel and suitable for reading.


  Literature and art development publishing house

  Hand-made cover paper presents water ripples in line with the theme of the book, and the concave and convex texture increases the simplicity of the book. Concise text information is dotted on the spine of the book, which is convenient to find from the bookcase. The text uses simple gray-blue spot colors and the most restrained design elements to form an elegant and rhythmic layout. The calm and elegant overall style brings readers into the mysterious ocean world.

  Spring blossoms facing the sea

  Jiangsu Fenghuang literature and art publishing house

  The uneven handwriting on the cover and the paper full of texture reflect the collision between tradition and modernity. The spine binding technique is simple and practical, and the plain cotton thread conforms to the tonality of this book. Text papers with different colors and textures distinguish the contents of books: Haizi’s poems are orange, representing the sun and the earth. Velco’s paintings are white, which represents pallor and depression. When two people meet, they sink into the soil (earth color). The incision is bound by riding nail which is cut first and then folded, which is unique.

  Chongqing publishing house

  Record the process of facial sketch comprehensively. The image adopts mirror image effect, and the subject is reflected from multiple angles by montage, which increases the reading pleasure. The package has visual coherence.

  Xiangna Gallery

  Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House

  The overall shape of the book is slender. At first glance, it feels like a box with a sense of the future. The ratio of length to width is very comfortable, and the sense of weight of the book makes readers not surprised. The white cover is dotted with black numbers, which clearly conveys the history of the gallery. The soft paper in the text is different from the materials in the previous album, which increases the comfort of browsing. There is a huge amount of information, but the layout is orderly, the rhythm is moderate, and the overall design style is simple and quiet.

  A brief history of the development of camellia bouquet in "micro-view"

  China Building Industry Press

  This book is a science and technology book. The cover is die-cut and the light pink tone is reminiscent of petals. The pink color that runs through the cover and text of the book is matched with the rhythmic layout design, and the two colored ribbons that are the finishing touch echo the two bright yellow pages in the middle of the inner page, embellishing the yellow of the camellia stamens. This design wins more with less, bringing readers into a world of camellia. The design of charts in the book not only extends the readability of information, but also enriches the formal language of design.

  Commercial press

  There are traces of birds everywhere. Two lines run through the text to represent the flight trajectory of birds and also represent the versions of the works of two translators. This design is quite poetic, light in material, and it fits the image of birds without showing emotion.

  Beiyue literature and art publishing house

  This is a set of low-cost books suitable for reading. Designers strive to be simple and clear in the design and use of paper. The concave pattern on the cover presents different scenery and lines in the author’s hometown, reflecting visual symbols such as water, rice fields, houses and wheat waves. The black text on the cover is arranged up and down, and the design is unique. Looking through the contents of the book, the version is designed with a large margin. A line does not exceed 30 words, and the number of lines on a page is controlled within 24 lines, which is beneficial to reading. The judges appreciated the designer’s attempt at this low-cost book design.

  Shandong friendship publishing house

  This book helps the blind to perceive the characters smoothly and read their contents by touching the source and development changes of Chinese characters and connecting with the cultural connotation behind the words. The book cover is designed in yellow and black, which looks heavy but actually light. Braille fonts on the inner page have a strong sense of touch and reflect the evolution process of Braille fonts. At the same time, in order to be suitable for ordinary readers to read, the text is specially matched with Braille, and the text can also be touched. The overall design of this book is concise and clear, and the visual effect is outstanding.

  Jiangsu Fenghuang Art Publishing House

  Color structure and word processing seem to be on the cloud, and the cover incision is mixed and exquisite. It would be better if it were lighter.

  Jiangsu Fenghuang Art Publishing House

  The perfect unity of design and content is very rare for the more difficult chronicle design. This design skillfully outlines the word "Gao" with thread fitting, adding a literary color. The text takes time as the context, and the layout is rigorous, leaving blank and ethereal, and the image of China is consistent with the cause of Gao Ershi, the protagonist of this book. The choice of paper is exquisite and light, and the signature position of the protagonist on the letter sleeve is clever and quiet. Taking the protagonist’s calligraphy as the book coat, the design is just right.

