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Ren Xianqi: Every time I sing "My Heart is Too Soft", it will be the last time in my life

  At the celebration banquet of "The Extinct Man" in 2003, Du Qifeng, who was slightly drunk, looked at Ren Xianqi with wide eyes, and suddenly said in silence, "I see an evil spirit in your eyes. When people like you become fierce, they will make everyone more afraid."

  Ren Xianqi was very surprised. Why did Du Qifeng say this? In the eyes of others, how could Ren Xianqi, who had no "public harm", be associated with "evil"?

  In 2004, Ren Xianqi took over the filming of Qifeng To’s "Big Event" and played a gangster in the film. Since then, it seems that Ren Xianqi has embarked on a "villain’s road of no return". In 2016’s "The Tree Attracts the Wind", Ren Xianqi played Ye Guohuan, one of the "three kings of thieves" in Hong Kong. Because of Ye Guohuan’s role, Ren Xianqi was finally recognized by the film industry. And it was this simple "affirmation" that Ren Xianqi took 12 years.

  Ren Xianqi hopes to share this difficult journey with everyone. He chose to use his old business – singing, and use a concert called "Miracle" to relive the footsteps we have walked together. "There will be a concert at the provincial gymnasium on July 6. Because for so many years, many people have grown up listening to my songs, and their youth has my singing in it. So this concert has a little more sharing and a little more gratitude we want to express." In an exclusive interview with Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star News, Ren Xianqi said with emotion.

  Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star News reporter, Ren Hongwei, intern, Yi Qinyuan, photojournalist, Wang Xiao

  Gain weight for acting

  "Eating" is torture

  After the interview, Ren Xianqi invited reporters to have dinner together. He invited his agent Ke Shangmin to pack vegetables, eel noodles, and hoof soup in advance and eat them in the ultra-luxurious presidential suite. "It’s still lively to eat with more people. Well, this side tastes really good." As Ren Xianqi enjoyed the delicious food from the Chengdu Fly Restaurant, he scooped a large spoonful of scallions from the plastic bag in the hands of the agent and put them into the noodle bowl.

  For a long time, "eating" was not a pleasure for Ren Xianqi, but more of a torture. When filming the movie "War Horse" last year, Ren Xianqi spent a lot of time eating fat. The final conclusion is that "eating fat is not so happy," because when eating more than one’s load and needs, it is a kind of torture. "I have to eat six meals a day, and when I don’t have enough calories, I have to eat chocolate, nutritional supplements, and training to increase muscle mass and make it look fat when it is covered in fat. When I need to lose weight quickly, my body can’t handle the weight training and aerobic training that I need next, and it is very painful every day." However, Ren Xianqi, who finally lost weight, has to gain back to 100 kilograms. Because he may have to take over the follow-up filming of the movie "Horse Running".

  Singer in movie

  Let everyone forget my identity as a singer

  Putting aside the greasy big fat man in "War Horse", the gangster Santa in "Silent Witness", the thief king Ye Guohuan in "The Tree Attracts the Wind" before, and even the earlier "Death Gold", "Exile", "The Big Event", you will find that Ren Xianqi actually plays all kinds of villains, all kinds of villains. "Now the invitations are basically villains," Ke Shangmin added.

  Ren Xianqi and Ke Shangmin both admitted that playing the villain was because of a sentence by Du Qifeng. After thinking about it, they agreed with each other from the bottom of their hearts. "When a singer goes to act in a movie, the first thing to do is to make everyone forget my identity as a singer. I can’t have any concerns about baggage or appearance. At the beginning, when being a singer was popular, I was invited to participate in film and television performances. Usually, the image was very close to the singer, or even the true character of the performance. But when I gradually came into contact with the professional field of actors, I felt that the actor should act like what, so when I received a role, I should analyze how to act like him."

  However, on the road of movie acting, only transformation can take you further. To Qifeng once said, "If an actor is not good at acting, he should be responsible for it himself." After so many years of experience, Ren Xianqi has also found a way to truly belong to his own actor.

  "Together" Concert

  Share more

  For veteran fans, "Qi Qi" is no stranger. Ren Xianqi’s first concert since his debut in 1998 was called this name. This time, "Qi Qi" is a little more sharing and a little more gratitude that Ren Xianqi wants to express.

  There are many good songs to be sung in the concert, "Too Soft Heart" and "Pacific Heartbreak" are indispensable. If you have to make a choice, I would like to know which of these two songs has a greater influence on Ren Xianqi. "" Too Soft Heart ", after all, it is this song that everyone knows me and accepts me, and it is like a key to open the door to my music hall." From fame to now, "Too Soft Heart" should have been sung tens of thousands of times. Won’t Ren Xianqi be numb? "No, because every time I sing it, I treat it as the last time I sing it in my life. If I don’t sing it well, I won’t have a chance." Some people may also listen to Ren Xianqi sing this song for the first time. How can I sing the most sincere touching and sincere feelings to everyone? Ren Xianqi said, "Before every time I sing, I will have a precipitation and spiritual arm, because if you don’t hear the emotion, this song will invisibly reduce the position in your heart."

  Very content

  I am a happy singer

  Along with the "miracle", there were also many skeptical voices, thinking that Ren Xianqi had only sung a few representative works for so many years. In this regard, Ren Xianqi smiled and said nothing.

