Is cherry a large cherry after all?


Is cherry a large cherry after all?

According to Science and Technology Daily, during the Spring Festival, people like to take some fruits with them when visiting relatives and friends. Cherry with sweet and sour taste is included in many people’s shopping list. Recently, the topic about "Is cherries a large cherry?" triggered a heated discussion among netizens. So, is the cherry a large cherry? How to choose high-quality cherries?   
"Cherry and cherry are brothers of different species. They all belong to the genus Sakura of Rosaceae, but the varieties are different, similar to the relationship between kiwifruit and kiwifruit. " College of biological sciences and biotechnology, Ph.D., and Li Jun, a senior engineer of Beijing Institute of Landscaping Science, said that cherries are generally larger, while cherries are usually smaller.   
"In addition to the size, there are still some differences between cherries and cherries that belong to the cherry’ family’." Li Jun said.   
One is different colors. Cherry peel is dark in color and generally dark red. The skin of domestic cherry is light in color, usually reddish.   
Second, the taste is different. Cherry is dense, sweet and sweeter than cherry. Cherry, on the other hand, tastes hard, sweet and sour, and has obvious fruity acidity.   
Third, the origin is different. Cherry is an imported fruit, mainly produced in Chile and other countries. Long-distance transportation and long-term storage have caused the freshness and quality of cherries to decline to some extent. Cherry is a native fruit in China, with shorter transportation time and distance, which is more secure in freshness.   
There is a view on the Internet that cherries are out-of-season fruits, and eating them is not healthy. "The cherries on the market now are not anti-season fruits." Li Jun explained that cherries are mostly imported from countries in the southern hemisphere such as Chile, and the seasons in the southern hemisphere are just the opposite of those in China. Cherry began to ripen around November, that is, the local summer.   
Li Jun suggested that when consumers buy cherries, they should choose those that are fresh, with intact skin, full and stiff, and with fruit stalks. "Pay special attention to the’ J’ logo on the fruit packaging. This is a commonly used grading unit in the southern hemisphere. The more’ j’, the bigger the cherries are. Before eating, it is recommended to soak cherries in light salt water for 10 to 15 minutes, and then rinse them with running water. " He said.
Source: Xinmin Weekly


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