标签归档 上海夜生活导航


Hao Lei was praised for her high skills in "bed drama", and Guo Fucheng applied a mask for pretending to be tender

Group photo of the main creators of "Silver Empire"

From left to right: Directors Yao Shuhua, Guo Fucheng, Hao Lei

Hao Lei

Guo Fucheng

  Movie Network News(Photo/Qian Jia’s memoir/Diao Zongrui) On August 16, "Silver Empire" held its premiere press conference in Beijing. Director Yao Shuhua, starring Guo Fucheng and Hao Lei, appeared on the scene to build momentum for the film. At the press conference, Yao Shuhua praised Hao Lei’s superb skills in filming "bed scenes", and Guo Fucheng revealed that he applied a mask for being tender.

Guo Fucheng and Hao Lei

Director Zan Haolei’s superb "bed scene" and Guo Fucheng cooperate tacitly like a couple

  Although this is the first time to make a film, Yao Shuhua is confident in her handwriting. "The film is exciting and powerful enough," she said. Yao Shuhua also praised her two favorite generals, saying that she learned professionalism from Guo Fucheng. When it comes to Hao Lei’s acting skills, Yao Shuhua is even more admired. She mentioned that three bed scenes required Hao Lei to cry. "She answered the call three times. I don’t know what kind of state she is going through in her heart. I can only say that this is a very superb technical performance."

  Hao Lei humbly claims that she is not a very expressive actor, but that the entire filming environment and situation made her feel very safe. She said, "I was not very familiar with Guo Fucheng at the beginning, but the director prepared it perfectly and let us get into it quickly." The director also broke the news that Guo Fucheng and Hao Lei cooperated quite tacitly and were once mistaken for a couple by foreigners.

Guo Fucheng was exposed as a "hot pot madman" who applied a mask to play tender

  Talking about her personal impression of Guo Fucheng, Hao Lei said that because the two people are the same constellation, they are more like each other in many ways. She also revealed that Guo Fucheng loves hot pot very much, and called Guo Fucheng a "hot pot madman".

  Guo Fucheng admired the performance of Hao Lei as a young woman and returning to the age of 17 in the play. He said that he had never seen an actor achieve this state. However, he went to great lengths to apply facial masks in order to return to the age of 17. And his poor Mandarin also became an obstacle in his performance. Because he read "disaster caused by Xiao Wall" as "disaster caused by xianmei" more than a dozen times in a row. He also laughed, "Fortunately, the director is more tolerant."

  Guo Fucheng also said that musicals have always been her dream. He hopes to bring his musicals to perform in Beijing and different parts of the country in 2011.

"Silver Empire" is expected to enter the US market

  As an epic film about the evolution of Shanxi merchants, it is said that in addition to using special effects to restore the life scenes of Shanxi merchants in the late Qing Dynasty, the film is also not sloppy in details such as costumes and props. Most of the costumes, decorations and utensils are real cultural relics. Hao Lei said that the cashmere cloak she wore during the filming was very delicate, and she intended to keep it after the filming.

  Yao Shuhua believes that the local folk customs of Shanxi are fully responsible for borrowing a lot of antiques for filming. She also mentioned that the museum in Pingyao, Shanxi Province, even closed the museum for two days to assist in the shooting of "Silver Empire." In addition, Yao Shuhua also praised the local extras in Shanxi Province. She said that one scene was filmed at 2:30 at night, the weather was very cold, and the performance of the extras was so serious that she was moved to tears.

  Yao Shuhua denied rumors that the film was interested in the Oscars, but according to her, the Oscar chairperson had seen the film during the Shanghai Film Festival and said he liked it very much and could learn a lot about Chinese culture. He also intended to help Yao Shuhua find distributors in the United States to promote the film.

  It is reported that "Silver Empire" will be released nationwide on August 21.


BYD Qin L was officially unveiled or listed at the Beijing Auto Show.

Recently, the brand-new model Qin L was officially unveiled. This car will go hand in hand with Qin PLUS to meet the diversified needs of the market. Qin L is expected to sell for more than 120,000 yuan and will be officially listed at the auto show on April 25th.

In terms of design, Qin L shows the unique charm of "the aesthetics of the new country’s tide and beauty". Its large-size front grille is decorated with lattice elements, with long and narrow headlights and rising luminous "dragon beard", which makes the front of the car more stereoscopic and visual impact. On the side of the car body, the elegant waistline extends from the front fender to the back door, and the slip-back design adds more sense of movement to it. The penetrating taillight design at the rear of the vehicle is inspired by the Chinese knot in the traditional culture of China, which is highly recognizable.

In terms of size, the length, width and height of Qin L are 4830mm, 1900mm and 1495mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2790 mm. Compared with the current Qin PLUS, the size has been significantly improved.

