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Jay Chou is reluctant to part with Patty Hou, denying that Jolin Tsai has ever cheated

    Zhou, known for his personality, broke with convention for the first time to talk about feelings.

    Jay Chou enjoys the happiness of citizenry

    He wants to be Jolin Tsai’s boss, but refuses to admit that the two were in love.

    Since his debut, Jay Chou has not only set off a big storm in the music industry, but no one has been able to walk in the limelight for nine years; he has been fruitful in the film industry for the first time, partnered with Gong Li of Chow Yun-fa, directed the movie, and even made a earth-shattering movie: "Double J Love", the character of the diva, and he has been captured: "Zhou Hou Love", beautiful woman live streaming host, obsessed. Zhou Dong, who is famous for his personality, has always been reluctant to talk about his feelings in public, but in a recent interview with a Taiwanese newspaper, he broke the convention and talked about the two women in the "past tense" and did not shy away from Hou Pei-cen, which is a great progress for him; but when it comes to Jolin Tsai, he still has mixed feelings, and seems to have a deep sense of love and responsibility.

  Definition of "Zhou Houlian": "That relationship is very healthy"

    Recently, Jay Chou is in the promotion period of the film, and he has been announced everywhere. He is always asked about his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, Patricia Hou. In the past, when "Kangxi is Coming" was chased by Xiao S and asked "Hou Lian Zhou" in disguise, Jay Chou perfunctorily avoided it on the grounds of playing magic, and the two made a move that made people laugh out loud.

    For the only relationship he has ever admitted to, Jay Chou described "Zhou Hou Lian" as a "healthy relationship" and revealed that he would use his million-dollar motorcycle to drive Hou Pei Cen on a date. "Like everyone else, wear a mask and ride a motorcycle to eat night markets, watch movies, and enjoy the happiness of citizenry." Asked if he was not afraid of being recognized, he said, "We all wear hard hats, which is not easy."

  Current Relationship: Break Up or Be Friends?

    Xiao S revealed in "Kangxi is Coming" that Hou Pei Cen still misses him very much, and praised his ex-boyfriend in front of his sister Tao, and also said that he can still receive concerned text messages from Jay Chou. Can the two still be so close after the breakup? Jay Chou responded: "Isn’t it a good feeling to break up and still be friends?"

  Definition of "Double J Love": "We speak differently"

    The fate of "Double J Love" is very different from "Zhou Houlian". Not only did it fail to obtain the warm definition of "healthy love" by Chairperson Zhou, but it was once tit-for-tat and incompatible.

    The heroine, Jolin Tsai, claimed in a newspaper interview afterwards that she was the last to know about "Zhou Hou Lian", alluding to being cheated, which aroused suspicion. The male protagonist, Jay Chou, was puzzled when he saw the report: "What is that doing? It doesn’t need to be like this!" He even said: "She tells her story, I tell mine, and we tell different stories."

    Although the matter has passed for a long time, Jay Chou still refuses to publicly admit this relationship, "What do you want me to admit! I admit that one person is tired enough, and many people understand it, so there is no need for me to be so pressured to admit it! Besides, it’s hard for her name to be no longer linked to me."

  Current relationship: Do you want to be the boss of your old love?

    It is rare that the "double J" names are no longer linked together, but Jay Chou admits that he wants to sign Jolin Tsai: "This is certain, any boss will want to sign it! But the reality cannot be implemented, if you sign her, what will be written?" Previously, it was rumored that Jolin intended to imitate Chairperson Zhou to set up his own business and consulted him specifically, but Jay Chou denied: "She didn’t ask my opinion, but [this idea] is very good! Just don’t ask Chen Zeshan (President of Warner Music Greater China) to cooperate."

    Last year, Jay Chou’s relationship with Jolin Tsai dropped to freezing point due to the bombardment of Chen Zeshan’s fake buying list. To this, Jay Chou shouted: "I have no contact with her after that incident (referring to the bombardment), and I am helping her!" It is rumored that Jolin is very likely to cooperate with Chen Zeshan again. Jay Chou simply said: "Then be careful!"

  Zhou Dong’s troubles: Where is his girlfriend?