  Shaanxi normal university publishing head office

  This book is divided into two volumes, the main volume introduces a wide range of businesses in the market; The design of the supplement is also remarkable. It shows people who are engaged in the industry in the form of cartoons, and the businesses that people are engaged in are represented by folding clothes. After folding, the front is a picture, and the back is a record of these people in the market and their languages, which is quite smoky of market life. China in the street is also the China of mankind.

  Jiangsu phoenix education publishing house

  The design shows the true feelings everywhere, and the rough paper wrapped in snacks in old shops is combined with rough edges, showing the fading folk old trades and professions, which has a hazy beauty. The ancient and folk binding method is adopted, and the page number is set strangely. The text in the text and the big picture are represented by different materials, which enriches the visual language. Black-and-white pictures printed on crude paper have an ancient mottled intention, which seems to show that all new industries originate from old businesses.

  Excellent Works Collection of the 9th National Book Design Art Exhibition

  Nanjing Publishing Media Group Nanjing Publishing House

  The combination of book box stamping and cover blanching in this book design combines Chinese characters "book design" and English "book design". The Chinese characters are indented and English blanched, and the top of the head is black. The visual effect is novel, which reflects the innovation of China book designers in binding and controlling materials. The text design of the book is also very unique, and the text and pictures are appropriate and even. It reflects the contents of 338 outstanding works very well. Due to the vacancy of the grand prize in this exhibition, this book also makes a unique expression in design. The design and presentation of exhibits have the characteristics of great information and interest. The spaced but unevenly distributed burrs at the mouth of the book classify all kinds of award-winning works and bring the whole book to a delicate, elegant, peaceful and upright reading context. The text is made of different paper materials and beautifully printed.

  Guangxi Normal University Press

  This collection of images includes 66 photos of birds (similar to bird-shaped bird droppings), which are common in appearance. However, after opening it, you will find that the book is divided into three unique parts: the first part is "Images of Birds", in which all photos are black and white, true and hazy, and the designer consciously downplays the clarity of the photos and gives a detailed statement on the shooting information of the photos; The second part, "Atlas of Convenient Birds", is colored and described in words. Some pictures can be expanded on both sides with exquisite patterns. The third part is "Revealing the Secret of Convenient Birds". In order to prevent readers from feeling uncomfortable, a special seal is designed, which can only be opened to reveal the mystery and present various realistic bird droppings. The author’s mind is wide open, imagining the dirt everywhere in life as a bird, and using the evolution process of photos from black and white to color to reflect the structure of editing design in visual language is an important reason for the book to be recognized by the judges.

  Shanghai literature and art publishing house

  Interesting and humorous, the content and design are mixed, which vividly describes such an unbearable bad habit in daily life and shows the vitality and excellent intentions of young designers.

  Chengdu Times Publishing House

  The overall design not only has a strong folk flavor, but also conforms to the reading aesthetics of modern people. Authentic folk embroidery constitutes the chapters and pages of books, enriches the structure of books and brings surprises to readers. In contrast, the text layout is unpretentious and suitable for quiet reading. The cover is hand-cut fabric, which echoes the title of the book.

  Commercial press

  From the appearance, it is quite special, using magnet as the envelope of the book, and black as the main color. The spine of the three books is exactly the same, and the book mouth is divided into three styles: hairy, flat and uneven, which rotate between the book mouth, the head and the foot. This design feels comfortable, the photos in the book are also black, and the visual experience is relatively unified.

  blossom press

  The design is quite handcrafted, and the softness of the paper is perfectly matched with the rough edges without affectation, which is completely in line with the theme. The color of the paper fits the impression of Dunhuang. The spine of the book is not completely die-cut, and its shape is like a grotto hole. After it is torn off, the title of the book is revealed, which is a clever design.

