标签归档 上海荤场子


From the backstage to the front line, Zong Fuli became the head of the Wahaha brand public relations department

  On the banks of the Qianjiang River in winter, the lights were bright. On January 18, at the award ceremony of Fengyun Zhejiang businesspeople, known as the "Oscar" in Zhejiang economic circles, Zong Fuli, dressed in a light blue suit, appeared under the spotlight of the red carpet, becoming a warm color in the cold weather.

  At the scene, Zong Fuli responded to rumors from the outside world that in addition to the president of Hongsheng Beverage Group, Zong Fuli had a new identity in 2018: the head of the brand public relations department of Wahaha Group.

  Many people suddenly realized that during this time, Wahaha has been making frequent moves, first launching Wahaha AD calcium milk-flavored moon cakes, and then rebranding the Nutrition Express that has not been packaged for 10 years, launching limited colorful versions of packaging and makeup plates. Not long ago, Wahaha also announced that it will focus on first- and second-tier cities in 2019. It turns out that Zong Fuli is the one behind the scenes, and Wahaha is becoming more and more capable of playing.

  Fathers are like eight-treasure porridge

  Zong Fuli and Zong Qinghou confessed

  The annual Fengyun Zhejiang Merchants Selection event is guided by the Propaganda Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, sponsored by Zhejiang Radio and Television Group, and co-organized by Zhejiang Jingshi, Qianjiang Evening News, and Zhejiang Merchants Magazine. This year is already the 16th.

  Zong Qinghou, chairperson of Wahaha Group, is an old friend of Fengyun Zhejiang businesspeople and comes to the award ceremony almost every year. In the first annual Fengyun Zhejiang businessperson selection in 2003, Zong Qinghou won the Senior Zhejiang businessperson award. In 2009, Zong Qinghou was re-elected as the annual Fengyun Zhejiang businessperson.

  When Zong Qinghou won the first "Fengyun Zhejiang Business", Zong Fuli was still a student in the ivory tower. In 2012, Zong Fuli became the first "post-80s" entrepreneur to win the honor of Fengyun Zhejiang Business. In this father and daughter, "Fengyun Zhejiang Business" completed a beautiful connection and inheritance. At the award ceremony that year, the host asked the elected Zong Fuli, is your father your idol? Zong Fuli replied: "Yes, and no, my father has many things to learn, but more than him."

  At this year’s Fengyun Zhejiang Business Awards, a highlight was that Zong Qinghou and Zong Fuli shared the same stage, and the father and daughter chose to walk the red carpet this time.

  Not only was Zong Fuli the only post-80s woman on the red carpet, as the daughter of Zong Qinghou, the chairman of Wahaha Group, her every move was always closely watched. When taking over the host’s microphone, Zong Fuli responded that she had become the head of the brand public relations department of Wahaha Group.

  If you use a Wahaha product to describe your parents’ Zhejiang merchants, Zong Fuli thinks it is: eight-treasure porridge.

  Why is it eight-treasure porridge? Zong Fuli didn’t explain much at the scene. However, the reporter noticed that the night before the award ceremony, Wahaha’s official WeChat account posted a heartwarming video titled "I actually miss you a lot", which tells about the common problem of young people today: being cared for syndrome. They are accustomed to the meticulous care of their parents, and even feel a little bored. When they really left their parents’ shelter and were hungry, a jar of eight-treasure porridge in the refrigerator made them suddenly realize that the precious things they had missed were homesick.

  Is this confessing to his father with eight-treasure porridge?

  Zong Fuli smiled and said, "I worked so hard to help him make money, he should confess to me."

  32-Year-old Wahaha

  To build emotional bonds with young people

  This heart-to-heart video of Wahaha Eight Treasures Porridge may express Zong Fuli’s own heart.

  After graduating from junior high school, Zong Fuli went to the United States to study. In 2004, Zong Fuli returned to China after completing her studies. In 2007, she left alone under the blessing of her father and began to take charge of Hongsheng Beverage Group. Zong Fuli, who is very independent, did not "touch" the traditional beverage business of Wahaha, but expanded into new fields.

  Zong Fuli has made a major effort to integrate resources and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries in Hongsheng, a company that used to be just a processing business. Four emerging enterprises, including Songyuan Machinery Manufacturing, Songyu Printing and Packaging, and Hengfeng Food Technology, have been established successively, turning Hongsheng Group into a beverage production enterprise with a full industrial chain.