Inside the car, Qin L’s interior design perfectly combines the inspiration of China landscape painting with modern technology. The embedded large-size LCD instrument panel and the iconic rotatable central control screen are full of science and technology. At the same time, the new car is also equipped with a newly designed three-spoke and wireless mobile phone charging function, which further enhances the convenience of use.

In terms of power, Qin L will be equipped with a system consisting of a 1.5L engine and an electric motor, adopting BYD’s advanced fifth-generation DM-i hybrid technology. The maximum power of the engine is 74 kW, and the maximum power of the motor is as high as 160 kW. In addition, the new car is also equipped with a battery from Fudi, Zhengzhou, which provides two battery capacity options, supporting 90km and 60km of pure electric mileage respectively.

Generally speaking, the official appearance of BYD Qin L has brought more choices to consumers. Its unique design, spacious interior space and advanced power system make it more competitive in the same class. I believe that after the official listing of Beijing Auto Show, Qin L will achieve good market performance.


Last night, Xu Jiayin said harshly: Do these points well, Hengda will definitely be able to pay off the debt!

Hengda, which has fallen into the crisis of the capital chain, held the "Pledge Conference of Guaranteed Building" under the leadership of Xu Jiayin in early September, but its delivery volume in September, October and November was less than 10,000 sets.

Now that there are still five days left in 2021, how is Evergrande’s "Baojiao Building" going?

On the evening of the 26th, the official account of Evergrande Group disclosed the latest situation.

Xu Jiayin said at the weekly meeting of the resumption of work and production that night that all employees of the group, with the support and care of all sectors of society,After several months of hard work, the resumption of work and production to ensure the delivery of buildings has achieved initial results.

As of December 26, Hengda Group’s national project resumption rate was 91.7%, an increase of 40% from the beginning of September; the number of people who resumed work 89,000, an increase of 31% from September.

Source: Hengda Group official account

However, Xu Jiayin said that Evergrande’s goal is not to resume work and production, but to ensure quality assurance and hand over buildings to owners. The next stage of the group’s goal is to continue to increase the number of people who resume work to improve efficiency. "In December, the group has 115 projects scheduled to be delivered. There are still five days left in this month. We must sprint to ensure that we complete the goal of handing over 39,000 buildings this month."

Evergrande also revealed a message, saying that more than 80% of the main bodies and decoration units have resumed cooperation with Evergrande, and long-term cooperative material suppliers have also resumed supply, which has played a key role in the final hardcover project of "Baojiao Building".

Xu Jiayin also emphasized one point at the meeting.That is, "no one at Evergrande will be allowed to lie down. As long as we resume work and production at all costs and do a good job in engineering construction, we will definitely be able to deliver the house to the owner, and we will definitely be able to resume sales, resume operations, and pay off debts."

Source: Hengda Group official account

On the evening of the 22nd, China Evergrande announced that in response to the risks currently facing the group, the China Evergrande Group Risk Resolution Committee is mobilizing extensive resources and will actively maintain communication with creditors to resolve group risks and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all parties.

On the 24th, according to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange document, Hui Jiayin’s shareholding ratio in Evergrande Property fell from 60.96% to 58.18%, involving 300 million shares. The reason for the disclosure is that "the relevant parties have taken steps to enforce the guarantee interest in the shares against you or the right to hold the shares as security".

Prior to December 6, December 7, December 8, December 9, Xu Jiayin continued to be forced to sell China Evergrande 106 million shares, 120 million shares, 51.88 million shares and 7000 shares, a total of about 277.80 million shares, eventually Xu Jiayin in China Evergrande shareholding ratio fell from 61.88% to 59.78%.

On December 3, Evergrande issued an announcement announcing that a company was unable to meet its obligation to repay a $260 million private debt, a move that could lead to an accelerated maturity of the debt.

That evening, the Guangdong provincial government interviewed Xu Jiayin and, at the request of Hengda Real Estate Group, agreed to send a working group to Hengda Real Estate to effectively defuse risks and protect the interests of all parties.

One of the group’s main tasks at present is to ensure delivery, ensuring that more than 700 projects across the country can maintain normal operation and avoid unfinished business.

(Editor in charge: Wang Zhiqiang HF013)

State Council: Accelerate the resumption of international flights in key aviation hubs such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai.

According to the Chinese government website, a few days ago, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Action Plan for Firmly Promoting High-level Opening-up and Attracting and Utilizing Foreign Capital", which proposed to facilitate the exchange of international business people. It is convenient for foreign businessmen to apply for visas to China. For managers and technicians of foreign-invested enterprises and their accompanying spouses and minor children, the validity period of visas is relaxed to two years. Accelerate the recovery of the number of international flights in key aviation hubs such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

A quick glance at the main points

● Reasonably reduce the negative list of foreign investment access. Completely cancel the restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector.

