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Workplace+youth! On the Typological Exploration of Modern Spy War Drama from Qiu Chan

       Original title: "workplace metamorphosis" in modern spy war dramas

The foggy Qiu Chan, as a well-made spy war drama this year, has been greatly anticipated by the audience due to the pre-publicity’s rendering of suspense and the addition of many old drama bones. In fact, the beginning of the plot is desperate. The intense and exciting rhythm of the previous episodes really fits the artistic expression level of the spy war drama. However, with the end of the whole drama, most of the audience’s complaints about the straightforward and simple plot, the rigid emotional line of the heroine, and the unfocused modeling of the male protagonist constantly surfaced. The typological exploration of domestic spy war dramas still faces bottlenecks.

The "Death Game" in the Fierce Workplace Competition

Compared with the successful representative works of spy war dramas in previous years, such as plot against, lurk and pretender, Qiu Chan’s handling of "the struggle between the enemy and ourselves" does have obvious narrative confusion. On the whole, the plot still follows the strong plot narrative of the spy war story, full of danger and suspense, and weaves various tests for the protagonist. Compared with the portrayal of domestic heroes and the description of human nature, the workplace confrontation between Ye Chong and Miyamoto in the play is relatively more exciting.

In the fierce competition in the workplace, two young and energetic colleagues have different positions and beliefs. They use the superficial personal grievances and even the competition for the same position in the office as a seesaw, but in fact they have just completed the hiding of the hidden personnel. In the pursuit, catching the mole and suspecting his colleagues almost never stopped, from the office of the Military and Political Department to the scene of the arrest and interrogation, and even setting up sentry surveillance near the colleague’s residence. From the point of view of the workplace, the two are really devoted to their work. Dai Sato Zang, the Major General of the Military and Political Affairs Department of Xiangdao, is more like a leader who is embarrassed everywhere. The most repeated lines seem to be exhorting two subordinates to "I hope you will stop here". As a superior, while mediating the contradictions between subordinates, I hope they will be used for their own purposes; On the one hand, I hope that they will form a compelling relationship with each other and even deal with powerful subordinates. Here, the humanized contest between the enemy and ourselves, which is common in spy war dramas, has been clearly transformed into a workplace contest.

Generally speaking, in this seemingly infighting in the workplace, in fact, the righteous man will be portrayed as a superhero with superior wisdom and vigorous skills. In the play, Ye Chong did keep his disguise in every crisis, but it was always slower than Miyamoto’s, which led to the continuous failure of the joint, and comrades were constantly exposed and arrested, constantly sacrificed and transferred, and then entered the next cycle. In the play, the role of Xiaozhuang almost swept all the affairs of Ye Chong, and the point of fierce confrontation between the male and the female was also diluted. If it is intended for the suspense mechanism of plot narration, it can only be regarded as a strong spiritual stimulus of "death game", which is useless for shaping the protagonist.

In addition, in the spy war drama, it is also a common skill to sublimate the sense of tragedy in the form of the hero’s sacrifice in the face of potential crisis and the viciousness of hostile forces. Before the arrival of this established sad moment, the complicated story is not the standard to judge whether a play is good or not, otherwise it will fall into the formal game of suspense reasoning and hinder the expression of the theme.

Youth idols and the infinite land of "pan-spy war"

The high confidentiality of hidden front work makes underground workers more like a contradiction. Qiu Chan is the male actor Ye Chong — — Code-named "Qiu Chan", an underground worker, chose a youth idol. Allen’s face is chiseled, with all kinds of uniform suits, suits and white shirts, and he can play the piano. As a hidden and forbearing person, The Infiltrator invariably highlights the modern aesthetics of the characters, which seems to usurp the host’s role. Stereotyped facial stereotypes can’t match the development of characters’ personalities.

From Sparrow, which started with the appearance of "youth" spy war in 2016, to Qiu Chan, which is cold and lonely today and needs to be reborn, it is of certain significance for the younger generation to pay attention to and inspire their growth, and its influence and communication effect are also obvious to all. In the consumption context of youth idols, there are often designs that pretend to be lovers or couples, and Qiu Chan has not jumped out of this pattern, setting up scenes where female characters are jealous or have misunderstandings. In the past spy war dramas, this usually existed as an auxiliary line of family ethics narration. However, if emotional entanglements can’t really play a role in narration, they are just coquetry of female characters, which will lead the plot to a boundless land of "pan-spy war".

The revolutionary cause of spy war is not a child’s play. Female roles can be weak, but they must be honed and grown. The female images in Qiu Chan also lack the smart and capable side of women in traditional spy war dramas. In addition to Junko Qingquan’s excellent business ability, Jin Xiang was portrayed as a "gangster female leader", while He Ying, the female host, focused too much on the emotional relationship with the male host. The embarrassment of identity and emotional displacement make the audience only rely on the existing experience, and they are constantly frustrated in the heavy decryption of the plot. This gamification experience, which is not equal to the real feeling, further dispels the seriousness of spy war.