  At the 2012 Fengyun Zhejiang Business Awards Ceremony, Zong Fuli was elected as a dark horse and became the first female Zhejiang businessman born in the 1980s since the event was held. This may be a footnote to Zong Fuli’s years of hard work.

  Zong Fuli had really "worked hard" along the way. Now, in addition to the president of Hongsheng Beverage Group, Zong Fuli was also responsible for the packaging and brand promotion of Wahaha products. "In Hongsheng in the morning, in Wahaha in the afternoon" became her new normal job.

  On Weibo, Zong Fuli referred to Wahaha as her little sister. Indeed, as a post-80s generation, the reporter noticed that since then, under her control, Wahaha, which is already good at channels and end points, has begun to give more inner power to the brand.

  Last June Day, Wahaha let adults take a holiday with their children, paying attention to the power of companionship, and being a "caring" beverage company; to the Mid-Autumn Festival, cross-border launched AD calcium grandma heart moon cakes to pick up forgotten happiness; then, the limited edition of Nutrition Express was born, cross-border makeup plates escorted, excellent self… Wahaha focuses on how to build emotional bonds with young people again and find resonance.

  At a reading party in October last year, when Zong Fuli read "Shepherd Youth Fantasy Journey" in English, the post-90s and post-00s college students in the audience gave "English 666" praise. There were more than a dozen applause at the scene, and the students were completely fans of Zong Fuli. They felt that Zong Fuli was very frank, even anti-routine, breaking the stereotype of entrepreneurs.

  Growth resumed in 2018

  The more "new" Wahaha in 2019 is here

  Not long ago, at Wahaha’s new product launch this year, Zong Qinghou revealed that in 2018, with the efforts of all dealers and sales staff, Wahaha has resumed growth. Although the industrial restructuring has had a certain impact on economic development, for Wahaha, the opportunities outweigh the challenges.

  It can be said that Wahaha has not only stood firm in the face of difficult economic conditions, but also created contrarian growth. This provides huge confidence to both entrepreneurs and corporate employees. For a mature company founded for many years, confidence is more important than anything else.

  30 is not confused, and the old private enterprise Wahaha hopes to prove to the outside world that they have found the next direction to move forward.

  The reporter noticed that in the new product strategy of Wahaha in 2019, the first milk category is still Wahaha’s right-hand man. The first milk category camp is not unknown. According to the 2017~ 2018 our country dairy sales and yogurt market size analysis, the size of the room temperature market has reached 3 times that of low-temperature yogurt, breaking through the scale of 30 billion yuan.

  Water products have always been the focus of Wahaha, and soda water is undoubtedly a sub-category full of opportunities. According to Nielsen data, from 2017 to 2018, the overall soda market sales increased by 36.9%, much higher than the 3.1% of beverages as a whole. According to reports, Wahaha launched its first soda product in 2010, and after years of market cultivation, it has entered the top three in the soda market. Next, Wahaha will also launch an upgraded version of soda water, which is very in line with the "light health" needs of modern people. In addition, Wahaha has reserved the third camp of new product launches in 2019 for ready-to-drink tea, and has taken the lead in laying out the pure tea category.

  In general, Wahaha’s products released this year have their own characteristics, especially the packaging has been improved a lot compared with before, and it is full of fresh vitality. Whether Wahaha can turn these "new" into sales and brand reputation, let’s wait and see. (Qianjiang Evening News reporter, Chen Jie)


What is the difference between pure water, mountain spring water and mineral water? What kind of water is more nutritious and healthy to drink?

Original Meimei High Quality Life Jia

Usually when we go to the supermarket, the shelves are filled with all kinds of bottled water. Many people don’t know the difference between them. Even many people think that bottled water is mineral water, but it is not like this. Different bottled water is not only different in brand, but also different in type.

Bottled water is generally divided into pure water, mountain spring water and mineral water, so what’s the difference between them? Which kind of water is more nutritious? Let’s take a look together ~

Mineral water is usually taken from deep underground, and it needs groundwater that has not been artificially treated and polluted. Generally, such water is mostly weakly alkaline water, and it contains certain minerals and trace elements. The chemical composition of mineral water will be affected by other natural factors such as groundwater infiltration environment and water temperature, but it is also relatively stable.