● Piloting the relaxation of foreign investment access in the field of scientific and technological innovation.

● For eligible reinvested enterprise projects, imported self-use equipment shall be exempted from customs duties.

● Support qualified foreign-invested enterprises to issue RMB bonds for financing in China.

● Ensure the reasonable energy demand of foreign-funded projects without discrimination.

● Expand the industrial catalogue and list of foreign-funded projects to encourage foreign investment.

● Facilitate the introduction of foreign talents to work, stop living and stay permanently in China.

expand market access

Reasonably reduce the negative list of foreign investment access

We will improve the national treatment plus negative list management system before foreign investment access, completely abolish the restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector, and continue to promote the expansion and opening up of telecommunications, medical care and other fields.

Piloting the relaxation of foreign investment access in the field of scientific and technological innovation

● Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and other free trade pilot zones are allowed to select a number of qualified foreign-invested enterprises to conduct pilot projects in the development and application of gene diagnosis and treatment technologies.

● Support the opening-up measures in areas such as information services (limited to application stores) to achieve better results in the free trade pilot zone.

Expand the access of foreign financial institutions in the field of banking and insurance.

● Under the premise of ensuring safety, efficiency and stability, support qualified foreign-funded institutions to carry out bank card clearing business according to law.

● Deepen the opening of commercial pension insurance, health insurance and other industries, and support qualified overseas professional insurance institutions to invest and set up or participate in insurance institutions in China.

Expand the business scope of foreign financial institutions participating in the domestic bond market.

● Optimize relevant procedures for foreign financial institutions to participate in the domestic capital market, and further facilitate foreign financial institutions to participate in the China bond market.

● Support qualified foreign-funded financial institutions to participate in domestic bond underwriting as required.

● Study and steadily promote more qualified foreign banks to participate in the pilot trading of treasury bonds futures.

In-depth implementation of the domestic investment pilot of qualified overseas limited partners

● Expand the pilot scope of qualified overseas limited partners, standardize the requirements of qualified overseas limited partners to manage enterprises and funds in terms of registered capital and shareholders, and broaden the scope that funds can invest.

● Improve the management measures for private equity fund services, encourage foreign investors to set up private equity funds and carry out various investment activities according to law.

Strengthen the policy.

Expand the catalogue of industries and the list of foreign-funded projects that encourage foreign investment.

● The catalogue of industries in which foreign investment is encouraged throughout the country will increase its support for advanced manufacturing, high-tech, energy conservation and environmental protection, and the catalogue of industries with foreign investment advantages in the central and western regions will increase its support for basic manufacturing, applicable technologies and people’s livelihood consumption.

● Actively support foreign-funded projects in the fields of integrated circuits, biomedicine and high-end equipment to be included in the list of major and key foreign-funded projects, and allow them to enjoy corresponding support policies.

Implement tax support policies

● Foreign-invested enterprises can enjoy the tariff exemption policy for imported equipment for their own use if the projects invested by reinvested enterprises in China meet the requirements of encouraging foreign investment industries.

● Implement relevant preferential tax policies for foreign investors to invest in financial markets such as China bond market.

Increase financial support.

● Encourage financial institutions to provide high-quality financial services and financing support for qualified foreign-funded projects in accordance with the principle of marketization.

● Support qualified foreign-invested enterprises to issue RMB bonds for financing in China and use them for domestic investment projects.

● Promote the implementation of foreign exchange management facilitation policies for cross-border trade and investment, and continuously improve the convenience of foreign exchange business of foreign-invested enterprises.

Strengthen energy use guarantee

● Improve the regulation of total energy consumption and intensity, focus on controlling fossil energy consumption, implement policies such as excluding raw material energy consumption and non-fossil energy consumption from total energy consumption and intensity control, and ensure the reasonable energy demand of foreign-funded projects without discrimination.

● Accelerate the promotion of green certificate transactions and inter-provincial green electricity transactions to better meet the green electricity demand of foreign-invested enterprises.

Support the central, western and northeastern regions to undertake industrial transfer.

● Encourage the central, western and northeastern regions to give full play to local comparative advantages, and formulate policies and measures to reduce the costs of land, energy, labor and logistics for manufacturing enterprises according to local conditions.

● Plan and integrate key development zones in the central, western and northeastern regions, carry out industrial transfer cooperation with foreign investment in pairs with the eastern region, and establish and improve the mechanism and implementation rules for project promotion, cadre exchange and revenue sharing.

Optimize the level playing field

Clean up acts and policies and measures that violate fair competition

● Deal with the discriminatory behaviors of foreign-invested enterprises in government procurement, bidding, qualification licensing, standard setting and subsidies reflected by business entities in a timely manner, and notify the responsible entities and make rectification within a time limit.

