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Ethics of science and technology is a navigator for science to benefit mankind

  The ninth meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Deepening Reform reviewed and approved many important documents, among which the "Plan for the Establishment of the National Science and Technology Ethics Committee" was passed at the top. This shows that the central government regards the construction of science and technology ethics as an indispensable and important part of promoting the national science and technology innovation system. The purpose of establishing the National Science and Technology Ethics Committee is to improve institutional norms, improve governance mechanisms, strengthen ethical supervision, refine relevant laws and regulations and ethical review rules, and standardize various scientific research activities.

  Ethics of science and technology is the product of reason

  Ethics of science and technology is a code of thought and behavior for the relationship between man and society, man and nature, and man and man in scientific and technological innovation and scientific research activities. It not only involves ethics in scientific research, nor is it only for scientific researchers to abide by scientific and technological ethics, but also includes ethics in the application of scientific and technological achievements. For example, consent terms for mobile app downloads and informed consent for hospital treatment. If the evolution of human civilization is regarded as a never-ending journey, the driving force for human beings to move towards a higher civilization is technology and innovation. However, motivation alone is not enough. It must also be able to identify the direction. Ethics of science and technology is a navigator that guides science and technology to benefit mankind.

  The ethics of science and technology is the product of reason. The most fundamental reason is to require that scientific and technological innovation and achievements can only benefit or maximize the benefit of people, organisms and the environment, and not harm people, damage organisms and the environment. Even if it will inevitably damage people and things to varying degrees – such as the side effects of drugs, such side effects must be reduced to a minimum or even zero. In terms of specific ethical rules, we should also choose the greater of the two benefits and the lesser of the two evils.

  Science and technology ethics originated in human life, and today there are more and more updated content. Therefore, it is urgent to establish a national science and technology ethics committee to meet the many challenges brought about by today’s scientific and technological innovation. More and more detailed science and technology ethics are needed to regulate scientific research behavior and the use of scientific research results.

  Science and technology ethics need to be predictive and exploratory

  However, proposing and following the ethics of science and technology is not only beneficial to everyone, but also beneficial to the ecology and the environment. Otherwise, it will lead to disaster and failure for everyone, and may even destroy human society. Hawking talked many times during his lifetime that artificial intelligence may destroy human beings. Although human beings are rational and thus gave birth to the ethics of science and technology, human beings also have some irrational thoughts and actions, which has led to some irrational behaviors that violate the ethics of science and technology in history, and even animal and anti-human behaviors. Today, such dangers have not been eliminated.

  During World War II, the Nazi German and Japanese troops experimented with living people (captives), which not only violated the ethics of science and technology, but also committed crimes against humanity and humanity. Although some scientific data and principles have been obtained from human live experiments, scientific research based on harming people and destroying life is absolutely unacceptable to human society. Therefore, the Nuremberg Trials after World War II produced the Nuremberg Code (1946). In 1975, the 29th World Medical Congress revised the Helsinki Declaration to improve and supplement the Nuremberg Code. In 1982, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Council of Medical Scientific Organizations (CIOMS) jointly issued the International Guidelines for Human Biomedical Research, which explained the Helsinki Declaration in detail. Then in 1993, WHO and CIOMS jointly published the International Guidelines on Ethics and Human Research and the International Guidelines on Ethics in Human Research. In 2002, WHO and CIOMS revised and developed the International Code of Ethics for Biomedical Research Involving People, which proposed 21 guidelines to be followed.

  This is one of the most detailed and important scientific and technological ethics in human society so far, embodying the principles of informed consent, life value, and benefit and no harm in bioethics. When scientific and technological innovation has become the most important activity of human beings today, and human beings need scientific and technological innovation to quickly and effectively promote the development of human civilization to a higher stage, there are a lot of new categories, new contents, and new progress in scientific and technological ethics. Human genome and gene editing, artificial life and synthetic life, artificial intelligence, 5G technology, robots, brain-computer interfaces, facial recognition, nanotechnology, assisted reproductive technology, precision medicine, etc., are all new areas of scientific and technological innovation and scientific research and development today, and they are also related to the well-being of all people. However, on the other hand, it may also harm people, and even lead humans to disaster and destruction. In this way, the navigation and normative role of scientific and technological ethics is extremely important and significant.