The taste of mineral water is hard. Generally, if it is boiled, it will scale. If it is used to make tea, it will affect the soup color and taste of tea.

Pure water is the water from our rivers, that is, tap water, which is purified by process equipment. The minerals, organic components, harmful substances and microorganisms in the water are all filtered, and there are almost no minerals. Basically, only water is left, and generally the water source is not marked.

Mountain spring water, also known as natural water, is between the above two, removing impurities and harmful substances in the water, and retaining trace elements and a small amount of minerals. Generally, it is taken from surface water, spring water and artesian well water with good environment, no pollution and stable PH value and water temperature. The taste is delicate and silky, and the water quality is soft, which is more suitable for making tea and soup.

Do you understand the difference between the above three kinds of bottled water? Look at the bottled water that you often drink at home. Which one does it belong to?

Finally, what Xiaobian wants to say is that although they are all drinking water, they are all "water". I still suggest that you don’t quote a certain bottled water for a long time. When you buy it next time, you can drink another one!

Original title: "What is the difference between pure water, mountain spring water and mineral water? What kind of water is more nutritious and healthy to drink? 》

Read the original text


Important reminder! Going to work



The eight-day Spring Festival holiday is coming to an end.


While enjoying the holiday life


Don’t forget.


February 18th is a working day.


According to the general office of the State Council.


Notice on Some Holiday Arrangements in 2024


The Spring Festival is on holiday from February 10th to 17th.


A total of 8 days


February 18th (Sunday)


Have to go to work



That is to say, after the eight-day holiday,


I have to work for six days.


Friends who usually set the working day alarm clock.


Don’t forget to set the alarm clock.


In case of being late


Source: China Government Network, Hebei News Network WeChat WeChat official account


Editor Liu Wei



On New Year’s Eve, why should we keep our birthday?

Why should we keep our birthday today?

Xiaobian first tells you a story.


Said it was a long time ago.

There is a monster named Chong.

It has a dark body.

But the hands are white.

Every spring festival and new year’s eve

"Precious" came to the world.

Touch the forehead of a sleeping child

Any child who has been touched by "special"

You’ll become a demented fool.

In order not to let "Chong" hurt children.

Every new year’s eve.

Everyone lights the oil lamp all night.

Play with children

Keep them from sleeping.

At that time, it was called "guarding the special"

And then?

People think

It’s unlucky to mention the monster "Chong"

And because "old" and "precious" are homophonic.

So I slowly put

"Shou Chong" is called "Shou Sui"

So here comes the question

On New Year’s Eve

I won’t sleep unless you sleep.

Who is the little baby who stays up late?

Xiaobian knows that staying up late is not good for the liver.

But on second thought,

If I stay up late tonight,

So tomorrow

Will netizens call me darling?


Sweetheart, I can’t talk.

Can I call you a big-faced cat?

Xiaobian: We need a turn here.

in fact

On New Year’s Eve

It is not difficult to stay up happily.

We have a lot to do.

for example

Put up a pair of new Spring Festival couplets.

According to the public photo library of WeChat platform

Spring Festival couplets are also called

Door pairs, couplets, pairs and peach symbols

This is a unique literary form in China.

According to research

This custom originated in the Song Dynasty.

It has been popular since the Ming Dynasty.

Couplets are an expression.

Be able to use short words

Express profound meaning

can be compared to

"Never drive after eating, drinking and drinking"

"It’s time to walk, leave the past behind and never look back."

Another example

Have a New Year’s Eve dinner.

Even if you respond positively

Netizens of the "On-site Chinese New Year" policy

Don’t let your stomach down.

Be sure to order hard dishes on the whole.

Reward yourself

According to Guangxi News Network

But believe

No matter where you are

New year’s greetings

Greetings from seven aunts, eight aunts, two uncles and two grandmothers.

It must be indispensable.

"Is there someone?"

"Why don’t you get married?"

"Why don’t you have children?"

"How much do you earn a month?"


The moment I saw these questions.

Do you feel cold in your back?

"evil wind" bursts

don’t worry

Xiaobian has helped you figure out how to answer.

"There are objects,


Ready to have children,

Earn more than you. "

Words here.