● Accelerate the formulation and promulgation of standards for government procurement of domestic products, and treat products that meet the standards produced by domestic and foreign-funded enterprises equally and equally in government procurement activities. Comprehensively clean up policies and measures that hinder unified market and fair competition.

Improve the bidding system

● Accelerate the revision of the bidding law.

● Organize special treatment of outstanding problems in the field of bidding and tendering, focus on correcting problems that are strongly reflected by a number of business entities, and break unreasonable restrictions that restrict enterprises of all ownership to participate in bidding and tendering on an equal footing.

● Formulate fair competition review rules in the field of bidding, strengthen the rigid constraints of fair competition review, and avoid issuing policy documents that exclude and restrict fair competition.

Fair participation in standard formulation and revision

● Support foreign-invested enterprises to participate in advanced manufacturing, engineering materials, information and communication standardization technical committees or related standardization organizations under the same conditions, and participate in the formulation and revision of standards on an equal footing according to law.

● Publicize national standard information in a timely manner to improve the transparency and openness of standardization work.

Improve the scientific level of administrative law enforcement

Strictly implement the publicity system of administrative law enforcement, strictly implement the list of administrative inspection items, resolutely avoid repeated inspections, promptly correct irregular administrative law enforcement behaviors, and gradually implement off-site supervision characterized by remote supervision, early warning and prevention.

Continue to build the brand of "Investing in China"

● Relying on important exhibition platforms, we will carry out key investment promotion activities of "Investing in China" to show overseas investors China’s high-quality business environment and investment opportunities in all directions.

● Establish and improve the working mechanism, give full play to the role of foreign embassies and consulates as business organizations, support the combination of "going out" and "please come in" in local areas, and carry out investment promotion in a normal way.

● Organize international industrial investment cooperation and docking activities to promote more project negotiation and signing.

Strengthen the service of foreign-invested enterprises

● Make good use of platforms such as round tables of foreign-funded enterprises, deepen normalized exchanges with foreign-funded enterprises, foreign chambers of commerce associations and international organizations, respond to the concerns of all parties in a timely manner, and provide targeted service guarantees.

● Improve the inter-departmental coordination mechanism for complaints of foreign-invested enterprises at all levels, improve the direct contact system of foreign-invested enterprises, smooth communication channels, and timely understand and promote the resolution of problems and reasonable demands reflected by foreign-invested enterprises.

● Implement the information reporting system for foreign investment and continuously promote departmental data sharing. Foreign-invested enterprises shall not be required to submit the information that can be obtained through departmental information sharing.

Smooth the flow of innovation factors

Support foreign-invested enterprises and headquarters data flow

● Standardize data cross-border security management, organize data exit security assessment, standardize personal information exit standard contract filing and other related work, and promote the safe and orderly cross-border flow of data such as R&D, production and sales of foreign-invested enterprises.

● Formulate standards for cross-border data transfer in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, establish a cross-border data flow mechanism for enterprises in Hong Kong and Macao based on major cooperation platforms such as Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone and Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone, explore the establishment of a "white list" system for cross-border data flow, and steadily promote the convenient data flow in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Facilitate the exchange of international business personnel

● It is convenient for foreign businessmen to apply for visas to China. For managers and technicians of foreign-invested enterprises, their accompanying spouses and minor children, the validity period of visas is relaxed to two years.

● Accelerate the recovery of the number of international flights in key aviation hubs such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Optimize the management of foreigners’ work and residence permits in China.

● Optimize the procedures for foreigners’ work permits and work-related residence permits in China, and adopt the method of "one-stop acceptance and parallel approval" to form a faster and more efficient approval mechanism.

● Strengthen departmental coordination to facilitate the introduction of foreign talents to work, stop residence and stay permanently in China.

Support domestic and foreign institutions to cooperate and innovate.

We will further implement the international scientific and technological cooperation plan under the new situation, and support foreign-invested enterprises, foreign-funded R&D institutions and multinational companies established in China to participate in national key R&D plans, major national science and technology projects and other national science and technology projects on an equal footing.

Improve domestic regulations

Strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights

● Dock international high-standard intellectual property rules, improve intellectual property protection regulations, speed up the construction of a national intellectual property protection information platform, strengthen the construction of a trade secret protection system, and thoroughly implement the work plan for administrative protection of intellectual property rights.

● Focus on key areas and key links, and increase the protection of intellectual property rights of foreign-invested enterprises.

● Intensify the investigation and punishment of IPR infringement cases, and resolutely crack down on and punish IPR infringement of foreign-invested enterprises.

Improve the rules of cross-border data flow.

● Scientifically define the scope of important data.

● Fully and deeply participate in the e-commerce negotiations of the World Trade Organization, and accelerate the construction of global digital trade rules.

● Explore the pilot project of cross-border data flow with the members of the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, accelerate the establishment of cooperation mechanisms for cross-border data flow with major economic and trade partner countries and regions, and promote the construction of a multi-level global digital partnership network.

