标签归档 杭州西湖妃子阁


Rush on the hot search, it has to be offline!

According to the official website of QQ Recovery:

"QQ Recovery System" is a service provided by Tencent to retrieve QQ contacts and QQ groups, which is free to all QQ users.

All users can apply to resume groups that have been disbanded within 28 days, and each user can apply up to 5 times within 31 days.

All users can apply to reinstate the group transferred within 28 days.


Treasure Henan boldly broke the circle of "Dragon Boat Festival Wonderful Tour"

  In the Spring Festival of 2021, a group of Miss Tang Gong who danced from famous paintings and national treasures made the dance program "Tang Gong Night Banquet" popular all over the country, and also helped the Spring Festival Evening of the Year of the Ox in Henan to be successful.

  Traditional culture+modern science and technology, heavy history+literary tour+variety, creative arrangement, technical empowerment, embedding cultural symbols into lively and interesting artistic interpretation, this wave of operation of Henan Radio and Television Station has successfully opened a breakthrough in the presentation of excellent traditional cultural creativity. The subsequent "Fantastic Night of the Lantern Festival" and "Fantastic Tour of Qingming Festival" have broken the inherent expression form of traditional parties, empowered traditional culture with innovative forms, made it glow with new vitality, and produced a circle-breaking effect with the cultural core.

  The innovation of expression has awakened the great charm of traditional culture. The integration of tradition and modernity is not only the trend, but also the value recognition brought by classic culture. It is better to say that it is an excellent traditional culture than a party.

  Henan, a big cultural province, is at the right time to "break the circle"

  Chinese culture has a long history and is profound. Ancient festivals are important carriers of traditional culture, and their formation contains profound and rich cultural connotations.

  Previously, when Henan Radio and Television Station held the "China Festival" series of special programs to create and enjoy the Summit "in Zhengzhou, it was said that under the overall goal of promoting traditional culture and telling the story of the Yellow River, the" China Festival "should be taken as the starting point, relying on the traditional festivals in China all year round, integrating Internet thinking and national tide elements, using technology empowerment, increasing the record inheritance and fashion expression of excellent traditional culture, and strengthening the text and video recording of traditional festivals in China.

  Wang Chunyang, a radio and television station in Henan Province, said that Henan, as an important birthplace of Chinese civilization and a demonstration area of Chinese cultural inheritance and innovation, has a vast array of contents available for a party. This year, Henan Radio and Television Station will take "Fantastic Night" as the main line of the annual program, take Chinese civilization, Yellow River culture and brilliant Henan as the core strategy, and rely on traditional festivals (such as Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival) to continue to tell the story of the Yellow River, promote the construction of a strong cultural province, and dedicate the most dazzling elements of Henan’s history and culture to everyone again in innovative ways.

  The traditional culture of the wonderful Dragon Boat Festival tour contains it.

  Dragon Boat Festival, Spring Festival, Tomb-Sweeping Day and Mid-Autumn Festival are also called the four traditional festivals in China. This "Wonderful Tour of Dragon Boat Festival" is comparable to the mobile Dragon Boat Festival Culture Lecture Hall. While watching the party, I feel the profound Dragon Boat Festival culture, which is entertaining and entertaining.

  Su Shi, a famous poet in the Song Dynasty, wrote in "Huanxisha Dragon Boat Festival" that "the colored thread is lightly wrapped around the red jade arm, and the small symbol hangs obliquely on the Lv Yun. Beautiful women meet for a thousand years. "

  The underwater dance program "Qi" of "Wonderful Tour of Dragon Boat Festival" perfectly reproduces this scene. Dancers dance underwater as if flying: the water dances with them, and their clothes flutter; Dance with the kiss xiu and swing the skirt; Water-milk fusion, lingering … … According to reports, the dance "Prayer" is to show the custom of tying five-color silk thread to pray for blessings during the Dragon Boat Festival.

  And this is just one of the programs. It is understood that the "Wonderful Tour of the Dragon Boat Festival" party is full of innovative comments on the Dragon Boat Festival culture. Dragon Boat Festival, Legend of the Medical Sage and One Side of Zongzi all show the customs of picking dragon boats, dragon festival, picking herbs, hanging wormwood and calamus, tying five-color silk thread, smoking Atractylodes lancea and wearing sachets during the Dragon Boat Festival from different angles.

  "The five-color new silk is wrapped around the corner, and the calamus wine is beautiful and respectful."

  "The roller is wrapped around the arm, and the festival is the Dragon Boat Festival. Aipu is green in front of the door, and the sky is light and the kite dances. "

  When the scene in the poem comes to life, colorful silk threads are wrapped around the wrist, the sweetness of zongzi is between the teeth, wormwood and calamus are hung in front of the door, and the drums of dragon boats are deafening … … In this regard, Professor Mao Defu, director of the Literature and History Committee of the Henan Provincial Political Consultative Conference, said: "Rooted in the 5,000-year history and culture of the Chinese nation, there are cultural genes that will resonate with everyone in China. Tradition is the most fashionable, which is the cultural confidence that we should have for 5 thousand years. "

  A history of Henan, half a history of China, cultural advantage is the biggest advantage of Henan. From the Banquet at the Tang Palace to the Lotus Pond, from "The Stars Move" to "Lantern Festival", from "Fantastic Night of the Lantern Festival" to "Fantastic Tour of the Qingming Festival" to "Fantastic Tour of the Dragon Boat Festival", the programs full of cultural attractions complement each other with the real-life shooting of cultural landmarks, bringing new vitality to generate, the ancient capital of the Central Plains.

