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Beijing’s real estate market sales are still sluggish, and house prices have loosened.

Information picture

  BEIJING, Nov. 19 (Xinhua)-The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics announced on its official website today the operation of Beijing’s real estate market from January to October. In October, Beijing’s real estate development activities resumed, but under the background of overall economic slowdown and strong wait-and-see mood of buying houses, the main indicators of the real estate market are still running at a low level.

  First, development investment has rebounded, but the overall trend is still downward.

  From January to October, the city’s investment in real estate development was 131.53 billion yuan, a decrease of 7.3% compared with the same period of last year, and the decrease was 0.8 percentage points lower than that in the previous three quarters. Among them, the construction in August and September was restricted, and the investment in development was 6.87 billion yuan and 11.16 billion yuan respectively, down by 56.8% and 36.7% year-on-year; The investment in development completed in October rebounded to 17.84 billion yuan, down 1.8% from the same month last year.

  The progress of the project construction has not been significantly accelerated.In October, the progress of project construction was not accelerated on a large scale, and the number of projects with construction activities has not recovered to the level before the Olympic Games. The investment in Jian ‘an project was small: only 5.66 billion yuan was completed in October, down 36% from last October. From January to October, the investment in Jian ‘an project was 61.76 billion yuan, down 17.9% year-on-year, and the decline was 2.5 percentage points higher than that in the previous three quarters.

  Second, the pace of market supply slowed down, and the completed residential area fell by over 30%.

  The construction area and new construction area continue to decline.Since July, with the limited construction and the slowdown of land acquisition by enterprises, the growth rate of development area has dropped significantly. In October, affected by subjective and objective factors, the construction and new construction area continued to show a downward trend. At the end of October, the construction area of commercial housing in the city was 90.159 million square meters, down 5.7% from the same period of last year, and the decline was 3.4 percentage points higher than that at the end of September. Among them, the residential construction area was 49.829 million square meters, down by 7.9%. From January to October, the newly started area of commercial housing in the city was 17.087 million square meters, down 8%, and the decline was 6.5 percentage points higher than that in the previous three quarters. Among them, the newly started residential area was 11.398 million square meters, down 3.9%.

  The completed area continues to decline.Since December of last year, the completed area has been declining continuously. From January to October, the completed area of the city was 14.237 million square meters, down 8.3% from the same period of last year. Among them, the completed residential area was 7.692 million square meters, down 32.1%.

  Third, the market sales are still sluggish, and the role of affordable housing is obvious.

  The wait-and-see mood in the real estate market is still strong.In late October, the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank jointly issued a package of policies to encourage housing consumption. However, under the background of economic slowdown, the price of commercial housing is still beyond the affordability as a demand for self-occupation or improvement, and as an investment demand, the wait-and-see mood in the sales market is still strong when the expected risks outweigh the benefits in the future. From January to October, the sales area of commercial housing in the city was 8.308 million square meters, down 49.6% over the same period of last year, of which the sales area of residential housing was 6.175 million square meters, down 54.2%. In October, the residential area sold was 1.124 million square meters, down 45.7% from the same month last year.

  Policy-oriented housing sales have become the main factors driving market sales, with price-limited housing and affordable housing accounting for about two-thirds of the total number of residential sales in that month.From January to October, the city sold 56,115 sets of commercial housing, of which 13,042 sets were sold in October, which is the month with the largest number of sales since this year. From the perspective of selling houses, it is mainly that a large number of contracts were signed between price-limited houses and affordable houses in October, which boosted the sales volume of houses. The data shows that in October, 8766 sets of price-limited houses and affordable housing were sold, accounting for about two-thirds of the sales in that month. After deducting the above factors, the actual sales of pure commodity houses are still hovering at a low level.

  Four, the real estate sales price has loosened, and the funds in place of enterprises have declined overall.

  The year-on-year growth rate dropped, and the chain price continued to fall.In October, the year-on-year increase in housing sales prices in our city continued to fall, rising by 5.2%, which was 1.7 percentage points lower than that of the previous month; After the decline last month, the chain price continued to decline this month, falling by 0.2%, which was the same as last month. Among them, the price of new residential buildings continued to fall, down 0.1% from the previous month, and the decline slowed down. The sales price of second-hand houses decreased for three consecutive months, and decreased by 0.4 percentage points in October.

  The funds put in place by real estate development enterprises this year have declined in an all-round way.From January to October, the source of funds for real estate development enterprises in our city this year was 237.55 billion yuan, down 23.2% from the same period of last year, and the decline was 8.9 percentage points higher than that in the previous three quarters. Among them, financial loans were 70.93 billion yuan, down 17.9%; Self-owned funds were 35.11 billion yuan, down 6.7%; Deposits and advance receipts were 70.48 billion yuan, down 36.1%.

