标签归档 上海私人后花园


Ethics of science and technology is a navigator for science to benefit mankind

  The ninth meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Deepening Reform reviewed and approved many important documents, among which the "Plan for the Establishment of the National Science and Technology Ethics Committee" was passed at the top. This shows that the central government regards the construction of science and technology ethics as an indispensable and important part of promoting the national science and technology innovation system. The purpose of establishing the National Science and Technology Ethics Committee is to improve institutional norms, improve governance mechanisms, strengthen ethical supervision, refine relevant laws and regulations and ethical review rules, and standardize various scientific research activities.

  Ethics of science and technology is the product of reason

  Ethics of science and technology is a code of thought and behavior for the relationship between man and society, man and nature, and man and man in scientific and technological innovation and scientific research activities. It not only involves ethics in scientific research, nor is it only for scientific researchers to abide by scientific and technological ethics, but also includes ethics in the application of scientific and technological achievements. For example, consent terms for mobile app downloads and informed consent for hospital treatment. If the evolution of human civilization is regarded as a never-ending journey, the driving force for human beings to move towards a higher civilization is technology and innovation. However, motivation alone is not enough. It must also be able to identify the direction. Ethics of science and technology is a navigator that guides science and technology to benefit mankind.

  The ethics of science and technology is the product of reason. The most fundamental reason is to require that scientific and technological innovation and achievements can only benefit or maximize the benefit of people, organisms and the environment, and not harm people, damage organisms and the environment. Even if it will inevitably damage people and things to varying degrees – such as the side effects of drugs, such side effects must be reduced to a minimum or even zero. In terms of specific ethical rules, we should also choose the greater of the two benefits and the lesser of the two evils.

  Science and technology ethics originated in human life, and today there are more and more updated content. Therefore, it is urgent to establish a national science and technology ethics committee to meet the many challenges brought about by today’s scientific and technological innovation. More and more detailed science and technology ethics are needed to regulate scientific research behavior and the use of scientific research results.

  Science and technology ethics need to be predictive and exploratory

  However, proposing and following the ethics of science and technology is not only beneficial to everyone, but also beneficial to the ecology and the environment. Otherwise, it will lead to disaster and failure for everyone, and may even destroy human society. Hawking talked many times during his lifetime that artificial intelligence may destroy human beings. Although human beings are rational and thus gave birth to the ethics of science and technology, human beings also have some irrational thoughts and actions, which has led to some irrational behaviors that violate the ethics of science and technology in history, and even animal and anti-human behaviors. Today, such dangers have not been eliminated.

  During World War II, the Nazi German and Japanese troops experimented with living people (captives), which not only violated the ethics of science and technology, but also committed crimes against humanity and humanity. Although some scientific data and principles have been obtained from human live experiments, scientific research based on harming people and destroying life is absolutely unacceptable to human society. Therefore, the Nuremberg Trials after World War II produced the Nuremberg Code (1946). In 1975, the 29th World Medical Congress revised the Helsinki Declaration to improve and supplement the Nuremberg Code. In 1982, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Council of Medical Scientific Organizations (CIOMS) jointly issued the International Guidelines for Human Biomedical Research, which explained the Helsinki Declaration in detail. Then in 1993, WHO and CIOMS jointly published the International Guidelines on Ethics and Human Research and the International Guidelines on Ethics in Human Research. In 2002, WHO and CIOMS revised and developed the International Code of Ethics for Biomedical Research Involving People, which proposed 21 guidelines to be followed.

  This is one of the most detailed and important scientific and technological ethics in human society so far, embodying the principles of informed consent, life value, and benefit and no harm in bioethics. When scientific and technological innovation has become the most important activity of human beings today, and human beings need scientific and technological innovation to quickly and effectively promote the development of human civilization to a higher stage, there are a lot of new categories, new contents, and new progress in scientific and technological ethics. Human genome and gene editing, artificial life and synthetic life, artificial intelligence, 5G technology, robots, brain-computer interfaces, facial recognition, nanotechnology, assisted reproductive technology, precision medicine, etc., are all new areas of scientific and technological innovation and scientific research and development today, and they are also related to the well-being of all people. However, on the other hand, it may also harm people, and even lead humans to disaster and destruction. In this way, the navigation and normative role of scientific and technological ethics is extremely important and significant.

