标签归档 2021上海油压店推荐


"It’s Worth It" held an event, and Wu Lei’s speech made Hu Ge’s face red

1905 movie network news A few days ago, the film held an event and attended. Wu Lei revealed that his idol was Hu Ge, causing the other party to blush on the spot and causing the audience to laugh.

In the producer-directed film, Hu Ge plays the eulogy editor for "giving away the last journey", and he has many opposite scenes with Wu Lei’s Little Yin. When asked about his relationship with Hu Ge in the play and growing up together outside the play, Wu Lei said that he has always regarded Hu Ge as an idol, but now that he has grown up, he is embarrassed to express it, and hopes to cooperate with "different characters in the future."

Hearing Wu Lei’s words, Hu Ge blushed shyly and said with a smile that he had "sweated", letting everyone see the cute side of Hu Ge.


After the Lantern Festival, the fruit market "cooled down" and the price of strawberries "dived" sharply.

After the Lantern Festival, the fruit market cooled down, and the topic of "strawberry price diving" rushed to the hot search in Weibo, with more than 300 million readings, and the price of cherries also dropped.

At 10 am, the reporter saw in a fruit shop in Qingpu that hongxia strawberries were placed in a conspicuous place in the store, and brightly colored strawberries were neatly packed into boxes and placed on the shelves, and the price was 25 yuan per catty. Full-bodied cherries were placed at the checkout counter by merchants, and the retail price was 58 yuan per catty. Compared with before the festival, the price of cherries also dropped.

Xiang Guorui, a staff member of the fruit shop, said: "The price of strawberries before the festival is 35 yuan per catty, and the current price is only 25 yuan per catty, which is cheaper than 10 yuan per catty. At the same time as the price dropped, the sales volume also declined. Because I visited relatives and friends years ago, I bought more fruits at home and had sufficient inventory. It is estimated that the purchase volume will be delayed for half a month before going up. "

In the fruit area of Yonghui Supermarket in Qingpu, bulk strawberries, boxed Dandong strawberries and blueberries are placed on the shelves. The price of Dandong strawberries is 450 grams and 45.8 yuan, and the price of bulk strawberries is 36.8 yuan per catty. The price difference between bulk strawberries and Dandong strawberries is close to that of 10 yuan, and cherries are already sold out because of their affordable prices. The reporter found that while the price of conventional varieties of strawberries was reduced, the quality strawberries aimed at consumers’ psychology of early adopters and selection of excellent ones, and the price was still high.

It is understood that the price of fruit before the festival is high due to the rising price of labor, logistics, supply and other cost factors. However, with the end of the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival holidays, the market consumption demand declined, and the fruit supply was sufficient, which led to the price reduction. At the same time, as the temperature rises, the costs of planting and logistics also begin to decline, the output and arrival will continue to increase, and the price of strawberries will further decline.

Reporter: So Chol.

Photography: So Chol

Editor: Li Can

Editor in Charge: Wei Fulong (Chief)

Please indicate the official WeChat from "Green Qingpu"

ShangguanNo. Author: Green Qingpu


[A New Five-year Chronology with Concentric Petals] The beautiful scenery of "Lotus Pond and Weihai" in Baiyangdian reappears, and xiong’an new area’s "Millennium Forest and Wanqingbo" is worth lookin

  CCTV News: (Reporter Liu Wei)Baiyangdian Lake in midsummer, with lotus flowers, red reeds and green seas, rippling blue waves and cruise ships. Stroll on the wooden plank road of Xin ‘an North Dike in Baiyangdian to see the reappearance of the beautiful scenery of the "Lotus Pond and Weed Sea", and board the viewing platform to see the lush &hellip of the "Millennium Xiulin" Daqing River in Lin Yuyu; …

Photography: Liu Wei

  On August 3rd, the online theme activity of "Concentric and Collaborative Five-Year Spectrum" entered xiong’an new area, Hebei Province, and today it is destined to be a "high-value" encounter.

  Blue and green interweave, which is the background color of xiong’an new area.

  "The Millennium Xiulin is greener, the exhibition industry is transformed to control pollution, the aquaculture water is cleaned up, and the blue sky is controlled by the environment". Every step of xiong’an new area adheres to ecological priority and green development.

