标签归档 上海后花园龙凤


The new BYD Han DM-I/Han DM-p was launched on April 10th.

  [car home Information] Recently, we learned from relevant channels that the new BYD Han DM-i/DM-p will be listed on April 10th, and the previously announced pre-sale price range was 216,800-322,800 yuan, including 216,800-292,800 yuan for Han DM-i and 322,800 yuan for Han DM-p. The new model will be upgraded in appearance, interior and configuration.

Byd Han 2022 DM-i 121KM exclusive type

  In terms of appearance, the new Han DM-i has been upgraded in a small range on the basis of the current model. The new car continues to use the front face of the "Dragon Face" family, and the size of the front grille is further increased to look fuller. The air intakes on both sides have also become more rounded, and the sharp shape is more in line with visual aesthetics.

Byd Han 2022 DM-i 121KM exclusive type

  At the rear of the vehicle, the penetrating headlights of the new Han DM-i are more advanced. After removing the chrome decoration, the overall sense of the headlights is stronger. The design of the Chinese knot in the headlights once again shows China elements, and the air diffuser shape of the rear lip echoes the front face, which increases the vehicle’s sportiness.

Byd Han 2022 DM-i 121KM exclusive type

Byd Han 2022 DM-i 121KM exclusive type

Byd Han 2022 DM-i 121KM exclusive type

Byd Han 2022 DM-i 121KM exclusive type

Byd Han 2022 DM-i 121KM exclusive type

  In terms of interior, the new Han DM-i basically continues the interior design of the current model, but the overall color matching looks more elegant, especially the brand-new operation interface, and the color matching is obviously higher, which is reflected in the full LCD instrument panel and the central control panel. DiLink 4.0(5G) intelligent networking system is equipped with a new combination instrument, which can display not only 3D ADAS information but also navigation information on the instrument, in addition to the configuration of NFC car keys and smart housekeeper for cloud services.

Byd Han 2022 DM-i 121KM exclusive type

Byd Han 2022 DM-i 121KM exclusive type

  In terms of power, the new car comes standard with a blade battery and a plug-in hybrid system based on a 1.5T engine. Under the energy-saving Han DM-i NEDC working condition, the pure battery life is 242km, the fuel consumption per 100km is as low as 4.2L, and the comprehensive battery life can reach 1,300km. Han DM-p, which is the main performance, only needs 3.7 seconds to accelerate at zero speed, 202km of pure battery life under NEDC working condition, and 5.2L of fuel consumption per 100 kilometers. (Text/car home Qin Chao) 


The Ministry of Education issued the early warning information of the 2023 college entrance examination to remind the majority of candidates to beware of being cheated in the integrity examination.

Cctv newsAccording to the Ministry of Education, the college entrance examination is a big test in the life of college students, which is related to the vital interests of candidates and has attracted much attention from the society. The college entrance examination in 2023 is approaching, and the majority of candidates are actively adjusting their status and preparing for the exam calmly and orderly. However, some lawless elements are driven by economic interests to spread false information about the exam, sell and create anxiety, and even commit fraud and induce candidates to cheat in the exam, which seriously disrupts the enrollment order of the exam. To this end, the Ministry of Education, in conjunction with relevant departments, combined with some typical cases in recent years, solemnly reminded the majority of candidates and parents to be vigilant, beware of being deceived, and do the integrity test.

  First, organizing cheating in the college entrance examination can’t escape the recovery of the French Open.

  [Case] Before the college entrance examination in 2020, the candidate Zhu Moumou and Wen Mou (handled separately) negotiated to organize cheating in the exam. Zhu Moumou provided the test questions, and Wen Mou was responsible for finding the "gunner" and jointly paid the "gunner" for the test questions. During the examination, Zhu Moumou brought his mobile phone into the examination room, photographed the examination paper and handed it to the "gunner". After the "gunner" answered, he sent the answer to the candidates for plagiarism. Participants and organizers were quickly captured. Candidate Zhu Moumou committed the crime of cheating in organizing exams, was sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for five years, and fined RMB 6,000.

  【 Regulations 】 The Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) clearly stipulates that it is illegal to "organize cheating" and "provide examination questions and answers to candidates" in the national examinations prescribed by law. The Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in Handling Criminal Cases, such as Organizing Cheating in Examinations, clarifies that those who organize cheating in national education examinations, such as college entrance examinations and graduate examinations, will be directly identified as "serious" acts, and will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and fined.

