标签归档 南京夜生活品茶网论坛


Under the epidemic, cloud supervisor | A "simple" takeaway

  Is it safe to eat? Is it safe to use? Is the logistics of online shopping smooth? So many worries, just go to the front line of production to see. This Spring Festival, hundreds of millions of netizens who stay at home are not idle. They are in front of the computer and mobile phone screens as "cloud supervisors". During the 3.15 period, everyone can also continue to "cloud supervisors" to supervise the resumption of work and production in all walks of life related to everyone’s clothing, food, housing and transportation at home.

  Sky Eye News reporters recorded the first scene of the resumption of work and production under the epidemic.

  "Pfft, pfft." The closed cabinet door was suddenly opened, and a deadly mist came in front of it. The bacteria fled everywhere, but they still couldn’t escape the fate of annihilation.

  "Although we are only delivering and not eating, the disinfection work must be done well." The wall, the corner of the table, the door handle… The sound of water was not stopped, the young girl’s face was full of seriousness, and she was holding the blended disinfectant in her hand.

  Disinfecting the storefront four times a day is just one of the daily procedures of the Weird Van Hunt store. Since the resumption of work, their attention to food safety has far exceeded our expectations.

  "When you come to work, you must take your temperature first, and you can only start work when your temperature is normal. The first thing you do when you enter the store is to wash your hands carefully, and wear your own gloves according to the job. Of course, masks must be worn." Just then, a customer came up to ask if they could dine, and the store manager Chen Dan quickly explained to the customers and instructed them to place an order online through the Mini Program, pack it up and take it away.

  Place an order on your mobile phone, the takeaway brother delivers it, and the delicious food is delivered immediately. Behind such a simple takeaway, there is a lot of care. In addition to the norms and safety guarantees in the store’s stocking, cooking and other links, the Weiru Fan family also hides a lot of care in the packaging. "Health talisman", the customer personally unseals the food; double-layer packaging bag, double security: peace of mind card, visible body temperature, visible peace of mind…

  One vegetable and one leaf are always concerned, and one meal and one drink are in the heart. Behind these many small details, the store makes every effort to ensure food safety, so that customers can eat with peace of mind and confidence.

  Guizhou Daily contemporary media reporter

  Zhou Zili, Hu Lan, Wang Shuai


For the first time, female generals were arranged to be read in the trekking team. Cai Zhijun responded to the number of senior commanders.

       CCTV News:The press center celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China (PRC) held the first special group interview in the press room on the second floor of the Media Center. Major General Cai Zhijun, deputy director of the Military Parade Leading Group Office and deputy director of the Operations Bureau of the Joint Staff of the Central Military Commission, Major General Tan Min, executive deputy director of the Military Parade Joint Command Office and deputy chief of staff of the Central Theater of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, and Senior Colonel Wu Qian, director of the Information Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense and spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense, were invited to introduce the arrangements for the military parade and answer questions from reporters.

       Central TV reporter:As mentioned just now, the number of senior commanders who have been read in this military parade arrangement exceeds that in previous military parades. My question is, what is the consideration for this arrangement and design? Thank you.


       Cai Zhijun:Thank you for your question. No matter in wartime or peacetime, senior commanders of the army are always the key to rallying troops, directing troops’ actions and leading troops’ construction, and are always the backbone that our party attaches great importance to training experience and entrusts with heavy responsibilities. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, especially after the Gutian Army Political Work Conference, the people’s army has regrouped and started again, and its overall appearance has taken on a new look. The ability, quality and style image of senior commanders have been greatly improved, which has played a very important role in implementing the goal of strengthening the army and promoting preparations for war.

       The senior commanders who arranged more military parades were read, and they focused on establishing a clear orientation of leading troops to fight and striving for victory, showing a good image of taking the lead and being above the rate, and declaring a high degree of consciousness of absolutely listening to the party’s command and courageously taking responsibility. As Major General Tan Min said just now, senior generals in their 60s are trained and read together with young officers and men. It is worth mentioning that the female soldier team arranged for two female generals to be the team leaders and appeared in the parade ground in a cool and heroic manner. This is also the first time that all previous military parades have arranged for female generals to be read in the trekking team. Thank you.