    "If I make a move, it’s a girlfriend." Chairman Zhou was very arrogant, and when he talked about dating, he would "talk wildly", "because I have so few opportunities to know the opposite sex now, and I have to seize the opportunity; but I don’t make a move often, I still have to get along with each other and feel good about each other." However, the Heavenly King also has the troubles of the Heavenly King.

    Jay Chou revealed that dating people in the circle will always be noticed by the media, and even amplified indefinitely. The pressure is too great, so he hopes to develop a new relationship with "outsiders". After saying that, he said helplessly: "If you are not an insider, it is difficult to understand that I am so busy." Before and after, it is quite contradictory.

Editor in charge: Sun Jie


From the backstage to the front line, Zong Fuli became the head of the Wahaha brand public relations department

  On the banks of the Qianjiang River in winter, the lights were bright. On January 18, at the award ceremony of Fengyun Zhejiang businesspeople, known as the "Oscar" in Zhejiang economic circles, Zong Fuli, dressed in a light blue suit, appeared under the spotlight of the red carpet, becoming a warm color in the cold weather.

  At the scene, Zong Fuli responded to rumors from the outside world that in addition to the president of Hongsheng Beverage Group, Zong Fuli had a new identity in 2018: the head of the brand public relations department of Wahaha Group.

  Many people suddenly realized that during this time, Wahaha has been making frequent moves, first launching Wahaha AD calcium milk-flavored moon cakes, and then rebranding the Nutrition Express that has not been packaged for 10 years, launching limited colorful versions of packaging and makeup plates. Not long ago, Wahaha also announced that it will focus on first- and second-tier cities in 2019. It turns out that Zong Fuli is the one behind the scenes, and Wahaha is becoming more and more capable of playing.

  Fathers are like eight-treasure porridge

  Zong Fuli and Zong Qinghou confessed

  The annual Fengyun Zhejiang Merchants Selection event is guided by the Propaganda Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, sponsored by Zhejiang Radio and Television Group, and co-organized by Zhejiang Jingshi, Qianjiang Evening News, and Zhejiang Merchants Magazine. This year is already the 16th.

  Zong Qinghou, chairperson of Wahaha Group, is an old friend of Fengyun Zhejiang businesspeople and comes to the award ceremony almost every year. In the first annual Fengyun Zhejiang businessperson selection in 2003, Zong Qinghou won the Senior Zhejiang businessperson award. In 2009, Zong Qinghou was re-elected as the annual Fengyun Zhejiang businessperson.

  When Zong Qinghou won the first "Fengyun Zhejiang Business", Zong Fuli was still a student in the ivory tower. In 2012, Zong Fuli became the first "post-80s" entrepreneur to win the honor of Fengyun Zhejiang Business. In this father and daughter, "Fengyun Zhejiang Business" completed a beautiful connection and inheritance. At the award ceremony that year, the host asked the elected Zong Fuli, is your father your idol? Zong Fuli replied: "Yes, and no, my father has many things to learn, but more than him."

  At this year’s Fengyun Zhejiang Business Awards, a highlight was that Zong Qinghou and Zong Fuli shared the same stage, and the father and daughter chose to walk the red carpet this time.

  Not only was Zong Fuli the only post-80s woman on the red carpet, as the daughter of Zong Qinghou, the chairman of Wahaha Group, her every move was always closely watched. When taking over the host’s microphone, Zong Fuli responded that she had become the head of the brand public relations department of Wahaha Group.

  If you use a Wahaha product to describe your parents’ Zhejiang merchants, Zong Fuli thinks it is: eight-treasure porridge.

  Why is it eight-treasure porridge? Zong Fuli didn’t explain much at the scene. However, the reporter noticed that the night before the award ceremony, Wahaha’s official WeChat account posted a heartwarming video titled "I actually miss you a lot", which tells about the common problem of young people today: being cared for syndrome. They are accustomed to the meticulous care of their parents, and even feel a little bored. When they really left their parents’ shelter and were hungry, a jar of eight-treasure porridge in the refrigerator made them suddenly realize that the precious things they had missed were homesick.

  Is this confessing to his father with eight-treasure porridge?

  Zong Fuli smiled and said, "I worked so hard to help him make money, he should confess to me."

  32-Year-old Wahaha

  To build emotional bonds with young people

  This heart-to-heart video of Wahaha Eight Treasures Porridge may express Zong Fuli’s own heart.