Editor: Li Dan


More than 15 automobile brands started the year-end price war, with a maximum drop of 30,000 yuan.

Interface journalist | Yang Shihan

Interface News Editor | Chen Xiaotong

In the last month of 2023, the automobile industry set off a new round of price war.

According to the incomplete statistics of interface news, more than 15 automobile brands have recently introduced various preferential policies in an attempt to make an impulse at the end of the year. Among them, many new power brands have dropped by 10,000 to 30,000 yuan, and even include a number of new models that have been on the market for only one month. Traditional automobile companies also offer deposit deduction, purchase tax subsidy and replacement subsidy to attract consumers.

In the era of fuel vehicles, the price of new cars will usually be adjusted six months to one year after their release, but this law has been broken at the moment when new energy sources are on the rise. On the evening of November 30th, the first model of Extreme Vietnam, Extreme Vietnam 01, dropped by 30,000 yuan, only one month before the launch of this model.

Compared with most competing products, the initial price of Extreme Yue 01 is higher. After the price reduction, the entry price of Extreme Yue 01 was in the same range as that of main competitors such as Zhiji LS6 and Tucki G6, and the market segment competition became fierce at the end of the year.

Soon after the listing, the price adjustment was quickly carried out by Deep Blue Automobile, a new energy brand of Changan. The pure electric version of Deep Blue S7 520Pro, which was listed in early November, has now dropped by 10,000 yuan. At the same time, other models of Changan Automobile, such as CS75 PLUS and Auchan Z6 Zhidian iDD, also dropped by 15,000 to 30,000 yuan.

Changan automobile, which has followed the trend of price reduction, has ushered in a rapid growth in new energy business this year. The data shows that Changan Automobile’s sales of its own brand new energy in the first 11 months have exceeded 400,000 units, an increase of 80% year-on-year. In the same period, Changan accelerated the introduction of three major brands, namely Deep Blue and Aouita, to Southeast Asia to expand the market. Recently, the news of clearly investing in Huawei’s new smart car company also attracted much attention from the outside world.

Compared with the rapid price changes that may lead to the dissatisfaction of old car owners, some brands choose to lower the price at the time of listing. The functional configuration of the new Nezha S-long battery life pure electric version, which was launched on December 2nd, is the same as before, but the guide price is reduced by 30,000 yuan, which is the first time that Nezha Automobile has lowered the entry price of 715km battery life models to the range of 200,000 yuan.

Other brands that did not give a direct price drop showed a number of preferential policies for equity reduction. LI announced that it will launch an annual rate of 2.5% in December (the approximate annualized interest rate is 4.58% to 4.76%), and the down payment for ideal L7 and ideal L8 will be around 50,000.

A number of sales staff of Beijing Ideal Store told the interface news that at present, the relevant models can receive a subsidy of up to 36,000 yuan, and consumers will also receive an oil card worth 2,000 yuan. During the "Double Twelve" period, LI will also give designated gifts.

Although LI has achieved the annual sales target of 300,000 vehicles ahead of schedule, it also wants to hit the monthly target of 50,000 vehicles in the last month of this year. At present, the ideal monthly sales volume is 41,000 vehicles in November.

Since mid-October, the price adjustment has been started until the end of the year, with a maximum discount of 37,000 yuan for the extremely Krypton 001 model. However, before, some consumers found it impossible to superimpose all the rights and interests such as cash relief and free home filling, and questioned that its preferential strength was not completely consistent with publicity.

Roewe, Changan Qiyuan, BYD and Haval Automobile have given different degrees of deduction policies, among which Roewe D7 has launched a discount of 2,000 yuan to deduct 15,000 yuan, making it the most powerful one. BYD, which tried to challenge the annual sales record of 3 million vehicles, continued the previous preferential margin, and many popular models under Wangchao.com and Haiyang.com participated in the event.

It is worth noting that according to the current policy, new energy vehicles will be exempted from purchase tax this year and the tax exemption will not be limited. From January 1 next year to December 31, 2025, new energy vehicles with a purchase price of more than 339,000 yuan will be subject to partial purchase tax.

Some joint venture car companies have introduced corresponding preferential policies. FAW-Volkswagen can enjoy 50% purchase tax subsidies and commercial auto insurance exemption for some models, and FAW-Toyota also provides purchase tax subsidies. In addition, the purchase of some models of Shenlong automobile can get replacement subsidies, and some popular models of SAIC Volkswagen are equipped with 0 interest rate policy for 2 to 5 years.

(Note: The statistical information in this article is as of the time of publication)