Actively promote the negotiation and implementation of high-standard economic and trade agreements

● Actively promote China’s accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, take the initiative to promote domestic reforms in related fields in accordance with relevant rules, regulations, management and standards, and promote the inclusion of some high-standard economic and trade rules in the arrangement of establishing closer economic and trade relations between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao.

● Promote the negotiation and signing of free trade agreements with more countries and regions, and expand the global network of high-standard free trade zones.

Intensify the pilot project of docking international high-standard economic and trade rules

● Give full play to the leading role of the national service industry in expanding and opening up the comprehensive demonstration zone, accurately meet the needs of industrial development, take the lead in building an open service system that is in line with international high-standard economic and trade rules, and timely connect with the comprehensive pilot zone for expanding and opening up the service industry.

● Support the conditional free trade pilot zone and Hainan Free Trade Port to base themselves on the national conditions, connect with international high-standard economic and trade rules, and take the lead in exploring and implementing the results of negotiations in the fields of domestic regulation of service trade, investment facilitation and digital trade of the World Trade Organization. Continue to slide to see the next touch to read the original text.

The civil aviation resource network slides up to see the next one.

Original title: "State Council: Promoting the Accelerated Resumption of International Flights in Key Aviation Hub such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai"

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American technological hegemony harms human rights and hinders development.

  The double standards and hegemonic acts of the United States in the field of human rights are well known. In recent years, the United States has extended hegemonism to the field of science and technology, under the banner of so-called democracy, human rights, freedom and security, and achieved the goal of putting its own interests above those of other countries by such despicable means as unwarranted accusations, "long-arm jurisdiction", suppression of sanctions and targeted technical blockade of other countries. The hegemonism of science and technology pursued by the United States is a typical manifestation of its consistent concept of "American priority". Its hegemonic behavior of politicizing, weaponizing and ideologizing scientific and technological issues not only seriously damages the "digital human rights" of other countries, but also hinders global technical cooperation and progress.

  Engage in "small circles" on the grounds of so-called "network security" to create division and confrontation.

  Influenced by the deep-rooted zero-sum thinking and the Cold War thinking, the United States has always handled international relations in a split and confrontational way, constantly creating "small circles" of science and technology such as "chip alliance" and "clean network" on the pretext of so-called "network security", labeling high technology as democracy and human rights, and looking for excuses to impose technological blockade on other countries.

  In the name of democracy, the United States maintains the hegemony of science and technology, and launches various technical alliances with democracy as the ideological link and network security as the goal, such as Prague Proposal and 5G Clean Path. In April 2022, the United States and 60 global partners issued the Declaration on the Future Internet, with the real intention of delineating a "net in the net" or a "digital alliance" led by the United States in the global Internet. The United States has also pushed the private sector to strengthen technology blockade and build technology fences, trying to contain competitors by means of sanctions and bans, which has seriously hindered exchanges and cooperation, development and progress in the global scientific and technological field.

  Using the so-called "public safety" as an excuse to wantonly monitor and infringe on privacy.

  The United States has always been the world’s number one telecom thief, and its monitoring targets include not only so-called "sensitive people" but also ordinary people in the country; There are not only so-called opponents, but also their allies, even the leaders of the allies.

  In the first half of 2022, the US military and government network departments remotely stole more than 97 billion global Internet data and 124 billion telephone records in nearly 30 days, involving the personal privacy of a large number of citizens around the world. According to the annual report released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on April 29th, 2022, the FBI conducted as many as 3.4 million searches on the electronic data of the American people in one year without a search warrant.

  In fact, since the middle of the 20th century, the United States has a record of monitoring other countries. In the information age, the United States has gone to great lengths to implement a number of eavesdropping and stealing projects, such as Prism Gate, Dirty Box, Nujiao Plan and Telescreen Action. Various eavesdropping and stealing methods have emerged one after another, including using analog cell phone base station signals to access mobile phones to steal data, manipulating mobile phone applications, invading cloud servers, and stealing secrets through submarine optical cables.

  According to the German weekly Der Spiegel, from 2003 to 2013, the Office of Specific Invasion Operations under the US National Security Agency invaded 258 targets in 89 countries and regions. Over the years, the office has also carried out tens of thousands of malicious attacks on network targets in China. For example, in the cyber theft attack on Northwestern Polytechnical University, 54 springboard machines and proxy servers in 17 countries were used successively, with more than 1,100 attack links and as many as 41 kinds of special cyber attack weapons and equipment of the National Security Agency of the United States. The eavesdropping behavior of the United States has already caused public outrage in the international community.

  Technical blockade under the pretext of so-called "technical security" damages the right to development.