  Therefore, science and technology ethics need to be prescient and exploratory. When a research or an industry develops to a certain scale and extent, it must be regulated by appropriate science and technology ethics.

  In line with the establishment of a national science and technology ethics committee in our country, the ethics professional committee of the Chinese artificial intelligence society is also planning to establish and formulate various ethical norms for artificial intelligence in different industries, such as intelligent driving norms, data ethics norms, smart medical ethics norms, intelligent manufacturing norms, and robot norms for helping the elderly.

  At the same time, due to the irrationality and profit-seeking nature of human beings, people may not only violate existing ethical principles when conducting scientific and technological innovation activities and scientific research, but also because when new ethical principles have not yet been established, there is a borderline between the old and the new, with and without regulations, resulting in scientific research that violates human ethics or is highly controversial, as well as the improper use of scientific research results.

  It is urgent to establish a new ethics of science and technology

  Although human beings believe that all scientific research and innovation are for the benefit of society, scientific exploration is largely in a state of unknown or even ignorance, and people do not know what consequences and latent risks such exploration and results will have when applied to human society and the natural world.

  Due to limited knowledge and lack of understanding in scientific research, it is possible to break through the original ethical norms and form new ethical gaps, which requires national authorities to identify and judge the potential risks and consequences of scientific and technological exploration and application. It is also very important and urgent to establish new scientific and technological ethics involving specific disciplines and categories.

  This is currently the case in a highly risky study involving cutting-edge research. For example, some researchers believe that the CCR5 gene is an accomplice in causing people to be infected with HIV, so they have knocked out the gene in newborns in an experiment to prevent AIDS forever.

  The original intention of this scientific research may be positive. However, due to the lax ethical review, there is a huge risk in this research, which may not only violate the four existing principles of bioethics – favor, respect, fairness and mutual assistance, but also has a greater practical risk. Knocking out the CCR5 gene can prevent AIDS, but its immune function, anti-cancer function and other beneficial functions will also disappear completely. This is actually due to the lack of understanding of the comprehensive uses of the CCR5 gene. This also shows how important and urgent it is to establish a national science and technology ethics committee and formulate ethical norms for various disciplines and multidisciplinary research and application of results. (Zhang Tiankan)


The maximum discount can reach tens of thousands of yuan! 2023 Zhongshan Spring Auto Show has many highlights.

On the morning of March 17th, the 2023 Zhongshan Spring Auto Show sponsored by Zhongshan Daily and Zhongshan Automobile Distribution Association was held in Zhongshan Expo Center under the guidance of Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of Commerce. As the first large-scale indoor auto show subsidized by Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of Commerce in the first quarter, this auto show covers an area of about 10,000 square meters and lasts for three days (March 17-19), attracting nearly 80 auto dealers and over 30 auto brands from all over the city.

On March 17th, 2023 Zhongshan Spring Auto Show opened in Zhongshan Expo Center. Reporter Miao Xiaojian photo

Nearly 80 automobile dealers and over 30 automobile brands participated in the exhibition.

At 10 o’clock in the morning, people came to Zhongshan Expo Center to watch the exhibition in an endless stream. The car brands participating in the exhibition basically cover the mainstream hot-selling new energy and fuel vehicles on the market, and the new models with beautiful colors and smooth lines are very eye-catching.

Various new models are very eye-catching. Reporter Miao Xiaojian photo

It is understood that,Nearly 80 automobile dealers and over 30 automobile brands came to the exhibition.Among them, there are mainstream models of Japanese and European joint venture brands, and many first-line brands in China, such as Changan and Geely, as well as new energy vehicle brands (such as Nezha, Zero Run, etc.), which can meet the needs of different customers in an all-round way.

