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Jay Chou is reluctant to part with Patty Hou, denying that Jolin Tsai has ever cheated

    Zhou, known for his personality, broke with convention for the first time to talk about feelings.

    Jay Chou enjoys the happiness of citizenry

    He wants to be Jolin Tsai’s boss, but refuses to admit that the two were in love.

    Since his debut, Jay Chou has not only set off a big storm in the music industry, but no one has been able to walk in the limelight for nine years; he has been fruitful in the film industry for the first time, partnered with Gong Li of Chow Yun-fa, directed the movie, and even made a earth-shattering movie: "Double J Love", the character of the diva, and he has been captured: "Zhou Hou Love", beautiful woman live streaming host, obsessed. Zhou Dong, who is famous for his personality, has always been reluctant to talk about his feelings in public, but in a recent interview with a Taiwanese newspaper, he broke the convention and talked about the two women in the "past tense" and did not shy away from Hou Pei-cen, which is a great progress for him; but when it comes to Jolin Tsai, he still has mixed feelings, and seems to have a deep sense of love and responsibility.

  Definition of "Zhou Houlian": "That relationship is very healthy"

    Recently, Jay Chou is in the promotion period of the film, and he has been announced everywhere. He is always asked about his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, Patricia Hou. In the past, when "Kangxi is Coming" was chased by Xiao S and asked "Hou Lian Zhou" in disguise, Jay Chou perfunctorily avoided it on the grounds of playing magic, and the two made a move that made people laugh out loud.

    For the only relationship he has ever admitted to, Jay Chou described "Zhou Hou Lian" as a "healthy relationship" and revealed that he would use his million-dollar motorcycle to drive Hou Pei Cen on a date. "Like everyone else, wear a mask and ride a motorcycle to eat night markets, watch movies, and enjoy the happiness of citizenry." Asked if he was not afraid of being recognized, he said, "We all wear hard hats, which is not easy."

  Current Relationship: Break Up or Be Friends?

    Xiao S revealed in "Kangxi is Coming" that Hou Pei Cen still misses him very much, and praised his ex-boyfriend in front of his sister Tao, and also said that he can still receive concerned text messages from Jay Chou. Can the two still be so close after the breakup? Jay Chou responded: "Isn’t it a good feeling to break up and still be friends?"

  Definition of "Double J Love": "We speak differently"

    The fate of "Double J Love" is very different from "Zhou Houlian". Not only did it fail to obtain the warm definition of "healthy love" by Chairperson Zhou, but it was once tit-for-tat and incompatible.

    The heroine, Jolin Tsai, claimed in a newspaper interview afterwards that she was the last to know about "Zhou Hou Lian", alluding to being cheated, which aroused suspicion. The male protagonist, Jay Chou, was puzzled when he saw the report: "What is that doing? It doesn’t need to be like this!" He even said: "She tells her story, I tell mine, and we tell different stories."

    Although the matter has passed for a long time, Jay Chou still refuses to publicly admit this relationship, "What do you want me to admit! I admit that one person is tired enough, and many people understand it, so there is no need for me to be so pressured to admit it! Besides, it’s hard for her name to be no longer linked to me."

  Current relationship: Do you want to be the boss of your old love?

    It is rare that the "double J" names are no longer linked together, but Jay Chou admits that he wants to sign Jolin Tsai: "This is certain, any boss will want to sign it! But the reality cannot be implemented, if you sign her, what will be written?" Previously, it was rumored that Jolin intended to imitate Chairperson Zhou to set up his own business and consulted him specifically, but Jay Chou denied: "She didn’t ask my opinion, but [this idea] is very good! Just don’t ask Chen Zeshan (President of Warner Music Greater China) to cooperate."

    Last year, Jay Chou’s relationship with Jolin Tsai dropped to freezing point due to the bombardment of Chen Zeshan’s fake buying list. To this, Jay Chou shouted: "I have no contact with her after that incident (referring to the bombardment), and I am helping her!" It is rumored that Jolin is very likely to cooperate with Chen Zeshan again. Jay Chou simply said: "Then be careful!"

  Zhou Dong’s troubles: Where is his girlfriend?