  China Youth Publishing House

  The details have a sense of lens and substitution. The paper material and binding of the preface are all very strange, the color is like Tibetan prayer flags, and it is like the separation of the contents of the book, echoing the middle pages. Ending with a color photo, the vision is varied and not monotonous.

  china pictorial publishing house

  The interweaving of blue and purple constitutes the rhythm change of this two-volume sister book. The beauty of this book lies in the illustrations full of artistic sense and mystery, which strengthens the artistic conception of the poem. Comfortable small format is very suitable for this collection of poems, which makes readers relaxed and comfortable to read.

  Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House

  Based on the author’s 40 years’ experience in practice and research, this paper gives a new interpretation of book design concepts and a systematic statement of design methodology. This book focuses on teaching content, rich in knowledge and information, and incorporates various ideas and book-making methods designed by the East and the West. Designers devote their efforts and emotions to writing and design. Considering that this book is mainly used by ordinary students, its book design is concise and easy to understand, and there is not much craft. One aspect that deserves praise is that although the book is a simple paperback, its moderate width is suitable for students to read it in a flat way, which is very stretched. The color of this book is mainly red, supplemented by some blank space. It is very practical to have a printing typesetting series table.


E-sports tickets for the Hangzhou Asian Games are super hot. "It’s harder than grabbing tickets for concerts!

■ China Hangzhou E-sports Center.

Archery is only 80 ~ 100 yuan, diving is 200 ~ 800 yuan, and the highest unit price of e-sports is 1000 yuan! However-

Has the era of e-sports really arrived?

On September 23rd, the Hangzhou Asian Games officially opened. On September 24th, the e-sports project of Hangzhou Asian Games will start soon. More than a month before the opening of the Asian Games, tickets related to the games have been sold. Among them, the item with the best ticket sales is e-sports, an intellectual item that just entered the competition in the last Asian Games.

It is reported that e-sports is the only event in the Asian Games in Hangzhou that requires lottery to determine the qualification of ticket purchase, and the ticket price is also very expensive, with the highest unit price as high as 1000 yuan. It is hard to find a ticket for e-sports projects, which many people can’t understand. In the eyes of many people, e-sports can’t even be regarded as sports. It’s unexpected to be able to enter the Asian Games. It’s even more puzzling that the tickets for the competition are so hot. Some netizens shouted: "It’s harder than grabbing tickets for concerts!"

■ Written by: New Express reporter Wang Enemy

■ Photo: Xinhua News Agency

Last time it was a performance project.

Nowadays, it is hard to get a ticket for e-sports competitions.

The Asian Games has set up intellectual events since 2006 (Doha Asian Games). The existence of intellectual events is one of the differences between the Asian Games and the Olympic Games. According to the regulations, at the beginning of "entering Asia" or "entering the Olympics", any project must start with the performance project. Only when it is widely recognized can the project be "turned positive".

As an intellectual project, many people think that this year is the first time that e-sports has entered the Asian Games. In fact, at the Asian Games in Jakarta in 2018, e-sports has already appeared in the Asian Games as a performance project. The e-sports events in the Asian Games in Jakarta are League of Legends, the glory of the king, clash royale, StarCraft II, Hearthstone and PES2018. China won two championships and a runner-up. Perhaps because of the performance project, there was no broadcast of the e-sports competition in that year, and there were very few related reports in China.

The success of the "performance" at the Asian Games in Jakarta enabled e-sports to be established as the official event of the Asian Games in Hangzhou. At the Asian Games in Hangzhou, there were seven sub-items of intellectual events-China Chess, Chess, Go, Bridge and E-sports. Among them, e-sports has seven events, namely League of Legends, the glory of the king, Peace Elite, DOTA2, Dream of Three Kingdoms 2, Street Fighter 5 and FIFA Online 4. Team China will participate in all events except Street Fighter 5.