Photography: Liu Wei

  Mr. Sun from Hangzhou told the CCTV reporter that this was his first visit to Baiyangdian and he was shocked by the "beauty of the atmosphere" here. "The beauty of Hangzhou is ‘ Xiaojiabiyu ’ , the beauty here ‘ Endless ’ 。” He also deliberately went boating in Baiyangdian to enjoy this "lotus pond and reed sea".

  According to Cheng Gang, deputy director of the Bureau of Ecology and Environment of xiong’an new area, this year xiong’an new area will continue to fully implement ten major projects, including urban pollution control, rural pollution integration control, aquatic livestock breeding pollution control, tourism and catering pollution control, agricultural non-point source pollution control, industrial pollution comprehensive control, lake ecological control and restoration, comprehensive regulation of rivers entering the lake, treatment of polluted pits and ponds and black and odorous water bodies, and ecological protection and utilization, so as to fight a tough battle for Baiyangdian ecological environment control.

  Millennium Forest City is the future of xiong’an new area.

Photography: Liu Wei

  It is understood that since the construction of the Millennium Xiulin Project was started in November 2017, xiong’an new area has completed afforestation in the first area of Daqinghe forest (the original plot No.9), 100,000 mu of forest for both seedling and landscape, afforestation in autumn of 2018 and afforestation in spring of 2019, with more than 170,000 mu of newly planted trees, nearly 200 species selected and more than 12 million seedlings planted.

  Different from the traditional urban afforestation, the "Millennium Xiulin" in the new area is mainly a near-natural forest, and it is also a "smart" forest. Each tree has its own QR code. Through the development of Xiong ‘an Senlin big data system APP and construction management platform, the whole life cycle management of seedlings is carried out, thus creating a digital forest. Each tree corresponds to the change of digital city, turning thousands of trees into the beginning of Xiong’ an’s thousand-year memory.

Photography: Liu Wei

  Surrounded by forests in the north and wetlands in the south, the city is in the forest, people are in the scenery, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and people are in harmony with nature. It is worth looking forward to.


Observation of Zhejiang New College Entrance Examination: Most candidates choose "two-entry examination room"

  CCTV News:Zhejiang and Shanghai are the first pilot areas of the new college entrance examination determined by the state, and the 2017 college entrance examination will adopt a new model of 3+3 for examination and admission. Different from the fact that candidates in most parts of the country are still preparing for the exam, for senior three students in Zhejiang and Shanghai, the outpost war of the new college entrance examination has started ahead of schedule. Not long ago, Zhejiang Province just completed the third round of selected subjects. The reporter recently walked into several middle schools in Hangzhou to observe the changes brought by the new college entrance examination.

  This is a third grade meeting in Hangzhou No.2 Middle School, Zhejiang Province. The teacher is giving guidance to the students who just know their grades, because they are facing a very important choice — — Whether to end the study of the tested subjects or prepare to take the test again.

  What do you mean? Let’s take a brief look at the new college entrance examination reform plan in Zhejiang.

  The examination subject was changed to "3+3"

  Different from the well-known college entrance examination, the examination subjects of the new college entrance examination reform plan in Zhejiang Province have been changed to "3+3". The former "3" refers to three compulsory subjects except languages, and the latter "3" means that candidates can choose three subjects from the seven fields of physics, chemistry, biology, politics, history, geography and technology, which is referred to as elective subjects for short.

  Two chances are no longer a lifetime.

  In addition, another significant change in the new college entrance examination is that it has changed the time and frequency of exams, that is, it is no longer a lifelong exam. In addition to Chinese and mathematics, other subjects included in the college entrance examination results have had two exam opportunities. The examination time of the selected subjects is in April and October of each year. After taking an exam, candidates can take it again if they are not satisfied with the results. By October this year, all senior three candidates in Zhejiang had completed at least one exam.

  When interviewed randomly in several schools, the reporter found that the students did not hesitate too much about the second exam opportunity, and most students chose to take the exam again.

  journalist: I got another result in the study exam and the selected exam. How about you? Do you want to take the exam again?

  Senior three students in Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School: "There is a little gap from the idea. I feel that I want to take the exam again in April."