  After graduating from junior high school, Zong Fuli went to the United States to study. In 2004, Zong Fuli returned to China after completing her studies. In 2007, she left alone under the blessing of her father and began to take charge of Hongsheng Beverage Group. Zong Fuli, who is very independent, did not "touch" the traditional beverage business of Wahaha, but expanded into new fields.

  Zong Fuli has made a major effort to integrate resources and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries in Hongsheng, a company that used to be just a processing business. Four emerging enterprises, including Songyuan Machinery Manufacturing, Songyu Printing and Packaging, and Hengfeng Food Technology, have been established successively, turning Hongsheng Group into a beverage production enterprise with a full industrial chain.

  At the 2012 Fengyun Zhejiang Business Awards Ceremony, Zong Fuli was elected as a dark horse and became the first female Zhejiang businessman born in the 1980s since the event was held. This may be a footnote to Zong Fuli’s years of hard work.

  Zong Fuli had really "worked hard" along the way. Now, in addition to the president of Hongsheng Beverage Group, Zong Fuli was also responsible for the packaging and brand promotion of Wahaha products. "In Hongsheng in the morning, in Wahaha in the afternoon" became her new normal job.

  On Weibo, Zong Fuli referred to Wahaha as her little sister. Indeed, as a post-80s generation, the reporter noticed that since then, under her control, Wahaha, which is already good at channels and end points, has begun to give more inner power to the brand.

  Last June Day, Wahaha let adults take a holiday with their children, paying attention to the power of companionship, and being a "caring" beverage company; to the Mid-Autumn Festival, cross-border launched AD calcium grandma heart moon cakes to pick up forgotten happiness; then, the limited edition of Nutrition Express was born, cross-border makeup plates escorted, excellent self… Wahaha focuses on how to build emotional bonds with young people again and find resonance.

  At a reading party in October last year, when Zong Fuli read "Shepherd Youth Fantasy Journey" in English, the post-90s and post-00s college students in the audience gave "English 666" praise. There were more than a dozen applause at the scene, and the students were completely fans of Zong Fuli. They felt that Zong Fuli was very frank, even anti-routine, breaking the stereotype of entrepreneurs.

  Growth resumed in 2018

  The more "new" Wahaha in 2019 is here

  Not long ago, at Wahaha’s new product launch this year, Zong Qinghou revealed that in 2018, with the efforts of all dealers and sales staff, Wahaha has resumed growth. Although the industrial restructuring has had a certain impact on economic development, for Wahaha, the opportunities outweigh the challenges.

  It can be said that Wahaha has not only stood firm in the face of difficult economic conditions, but also created contrarian growth. This provides huge confidence to both entrepreneurs and corporate employees. For a mature company founded for many years, confidence is more important than anything else.

  30 is not confused, and the old private enterprise Wahaha hopes to prove to the outside world that they have found the next direction to move forward.

  The reporter noticed that in the new product strategy of Wahaha in 2019, the first milk category is still Wahaha’s right-hand man. The first milk category camp is not unknown. According to the 2017~ 2018 our country dairy sales and yogurt market size analysis, the size of the room temperature market has reached 3 times that of low-temperature yogurt, breaking through the scale of 30 billion yuan.

  Water products have always been the focus of Wahaha, and soda water is undoubtedly a sub-category full of opportunities. According to Nielsen data, from 2017 to 2018, the overall soda market sales increased by 36.9%, much higher than the 3.1% of beverages as a whole. According to reports, Wahaha launched its first soda product in 2010, and after years of market cultivation, it has entered the top three in the soda market. Next, Wahaha will also launch an upgraded version of soda water, which is very in line with the "light health" needs of modern people. In addition, Wahaha has reserved the third camp of new product launches in 2019 for ready-to-drink tea, and has taken the lead in laying out the pure tea category.