At the auto show, many exhibitors offered discounts such as limited time reduction, trade-in, and gift packages. In order to attract consumers’ attention, some exhibitors also made lemon tea, distributed small gifts and launched promotional activities such as smashing golden eggs.

Citizens get on the bus and experience it for themselves. Reporter Miao Xiaojian photo

With the help of the government, we will continue to promote consumption activities.

In order to vigorously carry out automobile consumption promotion activities and fully promote the expansion of automobile consumption in Zhongshan, the subsidies provided by Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of Commerce for the 2023 Zhongshan Spring Auto Show includeParticipating car dealers (subsidizing participation fees and sales incentives) and car buyers (consuming red envelopes), of which a total of investment was made.Spend 10 million yuan on red envelopes.In addition, customers who successfully bought cars during the auto show can also participate in the lucky draw provided by the organizer on the spot, and the winner can get the highest prize.1000 yuan fuel card.

It is reported that consumers can enjoy the most when buying a car during this auto show."Car dealer discount+consumption red envelope+on-site lottery"Triple discount,The maximum amount can reach tens of thousands of yuan..

The Municipal Bureau of Commerce subsidized the "2023 Auto Show Consumption Red Packet" for this auto show.

It is understood that Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of CommerceThis year, we will continue to support at least two large-scale auto shows held throughout the city.In addition, the "Zhongshan Tesco" series of consumer promotion activities will continue to be carried out, making car purchase concessions more "intimate" and "effective".

[Exhibition Guide]

Exhibition location:Zhongshan Expo Center

Exhibition time:March 17-19, 9: 00-17: 30.


On New Year’s Day and Spring Festival, you can come to Wild Duck Lake not only to watch birds, but also to play these old and new games.

During the New Year’s Day holiday, Beijing Yeyahu National Wetland Park made use of the vast ice surface of the park to launch an ice paradise. Visitors can play in the ice and snow, or have tea in the greenhouse to enjoy the romantic time in winter.The ice park will last until the Spring Festival holiday.

There are bumper cars and bicycles on the ice in Yeyahu Ice Park.108 meters long ice slide, quite popular with tourists.

When you are tired of playing, you can also walk into the transparent tent and enjoy the scenery while drinking tea. On New Year’s Day holiday, Wild Duck Lake has newly launched a tea tasting around the stove. Visitors can enjoy tea, dried fruits and talk at home in a heated tent, enjoy the sunset in the winter landscape and enjoy a warm and exquisite slow life.

During the New Year’s Day, Wild Duck Lake also carried out normalized bird watching activities.Visitors can observe the elves foraging and inhabiting in the reeds under the guidance of professional teachers.

Yeyahu Park is also linked with the surrounding scenic resources.A package discount for amusement projects has been launched. Visitors can book a performance of playing iron flowers around the scenic spot, and go to Kangxi City that never sleeps after enjoying the beautiful sunset in Yeya Lake every Saturday night.Appreciate the dazzling golden snake dance and the fire tree silver flower.

Photo courtesy of Badaling Wenlv Group

Source: Beijing Daily Client Reporter: liyao

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You can’t wipe the tears of history.

(Kangxi’s biological mother, empress Xiao Kangzhang, Tong Jiashi)

When Emperor Kangxi was a child, life was very bad.

When his mother Tong Jiashi gave birth to him, she was just an ordinary princess, and her status was quite low. Even if her status was low, she was not very popular at ordinary times.

Kangxi’s father is Shunzhi.

As the whole world knows, brother Shunzhi was a favorite of Dong Hubei Princess, and later Dong Hubei Princess died. That Shunzhi was uncomfortable, and it was not fragrant to eat or sweet to sleep. He was in a trance all day, Lacrimosa.

Moreover, we know that during these years when Shunzhi became emperor, his uncle Dourgen was in charge for the first half of the time, and then Dourgen died in a traffic accident. In the second half, he was bound by his mother, Empress Xiao Zhuang. The emperor was depressed politically in his career, and finally he was accompanied by such a confidante as Dong E Fei. As a result, Dong E Fei also died. Shunzhi really couldn’t stand it, and once wanted to.