  For some time, the United States has spared no effort to put different political labels on the R&D, use and governance of emerging technologies and the supply chain of scientific and technological products. By dividing the so-called "safety trust level", publishing a series of lists and building a technological ecosystem under the so-called "credible" standards, the United States has abused scientific and technological hegemony to suppress competitors, which has seriously damaged the development rights of other countries.

  In November 2018, since the implementation of the so-called "China Action Plan" in the United States, Chinese scientists have been harassed, monitored and attacked by the American government for no reason, and various bad and absurd acts of law enforcement departments have been exposed by the media. Although the plan was stopped in 2022 in the voice of doubt and opposition, the hegemonic behavior of the United States "only allowing itself to develop and not allowing others to progress" has not ended. The United States promulgated the Chip and Science Act and a series of new export control regulations for China in an attempt to restrict China’s ability to acquire advanced computing chips, develop and maintain supercomputers and manufacture advanced semiconductors.

  Ignoring or denying the scientific and technological sovereignty, people’s interests and development demands of other countries and regions, the United States attempts to take its lead in the allocation of network resources, hardware equipment and software applications as a hegemonic strategic tool by refusing competition, grabbing wealth, exporting ideology and squeezing the space for scientific and technological development in other countries around the world, which not only seriously hinders other countries from using new technologies, but also further widens the trust gap in global digital space security, undermines the global industrial chain layout and scientific and technological order, and violates the laws of global scientific and technological development.

  The French philosopher Saint-Simon once said: "For all mankind, there is only one common interest, and that is the progress of science." Scientific and technological innovation is an important engine for the development of human society, and scientific and technological achievements should benefit all mankind. Hegemonism in science and technology poses a new threat to world peace and development. The international community should recognize the hypocritical nature of American technological hegemonism, jointly resist American arrogance, prejudice and hegemonic behavior of technological hegemony, jointly respond to all kinds of cyber attacks, and maintain a peaceful, safe, open, cooperative and orderly cyberspace.

  (The author is a researcher at the Human Rights Research Center of Central South University)


What is the difference between pure water, mountain spring water and mineral water? What kind of water is more nutritious and healthy to drink?

Original Meimei High Quality Life Jia

Usually when we go to the supermarket, the shelves are filled with all kinds of bottled water. Many people don’t know the difference between them. Even many people think that bottled water is mineral water, but it is not like this. Different bottled water is not only different in brand, but also different in type.

Bottled water is generally divided into pure water, mountain spring water and mineral water, so what’s the difference between them? Which kind of water is more nutritious? Let’s take a look together ~

Mineral water is usually taken from deep underground, and it needs groundwater that has not been artificially treated and polluted. Generally, such water is mostly weakly alkaline water, and it contains certain minerals and trace elements. The chemical composition of mineral water will be affected by other natural factors such as groundwater infiltration environment and water temperature, but it is also relatively stable.

The taste of mineral water is hard. Generally, if it is boiled, it will scale. If it is used to make tea, it will affect the soup color and taste of tea.

Pure water is the water from our rivers, that is, tap water, which is purified by process equipment. The minerals, organic components, harmful substances and microorganisms in the water are all filtered, and there are almost no minerals. Basically, only water is left, and generally the water source is not marked.

Mountain spring water, also known as natural water, is between the above two, removing impurities and harmful substances in the water, and retaining trace elements and a small amount of minerals. Generally, it is taken from surface water, spring water and artesian well water with good environment, no pollution and stable PH value and water temperature. The taste is delicate and silky, and the water quality is soft, which is more suitable for making tea and soup.

Do you understand the difference between the above three kinds of bottled water? Look at the bottled water that you often drink at home. Which one does it belong to?

Finally, what Xiaobian wants to say is that although they are all drinking water, they are all "water". I still suggest that you don’t quote a certain bottled water for a long time. When you buy it next time, you can drink another one!

Original title: "What is the difference between pure water, mountain spring water and mineral water? What kind of water is more nutritious and healthy to drink? 》

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Christmas season is coming, and the street festivals in Paris, France are full of flavor.

This article was transferred from vision china; On November 24, 2021, local time, in Paris, France, Christmas is coming, and the streets of Paris are full of festivals, and major shopping malls are lit up by Christmas Day decorations.
This article was transferred from vision china; On November 24, 2021, local time, in Paris, France, Christmas is coming, and the streets of Paris are full of festivals, and major shopping malls are lit up by Christmas Day decorations.
This article was transferred from vision china; On November 24, 2021, local time, in Paris, France, Christmas is coming, and the streets of Paris are full of festivals, and major shopping malls are lit up by Christmas Day decorations.
This article was transferred from vision china; On November 24, 2021, local time, in Paris, France, Christmas is coming, and the streets of Paris are full of festivals, and major shopping malls are lit up by Christmas Day decorations.
This article was transferred from vision china; On November 24, 2021, local time, in Paris, France, Christmas is coming, and the streets of Paris are full of festivals, and major shopping malls are lit up by Christmas Day decorations.
This article was transferred from vision china; On November 24, 2021, local time, in Paris, France, Christmas is coming, and the streets of Paris are full of festivals, and major shopping malls are lit up by Christmas Day decorations.