In mid-August this year, the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee announced the opening of the sales of e-sports tickets. According to the official blog of Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee, there are at least 5 million users who apply for tickets for e-sports events, but the maximum number of visitors per event is no more than 4,000, so the winning rate of users who apply for tickets is very low.

In addition to lottery purchase, the price of e-sports tickets is also ridiculously high. According to official website, a ticket seller for the Hangzhou Asian Games, there are seven events in the Asian Games. The starting price of League of Legends and the glory of the king is 200 yuan/piece, while the starting price of the other five events is 400 yuan/piece, and the highest ticket price of all events is 1000 yuan/piece. In terms of horizontal comparison, regardless of the starting price or the highest price, the fare of e-sports is higher than other projects. Take China’s popular gold medal events as an example: the ticket price range of table tennis is 100 ~ 800 yuan, diving is 200 ~ 800 yuan, and swimming is 100 ~ 1000 yuan. In terms of unpopular projects, the ticket price of equestrian is 100 ~ 500 yuan-only half that of e-sports; The ticket price of archery is only 80 ~ 100 yuan.

Wang Xiaodong, dean of the School of Leisure Sports and Management of Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education and doctoral supervisor, told the New Express reporter that e-sports suddenly became the top stream of the Asian Games for two important reasons: First, it was a novelty. After all, it was the first time that e-sports appeared as a formal project at the Asian Games. From the perspective of events, it was a novelty; Second, the base is large. The e-sports events of the Asian Games have a very broad mass base in China, and many people will play it. Wang Xiaodong said: "It is these two reasons that make many people rush to the e-sports competition, especially in the eyes of young people. E-sports already has a high degree of attention and recognition."

Starting from this year, e-sports is likely to become a regular event of the Asian Games. In July this year, it was announced at the Olympic Council of Asia held in Bangkok that e-sports has been confirmed as the official event of the Nagoya Asian Games to be held in 2026.

■ The final scene of the glory of the king Asian Games edition of "Charm Hangzhou" e-sports national invitational tournament filmed at Hangzhou E-sports Center.

Is e-sports just playing games?

Yes, but it also requires very strict training.

Like many sports, the origin of e-sports is also the game. In essence, e-sports is really playing games. However, there is still a big difference between games and e-sports. Some games are purely entertaining, even with stronger social attributes, and have not risen to the level of sports competition. This type of video game can’t be regarded as e-sports.

E-sports is an intellectual and physical competition between people with electronic equipment as sports equipment. Similar to other sports events, e-sports fully demonstrates the players’ thinking ability, reaction ability, limb coordination ability, willpower and team spirit, which is not as simple as playing games.

E-sports has two basic characteristics, namely, electronics and competition. The former is the way and means, which refers to all kinds of software and hardware with the help of information technology as the core and the environment created by it, which is realized by information technology, and is also the difference between e-sports and traditional sports; The latter is the essential feature of sports, namely confrontation.

Will e-sports lead to addiction? It depends on how you look at it. CK (Cen Yuqi), a former Guangzhou R&F e-sports team, told the New Express reporter that he had been playing FO(FIFA Online) for 15 years. Before he became a professional, he just groped for it by himself. Although he gradually climbed to the top of the pyramid, he began to carry out very professional training after entering the professional e-sports team.

Yan Yuxi revealed that there are also coaches and technical analysts in the e-sports team. They will carry out targeted training according to the players’ own shortcomings, and will also carry out targeted deployment according to their opponents’ weaknesses. Cen Yuqi said: "During training, the coach sometimes asks me to keep the ball in the whole half, and I can’t attack. If I am intercepted or steals, I will start again until I finish the 45-minute pass training."

Cen Yuqi said frankly that sometimes they will be kept practicing shooting at a 15-degree angle in the restricted area. "From the point of view of playing games, this is a very boring behavior, but we have to do this kind of training every day." Yan Yuxi said.