  With traditional culture, this is the proper "top flow of the times". What kind of cultural feast will the mysterious Dragon Boat Festival Tour bring us?

  On June 12th, Henan will give us the answer. See you at Dragon Boat Festival! Watch you, Henan! (Correspondent Xiaofeng Zhu Guangming Daily, all-media reporter Wang Shengxi)


The sale of "WeChat group bombs" on the Internet can cause users’ mobile phones to crash.

  The online "fried group" code is generally one in 10 yuan.

  Recently, some netizens said that their WeChat was used well and was suddenly pulled into a group. Then, the mobile phone crashed, and nothing could be opened, and they could not exit the chat box, and even flashed back. Many netizens have encountered the same situation when using WeChat, and it can’t be solved whether it is restarted or disconnected.

  It is understood that this situation in WeChat group chat is likely to be "bombed". The so-called "WeChat group bomb" is to send some character codes, a large number of animations or expressions in WeChat group chat, which takes up a lot of mobile phone space, causing all users who receive messages to be overwhelmed.

  Recently, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily found that it only takes a few tens of dollars to buy a WeChat "bombing group" code that can cause other people’s mobile phones to crash. There are even people who specialize in the business of "bombing on behalf of" and "defusing".

  Personal WeChat was "bombed" to paralysis

  A few days ago, Xiaobin, who is doing business in Wechat business, sent a message in the WeChat circle of friends. "From yesterday afternoon to today, WeChat was hacked by unscrupulous people, and it was always embarrassing. The group wanted to return it and could not return it." Xiaobin told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that on the 21st, she didn’t know who was dragged into a group, and then a lot of group chat information poured in, trying to open it to see what it was, but the phone crashed at the moment of entering the group chat. "Group chat and WeChat can’t be retired, and they are stuck in the interface, so they can only turn off the phone and restart it."

  Xiaobin said that this is the first time that she has encountered this situation. Such a thing has affected her business. "When I open WeChat, I get stuck, and the information sent by customers and businesses can’t be seen at all." After the incident, Xiaobin tried to quit the group several times, but every time he didn’t enter the group chat page, his mobile phone got stuck. "There is no way to quit. The information of the group chat has been brushed and the mobile phone has been ringing." Xiaobin’s friend told her that she had met a "bombing group" and that someone might come to her for money to "eliminate the disaster" later. Xiaobin feels that he may have been "persecuted" by his peers because his business is too good.

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily found that there are not a few netizens who have encountered WeChat’s "bombing group". Xiaotian, a netizen, said that a group of friends had used a "group bomb" in the group before. As long as they clicked into the group, the mobile phone crashed.

  It is understood that this so-called "group bomb" is actually sending some codes in the group chat of WeChat. After the WeChat group is attacked, it will cause all users who receive messages on WeChat to chat and get stuck, and may even flash back and get stuck.

  "Generation bombing" 5 hours charge 150 yuan

  So where does this "bomb" that requires certain technology come from? According to a survey conducted by the reporter of Beiqing Daily, on the Internet, the "bombing group" and "WeChat group bomb" can be bought for tens of dollars on Taobao, and some people even started the business of "bombing on behalf of others".

  Some sellers said that the WeChat bombing group is very simple, just send the code to the group.

  Some merchants also claim that if they feel that it is troublesome to "bomb", they can provide "bombing" service. A seller told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that "bombing on behalf of others" means that you pull him into the group and he will help you "bomb the group" and 150 yuan for five hours. Regarding whether the group can be "bombed" until it is dissolved, the seller said, "Just pay the money, and don’t worry about the rest."

  At the same time, the reporter of Beiqing Daily also found that these merchants selling "WeChat group bombs" can also provide bombing services while selling the "WeChat group bombs" service. When sellers promote "WeChat group bombs", they often tell buyers, "If necessary, they can help ‘ Decompose ’ , ranging from 20 to 60 at a time, depending on what it is ‘ Bomb ’ 。”

  Some buyers "vent their anger" or ask for red envelopes.

  Subsequently, the reporter of Beiqing Daily randomly purchased a "WeChat group bomb", and after paying 20 yuan, the seller sent a "bomb" code. After getting the code, the reporter of Beiqing Daily sent the code to a temporary group of friends. After sending it, the speed of opening the group obviously slowed down. After about 5 minutes of uninterrupted sending the code to the temporary group, the WeChat of the group members was stuck and could not be started.

  Ms. Liang, who once operated the "WeChat group bomb" business, revealed to the reporter of Beiqing Daily that there are many people doing the "bombing group" business, and some have formed a special "bombing group studio". Some people buy the "bombing group" service to spoof, but this is relatively rare. The main purchases are people who lost money while gambling, and people who have disputes and contradictions with others. Many people use it to vent their anger or feel avenged. There are also some people with ulterior motives who "bomb" themselves in groups, and when they "bomb", they ask the people in the group for red envelopes to "explode".