Bird bird column: I have the freedom of fashion and the freedom of unfashionability.

The higher a society’s tolerance for fashion, the higher people’s sense of security for self-expression and the more dynamic cultural life.

Bird bird

Although I don’t intend to be a hipster myself, I hope there will be more and more hipsters around me, and I hope they will become more and more fashionable. I have a narrow point of view, that is, the higher a society’s tolerance for fashion, the higher people’s sense of security for self-expression and the more dynamic cultural life.

When telling the editor the theme of this column, she joked that it would be possible not to "damage" fashion, after all, this is a fashion magazine. I said yes, I will write about the benefits of fashion in this issue.

I think besides always asking people to spend money, fashion sometimes highlights the glamorous side too much, but it also has some advantages, that is, it can introduce itself to others as quickly as possible.What clothes a person wears often reflects what he wants others to think of him, just as psychology says: you can’t recognize him without taking off his mask, and sometimes we can know him by what mask he wears.In any case, people can’t avoid fashion or this set of social symbols.

Bird bird

Personally, I prefer being a fashion bystander to being a fashion practitioner. I like people who appreciate beauty to make some wonderful attempts. There are some fashionable people in the talk show actors, such as "Carnivore" Da Mu and Dang Dang. Once I met Yao Yao, who tied many colorful flowers on his beard. At that time, I asked him a lot of questions, because it was really beyond my cognition.The beard is a symbol with extremely masculine characteristics, and the colorful flowers are very cute. When he combines the two elements, I think this idea is really very special.

Ying Ning also has a good dressing style (although I can’t wear it myself, I can also tell who can wear it better). She often wears casual clothes with a little sports style and a little Japanese style, which makes her feel handsome and sunny. Because she also likes sports and is full of energy, it makes people feel particularly appropriate.

Mancai combines carnivore and talk show actor Ning.

Fashion is not only to look good, but also to show one’s inner character. Moreover, it is not necessary to take the pursuit of big names as a goal, but to do daily dressing as an aesthetic practice. Those daunting prices may not be the original intention of fashion.I think the pursuit of fashion will eventually fall on the self, and we can’t just follow the fashion trend to complete the purchase.

To be fashionable, the most important thing is to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror. When I was in middle school, I always secretly put the mirror in my pencil case, and I also had to take a sneak look at it in class. When I got a pimple on my face, I always had to knife it immediately. After that stage, I feel that looking in the mirror is an inefficient thing.

Bird bird

In addition, I always feel that winter is a difficult fashion season, there are fewer clothes to match, and buying clothes is always more functional than aesthetics. Every winter, my mother will knit me a new sweater, and there are two old picture books in the bookcase that teach crochet. Wool is produced in Inner Mongolia, and there is a wool mill in Hohhot. My mother bought some new balls of wool, which are always fluffy and soft, with the smell of camphor balls on them. Then my mother unpacked the wool and asked me to put my arms up and wind the wool again, so that I could put the wool on my arm when crocheting.

My mother’s desire to knit a sweater is mainly influenced by my aunt. My aunt knits one for my cousin every year. My cousin wears it too small, so she will wear it for me the next year. Although the sweater is knitted by myself, it is very aesthetically ingenious. One year, my cousin gave me a sweater with a lion on it. The main body of the lion is a pattern drawn by a needle hook, and only the tail is made of a small handful of yellow wool, which is very real. I often want to stroke it in class. The sweater my mother knitted for me is generally not so complicated, it is pure pink with a little hemp pattern; My mother often calls me to the living room when I am doing my homework, and asks me to try it on my head. I carefully thread my arms and face through some sweater needles, and my mother will say some knitting strategies that I don’t understand.

In order to let me wear the sweater for a few more years, my mother knitted it so long that I had to use a school uniform coat to cover the hem. Later, my mother was more Buddhist, and she took me out to buy sweaters in winter. But the sweaters you buy are often cotton knits. This kind of sweater is heavy and not warm enough. Unlike wool, although it ties your neck, it keeps you warm wonderfully, which makes you sleepy in class.

I think the reason why I am far from fashion is partly because I live in Inner Mongolia. The climate there is rather cold, with sandstorms in spring, large temperature difference between day and night in autumn and biting cold wind in winter. Only a short summer is suitable for pursuing beauty. Fashion people have either migrated to the south, or they can only shoot at home. They want to shoot in the street, not to mention that they can’t find fashion people, and there are not even such dedicated photographers. This is why you always see Shanghai Street Shooting and Shenzhen Street Shooting on the Internet, but rarely see Hohhot Street Shooting. Looking at the street shooting in Shanghai, we often see a kind of leisure. There are few street cafes in Hohhot, and cyclists often have a hard time making a living, so it is difficult to relax.