For many gamers, this kind of training has no game pleasure, and professional players do it almost every day. Cen Yuqi revealed that they usually start training on the computer at 2 pm and train for 8 to 12 hours every day. As a profession, e-sports players need long and hard training and teamwork, and they also need a strong sense of responsibility and self-discipline.

Liang Tiexin, director of the Guangzhou Museum of Electronic Games, said that e-sports is a part of electronic games, but the difference between e-sports and electronic games is like the difference between national fitness and professional athletes. "Our average person’s exercise may be to keep fit or get physical and mental pleasure, to make ourselves happy first, and then to exercise," Liang Tiexin told the New Express reporter. "If they are professional athletes, they will pursue faster, higher and stronger, and so will e-sports players, so I think there is really a big difference between e-sports and games."

■ Except Street Fighter 5, the China team will compete in the other six games. According to industry analysts, the glory of the king, Peace Elite, Dream of Three Kingdoms 2 and other projects will be the potential gold medals for China.

E-sports industry has broad prospects.

Scholar: Digital sports may evolve in the future.

At the same time, Huo Qigang, president of the Asian Electronic Sports Federation, also announced at the Global E-sports Leaders Summit that the Asian E-sports Cup will be held next year. It can be predicted that e-sports will not only enter the intercontinental comprehensive sports meeting, but also hold the intercontinental comprehensive e-sports event with the country as the participating unit in the future.

The e-sports events have become more and more perfect, which has also made the e-sports industry more mature. At present, the domestic e-sports industry is developing rapidly. Foshan prism culture indicates that e-sports has developed very rapidly in recent years. "In recent years, the company’s annual growth rate has been 20% ~ 30%, which has been very stable, and this is also the general development of the whole industry. It is estimated that the e-sports industry will develop better after the Asian Games."

With the popularity of e-sports, some corresponding jobs are also emerging. In 2020, the China Employment Training Technical Guidance Center of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and DingTalk jointly released the "Report on the Development of New Vocational Online Learning Platform", which showed that by 2025, the demand for new professional talents was huge, including nearly 2 million e-sports players and 1.5 million e-sports operators.

Young people who love e-sports need not only a certain talent, but also a systematic study if they want to do this skill as a career. By the end of 2018, 48 colleges and universities across the country had set up the major of "e-sports and management", and several undergraduate colleges also set up the major of e-sports or the major direction of e-sports, among which the subdivision areas include game design, programming, e-sports management, e-sports hosting, rehabilitation and so on.

Since last autumn, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education has also enrolled the first batch of students majoring in e-sports. In view of the fact that many parents have a very rigid impression of video games, and think that this is a sign of playfulness, parents’ attitude towards e-sports is usually relatively cold. There are only 31 students majoring in e-sports in 2022 in Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, and there are only 40 freshmen majoring in e-sports this year.

"When it comes to e-sports, do you think it is to teach students to play games? Actually, this is not the case. " Wang Xiaodong said that the e-sports major is not aimed at cultivating e-sports players, but mainly at cultivating e-sports professional managers. "Learning e-sports major doesn’t mean learning how to play games, and it doesn’t mean letting students play games as they please. We want to develop real e-sports by running e-sports major." Wang Xiaodong said.

Wang Xiaodong said that although e-sports was approved as the 99th sports event by the State Sports General Administration in 2003, even though e-sports has entered the Asian Games, e-sports is still a new industry. Wang Xiaodong believes that with the continuous development of science, e-sports will gradually become popular and become a part of life. Wang Xiaodong said: "In the future, there is a high probability that digital sports will appear in human society-for example, e-sports games such as simulated racing cars. When this form of competition becomes more and more, it will inevitably bring many new employment opportunities and economic value."

Don’t say you don’t know.

The road to e-sports is not easy.

At present, I am sad to be admitted to Tsinghua Peking University.