  Tencent: Those who "bomb the group" will be given titles.

  Regarding the frequent occurrence of "bombing" by WeChat users, the reporter of Beiqing Daily learned from the public relations department of Tencent that on July 6, Tencent had issued relevant announcements on this matter, saying that the so-called "bombing" of WeChat was not a vulnerability or hacking of WeChat system, and it had nothing to do with viruses or Trojans. Its principle is to make use of the system characteristics of special characters, artificially overlapping many times, resulting in a large amount of system performance being consumed in a short time when clicking this content, thus causing screen jamming or software collapse. Simply put, your mobile phone CPU is occupied by a large area in an instant.

  For behaviors that affect other users’ normal use of WeChat or mobile phones or even blackmail others through the so-called "group bombing" behavior, according to Tencent WeChat Software License and Service Agreement, relevant users who violate the rules will be punished according to the specific degree of violation and the principle of step-by-step punishment, including but not limited to restricting functions and closing accounts.

  Once the user encounters a "bombing group", he can temporarily disconnect the network, restart WeChat, long press the group name or left stroke in the WeChat message list, and select "Delete this chat", and the historical group messages (including bombing group information) will be cleared. You can also log on to the WeChat computer version to delete or unsubscribe the new burst message, and notify the WeChat group owner to remove the person who posted the burst message in time to avoid other users being affected by the burst message.

  At the same time, Tencent said that users can complain about such behaviors through the complaint system.

  Lawyer: "bombing the group" infringes on the interests of others.

  Regarding the fact that someone used the code to "bomb the group", Han Xiao, a lawyer of Beijing Kangda Law Firm, said that, first of all, the behavior of "bombing the group" would have a certain impact on the lives of others and infringe on their rights and interests.

  Secondly, some people "bombed the group" in order to ask for a "red envelope", so this kind of direct intention has the purpose of illegally extorting other people’s property. If the behavior of asking others to send a red envelope to solve the bombing after "bombing the group" reaches the level of threat and blackmail, then according to the "Regulations of the Supreme People’s Court on the Determination Standard of the Amount of Extortion Crime" implemented on April 28, 2000, extortion of public and private property is "a large amount" If the WeChat bombing group is repeated or the amount reaches 1,000 to 3,000 yuan, it can constitute the crime of extortion.

  Text/reporter Wang Tianqi Intern reporter Luo Chongwei

  Lead/Mr. Wang


The two giants in the Premier League compete for it! 27-year-old star wants to go: 68 games with 32 goals, priced at 80 million.

The 27-year-old Ivan Toni is once again caught in a transfer rumor. On November 1st, the British Evening Standard revealed that Chelsea and Arsenal, the two giants in the Premier League, are competing and hope to sign Tony in January next year. Brentford offered Tony a price of 80 million pounds, and the players sought to leave the team and play for a better club.

There is no doubt about Ivan Tony’s ability. In the Premier League in 2022-23, Tony scored 20 goals, ranking third in the top scorer list, only behind Harland (36 goals) and Kane (28 goals). During his Premier League career, Tony scored 32 goals in 68 games, and his efficiency was not bad. However, Tony got into big trouble: he bet on a football match, was banned by the FA for eight months, and will be released on January 17th next year.

The Evening Standard pointed out that brentford was willing to sell Ivan Toni for 80 million pounds. Objectively speaking, this price tag is somewhat inflated: Tony’s contract is only one and a half years, the player’s valuation in Germany is 30 million pounds, and he has not played a formal game for half a year.

There is no room for a big bodhisattva in a small temple. For his future, Ivan Tony is very clear: he wants to leave brentford and go to an "elite club". To this end, Ivan Toni also changed his agent and let Banert (who used to be Bell’s agent) handle his own transfer.

According to the analysis of the Evening Standard, both Arsenal and Chelsea intend to make moves in January next year:

Arsenal’s goal is still to compete for the Premier League title. If a scorer with 10 goals in the middle of the game is introduced in January, it will be of great help to the championship. Although Arsenal have Jesus and Nketiya, they are not prolific centers. Arsenal manager Artta appreciates Ivan Toni’s scoring ability. This summer, Arsenal spent 200 million pounds to bring in Tony in the winter window. The Gunners need to sell players to raise funds first.

Chelsea, with deep pockets, also intends to supplement the front line. Chelsea spent 1 billion pounds, completely overthrown and rebuilt, and there was not much improvement. This season, the Premier League only scored 12 points in 10 games and scored only 1.3 goals per game. In January next year, Jackson will play in the African Cup of Nations. Chelsea, which was originally weak in attack, needs Tony’s help.

Tony, who returned from the ban in January, hopes to complete the transfer in the winter window, seize the opportunity of half a year, strive for more goals, win the trust of English coach southgate and be selected for the European Cup 2024. As an excellent striker in the Premier League, Tony has only played for England once, which is not in line with his strength.