  Therefore, science and technology ethics need to be prescient and exploratory. When a research or an industry develops to a certain scale and extent, it must be regulated by appropriate science and technology ethics.

  In line with the establishment of a national science and technology ethics committee in our country, the ethics professional committee of the Chinese artificial intelligence society is also planning to establish and formulate various ethical norms for artificial intelligence in different industries, such as intelligent driving norms, data ethics norms, smart medical ethics norms, intelligent manufacturing norms, and robot norms for helping the elderly.

  At the same time, due to the irrationality and profit-seeking nature of human beings, people may not only violate existing ethical principles when conducting scientific and technological innovation activities and scientific research, but also because when new ethical principles have not yet been established, there is a borderline between the old and the new, with and without regulations, resulting in scientific research that violates human ethics or is highly controversial, as well as the improper use of scientific research results.

  It is urgent to establish a new ethics of science and technology

  Although human beings believe that all scientific research and innovation are for the benefit of society, scientific exploration is largely in a state of unknown or even ignorance, and people do not know what consequences and latent risks such exploration and results will have when applied to human society and the natural world.

  Due to limited knowledge and lack of understanding in scientific research, it is possible to break through the original ethical norms and form new ethical gaps, which requires national authorities to identify and judge the potential risks and consequences of scientific and technological exploration and application. It is also very important and urgent to establish new scientific and technological ethics involving specific disciplines and categories.

  This is currently the case in a highly risky study involving cutting-edge research. For example, some researchers believe that the CCR5 gene is an accomplice in causing people to be infected with HIV, so they have knocked out the gene in newborns in an experiment to prevent AIDS forever.

  The original intention of this scientific research may be positive. However, due to the lax ethical review, there is a huge risk in this research, which may not only violate the four existing principles of bioethics – favor, respect, fairness and mutual assistance, but also has a greater practical risk. Knocking out the CCR5 gene can prevent AIDS, but its immune function, anti-cancer function and other beneficial functions will also disappear completely. This is actually due to the lack of understanding of the comprehensive uses of the CCR5 gene. This also shows how important and urgent it is to establish a national science and technology ethics committee and formulate ethical norms for various disciplines and multidisciplinary research and application of results. (Zhang Tiankan)


The appearance and configuration of Xiaomi car are exposed, and the OEM or Beiqi off-road vehicle has not yet been listed.

On November 15th, in the 377th batch of Announcement on Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, two Xiaomi brand cars appeared impressively. The product names of both cars are pure electric cars, one model is BJ7000MBEVR2, and the other model is BJ7000MBEVA1. Nandu reporter asked the relevant person in charge of Xiaomi whether the time to market of Xiaomi automobile has been determined, and got a negative answer.

According to the information, the enterprise names of the two cars are all Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd., however, the registered address of the enterprise is No.1 Tongxin Road, Zhaofeng Industrial Base, Zhaoquanying Town, Shunyi District, Beijing, and the production address is No.21 Courtyard, Huanjing Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone. According to public information, the former is the company address of Beijing Automotive Group Co., Ltd., and the latter is the site of Xiaomi Automobile Factory in Beijing Economic Development Zone, which was previously reported publicly. From this point of view, Xiaomi may look for Beiqi off-road in terms of production qualification, but the specific production is still carried out in Xiaomi’s factory.