There are many people who play games, but those who can become e-sports players are one in a million. According to the "2023 Global E-sports Industry Development Report" released by Penguin Tune, the number of game users in China is as high as 478 million, but the number of people who really become e-sports players is 50,000, which is lower than that of being admitted to Tsinghua Peking University. Moreover, most of these 50,000 people only work behind the scenes. Only 1,000 or 2,000 people can really play the game, 300 or 400 people can enter the top leagues at most, and about 50 people can finally become stars. The return on investment is extremely low, much lower than the national admission rate of Tsinghua Peking University (0.7‰).

Many children may have no idea what they want, neither what their dreams are nor what they are suitable for. It happened that there was such a hobby as games, and then he caught up with a brand-new professional category like e-sports, and suddenly he had the idea of playing a career, but to put it bluntly, it was probably just an excuse for him to play games aboveboard.

In fact, the average professional player needs to click the mouse and keyboard more than 300 times per minute, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people. It’s as simple as that in essence, because the games played by ordinary people and the real e-sports may be completely different, just like the basketball played by the students in the middle school next door and Curry of the Warriors is as big as the difference-it can’t be compared at all. Is there a chance for the middle school next door to get out of the NBA? Theoretically, there is, but this probability is equivalent to spending 2 yuan money to win a grand prize of 5 million yuan.

So, how to judge whether a person has the strength to play e-sports? Here is a professional standard: "League of Legends"-"Ionia" master 400 points or more; "the glory of the king"-more than 100 stars in a single row; FO4-Won the top 3 in the city competition … To be honest, 99.9% of people have been directly filtered out by this step. If you can get through here smoothly, you can try the youth training departments of major clubs.

News extension

Simulate and experience the vocational training environment, and the Internet addiction teenager is true!

A place to quit Internet addiction;

E-sports persuasion organization

Nowadays, there are professional e-sports persuasion institutions on the market. In fact, the original intention of the construction of such institutions is just an ordinary e-sports experience camp. However, the vast majority of teenagers have not been here for a month, and it has gradually become a place to "quit Internet addiction". Here, by simulating and experiencing the vocational training environment, Internet addiction teenagers can suddenly realize that playing games and playing a career are completely two different dimensions-boring basic training day after day, general daily management of military training, and practice competitions that are often abused and cried by professional players. For many teenage middle school students, the dream of e-sports is easily shattered by the continuous blow of dimensionality reduction. The problem is that if you can’t pass this level, you can’t become an e-sports player at all.

On the other hand, most people have no lofty ideas about video games, and their enthusiasm for games may just stop at entertainment and social attributes. However, I still want to advise teenagers with internet addiction here: no matter how much they like playing games, they can’t take playing e-sports as an escape from reality.

E-sports tickets

Not only is it difficult to buy, but it is also expensive.

Asian Games esports

The highest price is unified as 1000 yuan.

In terms of starting price, League of Legends and the glory of the king Asian Games are in 200 yuan.

The other five events are all 400 yuan.

Hot items

Table tennis: 100 ~ 800 yuan

Diving: 200 ~ 800 yuan

Swimming: 100 ~ 1000 yuan

Unpopular project

Equestrian: 100 ~ 500 yuan

Archery: 80 ~ 100 yuan

(Source: Hangzhou Asian Games Ticket official website)


Bird bird column: I have the freedom of fashion and the freedom of unfashionability.

The higher a society’s tolerance for fashion, the higher people’s sense of security for self-expression and the more dynamic cultural life.

Bird bird

Although I don’t intend to be a hipster myself, I hope there will be more and more hipsters around me, and I hope they will become more and more fashionable. I have a narrow point of view, that is, the higher a society’s tolerance for fashion, the higher people’s sense of security for self-expression and the more dynamic cultural life.

When telling the editor the theme of this column, she joked that it would be possible not to "damage" fashion, after all, this is a fashion magazine. I said yes, I will write about the benefits of fashion in this issue.

I think besides always asking people to spend money, fashion sometimes highlights the glamorous side too much, but it also has some advantages, that is, it can introduce itself to others as quickly as possible.What clothes a person wears often reflects what he wants others to think of him, just as psychology says: you can’t recognize him without taking off his mask, and sometimes we can know him by what mask he wears.In any case, people can’t avoid fashion or this set of social symbols.