To sum up, we can draw a conclusion that the emperor shunzhi has been in a huge psychological crisis during his short imperial career.

He can’t even control himself, and he can’t take good care of himself, let alone how much care he has for a son born to an ordinary princess.

Moreover, the child suffered from smallpox shortly after birth.

Smallpox is a severe infectious disease, which is very old. It appeared about 4,000 years ago. It has a rapid onset and strong symptoms, and it is contagious, and the mortality rate is even higher.

According to some data, smallpox was rampant in Asia, Europe, Africa, America and other places. In Europe in the 18th century, 400,000 people died of smallpox every year. In the past 1000 years, the number of people who died of smallpox in the world accounted for one tenth of the world’s total population.

In 1980, the World Health Organization announced that smallpox virus had been eliminated, but the problem is that although smallpox virus has disappeared, people have not yet found a specific drug for this disease.

Therefore, smallpox is still an incurable disease for human beings, and it can only be prevented by vaccination.

(The wax figure of Emperor Shunzhi in the Summer Resort)

Modern medicine has not completely conquered this virus, not to mention ancient times, and even the emperor shunzhi later died of smallpox virus.

Adults can’t resist smallpox, not to mention Kangxi, who was still in infancy.

Generally speaking, when the prince is suffering from such a serious disease, the father must be in a hurry, and more importantly, he must be concerned and cared for. But in fact, as soon as Kangxi was diagnosed, he was immediately taken out of the Forbidden City with arms and legs and sent to the palace for raising.

To put it mildly is to raise, but to put it mildly is to abandon Kangxi’s children.

Since you have smallpox, it is tantamount to a critically ill notice, so don’t worry about whether you are a prince or a prince, you can only live and die, and you are rich in the sky.

Between life and death, it is so cruel.

People will cheer for the birth of Kangxi, but people will not make more efforts for Kangxi infected with smallpox.

Generally speaking, such a small child must have died of smallpox, but it seems to be God’s help. Apart from leaving some spots on his face, Kangxi did not have any serious problems and miraculously recovered.

Everything is often lost in the east corner, and everything is harvested. After Kangxi recovered from smallpox, he gained permanent immunity to this terrible virus, and this factor became a key point for Kangxi to become an emperor in the future.

Shunzhi did not have a crown prince before his death, because he was only twenty-four years old when he died. No one thought that the first emperor after the Qing army entered the customs should die so young.

On his deathbed, Shunzhi consulted a missionary named Tang Ruowang on the question of who to pass the throne to.

(Tang Ruowang)

This Tang Ruowang, a German, came to China when he was in the Ming Dynasty. After the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, he has been serving in the imperial court, and his relationship with Shunzhi is quite good. They are both teachers and friends, and they have deep feelings. In Tang Ruowang’s view, smallpox is rampant, and there is a danger for everyone. In this case, the first factor to inherit the throne is no longer whether Chu Jun is wise or not, but whether he has fresh vitality.

Shunzhi is about to die of smallpox, so the new owner of this empire in the future must not die of this terrible disease, so Kangxi was pushed out.

When Kangxi ascended the throne, he was only eight years old. At the age of eight, he lost his father. At the age of ten, he lost his mother.

When he was a child, he was kept outside the palace when he was able to enjoy himself. Now he is a little older and wants to find a father and mother, but his parents have already driven the crane to the west.

He didn’t feel much when his father died in Shunzhi, but when his mother Tong Jiashi was seriously ill, Kangxi was quite sad.

When he waited on his mother, he accompanied him before bed in the morning and evening, personally gave medicine, and stayed in his mother’s palace for several days, without even changing his clothes. For several days and nights, he was out of his eyes.

When Kangxi was ill, there were only a few little eunuchs waiting on him outside the palace. He didn’t get the care of his relatives even for a day. However, at this moment, he just wanted to give his mother unlimited care, just to keep her by his side.

However, mother still left.