Successfully completed the "escape from the Chamber of Secrets"

in fact

On New Year’s Eve

Whether you can be with your family or not.

As long as the heart is together.

You will feel full of happiness.

This spring festival

There are also many people.

Stick to the front line

Pay tribute to everyone

Netizens who are staying together tonight.

Xiaobian has another sentence

I don’t know when to speak improperly.


Don’t melt into different circles.

But tonight,

We all have the same circle.

That’s dark circles.


It’s time for Xiaobian to compose poems again.

Ah ~

Spend one night on New Year’s Eve.

Grab a red envelope for 99 cents.

Pinch your fingers and pay 200.

I see who is so tiger.

Just kidding.

Xiaobian will still bless everyone.

Everything you want is what you want

The road to success is smooth

Everyone meets a good person.

Everything is fun.

It’s good news to hear.

at last

Xiaobian wants to say

The new year is coming.

Everyone sent a lot of messages to bless you.

It basically represents what I mean.

It’s good that you know it.

in addition

Little cute people who want red envelopes during the Spring Festival.

Remember to talk to me privately.

So I can delete you.

Don’t affect my Chinese New Year.

Eat and drink well!

Happy New Year’s Eve!

Original title: "New Year’s Eve, why should we keep the year? 》


Beijing’s real estate market sales are still sluggish, and house prices have loosened.

Information picture

  BEIJING, Nov. 19 (Xinhua)-The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics announced on its official website today the operation of Beijing’s real estate market from January to October. In October, Beijing’s real estate development activities resumed, but under the background of overall economic slowdown and strong wait-and-see mood of buying houses, the main indicators of the real estate market are still running at a low level.

  First, development investment has rebounded, but the overall trend is still downward.

  From January to October, the city’s investment in real estate development was 131.53 billion yuan, a decrease of 7.3% compared with the same period of last year, and the decrease was 0.8 percentage points lower than that in the previous three quarters. Among them, the construction in August and September was restricted, and the investment in development was 6.87 billion yuan and 11.16 billion yuan respectively, down by 56.8% and 36.7% year-on-year; The investment in development completed in October rebounded to 17.84 billion yuan, down 1.8% from the same month last year.

  The progress of the project construction has not been significantly accelerated.In October, the progress of project construction was not accelerated on a large scale, and the number of projects with construction activities has not recovered to the level before the Olympic Games. The investment in Jian ‘an project was small: only 5.66 billion yuan was completed in October, down 36% from last October. From January to October, the investment in Jian ‘an project was 61.76 billion yuan, down 17.9% year-on-year, and the decline was 2.5 percentage points higher than that in the previous three quarters.

  Second, the pace of market supply slowed down, and the completed residential area fell by over 30%.

  The construction area and new construction area continue to decline.Since July, with the limited construction and the slowdown of land acquisition by enterprises, the growth rate of development area has dropped significantly. In October, affected by subjective and objective factors, the construction and new construction area continued to show a downward trend. At the end of October, the construction area of commercial housing in the city was 90.159 million square meters, down 5.7% from the same period of last year, and the decline was 3.4 percentage points higher than that at the end of September. Among them, the residential construction area was 49.829 million square meters, down by 7.9%. From January to October, the newly started area of commercial housing in the city was 17.087 million square meters, down 8%, and the decline was 6.5 percentage points higher than that in the previous three quarters. Among them, the newly started residential area was 11.398 million square meters, down 3.9%.

  The completed area continues to decline.Since December of last year, the completed area has been declining continuously. From January to October, the completed area of the city was 14.237 million square meters, down 8.3% from the same period of last year. Among them, the completed residential area was 7.692 million square meters, down 32.1%.

  Third, the market sales are still sluggish, and the role of affordable housing is obvious.

  The wait-and-see mood in the real estate market is still strong.In late October, the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank jointly issued a package of policies to encourage housing consumption. However, under the background of economic slowdown, the price of commercial housing is still beyond the affordability as a demand for self-occupation or improvement, and as an investment demand, the wait-and-see mood in the sales market is still strong when the expected risks outweigh the benefits in the future. From January to October, the sales area of commercial housing in the city was 8.308 million square meters, down 49.6% over the same period of last year, of which the sales area of residential housing was 6.175 million square meters, down 54.2%. In October, the residential area sold was 1.124 million square meters, down 45.7% from the same month last year.