Specific to the vehicle information, the product model BJ7000MBEVR2 is equipped with the lithium battery of Xiangyang Fudi Battery Co., Ltd., the anti-lock braking system (ABS) of Bosch Auto Parts (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. and the engine of United Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd. The model BJ7000MBEVA1 is equipped with ternary lithium-ion battery from Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, anti-lock braking system (ABS) from Bosch Automotive Parts (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. and engine from Suzhou Huichuan United Power System Co., Ltd./Suzhou Huichuan United Power System Co., Ltd..

In terms of appearance, the product model BJ7000MBEVA1 is 4997mm long, 1963mm wide and 1440mm; high; The model BJ7000MBEVR2 is 4997mm long, 1963mm wide and 1455mm high.

Shape and configuration of BJ7000MBEVA1.

Shape and configuration of BJ7000MBEVR2.

In the car-making business, according to the timetable given by Xiaomi, Xiaomi Automobile will be mass-produced in the first half of 2024, and Lei Jun, the chairman of Xiaomi, even set a goal for Xiaomi Automobile to enter the top five in the world. In terms of investment, the financial report shows that Xiaomi’s investment in innovative business such as smart electric vehicles in 2022 is RMB 3.1 billion. By the end of 2022, the size of the R&D team of automobile business was about 2,300 people.

On November 8, it was reported that a closed meeting was held in Xiaomi Science Park. Some participants revealed that this closed-door meeting only invited core customers, and participants were not allowed to bring any electronic equipment such as mobile phones, computers and tablets into the venue. At the same time, it was also forbidden to spread and disclose any information related to the meeting. The meeting mainly involved Xiaomi mobile phones and automobile-related supply chain enterprises.

With the gradual timetable, the outside world has been worried that Xiaomi’s qualification in the car-making business seems to have been solved. According to the relevant policies, the application for the qualification of new energy automobile industry has basically stopped after 2018, which has led many new power brands to obtain relevant qualifications through OEM or mergers and acquisitions. Xiaomi may have found Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd. as a foundry for automobile production.

In addition, according to Tianyancha’s intellectual property information, Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., established in 2021, has applied for thousands of automobile-related patents, of which nearly 600 patents have been authorized, involving motor, vehicle control, battery, automobile structure, autonomous driving and other automobile software and hardware-related fields. According to the information in the annual report, the number of participants in the company in 2022 was 420. In addition, Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. has applied to register a number of "Xiaomi Automobile" trademarks, and the current trademark status is mostly registered.

Written by Southern Reporter Lin Wenqi


Which heat is lower in the quarrel between sweet corn and waxy corn?

  Stews, soups, and staple foods … … Corn, which can be easily bought all year round, frequently appears at the public table. However, recently, the controversy about which sweet corn or waxy corn is lower in calories and more suitable for weight loss has caused a hot search, which has once again puzzled the "people who eat corn" in the comment area. Experts said that if there is a heat dispute during the weight loss period, sweet corn is still better.

  On the dining table, corn can be seen everywhere. Sweet corn has golden appearance, full grains, soft skin and natural sweetness. Sweet corn with sweet taste is suitable for direct consumption or as a salad ingredient, stew, etc. Waxy corn can also be called sticky corn, which is short and round in appearance, crystal clear and sticky. When you take a bite, it has a "glutinous" taste.

  So what kind of corn is more suitable to eat during weight loss and calorie control? Relevant data show that the energy of sweet corn is about 86 kcal/100g, while that of waxy corn is about 161 kcal/100g. However, some netizens suggested that the weight of a waxy corn is about 200-220g, and the energy is 320-350kcal. And a sweet corn is about 350 grams, and the energy is about 300 kilocalories. In contrast, it seems that eating a whole sweet corn or a whole waxy corn has little difference in calories.

  What is the difference between the two kinds of corn, and how to choose it? The reporter asked Dai Chun, a nutritionist, deputy director of Nanjing First Hospital. She said that during the weight loss period, it is still recommended to choose sweet corn under the condition of the same weight (rather than "one root").