For Kangxi, this was a great blow. He arranged a grand mourning hall for his mother, and he stayed awake all night, crying and wailing, and couldn’t get in all day.

(Portrait of Emperor Kangxi in his later years)

Later, when Kangxi recalled these years in his later years, he couldn’t help but leave such a sigh:

Parents’ knees, not a day trying.

However, Kangxi didn’t know that he would experience such pain again in the future.

When Kangxi was a child, his only impression of his relatives was his grandmother, Empress Xiao Zhuang.

As the wife of Emperor Taizong of Qing Dynasty, the mother of Emperor Shunzhi of Qing Dynasty and the grandmother of Emperor Kangxi, Xiao Zhuang’s life is legendary.

Because, Xiao Zhuang took two generations of kings, he began to reign as a child, so in the early years of Shunzhi, Xiao Zhuang had to pick up the outline to assist Shunzhi, and when Kangxi began to reign, she had to play the role of listening to politics.

Just like Lv Wu, just like Liu Chu, just like Feng Taihou in the Northern Wei Dynasty, Xiao Zhuang’s life was closely blended with the Qing Dynasty, and also projected with her son Shunzhi and grandson Kangxi.

To support the emperor, it will inevitably be contaminated with power. However, Empress Xiao Zhuang is not in power, especially for Kangxi, who has always shown a kind of broad-minded, loving and peaceful emotion.

At that time, she assisted Emperor Taizong to achieve great achievements, and even there was a story about her surrender to Hong Chengchou. However, at the last step of great achievements, Huang Taiji fell in front of Shanhaiguan.

Later, she raised her toddler son Shunzhi, but who expected that a white-haired man would end up sending a black-haired man.

Now, Xiao Zhuang devoted all his life’s efforts to his grandson Kangxi.

For Xiao Zhuang, Kangxi is a summary of her life memories, and for Kangxi, his grandfather Xiao Zhuang is one of the few close relatives in this world.

(Xiao Zhuang’s casual portrait in his later years)

Xiao Zhuang, who is full of political mind, pays attention to the cultivation of Emperor Kangxi since she was a child. She often holds Kangxi in her arms and tells him about the hardships of Emperor Taizong’s starting a business and keeping his job, and constantly urges Kangxi’s studies, royal laws and etiquette rules … It can be said that Xiao Zhuang directly or indirectly taught Kangxi how to be an emperor, how to develop his own personal habits and even his usual hobbies. The emperor will be influenced by Empress Xiao Zhuang.

Under such an experience, this pair of grandparents and grandchildren formed an extraordinary friendship.

When Kangxi was in his prime, he went out to fight. Every time he went to a place, he would write to the Empress Dowager to greet him. When he met the delicious local seasonal fruits and vegetables, he would immediately send them back to the palace to ask the Empress Dowager to taste them, so as to learn about the local customs and the emperor’s own experiences. He would even tell them in a letter and present them to the palace from time to time.

Emperor Kangxi once said: Without the grandmother, the Empress Dowager, it would never have been established today.

If there were no Empress Dowager (referring to Xiao Zhuang), there would be no me today, let alone the prosperity of the Qing Dynasty.

However, after three dynasties, the strange queen mother couldn’t survive the prime of Kangxi, and soon she died suddenly.

Everyone in this world is actually like this. Everyone you meet can only accompany you for a period of time, whether parents, brothers, lovers or friends. They can only accompany you for a while, and sooner or later they will be separated.

Kangxi likes reading history books and understanding culture. He understands a lot of truth, and standing in this position of the emperor, he can feel many feelings that ordinary people can’t taste.

However, philosophy is, after all, a superstructure. When you have nothing to do, reading it can be beneficial to your body and mind and exercise your brain. However, when illness comes, all knowledge seems to be useless to Kangxi.

After Xiao Zhuang’s death, Emperor Kangxi set up a spiritual shed outside the Queen Mother’s bedroom, and for many years, he stayed awake, forgot to sit on his shoes, and lay down without a seat, only to be persuaded by ministers to come out.