Bird bird

Personally, I prefer being a fashion bystander to being a fashion practitioner. I like people who appreciate beauty to make some wonderful attempts. There are some fashionable people in the talk show actors, such as "Carnivore" Da Mu and Dang Dang. Once I met Yao Yao, who tied many colorful flowers on his beard. At that time, I asked him a lot of questions, because it was really beyond my cognition.The beard is a symbol with extremely masculine characteristics, and the colorful flowers are very cute. When he combines the two elements, I think this idea is really very special.

Ying Ning also has a good dressing style (although I can’t wear it myself, I can also tell who can wear it better). She often wears casual clothes with a little sports style and a little Japanese style, which makes her feel handsome and sunny. Because she also likes sports and is full of energy, it makes people feel particularly appropriate.

Mancai combines carnivore and talk show actor Ning.

Fashion is not only to look good, but also to show one’s inner character. Moreover, it is not necessary to take the pursuit of big names as a goal, but to do daily dressing as an aesthetic practice. Those daunting prices may not be the original intention of fashion.I think the pursuit of fashion will eventually fall on the self, and we can’t just follow the fashion trend to complete the purchase.

To be fashionable, the most important thing is to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror. When I was in middle school, I always secretly put the mirror in my pencil case, and I also had to take a sneak look at it in class. When I got a pimple on my face, I always had to knife it immediately. After that stage, I feel that looking in the mirror is an inefficient thing.

Bird bird

In addition, I always feel that winter is a difficult fashion season, there are fewer clothes to match, and buying clothes is always more functional than aesthetics. Every winter, my mother will knit me a new sweater, and there are two old picture books in the bookcase that teach crochet. Wool is produced in Inner Mongolia, and there is a wool mill in Hohhot. My mother bought some new balls of wool, which are always fluffy and soft, with the smell of camphor balls on them. Then my mother unpacked the wool and asked me to put my arms up and wind the wool again, so that I could put the wool on my arm when crocheting.

My mother’s desire to knit a sweater is mainly influenced by my aunt. My aunt knits one for my cousin every year. My cousin wears it too small, so she will wear it for me the next year. Although the sweater is knitted by myself, it is very aesthetically ingenious. One year, my cousin gave me a sweater with a lion on it. The main body of the lion is a pattern drawn by a needle hook, and only the tail is made of a small handful of yellow wool, which is very real. I often want to stroke it in class. The sweater my mother knitted for me is generally not so complicated, it is pure pink with a little hemp pattern; My mother often calls me to the living room when I am doing my homework, and asks me to try it on my head. I carefully thread my arms and face through some sweater needles, and my mother will say some knitting strategies that I don’t understand.

In order to let me wear the sweater for a few more years, my mother knitted it so long that I had to use a school uniform coat to cover the hem. Later, my mother was more Buddhist, and she took me out to buy sweaters in winter. But the sweaters you buy are often cotton knits. This kind of sweater is heavy and not warm enough. Unlike wool, although it ties your neck, it keeps you warm wonderfully, which makes you sleepy in class.

I think the reason why I am far from fashion is partly because I live in Inner Mongolia. The climate there is rather cold, with sandstorms in spring, large temperature difference between day and night in autumn and biting cold wind in winter. Only a short summer is suitable for pursuing beauty. Fashion people have either migrated to the south, or they can only shoot at home. They want to shoot in the street, not to mention that they can’t find fashion people, and there are not even such dedicated photographers. This is why you always see Shanghai Street Shooting and Shenzhen Street Shooting on the Internet, but rarely see Hohhot Street Shooting. Looking at the street shooting in Shanghai, we often see a kind of leisure. There are few street cafes in Hohhot, and cyclists often have a hard time making a living, so it is difficult to relax.