  Policy-oriented housing sales have become the main factors driving market sales, with price-limited housing and affordable housing accounting for about two-thirds of the total number of residential sales in that month.From January to October, the city sold 56,115 sets of commercial housing, of which 13,042 sets were sold in October, which is the month with the largest number of sales since this year. From the perspective of selling houses, it is mainly that a large number of contracts were signed between price-limited houses and affordable houses in October, which boosted the sales volume of houses. The data shows that in October, 8766 sets of price-limited houses and affordable housing were sold, accounting for about two-thirds of the sales in that month. After deducting the above factors, the actual sales of pure commodity houses are still hovering at a low level.

  Four, the real estate sales price has loosened, and the funds in place of enterprises have declined overall.

  The year-on-year growth rate dropped, and the chain price continued to fall.In October, the year-on-year increase in housing sales prices in our city continued to fall, rising by 5.2%, which was 1.7 percentage points lower than that of the previous month; After the decline last month, the chain price continued to decline this month, falling by 0.2%, which was the same as last month. Among them, the price of new residential buildings continued to fall, down 0.1% from the previous month, and the decline slowed down. The sales price of second-hand houses decreased for three consecutive months, and decreased by 0.4 percentage points in October.

  The funds put in place by real estate development enterprises this year have declined in an all-round way.From January to October, the source of funds for real estate development enterprises in our city this year was 237.55 billion yuan, down 23.2% from the same period of last year, and the decline was 8.9 percentage points higher than that in the previous three quarters. Among them, financial loans were 70.93 billion yuan, down 17.9%; Self-owned funds were 35.11 billion yuan, down 6.7%; Deposits and advance receipts were 70.48 billion yuan, down 36.1%.

Editor: Li Dan


How can the public prevent skiing injuries?

  Yang Wenxian of Provincial Institute of Physical Education and Sports

  In the past two years, people have been enthusiastic about skiing, but before that, skiing was still a very minority sport in China. However, nowadays, with the popularity of skiing culture, especially since the successful bid for the Winter Olympics, skiing has entered the public’s field of vision, and there are more and more snow fields in the country. Looking at all kinds of great gods galloping on the snow field on the internet, can’t you help but be eager to try? Let’s go skiing together today. The competition time of the Winter Olympics is coming to an end, and many wonderful competitions have been watched. The skiing events of the 2022 Winter Olympics include: platform skiing, freestyle skiing, alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, nordic combined and snowboarding. In order to let you watch the race better and participate in skiing, the author brings you today’s article.

  First, distinguish skiing events to help you watch the race better.

  There are many skiing events in this Winter Olympics. In order to watch the games better, let’s learn about the events first. The names of each event list can’t be clearly distinguished. Skiing events are divided into snowboarding and snowboarding in terms of the number of skateboards. The following is a detailed introduction:

  1. Double board skiing:

  (1) Ski jumping and freestyle skiing-skill events

  In order to fly farther and score higher, the skiers need to have super skills to fly farther.

  The greater the technical difficulty of freestyle skiing, the higher the score. The freestyle skiing in this Winter Olympics consists of seven events: aerial skills, snow skills, obstacle chasing, U-shaped field skills, slope obstacle skills, big platform, and aerial skills mixed groups.

  Gu Ailing’s advantage event is the skill event. She participated in three events in this Winter Olympics, namely, slope obstacle skill, U-shaped field skill and big platform jump.

  (2) Alpine skiing and cross-country skiing-speed events

  There are many flag gates on the track of alpine skiing, and athletes need to cross them.

  Cross-country skiing is like a ground marathon, which requires great endurance and physical strength.

  (3) nordic combined-Comprehensive Project

  This is a competition for men only, which lasts for 2 days. On the first day, I competed in platform skiing and on the second day, I competed in cross-country skiing.

  2. snowboarding

  Snowboarding is divided into racing category and skill category. Racing categories include: parallel slalom, obstacle chase, obstacle chase round group. Skills include: U-shaped court, obstacle breaking skills and big platform jumping.

  Second, how can the public prevent skiing injuries?