  Zhu Jingxuan, a senior three student in Xia Yan Middle School.I’m going to take another test on chemistry and biology that I didn’t do well this time next year, and then I’ll have a chance in English next year and I can take another test in June.

  Reporter: "After all, how many exams are you going to take next year?"

  Lv Chengwei, a senior three student in Hangzhou No.2 Middle School.: "Six college entrance examinations next year, except Chinese mathematics, will be taken for the second time next year."

  Not only do students who are not doing well want to retake the exam, but surprisingly, many candidates who have achieved quite good results have joined the ranks of retake the exam.

  journalist: "How many courses have you taken now?"

  Zheng Gang, a senior three student in Hangzhou No.2 Middle School.: "Three doors, just one door, a little nervous."

  journalist: "What do you mean, you passed 1 door?"

  Zheng Gang, a senior three student in Hangzhou No.2 Middle School.: "After passing one door, it is 100 points, with a perfect score of one. Others are almost worse, but almost 3 points, and you will feel very unwilling. You still have to take the exam again."

  Scoring system: 3 points worse than the college entrance examination.

  What needs to be explained is that in order to compare students in different subjects horizontally when they are admitted, the selected subjects are graded, and each subject is divided into 21 grades. Take the physics subject as an example. In one exam, the top 1% students have a grade of 1, which corresponds to a perfect score of 100 in the college entrance examination score. The next top 2% students have a grade of 2, which is 97 in the college entrance examination score, and so on. That is to say, if you rise one level, you will be able to get 3 more points in the total score of the college entrance examination.

  Zheng Gang, a senior three student in Hangzhou No.2 Middle School.: "Now basically no one says that 97 points is enough. I feel that I have to get 100 points and 3 points back. That’s it."

  Is the pressure of one subject and two exams increasing or decreasing?

  According to the statistics of the 2016 college entrance examination in Zhejiang Province, in the science examination, the total score is one point, and the ranking may even be 5 or 600, so it is human nature for students to choose the second exam in order to improve even one point, but the reporter found in the interview that the teachers’ advice is to choose carefully for this second opportunity.

  The number of days involved in the college entrance examination has increased from 3 days to 8 days.

  Chen Jun, Vice President of Hangzhou No.2 Middle School: "The initial idea of taking the exam twice is to hope that students will have one more chance, but in the three years of high school, the proportion of examination time will be greater than before. Let me give you an example. In the past, the college entrance examination lasted for three days, but now there are at least eight days related to the college entrance examination in a year, two exams, three days, that is, six days. On June 7 th, I took a Chinese math exam, one day, and then the second English exam, which was half a day, involving eight days. "

  From 3 days to 8 days, but only 5 days more, but for students, every exam is a college entrance examination, and you need to sprint with all your strength.

  Feng Dingying, Vice President of Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School"As long as there is an exam, as long as it is very important for his future, there will be pressure and burden. If one exam is a pressure, I will put pressure on it many times."

  The frequency of big exams increases, and the pressure and opportunities increase simultaneously.

  The teacher’s worries were confirmed in our interviews with students.

  Zheng Gang, a senior three student in Hangzhou No.2 Middle School."Every exam should be fully prepared, and every time there is a feeling of tension. If there are too many times of tension, people will have pressure in their hearts, and then the final state will not be very good."

  Chen Jince, a senior three student in Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School.: "In the past, it was once, just like many students said, no matter whether you did well or not, this time you passed the exam like a knife, and your head was stretched and shrunk. But now the situation is that many people have to prepare for the second time after the first test, which will test their psychological quality. "

  Qian Qipeng, a senior three student in Hangzhou No.2 Middle School.: "Because I have to take an exam, I always have to sign up for some extracurricular classes or something in the summer vacation."

  Chen Jun, Vice President of Hangzhou No.2 Middle School: "At the time node, our Zhejiang Province is in October and April, which involves the question of whether to take the mid-term exam. If you take the exam again, it will add another burden. It is also a place that needs to be improved. "

  The weight of the academic examination shows that candidates dare not take it lightly.