In addition, it is a skill for spy war dramas to create a sense of urgency in time and space to construct unique urban images and complete dramatic conflicts in a certain time and space structure. For example, the New World, with the main battlefield in Beiping, the Peace Hotel, with the closed space in Manchuria in the northeast, and the Kite, with a spy war narrative around the mountain city of Chongqing, etc. Qiu Chan also takes wartime Hong Kong as the main activity scope of the characters, and inserts some actions of Myanmar and Shanghai. From the blockade of virtual space to the breakthrough of external information transmission and exchange, the regulation of time and space provides an enchantment for this clever narrative. But it is a pity that the drama’s creation of Hong Kong’s urban features in a specific period is mediocre in regional characteristics and has not left a clear and profound impression on people.

Since 1958, when the film showed the outstanding underground workers of the Party dedicated themselves to the revolution, the image of hidden front workers in these years has been stereotyped as "dancers at the tip of a knife", and everything except faith and mission has been left behind by individuals. The TV series "Eighteen Years of Enemy Camp", which premiered in 1981, was recognized by the academic circles as a new beginning of domestic spy war drama because it showed the image of a Communist party member who went deep into the tiger’s den regardless of personal safety. It can be seen that the enduring foundation of domestic spy war dramas still lies in the performance of revolutionaries on the hidden front and their indomitable underground work. Qiu Chan’s expression of workplace squeeze in the hidden front, the borrowing of youth idol elements and the expression of special regions in special times are also an exploration of new types of elements in domestic spy war dramas to some extent. Although it is not satisfactory in handling, it is still instructive.(Author: Peng Liuying, Associate Research Fellow, Film Art Center of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Editor in Charge of Film Art)


[A New Five-year Chronology with Concentric Petals] The beautiful scenery of "Lotus Pond and Weihai" in Baiyangdian reappears, and xiong’an new area’s "Millennium Forest and Wanqingbo" is worth lookin

  CCTV News: (Reporter Liu Wei)Baiyangdian Lake in midsummer, with lotus flowers, red reeds and green seas, rippling blue waves and cruise ships. Stroll on the wooden plank road of Xin ‘an North Dike in Baiyangdian to see the reappearance of the beautiful scenery of the "Lotus Pond and Weed Sea", and board the viewing platform to see the lush &hellip of the "Millennium Xiulin" Daqing River in Lin Yuyu; …

Photography: Liu Wei

  On August 3rd, the online theme activity of "Concentric and Collaborative Five-Year Spectrum" entered xiong’an new area, Hebei Province, and today it is destined to be a "high-value" encounter.

  Blue and green interweave, which is the background color of xiong’an new area.

  "The Millennium Xiulin is greener, the exhibition industry is transformed to control pollution, the aquaculture water is cleaned up, and the blue sky is controlled by the environment". Every step of xiong’an new area adheres to ecological priority and green development.

Photography: Liu Wei

  Mr. Sun from Hangzhou told the CCTV reporter that this was his first visit to Baiyangdian and he was shocked by the "beauty of the atmosphere" here. "The beauty of Hangzhou is ‘ Xiaojiabiyu ’ , the beauty here ‘ Endless ’ 。” He also deliberately went boating in Baiyangdian to enjoy this "lotus pond and reed sea".

  According to Cheng Gang, deputy director of the Bureau of Ecology and Environment of xiong’an new area, this year xiong’an new area will continue to fully implement ten major projects, including urban pollution control, rural pollution integration control, aquatic livestock breeding pollution control, tourism and catering pollution control, agricultural non-point source pollution control, industrial pollution comprehensive control, lake ecological control and restoration, comprehensive regulation of rivers entering the lake, treatment of polluted pits and ponds and black and odorous water bodies, and ecological protection and utilization, so as to fight a tough battle for Baiyangdian ecological environment control.

  Millennium Forest City is the future of xiong’an new area.

Photography: Liu Wei

  It is understood that since the construction of the Millennium Xiulin Project was started in November 2017, xiong’an new area has completed afforestation in the first area of Daqinghe forest (the original plot No.9), 100,000 mu of forest for both seedling and landscape, afforestation in autumn of 2018 and afforestation in spring of 2019, with more than 170,000 mu of newly planted trees, nearly 200 species selected and more than 12 million seedlings planted.

  Different from the traditional urban afforestation, the "Millennium Xiulin" in the new area is mainly a near-natural forest, and it is also a "smart" forest. Each tree has its own QR code. Through the development of Xiong ‘an Senlin big data system APP and construction management platform, the whole life cycle management of seedlings is carried out, thus creating a digital forest. Each tree corresponds to the change of digital city, turning thousands of trees into the beginning of Xiong’ an’s thousand-year memory.

Photography: Liu Wei

  Surrounded by forests in the north and wetlands in the south, the city is in the forest, people are in the scenery, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and people are in harmony with nature. It is worth looking forward to.


Bank of China: The inflow of US$ 11.9 billion in the past week was the largest since July 2015.

[Bank of China: The inflow of US$ 11.9 billion in the past week was the largest since July 2015] Cailian News Agency, January 26th, Bank of America quoted EPFR data as saying that the inflow of emerging market equity funds reached a record US$ 12.1 billion in the week ending January 24th. China stock fund attracted $11.9 billion in capital inflows last week, the largest since July 2015 and the second largest in history. Global equity funds attract $17.6 billion in capital inflows; The inflow of American equity funds is $5.3 billion; European equity funds, for the fourth week in a row, had a capital outflow of $1.9 billion.