  In general, Wahaha’s products released this year have their own characteristics, especially the packaging has been improved a lot compared with before, and it is full of fresh vitality. Whether Wahaha can turn these "new" into sales and brand reputation, let’s wait and see. (Qianjiang Evening News reporter, Chen Jie)


Byd Qin

Byd Qin, I’ve been in line for a year and I haven’t got the car yet! New cars have become "old models"!
Mr. Zong, a citizen, told Xinmin that on July 1st last year, he ordered a BYD Qin DM-i120km hybrid electric vehicle from BYD Auto Shanghai Hong Ren Baojia New Energy Automobile Sales & Service Co., Ltd. at No.980 Jiangyang South Road, and paid a deposit of 10,000 yuan. A whole year has passed, and the next new car is coming out soon. Mr. Zong’s car is about to change from the new one to the old one, but it has not been seen for a long time.
Mr. Zong told reporters that when he bought the BYD Qin DM-i120km distinguished hybrid car, the salesperson told him that he might wait for more than three months to pay the full amount for a new car. In the following months, Mr. Zong, who was looking forward to the new car, asked many times, but the 4S shop kept him waiting. Waiting, waiting, urging, urging … The queuing order of Mr. Zong’s "being told" time and time again has been constantly delayed: the previous time he said that he was ranked 23rd, last October he said that he was ranked 44th, in January this year he was told that he was ranked 6th, and in March he was told that he was ranked 8th in the store. "Queue up, shouldn’t you get ahead? Will someone tamper and cut in front?" The more Mr. Zong thinks about it, the more uneasy he is, and the more he thinks about it, the more he feels chest tightness.
On April 20 this year, while the epidemic was still under control, Mr. Zong received a sales call again, asking for full payment before he could continue waiting for the bus. "If you don’t pay, you won’t give the car, but if you pay, you have to wait." Mr. Zong was in a dilemma and redeemed the wealth management products in advance. After paying the full amount, he still didn’t wait for a new car. Unbearable, he immediately filed a complaint with BYD’s official channel. Finally, a person in charge of the sales company replied that it had communicated with the factory and the new car was on its way, but it would take 10 working days. Will this be another delaying tactic? After being fooled again and again, Mr. Zong is full of doubts.
The reporter got in touch with Shanghai Hong Ren Baojia New Energy Automobile Sales & Service Co., Ltd., and the relevant staff admitted that BYD’s new car did have a slow delivery. However, for Mr. Zong’s question that "the queue ranking is getting lower and lower, is there a queue cut", the other party is noncommittal, only that consumers usually guess like this. She stressed that Mr. Zong’s new car is already in transit and can be delivered in ten working days.
Through online inquiry, the reporter found that BYD was limited by production capacity, and the slow delivery of DM-i models was often reflected and vomited by customers. In May last year, BYD Auto issued the "Order Delivery Instructions": it takes an average of 3.5 months to deliver new orders. Mr. Zong said that he knew he had to wait, but he didn’t get a new car after waiting for a year, which obviously exceeded the psychological expectations of consumers. He hoped that the 4S shop would keep its word and let himself get this "new car" that was becoming an "old model".


He Xiaopeng confirmed that the departure of Wu Xinzhou, the head of Zhijia, will become the highest-ranking Chinese executive of a world-renowned company.

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  Just won the "order" of Volkswagen with leading technical strength., will lose a soul of research and development.

  On August 2nd, Chairman He Xiaopeng posted on the social platform that Wu Xinzhou, vice president of the Autopilot Center, said in the second half of last year that he would return to the United States due to family and various reasons. In the following 10 months, Xpeng Motors established a brand-new working mode, and optimized and iterated the structure and organization in advance. Dr. Li Liyun, who is in charge of the XNGP project, will take over the autonomous driving team.

  He Xiaopeng revealed that Wu Xinzhou will become the highest-ranking Chinese in world-renowned companies.And continue to cooperate with Xpeng Motors in many aspects, such as chips.

  It is reported that Wu Xinzhou is about to join the global chip industry giant., or as a global senior vice president, and report to co-founder and CEO Huang Renxun.

  This major personnel change triggered a shock in the automobile circle. Wu Xinzhou is the core figure of intelligent driving business in Xpeng Motors. After he joined Xpeng Motors, he led the team to develop intelligent driving software algorithms, and promoted Xpeng Motors to become a leading enterprise in domestic autonomous driving technology.

  Or influenced by this news, Xpeng Motors’s Hong Kong stocks fell all the way, once falling to 68.35 yuan/share, a decrease of 17.35%.

  Wu Xinzhou graduated from Tsinghua University with a bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering, and then received a master’s degree and a doctor’s degree in electronic engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Before joining Tucki, he worked inHe has worked for more than ten years as the head of the autonomous driving R&D team.