  Relevant professional food databases show that 76% of yellow sweet corn is water, only 5.7% is starch, and 6.26% is composed of sucrose, glucose and fructose. Because of its high soluble sugar content, sweet corn is sweet when eaten in the mouth as the name suggests, and it is not sweet until it is decomposed into glucose by repeated chewing like starch. The reason why it is crisp and tender is because of its high water content and relatively low starch content. Therefore, although the sweet corn with tender water is "sweet", the total carbohydrate content and total calories are actually not high.

  The sticky waxy corn is not. Under the control of waxy genes in corn, the synthesis of amylose is prevented, and the proportion of amylopectin is almost 100%. The branch-like structure of amylopectin contains a large number of glucose molecules, and the connection is loose. Each grape molecule can be well exposed to the action of digestive enzymes and digested into the blood quickly. It can also be seen from the GI (glycemic index) data published by China Food Nutrition Composition Table (6th Edition) and the test data of China Food Fermentation Industry Research Institute that the GI value of sweet corn is 55 and that of waxy corn is 106 per 100g edible part. Comparatively speaking, for people who need to lose weight and control their blood sugar, sweet corn may be more suitable than waxy corn, but they should not eat too much at one time.

  Experts remind that some dieters rely too much on corn, and it is not advisable to use it as a staple food during the fat reduction period. Compared with polished rice and white flour, corn contains a lot of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, but the calories are not low. If you eat too much, you will get fat. Eating corn alone may also cause the problem of insufficient protein, which is not conducive to weight loss and health.

  Yangzi Evening News/Zi Niu News reporter Lu Yanlin


I knew a week ago: China will cancel the roaming fee for long-distance mobile phones from September 1.

I knew a week ago: China will cancel the roaming fee for long-distance mobile phones from September 1.

  * August 28th *

  The 29 th meeting of the 12 th the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) was held

  The 29th session of the 12th the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) was held in Beijing from August 28th to September 1st.

  * 29 August *

  In 2007, the Ministry of Finance paid the first phase of 600 billion yuan special treasury bonds at maturity.

  Determination of the maturity renewal method of special national debt in 2007, which is concerned by the market. On August 22, the website of the Ministry of Finance announced that the first phase of the 2007 600 billion yuan special national debt will be paid on August 29, 2017. The Ministry of Finance will issue 600 billion yuan of special treasury bonds to relevant banks in a rolling way. In this regard, Xu Zhong, director of the Research Bureau of the People’s Bank of China, said that the rolling issuance of special government bonds will basically be compared with the practice in 2007, and will not have an impact on the financial market and liquidity in the banking system.

  Chongqing Jiangbei Airport Terminal T3A put into use.

  The T3A terminal and the third runway of Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport will be officially put into use on August 29th. By then, Jiangbei Airport will become the fourth airport in China with three runways running simultaneously after Beijing Capital Airport, Shanghai Pudong Airport and Guangzhou Baiyun Airport.

  *31 August *

  Xiamen city’s single and even numbers are restricted to non-Fujian D-number cars.

  From 0: 00 on August 31 to 24: 00 on September 6, Xiamen vehicles were restricted in single and even numbers, non-Fujian D-brand cars were restricted in traffic, and large trucks were restricted in traffic. The traffic police department reminded that this temporary traffic management measure was aimed at Xiamen, including all districts outside the island.

  * 1 September *

  Mobile phone long-distance charges roaming charges canceled

  From September 1st, there will be no long-distance charges and roaming charges for mobile phones in China, which is expected to affect hundreds of millions of mobile phone users. At present, 4G users generally have no long-distance and roaming charges, and this new policy will have a greater impact on non-4G package users. It remains to be seen whether and how much the actual telephone bill can be reduced.

  The national primary school students’ science classes are unified in advance to the first grade.

  For the primary school freshmen who entered school in September this year, besides adapting to the study and life of primary school students as soon as possible, they will also face a new challenge: taking science classes. Because the Ministry of Education issued the newly revised "Compulsory Education Primary School Science Curriculum Standards", it clearly adjusted the starting grade of primary school science curriculum to grade one, and it was implemented this fall.