    "If I make a move, it’s a girlfriend." Chairman Zhou was very arrogant, and when he talked about dating, he would "talk wildly", "because I have so few opportunities to know the opposite sex now, and I have to seize the opportunity; but I don’t make a move often, I still have to get along with each other and feel good about each other." However, the Heavenly King also has the troubles of the Heavenly King.

    Jay Chou revealed that dating people in the circle will always be noticed by the media, and even amplified indefinitely. The pressure is too great, so he hopes to develop a new relationship with "outsiders". After saying that, he said helplessly: "If you are not an insider, it is difficult to understand that I am so busy." Before and after, it is quite contradictory.

Editor in charge: Sun Jie


These latest technological achievements make it no longer difficult to store fresh fruits and vegetables.

  Photo courtesy of vision china

  The project team carried out comprehensive and systematic research and development, and the new technical achievements developed effectively extended the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by reducing the original pollution of spoilage bacteria in vegetables, preventing the rapid propagation of spoilage bacteria, and dynamically adjusting the gas atmosphere in the packaging microenvironment.

  With the increasing variety of food ingredients and the changes of climate and environment, traditional preservation methods can no longer meet the deeper preservation needs.

  On May 8th, the reporter of Science and Technology Daily learned from Jiangnan University that the research team of Yao Weirong, a professor at the School of Food Science, tackled the problem of perishable storage of fresh fruits and vegetables, and successively developed cleaning and disinfection technologies (ultrasonic technology, natural plant-derived cleaning disinfectant), new cold sterilization technologies (low-temperature plasma technology, irradiation technology), as well as preservative and active packaging film, which have been fully applied in domestic fruit and vegetable bases and storage and transportation industries.

  According to Chen Wei, academician of China Academy of Engineering and president of Jiangnan University, people’s food needs are increasingly diversified. Applying modern technology to solve the storage problem of fresh fruits and vegetables will play an important role in ensuring market supply and promoting rural revitalization.

  Yao Weirong introduced that leafy vegetables are easy to rot, mainly due to high water content, vigorous physiological activities after picking, high pollution of original microorganisms and high requirements for storage conditions. Therefore, relevant preservation measures must be taken in order to adjust the storage conditions such as temperature, air humidity and gas atmosphere.

  In order to prevent fresh vegetables from rotting, most of them are stored in cold storage. In recent years, although there are more and more quick-frozen vegetables, this method usually requires blanching pretreatment first, which is easy to cause the loss of minerals and vitamins.

  Chen Wei introduced that the food consumption structure of urban and rural residents in China was dominated by coarse grain consumption at first, and now it is rapidly transforming into a diet structure in which vegetables, fruits, meat, milk, eggs and other livestock products, aquatic products and processed foods coexist. This change makes people eat more safely, healthily and with balanced nutrition.

  At present, the most effective ways to store vegetables in the world are mainly modified atmosphere preservation and irradiation preservation, which can inhibit the growth of microorganisms or vegetable tissues by improving the composition of environmental gases and using irradiation respectively, and have the effect of killing insects and sterilizing.

  "Our team has carried out comprehensive and systematic research and development, and the new technological achievements have effectively extended the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by reducing the original pollution of spoilage bacteria in vegetables, preventing the rapid propagation of spoilage bacteria, and dynamically adjusting the gas atmosphere in the packaging microenvironment." Yao Weirong said.

  The reporter learned that in January this year, the "magnetic field preservation technology" jointly developed by Jiangnan University and TCL passed the project technical appraisal meeting organized and hosted by China National Light Industry Federation. This indicates that China has broken the foreign monopoly of molecular preservation technology, and has stepped into technology leadership from technology catch-up.

  According to relevant experts, the molecular preservation technology is to use magnetic field induction to realize unlimited micro-vector preservation, so that the ingredients can achieve the 6-day preservation effect of moistening, nourishing, beautifying, cleaning, living and fresh. This is because water molecules, organic compounds and biological macromolecules all belong to diamagnetic materials, so they will induce external magnetic fields.

  At present, this latest technological achievement of integration of production and education, which has multiple functions of water locking, antioxidation and bacteriostasis, has been applied in China.