  In March 2019, Wu Xinzhou joined Xpeng Motors, and was fully responsible for the autonomous driving business and team management in Xpeng Motors. It was reported later that before Wu Xinzhou joined Xpeng Motors, the company didn’t develop intelligent driving software smoothly. It was not until Wu Xinzhou joined in, reorganized the technical structure and integrated the team that Tucki’s self-research road was on the right track.

  On the P7 model delivered in June 2020, Tucki replaced the supplier’s scheme with a self-developed algorithm, leading the way.More than a year, thanThe bus was nearly two years early. In October last year, Xpeng Motors’s urban NGP function was first carried on Tucki P5 model, becoming the first automobile company in China to mass-produce intelligent assisted driving function in landing cities.

  Under the leadership of Wu Xinzhou, in 2021, Xpeng Motors even reinvented the perceptual algorithm module and introduced the 3D perceptual autopilot system (BEV+transformer) based on the vision system to learn comprehensively.The technical path of. A person in the autonomous driving industry told Interface News that Xpeng Motors is the company with the best learning technology.

  To a certain extent, some important contributions to the technical label of Xpeng Motors Intelligent Technology come from Wu Xinzhou and his autonomous driving team. The newly listed Tucki G6 can become the lowest-priced vehicle in the current market, which can realize high-order intelligent assisted driving. It relies on Xiaopeng Automobile’s extreme use of the computing power of hardware chips to effectively control the cost.

  The intelligent driving system of Tucki P7 and P5 vehicles is based on Xavier platform, and its computing power is only 30TOPS. Ideal, and other China automobile companies to make the same level of functions are based on NVIDIA Orin platform, with a single chip computing power of 254TOPS. Also, two were used and four were used in the car.

  In the past July, Xpeng Motors returned to monthly sales of 10,000 vehicles with G6 sales. Within one month after the launch of the new car G6 in Tucki, the number of orders exceeded 40,000, of which the intelligent driving with "Max Edition" accounted for 70%.

  An auto-driving industry veteran commented to Interface News that Wu Xinzhou, after joining Xpeng Motors, led Xpeng Motors’s intelligent driving level to the leading level of domestic auto companies, and was an indispensable contributor to Xpeng Motors.

  According to a number of people in Xpeng Motors’s autonomous driving business line, Wu Xinzhou’s departure has been relatively clear. Some people in NVIDIA revealed that "(Wu Xinzhou) may be employed in the next month or two at the earliest, which is already a semi-open secret of the industry."

  Liu Lan Gechuan, the intellectual driving backbone who represented Xpeng Motors in the world’s top computer vision conference CVPR in 2023, and the head of autonomous driving AI, is also reported to have left his post. According to insiders, Liu Lan Gechuan will be engaged in the next.Business research and development.

  According to another report, Xpeng Motors Zhijia team has been in a state of slight turbulence since the beginning of the year, and dozens of middle-level employees have left to join autonomous driving companies such as Dazhuo Technology and Canoe Zhixing. At the same time, Xpeng Motors’s R&D team in North America will also shrink, and its strategic focus will shift to China.

  During his four years in Xpeng Motors, Wu Xinzhou set up a stable autonomous driving team with a scale of 1,000 people. Xpeng Motors’s American team consists of about 150 people, who are responsible for core technology research and development. Most of the teams related to landing are in China, and they are located in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou.

  Wu Xinzhou pointed out in a late interview that Xpeng Motors has completed the software platformization on Orin platform, and the same version of software supports all models, basically achieving 75% to 80% software architecture stability. The software architecture stability will be basically completed by the end of next year, and then more iteration and cornercase proficiency will be achieved.

  Judging from this point of view, in the short term, Xpeng Motors’s smart driving business will not be greatly affected by the change of personnel. However, with companies such as Ideal, Weilai and Huawei launching an arms race on autonomous driving, the next pressure on Xpeng Motors should not be underestimated.

  It has been announced that the city’s advanced intelligent assisted driving function will be rolled out to 100 cities across the country; Weilai Automobile, which focuses on high-speed assisted driving function, is concentrating resources, and plans to put the city’s high-level intelligent assisted driving function to the ground in the second half of the year, and even once lowered the priority of the low-end sub-brand firefly project.

  includeTraditional car companies, including, have also set up a team of 3,000 to 4,000 people to develop software and hardware solutions related to assisted driving. In June of this year, Han Bing, the head of intelligent driving business, also said at an event: "BEV is an opportunity to overtake in a corner on high-level intelligent driving."