  [Reminder] In recent years, local public security organs, together with the education departments, have continued to maintain a high-pressure and severe crackdown on all kinds of illegal and criminal activities involving exams. Remind the majority of candidates that they must enhance their legal awareness, know the law and abide by it, and don’t be confused for a while and regret it for life.

  Second, "Gui Li" will eventually become "likui jy", and it is not feasible to challenge the law.

  [Case] In the unified entrance examination of art and design major in colleges and universities in a province in 2020, two fraudsters found a college student to take the test for a candidate and were arrested by the police. Two cheaters were sentenced to three years and eight months in prison and three years and two months in prison respectively. Taking the test for college students was sentenced to five months’ criminal detention and suspended for one year.

  【 Regulations 】 The Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) clearly stipulates that it is illegal to "organize cheating" or "substitute others or let others take the exam instead of themselves" in the national examination prescribed by law.

  [Reminder] In recent years, some new technical means have been gradually used in the management of national education examinations to prevent fraud such as taking exams. Although the exam is valuable and the price of honesty is higher, don’t believe in the temptation of criminals, so as not to be deceived, and don’t be lucky enough to take the exam for others or let others take their place. Trying the law will eventually "eat the consequences".

  Third, avoid the security check and bring your mobile phone, and cheating in the exam will ruin your future.

  [Case] During the college entrance examination in 2022, a candidate avoided the entrance security check and illegally brought his mobile phone into the examination room. After the exam, he took a test paper and sent it to the QQ group for an answer. According to relevant regulations, candidates who violate the rules are dealt with seriously.

  [Regulations] The college entrance examination is a national education examination prescribed by law. The Measures for Handling Violation of National Education Examination clearly stipulates that anyone who uses communication equipment during the examination shall be deemed as cheating in the examination, and his scores in all subjects registered for the examination at that time shall be invalid. The Education Law of the People’s Republic of China clearly stipulates that candidates who carry or use cheating equipment and materials in national education examinations, if the circumstances are serious, shall be ordered by the education administrative department to stop taking the relevant national education examinations for more than one year and less than three years; If it constitutes a violation of public security administration, it shall be punished by the public security organ according to law; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

  [Reminder] In recent years, the Ministry of Education, together with relevant departments, has deployed a special treatment for mobile phone cheating in the college entrance examination, so that mobile phones can’t be brought in, used or sent out. During the college entrance examination, students from all over the country will fight for their dreams under the standardized examination room and full video surveillance. After the examination, the video and video of the examination room will also be played back in a centralized way to determine whether each candidate has violated the rules and regulations. Candidates should consciously abide by the requirements of the rules of the examination room, obey the management of the examiners, refuse to carry illegal and prohibited items such as mobile phones, and abide by the examination discipline. Losing an exam is not important, but losing your life is really not worth the loss.

  Fourth, false propaganda is not credible, and there is no "pie" with "trap"

  Exam proposition experts teach, strengthen the package, and so-and-so students are admitted to a famous school … … Such propaganda copy and enrollment advertisements often appear in the enrollment propaganda of various examination and training institutions, which makes many parents believe it. Judging from the typical cases of false propaganda and advertising violations in public education and training institutions, there are problems of diversification, popularization and price fraud in different degrees. Fictitious education teachers’ ability and level, excessive exaggeration and propaganda on the effect of education and training, and false propaganda in the name of students and beneficiaries have become the usual tricks for training institutions to implement fraud.

  【 Regulations 】 The Advertising Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) clearly stipulates that advertisements for education and training shall not contain the following contents: (1) Make an express or implied guarantee commitment to entering a higher school, passing an examination, obtaining a degree or a certificate of qualification, or to the effect of education and training; (two) express or implied that the relevant examination institutions or their staff and examination proposition personnel participate in education and training; (3) Using the names or images of scientific research institutions, academic institutions, educational institutions, trade associations, professionals and beneficiaries for recommendation and certification.

  [Reminder] The college entrance examination questions belong to the national top secret materials, and their storage and transportation have extremely strict management measures. It is impossible for all kinds of training institutions to ensure that candidates "package", nor can they provide "real questions", let alone spend money on diplomas. Candidates should not listen to false propaganda and be deceived, causing property losses and delaying valuable review time.

  Five, "Zhankeng Post" is a gimmick, and the "prank" involved in the test cannot be touched.