  In Yao Weirong’s view, these technologies can basically solve the problem of fresh fruit storage. However, technology alone can’t do without paying attention to application and storage methods.

  At present, it is still difficult for some agricultural production bases and storage and transportation enterprises to package and store all kinds of vegetables in a targeted way. In order to reduce costs, transportation and storage often enter the transportation and storage process by extensive and simple dressing, and there is no independent packaging at all, resulting in vegetables not being well protected.

  Especially for all kinds of vegetables transported in large quantities, vegetables will squeeze each other, causing artificial mechanical damage, which accelerates the decay and deterioration of fruits and vegetables and causes serious waste.

  Chen Wei believes that there are still some problems to be solved in promoting the high-quality and differentiated development of agricultural products and food industries in China. Among them, how to ensure the effective market supply of various foods such as meat, vegetables, fruits, aquatic products, etc., it is urgent to make efforts from the technical end and the supply end to open up the "last mile" from farmland to the dining table, so that the latest scientific and technological achievements can be widely used to further meet the needs of consumers for food diversification, refinement, nutrition and ecology.


Spring outing is just the time, and this kind of people need to be vigilant!

In the spring of March, spring blossoms, and it is the right time to enjoy the spring. However, in this good time to enjoy the scenery, people with allergies have such a trouble: they often have itchy eyes, tears, sneezing, stuffy nose and runny nose. In fact, this is mostly hay fever.

Since beginning of spring this year, due to the relatively warm climate, the spring pollen season in Chengdu, Sichuan and other places is one month earlier and lasts longer than that in the northern region. A beautiful spring will be a disaster for pollen allergy patients.

According to the monitoring of the Allergy Response Center of West China Hospital, the amount of airborne pollen in recent years is 19 times that of 30 years ago, and some of them are 80 times that of 30 years ago, so the number of people with pollen allergy is increasing.

Every spring from February to May, especially in March, the pollen quantity reaches its peak.

What is hay fever?

Pollinosis is caused by patients’ allergy to plant pollen, which mainly involves eyes, upper respiratory tract and skin. In spring, poplar, willow, sycamore and other trees are the main pollen, and a few patients may be caused by fungi, dust mites or other inhalants or foods with obvious seasonality. The types of allergens are complex, and many people are allergic to them repeatedly, which may be because they are repeatedly exposed to allergens without knowing it.

The clinical manifestations of pollinosis include symptoms and signs of different parts such as eyes, upper respiratory tract and skin. Pollen allergic rhinitis can be characterized by itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, blocked nose and poor breathing. Pollen allergic asthma is characterized by paroxysmal cough, dyspnea, white foam-like mucus, sudden asthma attack and gradual aggravation, which is no different from normal people after remission; Pollen allergic conjunctivitis can be characterized by itchy eyes and swollen eyelids, often accompanied by watery or purulent mucus secretions; Allergic dermatitis can be manifested as systemic or local erythema, papules, small scales, itching or burning sensation.

Cold knowledge

What makes most people allergic is not flowers, but trees!

Which of the following four ABCD plants do you think is the most likely to cause pollen allergy?

Do you think that the above two kinds of flowers with high face value and bright colors are the "killers" who cause everyone to cough and snot Qi Fei? Wrong, in fact, it is more likely to cause allergies. It is the pollen of the following two seemingly ordinary and harmless trees (C: cypress) and weeds (D: humulus)! Tree pollen is the main cause of allergy in spring, while weed pollen is the main cause of allergy in autumn.

In nature, plants are divided into wind-borne flowers and insect-borne flowers according to the different modes of pollen transmission.

anemophilous flower

"Wind-borne flowers" are flowers that use wind as a pollination medium. These flowers are generally small in size, not bright in color, and even many of them are in a degraded state, with no fragrance and nectaries, so that you can’t see or smell like flowers.

However, wind-blown flowers produce a lot of pollen, with smooth surface and light dry texture. When the wind blows, they can fly to very high and far places, such as the height of 2 or 30 floors.