  With the east wind of Beijing Winter Olympics, this winter, the atmosphere of ice and snow is getting stronger and stronger, and more and more people are participating in this sport, and this sport has brought a lot of damage to the public. According to relevant surveys, mass skiers have more knee joint injuries, such as tearing and injury/strain of ligaments around the knee joint; In addition, there are many injuries to the head and neck, upper limbs and thumb. If you want to effectively avoid injury, you are advised to do the following:

  Step 1 wear protective gear

  Wear helmet and joint protection when skiing.

  2. Make full preparations.

  Full warm-up can make the body get high-efficiency physiological requirements and reduce the occurrence of injuries. Here are some professional skiing warm-up exercises to help you get into the state as soon as possible:

  (1) Warm-up of lower limbs

  Action 1: Lie on your back and lift your legs

  Lie on your back on the mat, first do hip extension under the condition of leg flexion and straight leg, then do adduction and abduction under the condition of leg flexion, and then do hip rotation exercises under the condition of leg flexion. Finally, under the conditions of supine and prone, the touch exercise of the opposite hand and foot was carried out. The schematic diagram is as follows:

  Action 2: Hip flexor stretching

  Stretching hip muscles can reduce hip muscle tension and increase hip flexibility. Kneel with legs apart, keep the trunk straight, slowly move the center of gravity forward, and tilt the upper body to the side of the front support leg. The schematic diagram is as follows:

  Action 3: lateral box jumping

  Practicing this movement can improve the control ability of hips and knees. Jump sideways from the box and keep your hips, knees and ankles aligned when landing. Increase the difficulty of action by swinging your arm or jumping a longer distance. The schematic diagram is as follows:

  (2) Warm up the core parts of the body

  Action 1: Static force of split leg side brace

  Practicing this movement can improve core strength and prevent injury. Elbow support, lift your body, keep it straight, raise your upper legs to the limit, lower your body to the starting position, and then do the next exercise. For 30 seconds in each group, practice 3 groups. The schematic diagram is as follows:

  Action 2: Start at both ends.

  Lie prone on the mat, lift and extend your arms and legs, tighten your shoulder blades, then put them down and repeat the exercise. The schematic diagram is as follows:

  (3) Turn to warm up

  Action 1: Kneeling and turning

  Turning exercises can help improve the flexibility of the trunk. Kneel on your knees, turn to your sides, and touch your feet on the other side with your hands. The schematic diagram is as follows:

  Action 2: Thoracic Spine Rotation

  Hands on the ground, kneeling on the mat. Keep the pelvis still, and one arm drives the upper back to rotate. When practicing, keep your eyes on your arms and swing them. For 20 seconds in each group, practice 3 groups. The schematic diagram is as follows:

  Step 3 learn to fall

  All kinds of accidents are most likely to occur in ice and snow sports. Learn how to fall safely to better protect yourself.

  Double board: When the speed can’t be controlled during sliding, if you want to avoid falling, you can first try to lean forward and make a plow brake (make the tail of the double board open in a "V" shape during sliding); If you can’t brake or if you can’t slow down, you should take the initiative to fall down: throw away the poles, hold your body with your hands, squat down and fall to one side of your body, land with your ass, and remember to forbid hand support! (Hand support can easily lead to wrist fracture)

  Veneer: when sliding on the front edge, it is easy to fall forward. At this time, you should kneel down with your legs, lower your center of gravity, and stretch your hands forward as far as possible. The whole person is kneeling on the ground and lifting the snowboard. When the rear blade slides and falls, you should cross your arms on your chest, squat down with your legs to form a ball, roll back with your back on the ground, and lift the snowboard at the same time. Also remember to ban hand support!

  4. Other precautions

  (1) Avoid skiing due to fatigue or discomfort. Skiing consumes a lot of physical energy, and it is easy to cause injuries under fatigue.

  (2) Skiing should be studied step by step, and there should be no psychology of being competitive and eager for success.

  (3) Choose a suitable ski trail, and don’t blindly climb the advanced ski trail as soon as you learn to ski.

  Third, how to choose ski equipment?

  Step 1 snowboard

  For beginners, it is most convenient to rent ski equipment directly in the ski resort. You should also know the following points when choosing ski gear:

  (1) The longer the length of the snowboard, the greater the speed, the more difficult it is to ski, and the more difficult it is to control.

  (2) For beginners, the length of skateboard should be 20-30cm less than the height. For amateurs, snowboarding is generally lower than the height, easier to operate, more flexible in steering and easier to use.