  He Xiaopeng issued a document saying that he will continue to personally lead the autonomous driving and R&D team, and will restructure the intelligent team in Xpeng Motors, integrating autonomous driving, cockpit, machine brain, electronic and electrical architecture and a number of innovative projects into a more powerful intelligent team, and adding intelligent planning and operation teams.


Sudirman Cup | Badminton is not popular in Europe and America? The answer is somewhat unexpected.

Xinhua News Agency, Suzhou, May 16 (Reporter Ji Ye, Ding Wenxian, Wang Hengzhi, Xu Shihao) Although badminton originated in Europe, the competitive arena has been "ruled" by Asian players for many years. At the Sudirman Cup World Badminton Mixed Team Championship in Suzhou in 2023, except for Denmark, which has the men’s singles Olympic champion Arceloró, other European and American teams still find it hard to win in the face of Asian powers.

On May 14th, Denmark’s Ansailong returned the ball in the game. He defeated Singapore’s Luo Jianyou 2-1. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Lei photo

Although there are occasional successes, most European and American players can only play a supporting role in badminton. Is this sport still popular in Europe and America? When the reporter threw this question to the European and American players participating in this competition, he got some unexpected answers.

"I feel that badminton is the first sport in France." The French women’s singles player Hugh’s answer surprised the reporter. The world’s No.55 player lost 0-2 to Japan’s Akane Yamaguchi in the women’s singles match in the group match on the 15th, and the French team also lost two games in a row in the group match, leaving early.

Although the national team has a poor record, Hugh said: "Many people in our country are playing badminton. Although the level is not high, the sport is widely carried out at the club level." She explained that due to media reports, commercial investment and other reasons, football is undoubtedly the largest sports industry in their country, but in terms of participation, badminton is the first sport in France.

England’s men’s doubles team Ryan/Wendy defeated South Korea in the 15th match, but England still lost to South Korea with a total score of 1:4, and they also lost two games in a row in Group D with France.

Ryan/Wendy and Hutt feel the same way. They said that in England, the public participation of badminton can rank second in all events. "More than 1 million people in Britain play badminton more than once a week, because it is easy to play badminton, as long as there is an open space."

Data Map: On January 11, 2023, Ryan (right)/Wendy played in the first round of men’s doubles at the Malaysian Badminton Open. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Zhang Wen)

However, they also said that according to the scale of the industry, badminton can only rank tenth in sports in England. Badminton is not regarded as a competitive sport in England, and people play badminton with an entertaining attitude. Moreover, badminton can’t make professional players make a lot of money, and most young people will still choose sports with mature industries such as football. Badminton events are not highly exposed here, and football matches are shown on TV every week.

On the competitive level, Danish badminton has the strongest overall strength in Europe, with the emergence of the current president of the World Badminton Federation and Olympic champion Larsson, Gade, one of the "four kings" of badminton, and Ansailong, a gold medalist in the Olympic and World Championships. In 2016, the Danish team also won the Thomas Cup, which represents the highest honor of the world badminton men’s team for the first time. This is the first time that the Thomas Cup has been won by a team outside Asia.

With the approach of the Paris Olympic Games, France has begun to "have ideas" in sports. Rivas, the coach who trained Marin, the women’s singles champion of Rio Olympic Games, was invited to be the coach of the French team. France has also set up a support institution named "National Institute of Sports, Profession and Performance" for the national team, and is equipped with experts in psychology, nutrition and medicine. The coaching team can analyze according to all kinds of data and information to help athletes train individually.

In Rivas’ view, the French team will gradually become a strong force in European badminton, and will launch an impact on the Danish team in the future. To become a world power, it needs long-term planning and perseverance. "The goal of French badminton in the future is to become the top five or seven in the world."

Compared with the above countries and regions, the popularity of badminton in Germany is not very high. Fabian, a German men’s singles player who participated in this competition, told reporters that badminton is a minority sport in Germany. Few people play badminton in schools, and the media attention is relatively low. In Australia, Canada and other places, the development of badminton still depends on the efforts of Chinese players.

Source: Xinhua News Agency