  Implementation of takeaway industry standards

  The Service Specification for Takeaway Delivery will be officially implemented on September 1st, which specifies the service process and service quality, including that merchants should confirm orders within 10 minutes, take-away delivery personnel should not enter consumers’ homes, and tipping is prohibited.

  The first ticket of Beijing online shopping subway ticket is free

  Internet ticketing platform for one-way ticket of Beijing rail transit — — Yitongxing APP was officially launched a few days ago and took the lead in pilot operation on the airport line. From next month, this convenience measure will be extended to 20 large passenger flow stations. At that time, passengers can enjoy the first free and random reward when purchasing tickets through APP online, including the one-way ticket price of 25 yuan Airport Line.

  Total prohibition of alcohol in official activities in Guizhou

  From September 1st, official activities in Guizhou Province were completely banned from alcohol. According to the regulations, all official activities in Guizhou Province will be forbidden to provide any alcohol, and no alcohol provided by any unit or individual, including private alcohol, will be allowed.

  *3 September *

  The ninth meeting of BRICS leaders was held.

  China will host the ninth meeting of BRICS leaders in Xiamen, Fujian from September 3 to 5 this year. As another grand event of China’s home diplomacy in 2017, this meeting attracted the attention of the whole world.

  The 13th National Student Games opened.

  The 13th National Student Games will be held at the Huanglong Sports Center in Hangzhou on September 3rd, and the closing ceremony will be held at Zhejiang University on September 16th. In order to embody the concept of openness and sharing, and meet the needs of teachers and students to watch the games, this year’s Games will choose games that meet the opening conditions and open to the public.


Is cherry a large cherry after all?

According to Science and Technology Daily, during the Spring Festival, people like to take some fruits with them when visiting relatives and friends. Cherry with sweet and sour taste is included in many people’s shopping list. Recently, the topic about "Is cherries a large cherry?" triggered a heated discussion among netizens. So, is the cherry a large cherry? How to choose high-quality cherries?   
"Cherry and cherry are brothers of different species. They all belong to the genus Sakura of Rosaceae, but the varieties are different, similar to the relationship between kiwifruit and kiwifruit. " College of biological sciences and biotechnology, Ph.D., and Li Jun, a senior engineer of Beijing Institute of Landscaping Science, said that cherries are generally larger, while cherries are usually smaller.   
"In addition to the size, there are still some differences between cherries and cherries that belong to the cherry’ family’." Li Jun said.   
One is different colors. Cherry peel is dark in color and generally dark red. The skin of domestic cherry is light in color, usually reddish.   
Second, the taste is different. Cherry is dense, sweet and sweeter than cherry. Cherry, on the other hand, tastes hard, sweet and sour, and has obvious fruity acidity.   
Third, the origin is different. Cherry is an imported fruit, mainly produced in Chile and other countries. Long-distance transportation and long-term storage have caused the freshness and quality of cherries to decline to some extent. Cherry is a native fruit in China, with shorter transportation time and distance, which is more secure in freshness.   
There is a view on the Internet that cherries are out-of-season fruits, and eating them is not healthy. "The cherries on the market now are not anti-season fruits." Li Jun explained that cherries are mostly imported from countries in the southern hemisphere such as Chile, and the seasons in the southern hemisphere are just the opposite of those in China. Cherry began to ripen around November, that is, the local summer.   
Li Jun suggested that when consumers buy cherries, they should choose those that are fresh, with intact skin, full and stiff, and with fruit stalks. "Pay special attention to the’ J’ logo on the fruit packaging. This is a commonly used grading unit in the southern hemisphere. The more’ j’, the bigger the cherries are. Before eating, it is recommended to soak cherries in light salt water for 10 to 15 minutes, and then rinse them with running water. " He said.
Source: Xinmin Weekly