Recently, I have paid attention to some minimalist bloggers. They have a fashion idea called capsule wardrobe. In fact, the logic is very simple, that is, they all use black, white, gray and camel-colored items to match each other. I look at my wardrobe. There is a big logo on my clothes, no black pants, no white pants, only five pairs of jeans. I can’t help feeling that a truly fashionable person doesn’t even hinder her fashion, but my dressing style is still chaotic and monotonous.

Birds in life

The pursuit of fashion is often different in degree. Everyone has a relatively inherent perspective, that is, people who are not as fashionable as themselves are old-fashioned, and those who are more fashionable than themselves will cause hipster phobia.In fact, hipsters don’t hinder anyone. They just dress themselves up according to their own aesthetics. Just because they are different from our inherent cognition, some people feel uncomfortable. But the most important quality of a civilized person is to respect the existence of others.. I saw a discussion on whether people should wear yoga pants outside on the Internet. One of the hot comments said that freedom of dressing means wearing the right clothes in the right place, which was praised by many people. But I believe that among all the people who like it, what they think is "appropriate" cannot be exactly the same.

It seems that women always fall into such a double dilemma when they wear clothes, either because they have no desire or because they show their sexiness confidently, they are judged inappropriately. When a woman is harassed, there will be two kinds of comments, either belittling the victim as a woman who is not enough to make people want, or saying that since you are dressed so attractively, you must have been prepared for being taken advantage of. This dilemma always makes me feel helpless and confused. How can a woman live in order to be considered attractive and respectable?

Bird Bird talked about the pressure of women’s appearance in the program "Send 100 Girls Home"

Ten years ago, during the Spring Festival, I went to my aunt’s house for the Spring Festival. My cousin had a wound on her face. We asked what happened. My cousin said that she walked at night years ago, because she wore a necklace and earrings, and she also carried a nice purse, so wild one robbed her and took her bag away, dragging people down. Finally, the whole family came to a unanimous conclusion: at the end of the year, people need money, don’t show off their wealth, don’t wear jewelry, and don’t walk at night. Last Spring Festival, my cousin still loved beauty very much. Not only did she dress herself up very well, but my little nephew was also dressed as a hipster by her. I think fashion may have such power:Once you have this aesthetic and creativity, you can’t hide it. Even if it is risky to show your charm, the pursuit of beauty itself is so fascinating..

Compared with food and clothing, freedom of dress is a somewhat melodramatic issue, but I am envious of some people’s desire for beauty and even their willingness to take some risks in pursuit of individuality. It is not easy for people to express themselves and have their own style, so people around them should protect their spirit rather than asking them to cut off branches. After all, this is the meaning of social development, isn’t it? That is, people can not only survive, but also live aesthetically.

Besides, I think the freedom of dressing includes not only positive freedom, that is, people can dress in fashion, youth and show their style as much as they can, but also a negative freedom, that is, they can not make many attempts in fashion.My ideal freedom of dressing is that I have the freedom of fashion and the freedom of unfashionability, so that I can neither be humiliated by sluts because of fashion, nor be criticized as "not enough women" because of unfashionability.

Bird bird also made fun of this photo of hot search on fire in Weibo.

Although I don’t intend to be a hipster myself, I hope there will be more and more hipsters around me, and I hope they will become more and more fashionable. Because only they can wear yoga pants freely, can I wear jeans freely; Only when they can wear big earrings freely can I wear small earrings freely.

You don’t have to fight for the freedom to wear conservative clothes, so you don’t have to sneer at other relatively minority clothes just because you have chosen a safer dress style. I have a narrow point of view, that is, the higher a society’s tolerance for fashion, the higher people’s sense of security for self-expression and the more dynamic cultural life.

The original text was published in the February 2023 issue of Bazaar of Fashion.

Editor: Li Jin

Typesetting: miffy

Some pictures are provided: Laughing Fruit Culture, Birds and Birds Weibo, "Send a hundred girls home "program.