Recently, I have paid attention to some minimalist bloggers. They have a fashion idea called capsule wardrobe. In fact, the logic is very simple, that is, they all use black, white, gray and camel-colored items to match each other. I look at my wardrobe. There is a big logo on my clothes, no black pants, no white pants, only five pairs of jeans. I can’t help feeling that a truly fashionable person doesn’t even hinder her fashion, but my dressing style is still chaotic and monotonous.

Birds in life

The pursuit of fashion is often different in degree. Everyone has a relatively inherent perspective, that is, people who are not as fashionable as themselves are old-fashioned, and those who are more fashionable than themselves will cause hipster phobia.In fact, hipsters don’t hinder anyone. They just dress themselves up according to their own aesthetics. Just because they are different from our inherent cognition, some people feel uncomfortable. But the most important quality of a civilized person is to respect the existence of others.. I saw a discussion on whether people should wear yoga pants outside on the Internet. One of the hot comments said that freedom of dressing means wearing the right clothes in the right place, which was praised by many people. But I believe that among all the people who like it, what they think is "appropriate" cannot be exactly the same.

It seems that women always fall into such a double dilemma when they wear clothes, either because they have no desire or because they show their sexiness confidently, they are judged inappropriately. When a woman is harassed, there will be two kinds of comments, either belittling the victim as a woman who is not enough to make people want, or saying that since you are dressed so attractively, you must have been prepared for being taken advantage of. This dilemma always makes me feel helpless and confused. How can a woman live in order to be considered attractive and respectable?

Bird Bird talked about the pressure of women’s appearance in the program "Send 100 Girls Home"

Ten years ago, during the Spring Festival, I went to my aunt’s house for the Spring Festival. My cousin had a wound on her face. We asked what happened. My cousin said that she walked at night years ago, because she wore a necklace and earrings, and she also carried a nice purse, so wild one robbed her and took her bag away, dragging people down. Finally, the whole family came to a unanimous conclusion: at the end of the year, people need money, don’t show off their wealth, don’t wear jewelry, and don’t walk at night. Last Spring Festival, my cousin still loved beauty very much. Not only did she dress herself up very well, but my little nephew was also dressed as a hipster by her. I think fashion may have such power:Once you have this aesthetic and creativity, you can’t hide it. Even if it is risky to show your charm, the pursuit of beauty itself is so fascinating..

Compared with food and clothing, freedom of dress is a somewhat melodramatic issue, but I am envious of some people’s desire for beauty and even their willingness to take some risks in pursuit of individuality. It is not easy for people to express themselves and have their own style, so people around them should protect their spirit rather than asking them to cut off branches. After all, this is the meaning of social development, isn’t it? That is, people can not only survive, but also live aesthetically.

Besides, I think the freedom of dressing includes not only positive freedom, that is, people can dress in fashion, youth and show their style as much as they can, but also a negative freedom, that is, they can not make many attempts in fashion.My ideal freedom of dressing is that I have the freedom of fashion and the freedom of unfashionability, so that I can neither be humiliated by sluts because of fashion, nor be criticized as "not enough women" because of unfashionability.

Bird bird also made fun of this photo of hot search on fire in Weibo.

Although I don’t intend to be a hipster myself, I hope there will be more and more hipsters around me, and I hope they will become more and more fashionable. Because only they can wear yoga pants freely, can I wear jeans freely; Only when they can wear big earrings freely can I wear small earrings freely.

You don’t have to fight for the freedom to wear conservative clothes, so you don’t have to sneer at other relatively minority clothes just because you have chosen a safer dress style. I have a narrow point of view, that is, the higher a society’s tolerance for fashion, the higher people’s sense of security for self-expression and the more dynamic cultural life.

The original text was published in the February 2023 issue of Bazaar of Fashion.

Editor: Li Jin

Typesetting: miffy

Some pictures are provided: Laughing Fruit Culture, Birds and Birds Weibo, "Send a hundred girls home "program.


Lu ‘an: A New Trend of Decoding Fashion

At the badminton fair, a down jacket was displayed.

Xu Fanting, Director of Trend Training in China District of Paris Nali Luodi Trend Office, interprets fashion trends.

  On the afternoon of December 10th, the Paris Nellie Lodi 2024-2025 International Down Fashion Trend Conference was unveiled at this badminton fair. At the press conference, Xu Fanting, director of trend training in China District of Paris Nali Luoluo Trend Office, gave participants an in-depth interpretation of the fashion trends in the new season in view of the development of down products. (Reporter Wang Juan/Wen Wangli/Figure)