  (3) You can choose a relatively soft and elastic skateboard. The skateboard with great elasticity will not be too fast, and it is easier to control, so it is safer.

  2. Ski suit

  You should choose a ski suit with the right size, so you can move freely. First of all, choose warm, waterproof and windproof fabrics. Secondly, it is ok to wear a ski suit and a jumpsuit, but when choosing, the pants must be high-waist; Clothes and trousers with adjustable cuffs and cuffs can effectively prevent snow from entering. Finally, it is best to choose eye-catching tones that have a color difference with white to avoid collision accidents.

  It is suggested to adopt the "sandwich" dressing method: quick-drying clothes/sweat-wicking underwear+warm middle layer+windproof and waterproof/professional ski coat to achieve the effect of sweating inside, keeping warm in the middle and waterproof outside.

  Choosing professional ski shoes can effectively keep warm and prevent injuries. When choosing ski shoes, it is best to try them on the spot. The most comfortable state is to let the feet have room to move inside the boots, but the sides of the ankles should not be loose. The back of the shoes should be strong and have certain endurance; Ensure that the calf can bend forward flexibly.

  In addition, ski masks, warm hats, ski gloves, ski socks, etc. should be prepared.

  3. Accessories and protective gear

  Ski pole, the ideal length is that when a person stands upright, the arm holding ski pole can touch the ground vertically at a 90-degree angle. Ski helmets should not be too tight or too loose after wearing. It is best to rent or buy them after trying them on the spot. Ski goggles, it is recommended to choose a fully enclosed ski goggles with thicker frame and anti-fogging.

  In addition, beginners are advised to wear joint protection and anti-fall pads.


[China’s answer to the world’s problems] Suining Town, Ningxia-19 years of immigration to move out of a new life

[VR video click to enter]

[VR video click to enter]

The picture shows the corner of Yuanlong Village in Suining Town.

The picture shows the corner of Yuanlong Village in Suining Town.

  Cctv news(Reporter Gao Yuting) One day in July 1997, the sun was shining brightly, and a desert in Ningxia at the foot of Helan Mountain was particularly hot under the scorching sun.

  Xie Xingchang, the branch secretary of Hongtai Village, Wangmin Township, Xiji County, came here after a big circle in Hongsibao, wuzhong, Ningxia, Dawukou, Shizuishan City and Beibao, Yinchuan Town.

  The natural conditions in Xiji’s hometown are harsh, relying on the weather to eat and suffering from drought for ten years. After a good year of business, the income of the whole family is only nearly 10 thousand yuan. Xie Xingchang decided to look around and move his family out of the poor living environment in the southern mountainous area.




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  "At that time, there were no birds in the air, grass didn’t grow underground, and the wind blew sand. There are no people in the desert beach, no houses, no trees, and no one to transform them. The wind blows all day, only one wind blows every year, from west to east. " Xie Xingchang told the general secretary.

  The general secretary asked with a smile, the conditions were really hard at that time, so why did you dare to come?

  Xie Xingchang said that after attending the groundbreaking ceremony, he returned to Xiji’s hometown with corn and sorghum from Yuquanying Farm. After rubbing the grain, it was weighed, with 0.9 kg of sorghum rice and 0.8 kg of corn. Xie Xingchang told the people in the village, you see people’s corn is also high, and sorghum is useless and so fierce. People are investing in Fujian. As long as the Yellow River water comes up, it is also a good place. After listening to Xie Xingchang’s mobilization, ten villagers in Hongtai Village followed him to Suining Village.

  The general secretary praised Xie Xingchang: "This method is good, it can attract the people, and it is also instructive."

  At the end of 1997, Xie Xingchang moved to Suining Village with the whole family pulling the tent. Because the conditions at home were good in my hometown at that time, I couldn’t enjoy the preferential immigration policy, but as long as I had the willingness to move, I could settle in Suining Village.

  More immigrants from Xiji County, seeing the harsh environment of the yellow sand in Suining Village, have returned to their hometown. There are also more immigrants who bought land from the government for 2,000 yuan in Minning Village, and sold it at the prices of 4,000 yuan, 5,000 yuan and 6,000 yuan.