The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development fully gives urban real estate control autonomy, and cities can adjust their real estate policies according to local conditions.

January 26, 2006: The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a deployment meeting of urban real estate financing coordination mechanism this morning. The meeting demanded that we should adapt to the new situation that the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market has undergone major changes, speed up the construction of a new model of real estate development, combine the long and short, treat both the symptoms and the root causes, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. It is necessary to adhere to the policy of the city, precise policy, one city and one policy, make good use of the policy toolbox, and fully give urban real estate regulation and control autonomy. Cities can adjust their real estate policies according to local conditions.

It is necessary to work out the housing development plan, improve the housing supply system of "guarantee+market", establish a new linkage mechanism of people, housing, land and money, improve the basic system of housing life cycle, implement the construction of affordable housing, the construction of public infrastructure for emergency use and the transformation of villages in cities, and build a green, low-carbon, intelligent and safe house. It is necessary to rectify the order of the real estate market, rectify the chaos in real estate development, trading, intermediary and property, expose typical cases of violations of laws and regulations, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

Yesterday, Xiao Yuanqi, deputy director of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, attended the press conference of the State Council Office and said that the real estate industry has a long chain and a wide range, which has an important impact on the national economy and is closely related to the lives of the broad masses of people. The financial industry is duty-bound and must be strongly supported.

Xiao Yuanqi said that accelerating the implementation of the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing is effective, requiring banks to act as soon as possible. Under the lead coordination of the urban people’s government, together with the housing and construction departments, the policy toolbox will be used well because of the city’s policy, and the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects will be more accurately supported.

Support local city governments and housing construction departments, further optimize individual housing loan policies such as down payment ratio and loan interest rate due to city policies, and guide and urge banks to better serve the financing needs of the broad masses of people’s rigid and improved housing. Guide and require banks and other financial institutions to vigorously support the construction of "three major projects" such as "emergency and emergency" major infrastructure and urban village reconstruction, and demand that the physical workload be formed as soon as possible.

Previously, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the General Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued the Notice on Establishing a Coordination Mechanism for Urban Real Estate Financing, requiring cities at or above the local level to establish a coordination mechanism for real estate financing, build a communication platform between government, banks and enterprises, and promote the accurate docking of housing enterprises and financial institutions.

Guojin Securities pointed out that the real estate sector is at the double bottom of performance and valuation, and the policy catalyzes or welcomes layout opportunities. The improvement of operating property loan policy can improve the cash flow of housing enterprises to a certain extent, and the key to the stable and healthy development of the industry lies in the stabilization of sales, which still needs the continuous support of loose policies.

Ping An Securities believes that this time, financial institutions and the General Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued a notice on doing a good job in the management of operating property loans, refining the requirements for the management of commercial banks’ operating property loans, such as caliber, duration, quota and use, and further broadening the financing channels of real estate enterprises.

Meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally

Ni Hong, Party Secretary and Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Rerublic of China attended the meeting and stressed that accelerating the implementation of the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing is effective, supporting the development and construction of real estate projects, meeting the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally, and promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

All localities should pay close attention to research and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support to accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs.

The meeting emphasized that the orderly development and construction of the project is the basis for the stable and healthy operation of the real estate market and is related to the vital interests of the people. In view of the current financing problems of some real estate projects, all localities should focus on projects, study and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, coordinate the issuance of loans by financial institutions within their respective administrative regions, and accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs. Credit funds should be ensured to be operated in a closed way and used in compliance, and misappropriation should be resolutely prevented. At the provincial level, it is necessary to track and monitor the implementation and strengthen supervision and guidance. At the national level, an information platform for urban real estate financing coordination mechanism projects will be established, and weekly scheduling and monthly notification will be implemented.

The meeting demanded that we should adapt to the new situation that the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market has undergone major changes, speed up the construction of a new model of real estate development, combine the long and short, treat both the symptoms and the root causes, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. It is necessary to adhere to the policy of the city, precise policy, one city and one policy, make good use of the policy toolbox, and fully give urban real estate regulation and control autonomy. Cities can adjust their real estate policies according to local conditions. It is necessary to work out the housing development plan, improve the housing supply system of "guarantee+market", establish a new linkage mechanism of people, housing, land and money, improve the basic system of housing life cycle, implement the construction of affordable housing, the construction of public infrastructure for emergency use and the transformation of villages in cities, and build a green, low-carbon, intelligent and safe house. It is necessary to rectify the order of the real estate market, rectify the chaos in real estate development, trading, intermediary and property, expose typical cases of violations of laws and regulations, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

The list of the first batch of real estate financing coordination mechanism projects will land before the end of the month.

The meeting proposed that an information platform for urban real estate financing coordination mechanism projects will be established at the national level, and weekly scheduling and monthly notification will be implemented. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has made great efforts to implement the mechanism. It is understood that before the end of this month, the first batch of projects can win loans after landing.

This article comes from: financial circles