  Not only is the frequency of the big exam increased, but also the pre-test of the selected subjects. On the one hand, it relieves the pressure of one-time centralized examination in senior three, on the other hand, it also brings pressure pre-position, which even runs through the whole senior three years.

  In addition to choosing exams, the new college entrance examination is equivalent to the traditional senior high school entrance examination, and there are at least two exam opportunities. The results are finally divided into five grades of ABCDE5, and the top 15% students are A. Because it may be linked to the admission requirements of some schools or certain majors, many students dare not take it lightly. Some even choose the second exam in order to get an A in all subjects.

  Shen Mingyuan, a student of Hangzhou No.2 Middle School.There will be a trinity enrollment in the back, and your grades in the academic exam will be counted in your total score. The academic exam may account for 10%, the college entrance examination may account for 50-60%, and the exams organized by colleges and universities may account for 30%-40%. If you don’t get an A in the academic exam, your score may be discounted within 10%. If you want to get an A in the exam, you have to study very hard from the first year of high school, so you will be really stressed when you are in the first and second year of high school. "

  Choosing the second exam requires rational judgment.

  In order to get even more points in the total score of the college entrance examination, and to have more advantages when choosing colleges or majors, students and parents are very entangled in whether to take the second exam or not.

  Parents of senior three students: "I didn’t do well in the exam once, and how much I might improve the second time. It’s time to study in school alone or to strengthen tutoring after class. This is still worrying in my heart. During the period from October to April, there are both mental pressures and study pressures. In case they haven’t done well in the exam, both students and parents still feel a little uncomfortable. "

  In this regard, the teacher suggested that you should not try easily because you have two chances, but be fully prepared.

  Feng Dingying, Vice President of Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School: "It is also the case that some students sum up and put forward this slogan after they have problems of one kind or another: be careful in taking the first exam and strive to win the first exam."

  It is difficult for teachers to adapt to the change of curriculum rhythm.


  The new college entrance examination has brought opportunities and increased pressure to students. At the same time, it has brought a big impact on the traditional teaching rhythm, with the dynamic adjustment of teachers’ teaching and the tidal change of teachers’ ratio.

  Teaching dynamic adjustment to normal state

  This is Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School. In the interview, the reporter learned that during the two weeks from the end of the exam in October to the result, the senior three students were almost studying by themselves except for the number of languages. For a time, the teachers who chose the subjects relaxed, and Xiao Zhongrong, a chemistry teacher, was one of them.

  Xiao Zhongrong, Senior Three Chemistry Teacher of Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School.These two weeks have been relatively easy. We are mainly evaluating the students’ test results, and then according to the feedback of the students’ test results, we have to reorganize the class, prepare a new curriculum and formulate new teaching content.

  Teacher Xiao told us that these two weeks seem relaxed, but in fact they also hide the pressure, because now every time they go through a big exam, students’ schedules and teaching contents are faced with readjustment. Take this exam as an example. After the results come out, some students will be satisfied and give up the second exam, so they can stop taking chemistry classes. For other students who want to retake the exam, the teacher needs to arrange classes for them again and make study plans according to their different situations.

  Xiao Zhongrong, Senior Three Chemistry Teacher of Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School.Our original review should say that it has an overall arrangement and a more classic model. What about now? Our review or our teaching progress has been cut into several pieces. How to deal with such an exam in a relatively short time should be said that the change in time and some improvement in teaching requirements have undoubtedly deepened some of us. It should be said that teaching anxiety and even some pressure exist. "

  Tidal change of teacher ratio has great management pressure. 

  The change of the new college entrance examination has brought an impact on the original teaching rhythm. With the advancement of learning and selecting exams, the curriculum arrangement will change accordingly, and the workload of teachers will increase sharply, and there will be a shortage of manpower. However, once the exam is over, teachers will be idle again, and the ratio of teachers and workload will have to be dynamically adjusted.

  Feng Dingying, Vice President of Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School: "After April next year, all the selected subjects have been tested, and there are three courses outside the language number. How many classes are there outside the language number? How many classes can be held? How many classes can the teacher and students tolerate? In addition, there are a large number of teachers who don’t have any classes. How do you remember the workload of the teacher and how do you calculate the class allowance for him? I haven’t considered it clearly. "

  (CCTV reporter Pan Hongxu)