  [Case] After the math subject test of the college entrance examination in 2022, some netizens posted some pictures of the test papers and were suspected of leaking the test questions. After investigation by the public security organs, it was found that it was a malicious editor who "occupied the post". Before the exam, it posted irrelevant posts on the relevant platforms, and then replaced the original content with the content of the test paper after the exam. The post time was still displayed before the exam, which caused the illusion that it was suspected that the questions were leaked before the exam. In addition, some candidates posted on the Internet claiming to be "taking the test questions before the exam", which also belonged to the "occupation posts" maliciously edited after the exam.

  [Reminder] Lawyers and experts remind that if candidates maliciously publish such information, they will be suspected of breaking the law in addition to violating the examination discipline, and if the circumstances are serious, it will constitute a crime. If a training institution or other personnel, for the purpose of illegal possession, fictitiously obtains the information of test questions or "real questions" before the exam by publishing "posts occupying pits" to defraud a large amount of public and private property, it is suspected of fraud. Candidates should not "fool" themselves in order to entertain others.


National Day Mid-Autumn Festival Travel Guide Released The number of domestic tourists is estimated at 710 million.

  BEIJING, Sept. 19 (Xinhua)-The website of the National Tourism Administration released the 2017 National Day Mid-Autumn Festival Holiday Travel Guide on the 19th. The guide mentioned that it is estimated that the number of domestic tourists will reach 710 million from October 1 to October 8, and the domestic tourism revenue will reach 590 billion yuan. It is estimated that the number of domestic tourists and tourism revenue will increase by 10% and 12.2% respectively from October 1 to October 7 compared with the same period of last year.

  The main contents of the guide are as follows:

  First, the holiday tourism market forecast

  National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival are happy to meet each other, and the superposition of holidays constitutes a "super holiday" of up to 8 days. According to the survey of residents’ willingness to travel in the data center of National Tourism Administration, residents’ willingness to travel in the fourth quarter was 82.6%, of which 64.8% chose to travel during the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival until the end of October. It is estimated that the number of domestic tourists will reach 710 million from October 1 to October 8, and the domestic tourism revenue will reach 590 billion yuan. It is estimated that the number of domestic tourists and tourism revenue will increase by 10% and 12.2% respectively from October 1 to October 7 compared with the same period of last year. The holiday tourism market will present the following trends:

  1. Two-section superimposed heating long-distance tourism

  "Super Holiday" makes residents go out, especially for long-distance travel in China. According to the survey, 48.9% of the respondents traveled for 4 to 7 days during the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holidays, and 17.6% traveled for 7 to 30 days. Affected by the BRICS meeting, traveling to Xiamen is very popular. According to Ctrip. com’s travel booking data, Sanya, Beijing, Kunming, Lanzhou, Xiamen, Urumqi, Guilin, Lijiang, Xi ‘an, Shanghai and other destinations are popular, and the heat in the northwest and southwest is not diminished.

  2. Consumption upgrading promotes outbound tourism

  Affected by the continuous upgrading of mass tourism consumption, the relatively stable international situation and the high exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar, outbound travel will usher in a small peak. According to the survey, 16.4% of the respondents chose to travel abroad during the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holidays, and 20.9% chose to travel to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. According to the travel booking data of Tuniu. com, Xinmatai, Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia and Viet Nam are the most popular short-term destinations, while the United States, Canada, Australia, France and Egypt are the most concerned about the long-term destinations, and the routes to Eastern Europe and africa tour have become the new highlights of outbound tourism.

  3. Free travel leads the surrounding tourism

  In the era of mass tourism, with the upgrading of tourism consumption, tourists pay more attention to the quality of tourism. According to the survey, 54.3% of the respondents chose to organize their own trips during the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holidays. From the perspective of product demand, natural scenery, historical sites and theme parks are the most interesting destinations for free travellers. From the perspective of travel distance, free travellers mainly drive by car in short and medium distances, and leisure and holiday tours in rural areas around the city are more popular.

  4. Different needs promote theme tourism

  Different groups of people present diversified tourism needs. According to the booking data of flying pig travel and the tourists’ comments collected by public opinion monitoring Room Tourism Big Data Center of People’s Daily Online, among the outbound tourists during the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, the proportion of consumers aged 23 to 34 reached 50.9%, and most of them were free or semi-free. Domestic tours are mainly family trips, and cities with large theme parks are the most popular destinations for autumn tours, such as grasslands and ecology. Museums of history and humanities, ocean parks, zoos, theme parks and cruise tours are the first choices for family tourists.

