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Photos: The strongest handsome bodyguards from all over the world in history

Special topic: picture channel


China bodyguards are more charming than stars.
  Of course, the first person to appear is our elite man in China. Military standard crew cut, straight black suit, alert eyes, serious expression, plus young and handsome. It is said that the appearance of these Zhongnanhai bodyguards on the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China has fas cinated the Hong Kong female journalists who are used to Andy Lau and Tony Leung Chiu Wai, and they are constantly glancing at these "ouchi masters".

Israeli bodyguards who don’t like suits
  In the war-torn Middle East, there is no doubt about the business or appearance quality of Israeli bodyguards. It may be because of the hot climate and the supremacy of practicali ty. Unlike other countries, these handsome Jewish men usually don’t wear black suits when performing tasks. Jackets and cuffs are their favorite, but they can better show their strong figure.

Compatriots of God, Spanish bodyguards
  If you don’t say that God is Spanish, it really makes people feel that there is no way to explain why there are so many handsome guys in Spain. Handsome bodyguards produced in Spain are de finitely among the top three in Europe if they are better than appearance. Charming eyes, sharp edges and corners, even the wrinkles exude charm. Without being an entertainment star, the small universe really feels a little greedy.

Cemetery generator Russian bodyguard
  This eldest brother is said to be the personal bodyguard of Putin, the most attractive man in Russia. Although a little bald, there is only one word to describe his appearance: handsome. A small white face, especially those sparkling eyes, is definitely a "graveyard generator". If I hadn’t been told that this eldest brother was a bodyguard, which star would I have seen?
Bodyguard entertainment edition

Kevin Costner
  In the movie "Bodyguard", he plays a gentle and gentlemanly bodyguard who is full of love everywhere, and the image of a warm-blooded tough guy who is sincere and calm. He reveals a warm life atmosphere from time to time in his strength and courage. He is willing to be accused and snubbed in order to protect his children and a happy family, and stands up in a critical moment, which is touching.

Jet Li
  At the peak of his personal work, the movie "Zhongnanhai Bodyguard" showed his charm to the greatest extent. Lightweight posture, extraordinary skill, and restrained feelings have left a deep "tough guy" image for China’s bodyguards.

Tak Chung Ma
  Before I entered the entertainment circle, I actually worked as a bodyguard, and I was also a member of G4, a Hong Kong police protection VIP group, to protect visiting dignitaries. When Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew and British Crown Prince Charles and Princess Diana visited Hong Kong, he was one of the bodyguards.

Editor: Li Erqing


Women, look over here! Four factors erode women’s health? Master the "three cornerstones" of health

According to the survey, the average life expectancy of women is 5-10 years longer than that of men, but the life expectancy gap is gradually narrowing. The reason why women will lose their original health advantages is closely related to bad habits in daily life, especially the following four points will erode women’s health.

1. Decreased activity

Now is a society where men and women are equal. Housework is not limited to women. Women spend less time doing housework, and their activities are also reduced. Coupled with a heavy-flavored diet such as high calorie and high fat, it will cause obesity, especially abdominal obesity, thus increasing the risk of chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes and fatty liver.

2. Bad hobbies

Smoking and alcoholism are no longer exclusive to men. Many women will relieve their worries by smoking and drinking. However, harmful toxic substances and alcohol in cigarettes can poison various organs and systems of the body and increase the risk of respiratory system, digestive system and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

3, more and more strong

Nowadays, women are stronger and stronger. They are no longer always crying, coquetry or nagging as before. They keep everything in their hearts, carry things on their own, don’t know how to release pressure, and induce mental illness and digestive system diseases for a long time.

4. Too much pressure

Modern women hold up half the sky and bear no less pressure than men. While taking care of the elderly at home and raising children, they also struggle in the workplace. Because of long-term heavy pressure, endocrine disorder, reducing resistance and increasing the chance of illness.

1. Exercise more.

Women should have at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise every day, such as brisk walking, jogging, skipping rope, swimming and practicing yoga. The weekly exercise time should not be less than 4-5 days, which can promote the whole body blood circulation, improve the cardiopulmonary function, enhance the resistance, and also help to release stress and enjoy the body and mind. In addition, women must stay away from cigarettes and second-hand smoke and refuse to drink alcoholic beverages.

2. Reasonable supplementation of calcium and iron

Under the premise of ensuring a balanced nutrition, iron and calcium should be properly supplemented. Because women face menstrual blood loss every month, they should eat more iron-containing foods, such as animal viscera, animal blood and various lean meats. In addition, eat more calcium-containing milk, eggs, beans, bean products, green leafy vegetables and shrimp skin, and ensure that you drink 200 ~ 300ml of milk every day, get proper sunshine, promote calcium absorption and delay osteoporosis.

3. Adjust your mood

Arrange work and rest reasonably, and coordinate the relationship between career and family. You can’t overdraw your physical strength and energy, so that you can combine work and rest; Face everything with a positive and optimistic attitude, eliminate bad emotions such as anxiety and fear in time, not pursue perfection in everything, and vent your emotions by talking to others, having a good cry or exercising.


After entering the age of 30, women should have a comprehensive physical examination at least once a year. In addition to regular monitoring of blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipid and weight, they should also be screened for HPV and TCT regularly. After the age of 35, do mammography or breast B-ultrasound examination once a year; Regular monitoring of estrogen after the age of 45. In addition, women should adjust their diet structure, eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains, and eat 7-8 minutes full for each meal, not overeating or wolfing down; Keep a regular schedule and quit the bad habit of staying up late.

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