Since Xiao Zhuang’s death, the emperor can’t mention the deeds of the Empress Dowager, but whenever he does, he always bursts into tears. This yearning has affected the emperor’s body, making him dizzy all day and his health abnormal to some extent.

(Statue of Emperor Kangxi)

After a lifetime of chaos, his father, mother and grandmother finally left, and he finally became a real loner.

The yearning for my grandmother was so painful that it accompanied the emperor’s life.

It was recorded in A Record of Emperor Sheng Zuren of Qing Dynasty:

In the fifty-sixth year of Kangxi, Ding You’s birthday was celebrated in December … That is, it has been thirty years since the Empress Dowager visited the sky, and the emperor spoke to the courtiers the day before yesterday, crying like rain, and his grief was overwhelming.

The 56-year-old Kangxi experienced many vicissitudes. His face was haggard and his figure was rickety, but he still often dreamed that his grandmother, Empress Xiao Zhuang, was holding his hand in his dream, pacing slowly in the ancient and magnificent Imperial Palace Forbidden City, one step, two steps and three steps, just walking slowly, as if the road would never end.

Kangxi was born in the capital and grew up in the capital. He never went outside Shanhaiguan to feed horses or catch fish, but he knew that his grandmother had left a dashing posture on the Horqin grassland.

The moon sets and the stars are sparse and the sky is unclear, and the solitary lamp shines alone.

It’s hard to get together in a dream, but when I wake up, I’m full of tears.

That beautiful past has been a snap of fingers for thirty years.


The two giants in the Premier League compete for it! 27-year-old star wants to go: 68 games with 32 goals, priced at 80 million.

The 27-year-old Ivan Toni is once again caught in a transfer rumor. On November 1st, the British Evening Standard revealed that Chelsea and Arsenal, the two giants in the Premier League, are competing and hope to sign Tony in January next year. Brentford offered Tony a price of 80 million pounds, and the players sought to leave the team and play for a better club.

There is no doubt about Ivan Tony’s ability. In the Premier League in 2022-23, Tony scored 20 goals, ranking third in the top scorer list, only behind Harland (36 goals) and Kane (28 goals). During his Premier League career, Tony scored 32 goals in 68 games, and his efficiency was not bad. However, Tony got into big trouble: he bet on a football match, was banned by the FA for eight months, and will be released on January 17th next year.

The Evening Standard pointed out that brentford was willing to sell Ivan Toni for 80 million pounds. Objectively speaking, this price tag is somewhat inflated: Tony’s contract is only one and a half years, the player’s valuation in Germany is 30 million pounds, and he has not played a formal game for half a year.

There is no room for a big bodhisattva in a small temple. For his future, Ivan Tony is very clear: he wants to leave brentford and go to an "elite club". To this end, Ivan Toni also changed his agent and let Banert (who used to be Bell’s agent) handle his own transfer.

According to the analysis of the Evening Standard, both Arsenal and Chelsea intend to make moves in January next year:

Arsenal’s goal is still to compete for the Premier League title. If a scorer with 10 goals in the middle of the game is introduced in January, it will be of great help to the championship. Although Arsenal have Jesus and Nketiya, they are not prolific centers. Arsenal manager Artta appreciates Ivan Toni’s scoring ability. This summer, Arsenal spent 200 million pounds to bring in Tony in the winter window. The Gunners need to sell players to raise funds first.

Chelsea, with deep pockets, also intends to supplement the front line. Chelsea spent 1 billion pounds, completely overthrown and rebuilt, and there was not much improvement. This season, the Premier League only scored 12 points in 10 games and scored only 1.3 goals per game. In January next year, Jackson will play in the African Cup of Nations. Chelsea, which was originally weak in attack, needs Tony’s help.

Tony, who returned from the ban in January, hopes to complete the transfer in the winter window, seize the opportunity of half a year, strive for more goals, win the trust of English coach southgate and be selected for the European Cup 2024. As an excellent striker in the Premier League, Tony has only played for England once, which is not in line with his strength.