  5. Cultural tourism activities sing folk tourism.

  October 4th coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival. For people who want to have a family reunion and travel abroad, celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying the moon during their travel has become a new highlight of holiday travel. Featured tourism products such as moon viewing, tide watching and seafood tasting built around "tourism+culture", "tourism+folk customs" and "tourism+food" are deeply loved by the public, and leisure experience activities with local characteristics such as autumn viewing in the west, climbing mountains in autumn, skiing in the ancient capital of Beijing, and seaside beaches are the most popular.

  Second, the holiday destination selection strategy

  In the face of the dazzling array of tourist routes and foreseeable peak passenger flow in the holiday tourism market, how to choose to maximize the sense of tourism experience and satisfaction is suggested to adopt the following four principles:

  1. Enjoy the fun of rational travel

  Rationality makes tourism return to the origin of happiness. In the era of mass tourism, the demand for tourism has increased rapidly, and it broke out again during holidays, forming a tidal wave of passenger flow. Visitors should have a clear understanding of the impact of peak passenger flow on personal experience and be rational when participating in holiday travel. Before traveling, we should put an end to the mentality of comparison, enjoyment and perfection, and choose reasonable routes and products. During the journey, we should be rational and optimistic, not blindly pursue the maximization of personal travel, and reserve reasonable experience space for others. When encountering unintentional bumps, crowded queues, taking pictures and grabbing pictures, we should maintain courtesy and restraint. When you feel irritable and angry during the journey, you can focus on the distant scenery and let your mind calm down.

  2. Don’t worry about going out at the wrong peak

  Traveling at the wrong peak will effectively improve the travel experience. First, the peak time is wrong. Most domestic popular tourist destinations show a trend of "high in the middle and low at both ends". Arranging a short trip two days before or the last day of the holiday will alleviate the travel congestion. For example, if you go to an expected popular area, you can arrange a trip the day before the holiday. The second is the peak traffic. Near the holiday, local traffic departments will issue road network tips to predict and monitor road congestion, so that the majority of self-driving tourists can pay attention to it and choose driving routes scientifically. For long-distance travel, the railway and civil aviation routes to large cities a few days before the holiday and to small and medium-sized cities in the next few days are relatively loose, which can avoid the peak passenger traffic.

  3. Get cold and avoid heat to enjoy the beautiful scenery

  Some emerging tourist routes and destinations have not received much attention, and some popular tourist routes and destinations have entered the relatively off-season. Choosing to go during holidays will greatly improve the quality of tourism and enrich the connotation of travel. For the convenience of tourists, some provincial (city, district) tourism authorities have compiled a list of unpopular tourist routes and destination keywords for reference according to the holiday tourism situation in the same period over the years.

  4. It’s more leisurely to travel long distances.

  Take a vacation to a distant place and enjoy a unique holiday. On-the-job staff tourists who usually have insufficient discretionary time can negotiate with their units, combine paid annual leave with National Day holiday, Mid-Autumn Festival holiday and weekend holiday to form a long holiday, and choose a longer and farther travel destination or a unique in-depth travel route to avoid peak passenger flow and enhance the travel experience.

  The Tourism Bureau issued holiday travel tips to remind tourists of the following precautions:

  1. Have a pleasant journey and don’t forget safety.Pay attention to the weather changes at the destination, and make preparations for wind, lightning and rain. Pay attention to traffic safety, check vehicles in advance to avoid failure on the way. Pay attention to food safety, eat fresh food and stay away from unusual ingredients. Pay attention to property safety, separate property and put your backpack in front of you. Pay attention to personal safety and don’t blindly participate in high-risk tourism projects. Before traveling, buy a travel accident insurance for yourself and your family.

  2. Travel all the way with civilization.When traveling, everyone should be a follower, supervisor and advocate of civilized tourism. Abide by the laws and regulations, public order and social morality of tourist destinations. Respect local customs, cultural traditions and religious beliefs. Cherish the natural environment, do not litter, and do not harm vegetation. Protect cultural relics, don’t graffiti on buildings, and don’t carve words in scenic spots. Pay attention to being polite, respectful and helpful. Advocate healthy entertainment and resist feudal superstitions.