  Xie Xingchang and ten villagers who have no immigration indicators have gradually settled down by buying these lands from immigrants who don’t want to stay. "Building a house is the most bitter. As soon as the tent was set up, the sandstorm started, and the tent was uncovered at once, leaving only people and no food. " Xie Xingchang recalled that at that time, the water had not come up, and he slowly built the house by driving a tricycle and pulling water back outside every day.

  My wife is going back to her hometown. Xie Xingchang said that she can’t go back. Let’s come up and reform. Not only did Xie Xingchang’s wife not understand at that time, but Xie Xingchang’s brother Zhao Wenqing did not understand at that time. Brother said, at least you are a cadre in your hometown. What are you doing here? However, in the end, Zhao Wenqing did not resist the "temptation" of reality and moved to Suining Town in 2008.

  Facts have proved that Xie Xingchang’s vision is excellent. With the help of the government, the infrastructure such as water, electricity and roads in Suining Village has gradually kept up. The most important thing is that the village is close to the south of Yinchuan city, with convenient transportation. Planting and raising something is not only easy to survive, but also sells well.

  In 1998, in the first year of moving out, the corn planted by Xie Xingchang in the sandy land transformed by Suining Village could produce 800 kg and 900 kg. "It has turned over several times than my hometown. My hometown sometimes cultivates land, with the widest (more) acre of land, harvesting 300 kilograms and 400 kilograms. If the water is not good, you can collect a seed, and the full (seed) will be changed." Xie Xingchang said.

  That year, more than 300 villagers moved to Suining Village, and he took the lead in planting Lycium barbarum in the village.

  Finally, there was a live meeting in our house. I said that this is really a good place. After reading it, the output of Chinese wolfberry is higher than that of grain. Xie Xingchang said that in the end, he led 50 villagers to plant Lycium barbarum.

  In that year, Fujian Province also sent experts and professors to Minning Village to teach immigrants to grow mushrooms and other technologies. From shed-building, fungus-making, to door-to-door teaching, the experts didn’t leave until they sold mushrooms. According to Xie Xingchang’s memory, there were 300 mushroom sheds in the village that year, and the income in the worst year was 7,000 yuan and 8,000 yuan.

  "I summed up a sentence. Moving to Suining Village is definitely a good place as long as you are diligent, don’t be lazy and do a good job. It is definitely a place to feed people." Xie Xingchang said.

  Previously, in Xiji’s hometown, a lively village party secretary like Xie Xingchang made a good living for a year, and the gross income of the whole family just passed 10,000 yuan. In 1998, in the first year of Suining Village, the net income of Xie Xingchang’s family had already exceeded 10,000 yuan. As the days went by, many immigrants hesitated, going in and out several times, but all the ten villagers who moved up with Xie Xingchang settled down, and no one left.

Xie Xingchang, the first immigrant from Suining Village, introduced the Lycium barbarum seedlings he planted in 1998 to reporters.

Xie Xingchang, the first immigrant from Suining Village, introduced the Lycium barbarum seedlings he planted in 1998 to reporters.

  In the past 19 years, Xie Xingchang has changed adobe houses into brick houses, brick houses into board houses, and board houses into small two-story buildings. The houses have been changed four times, and life has changed dramatically. Now the yard where Xie Xingchang lives is spacious and tidy, and the peach trees and jujube trees in the yard are growing well. Two years ago, someone paid 650,000 yuan to buy his yard, but Xie Xingchang didn’t sell it.

  After listening to Xie Xingchang’s story, the general secretary said to him: "You came here in 1997. You are the guide for the relocation of immigrants in Suining Town, the leader of the relocation of Suining Town to get rid of poverty and the witness of the development and construction of Suining Town."

  Looking through the relevant reports of the General Secretary’s recent visit to Ningxia, we can find such information. At the home of Hai Fugui, a villager in Yuanlong Village of this town, the General Secretary recalled the past: "I came here in 1997 and was shocked by the local poverty scene. I made up my mind to implement the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and promote Fujian and Ningxia to carry out counterpart assistance. At that time, ‘ Immigrant Diaozhuang ’ The project moved the people living in the deep mountain valley with extremely inconvenient transportation, draught and medical treatment to a place suitable for production and life, and built Minning Village. In the past 20 years, Min Ning Village has developed into Min Ning Town. I am very pleased to see that you have lived a good life and your faces are full of happiness. Suining Town has explored a broad road, and we want to promote this valuable experience to the whole country. "

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