标签归档 上海419论坛2021


What is the difference between pure water, mountain spring water and mineral water? What kind of water is more nutritious and healthy to drink?

Original Meimei High Quality Life Jia

Usually when we go to the supermarket, the shelves are filled with all kinds of bottled water. Many people don’t know the difference between them. Even many people think that bottled water is mineral water, but it is not like this. Different bottled water is not only different in brand, but also different in type.

Bottled water is generally divided into pure water, mountain spring water and mineral water, so what’s the difference between them? Which kind of water is more nutritious? Let’s take a look together ~

Mineral water is usually taken from deep underground, and it needs groundwater that has not been artificially treated and polluted. Generally, such water is mostly weakly alkaline water, and it contains certain minerals and trace elements. The chemical composition of mineral water will be affected by other natural factors such as groundwater infiltration environment and water temperature, but it is also relatively stable.

The taste of mineral water is hard. Generally, if it is boiled, it will scale. If it is used to make tea, it will affect the soup color and taste of tea.

Pure water is the water from our rivers, that is, tap water, which is purified by process equipment. The minerals, organic components, harmful substances and microorganisms in the water are all filtered, and there are almost no minerals. Basically, only water is left, and generally the water source is not marked.

Mountain spring water, also known as natural water, is between the above two, removing impurities and harmful substances in the water, and retaining trace elements and a small amount of minerals. Generally, it is taken from surface water, spring water and artesian well water with good environment, no pollution and stable PH value and water temperature. The taste is delicate and silky, and the water quality is soft, which is more suitable for making tea and soup.

Do you understand the difference between the above three kinds of bottled water? Look at the bottled water that you often drink at home. Which one does it belong to?

Finally, what Xiaobian wants to say is that although they are all drinking water, they are all "water". I still suggest that you don’t quote a certain bottled water for a long time. When you buy it next time, you can drink another one!

Original title: "What is the difference between pure water, mountain spring water and mineral water? What kind of water is more nutritious and healthy to drink? 》

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Good! Meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally

  China Securities Network News (Reporter Yu Xiangming) According to china construction news WeChat WeChat official account News, on the morning of January 26th, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a deployment meeting of urban real estate financing coordination mechanism. Party Secretary and Minister Ni Hong attended the meeting and stressed that the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference should be thoroughly implemented, the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing should be accelerated to take effect, the development and construction of real estate projects should be supported, the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership systems should be met equally, and the stable and healthy development of the real estate market should be promoted.

  The meeting pointed out that the establishment of urban real estate financing coordination mechanism is an important measure to implement the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally, and promote a virtuous circle of finance and real estate. The people’s governments of cities at or above the prefecture level should effectively play a leading and coordinating role, quickly establish and operate this important mechanism, timely judge the local real estate market situation and real estate financing needs, strengthen overall planning, refine policies and measures, build a communication platform between government, banks and enterprises, promote the accurate docking of real estate enterprises and financial institutions, and coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems existing in real estate financing.

  The meeting emphasized that the orderly development and construction of the project is the basis for the stable and healthy operation of the real estate market and is related to the vital interests of the people. In view of the current financing problems of some real estate projects, all localities should focus on projects, study and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, coordinate the issuance of loans by financial institutions within their respective administrative regions, and accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs. Credit funds should be ensured to be operated in a closed way and used in compliance, and misappropriation should be resolutely prevented. At the provincial level, it is necessary to track and monitor the implementation and strengthen supervision and guidance. At the national level, an information platform for urban real estate financing coordination mechanism projects will be established, and weekly scheduling and monthly notification will be implemented.

  The meeting demanded that we should adapt to the new situation that the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market has undergone major changes, speed up the construction of a new model of real estate development, combine the long and short, treat both the symptoms and the root causes, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. It is necessary to adhere to the policy of the city, precise policy, one city and one policy, make good use of the policy toolbox, and fully give urban real estate regulation and control autonomy. Cities can adjust their real estate policies according to local conditions. It is necessary to work out the housing development plan, improve the housing supply system of "guarantee+market", establish a new linkage mechanism of people, housing, land and money, improve the basic system of housing life cycle, implement the construction of affordable housing, the construction of public infrastructure for emergency use and the transformation of villages in cities, and build a green, low-carbon, intelligent and safe house. It is necessary to rectify the order of the real estate market, rectify the chaos in real estate development, trading, intermediary and property, expose typical cases of violations of laws and regulations, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

  The Central Economic Work Conference proposed to actively and steadily resolve real estate risks, meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. Accelerate the construction of affordable housing, the construction of public infrastructure for both ordinary and emergency use, and the transformation of villages in cities. Improve the relevant basic systems and accelerate the construction of a new model of real estate development.

  The reporter noted that policy measures such as "meeting the reasonable financing needs of housing enterprises with different ownership equally" are being implemented. According to the latest data of the People’s Bank of China, by the end of 2023, five major banks, namely, industry, agriculture, China, construction and communications, had invested more than 30 billion yuan in development loans to non-state-owned housing enterprises.

  "Recently, loans from financial institutions to private housing enterprises are increasing, and financing to support private housing enterprises is accelerating. It is expected that the financing support policies for private housing enterprises will be further strengthened in the later period, and the financing of private housing enterprises in development loans, operating loans and bond underwriting will continue to increase. " Liu Shui, director of enterprise research at the China Central Finger Research Institute, told reporters.