  3. Beware of infringement and reasonable rights protection.Tourists should establish a sense of rights and reasonably safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. Choose a regular travel agent and pay attention to check whether the travel agent has business qualifications. Sign a standardized tourism contract uniformly printed by local tourism authorities, and carefully check the terms. Remember that you have the right to know and choose about the arrangement of shopping and other paid activities, and refuse to force consumption or bundle consumption. When spending, you should ask for an invoice. No matter whether you participate in shopping, accommodation, sightseeing, entertainment and other activities, the invoice is the only proof of payment. When infringement is suspected, we should rely on all kinds of appeal channels to defend our rights reasonably and legally, and should never assert our rights and interests without restrictions or take excessive rights protection actions.

  4.12301 Intimate guardian waiting to talk.12301 is a national tourism service hotline, which provides tourism services for tourists and enhances their travel experience through all-media interaction. You can call 12301 for help when you need to consult on tourism matters, complain about tourism rights protection, and need rescue in case of tourism emergency. If it is inconvenient to defend rights during the trip, you can keep relevant evidence and seek a solution after returning.


Ministry of Finance: In 2023, the national lottery sales increased by 36.5% year on year.

  [Dahe Finance Cube News]On January 30th, the Ministry of Finance announced the national lottery sales in December 2023.

  First, the national lottery sales

  In December, the national lottery sales totaled 53.284 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 8.565 billion yuan or 13.8%. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 17.476 billion yuan, an increase of 5.646 billion yuan, an increase of 47.7%; The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 35.808 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 14.211 billion yuan or 28.4%. Mainly because of football in the same period last year.The base of the pulling factors of the event is high.

  From January to December, the national lottery sales totaled 579.696 billion yuan, an increase of 155.044 billion yuan or 36.5%. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 194.441 billion yuan, an increase of 46.311 billion yuan, an increase of 31.3%; The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 385.255 billion yuan, an increase of 108.733 billion yuan or 39.3%.

  Second, the sales of lottery tickets by type

  In December, lottery digital lottery sales reached 16.952 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 29.3%. The sales of quiz lottery tickets was 22.431 billion yuan, down 47.8% year-on-year; The sales of instant lottery tickets reached 10.224 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 214.4%; Keno lottery sales reached 3.676 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 47.3%. In December, the sales volume of digital lottery, quiz, instant lottery and Keno lottery respectively accounted for 31.8%, 42.1%, 19.2% and 6.9% of the total lottery sales, and the sales volume of video lottery was 140,000 yuan, an increase of 120,000 yuan year-on-year.

  From January to December, the sales of lottery digital lottery tickets reached 176.803 billion yuan, an increase of 21.385 billion yuan or 13.8%. The sales of quiz lottery tickets was 246.476 billion yuan, an increase of 65.550 billion yuan or 36.2% year-on-year; The sales of instant lottery tickets reached 119.021 billion yuan, an increase of 59.574 billion yuan or 100.2%. The sales of Keno lottery tickets reached 37.394 billion yuan, up 8.534 billion yuan or 29.6% year-on-year. From January to December, the sales volume of digital lottery, quiz, instant lottery and Keno lottery respectively accounted for 30.5%, 42.5%, 20.5% and 6.5% of the total lottery sales. Video lottery sales reached 1.53 million yuan, up 930,000 yuan year-on-year.

  Third, the sales of lottery tickets by region

  In December, compared with the same period of last year, the lottery sales in various provinces in China were mixed, among which Hunan, Guangdong, Chongqing and Xinjiang increased more, increasing by 231 million yuan, 191 million yuan, 163 million yuan and 138 million yuan respectively. Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, and Sichuan saw a large decline, with a year-on-year decrease of 1.722 billion yuan, 1.106 billion yuan, 735 million yuan, and 659 million yuan respectively.

  From January to December, compared with the same period of last year, lottery sales in all provinces in China increased, with Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shandong increasing by 16.321 billion yuan, 12.946 billion yuan, 12.442 billion yuan and 10.832 billion yuan respectively.

  Lottery agencies at all levels should closely follow and analyze new situations and new problems, effectively strengthen the issuance and sales of lottery tickets, and ensure the smooth operation of the market. Financial departments at all levels should further strengthen lottery supervision, actively create a good external environment, maintain market order, and promote the sustained and healthy development of lottery.