Representatives of this kind of flowers are: poplar, elm, cypress, birch, ginkgo, phoenix tree and so on.

entomophilous flower

"Insect-pollinated flowers" are flowers that are pollinated by insects such as butterflies and bees. Most of these flowers are bright and beautiful, with fragrance or other smells. The pollen grains are usually relatively large and the yield is relatively small. In addition, they are often stuck together, which is not easy to be blown away by the wind, and it is even more impossible to blow high!

Therefore, in comparison, trees and weeds that are odorless, colorless, tasteless and even do not look like flowering plants are the main culprits of human allergies because of their large pollen yield+easy to be blown high and far by the wind.

Understanding of hay fever in traditional Chinese medicine

There is no name of hay fever in TCM, which can be classified into sneezing, coughing, wheezing, wet sore, addiction rash and other categories according to different clinical symptoms of hay fever.

aetiological agent

Hay fever is essentially an immediate allergic reaction. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that hay fever is due to deficiency of the essence and excess of the essence, and the qi of the lung, spleen and kidney is insufficient, and the exterior of the body is unstable. Once exogenous pathogenic factors such as wind-cold or wind-heat are induced, the lung loses its function, the spleen loses its transport and the kidney loses its function, then the stagnation of qi and water stops phlegm, and pathological products accumulate, either in the eyes, nose, skin or respiratory system.

Pollen, as an allergen, can be regarded as the inducement of diseases after human body feels exogenous diseases, so pollinosis can be classified into the category of exogenous diseases and treated according to syndrome differentiation.

Chinese traditional treatment

The treatment principle of hay fever is to treat the symptoms when it is urgent and the root cause when it is slow. In the acute attack period, expelling wind and evil spirits are the main factors, supplemented by strengthening the body resistance; In the remission stage, strengthening the body resistance and consolidating the exterior are the main methods, supplemented by exorcism. The specific treatment prescription varies according to the disease.

When allergic reaction occurs, in addition to oral decoction, some traditional Chinese medicine methods can be used for treatment, such as acupoint injection, acupoint catgut embedding, acupuncture, ear acupuncture, umbilical therapy, bloodletting at the tip of the ear and so on.

For patients with acute allergy and excessive toxic heat, bloodletting therapy at the tip of the ear is suitable to dispel heat and detoxify. The specific method is that after routine disinfection at the ear tip (both sides), puncture the ear tip with a triangular needle and squeeze out 2-3 drops of blood.

Umbilical therapy refers to making medicine into ointment, pill, and powder, then applying it, taking it, smoking it, moxibustion it, steaming it, ironing it on the navel (called Shenque point in Chinese medicine), then fixing it with gauze or adhesive tape, and uncovering it after 2 hours.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that umbilical medication can act on the whole body through the connection of the five zang-fu organs, the twelve meridians and the eight strange meridians, so it has a wide range of effects. Fumigation and washing method is to fumigate and wash with decoction of Folium Artemisiae Argyi, Kochia scoparia and Senecio scandens, or fumigate nose, mouth and eyes with medicinal vapor, which has good effect.

Daily precautions

I would like to remind you that people with allergies are easily troubled by pollen when they go hiking. We should take corresponding measures in time to prevent allergies from happening, and we can start from the following aspects.


Avoid contact with pollen

In the pollen spreading season, you should wear a mask, a windproof eye mask and a nasal filter if necessary, and use a pollen blocking agent.

Reduce outdoor activities, especially going out at noon and afternoon. It is best to go out for a walk after the rain, when the air is fresh and the pollen is the least affected.

In windy weather, it is best to close the doors and windows to prevent pollen from entering the room when opening the window. An air purifier or fresh air equipment with pollen filtering function can be installed indoors.

Change and clean clothes worn in outdoor activities in time, and dry clothes in a clothes dryer instead of drying clothes outdoors.


Principles of daily diet

Strengthen nutrition, eat more light and vitamin-rich foods, and try to eat less high-protein, high-calorie and spicy foods. Preventive medication

Before the pollen stage comes 1~2 weeks, preventive medication can be taken under the guidance of a doctor, which can prevent the onset of hay fever or relieve discomfort. After the symptoms of pollen allergy such as itchy skin, cough and dyspnea appear, you should go to the hospital for treatment in time.

(Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Comprehensive China Traditional Chinese Medicine, west china hospital)