  "A lot of people dream of having a masterpiece, and I am very satisfied. I have many masterpieces, and they are different in various genres, so I am a happy singer, and I am very satisfied." The real challenge is how to continue to develop masterpieces, not just Ren Xianqi, but also many Tianwang-level singers. "Everyone has high expectations for us, and we also have a certain style, and then everyone will encounter some bottlenecks after the golden age. We have a place in the hearts of fans and listeners, and it is not suitable to write the same kind of songs as we grow older. It is really not so easy to create surprises and brilliance. Now the vein of the music industry is that there are talents from all over the country, and each leader is coquettish for hundreds of years."

  Long distance running artist

  It doesn’t have to outperform everyone.

  A few days ago, before Hunan Satellite TV’s "Singer" finals, there was an article on the Internet with the title "He’s going to be Qi Yu’s guest, it turns out that Xiao Qi has become a third-tier singer". Ke Shangmin was helpless: "There are so many people helping to sing, so we picked Xiao Qi to write, and we can’t help it. In fact, we didn’t receive an invitation, and these remarks are inexplicable."

  But it is undeniable that "The Singer" does provide a good stage for many singers. Did Ren Xianqi not think of participating in similar shows to let everyone know themselves again? Ren Xianqi said: "In fact, there are many invitations. I am not a competitive contestant. Every singer has his own style. There is no first or second. I don’t think I am suitable."

  "Some media use the term’long-distance runner ‘to describe me, and I think it’s quite appropriate. I think life is like a marathon, you have to adjust your rhythm and pace, and understand your own conditions. The same is true of performing arts, which should be competing for a thousand years rather than competing for one. You may be lucky and have a boost, and suddenly run smoothly. But if you don’t adjust your mentality, you will start to encounter some physical exhaustion like running a marathon. All the physical information is telling you to give up. If you really give up, you won’t be able to run to the finish line." Ren Xianqi said that you need to have a strong willpower, fighting spirit and endurance to match the rhythm of your body. "You don’t have to beat everyone, but you have to run to the finish line, even if you win. So I want to face my life with the spirit of a sportsman. I will not be discouraged if I win or lose, and I will not retreat if I am beaten to death. "


Naming insects after Hu Ge and Gu Tianle is an attempt

Text | Zhang Tiankan

Recently, an academic paper entitled "A new species of Pseudomonas from Sichuan Province, China" has attracted attention both inside and outside the industry. The paper on the new insect species was published in the journal World Ecology. According to the article, the new insect species was collected in Hailuogou Glacier Forest Park in Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province. The author named the insect "Hu Guzha" because, "The species is named in tribute to the famous actors Mr. Hu Ge and Mr. Gu Tianle, to thank them for their contributions to environmental protection and basic education in the mountainous areas of western China."

Naming insects by human names is not an innovation, but this time using the names of celebrities in the entertainment industry has caused a huge controversy. Some professionals believe that there are many things wrong with this academic paper: first, the writing style is weird, and publishing a classification paper in the academic journal "World Ecology" is even more bizarre; secondly, this paper is not like a traditional paper, but more like a scientific essay, which is "showing off literary talent", and there is no need to express emotion in the paper.

It is true that the paper has a fixed writing standard, including format, vocabulary, terminology, etc. However, the writing standard is only a less important one in the evaluation criteria. The essence of the problem is whether the paper follows the academic standard of animal naming, whether it writes (explains) clearly the content, method, process and conclusions of a study, and a rational discussion of the conclusions.


Measured by these two standards, this scientific prose-style paper follows both the standards and does not violate the harmony. The latest edition (4th edition) of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, published in 2020, stipulates the principles, grammar, and etiquette norms that zoologists need to abide by in naming species and discussing the naming process of species. According to Article 31.1.2 in this regulation, the author named this insect "Hu Ge" in pinyin of Hu Ge’s name, "Koo Tin-lok" in pinyin of Gu Tianle’s name, and "-orum" in the Latin suffix. Moreover, the paper also explained the entire discovery and research process and results clearly, and discussed the results, which are generally in line with the norms of scientific papers.

Furthermore, both animals and plants can be named by the discoverers according to the taxonomic criteria. These criteria are derived from the biological classification system established by Carl Linnaeus’s "Natural Systems". According to the biological classification standard, the naming of new species must use a unified Latin word and consist of three words.

Huguchan distribution area

The first word is the genus name, which must be named according to scientific classification and cannot be changed casually; the second word is the species name, which can be named after all things; the third word is the surname of the namer. Therefore, it is extremely common to name insects by human names. For example, the British Navy named a bird-wing butterfly in the Pacific Ocean "Queen Victoria’s Winged Butterfly". Moreover, scholars in the United States have discovered more than 200 kinds of insects, named after their relatives and friends.

Why is this generally standard paper so controversial? The reason is that some researchers want to accelerate the integration of science and culture, while others believe that academia is academic, and should not be mixed with cultural, social and other factors. This conflict between science and humanities was proposed by the British writer Charles Percy Snow in his May 7, 1959 Red Lecture on "Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution" at the University of Cambridge. After decades of discussion and reflection, in 1995, John Brockman’s "The Third Culture" proposed that there is another culture besides the humanities and sciences, which is the third culture where the two are integrated. The core of this culture is that cutting-edge scientists and thinkers should express their ideas and research findings in accessible language, breaking down the cultural divide between pure humanities and sciences, and making their findings accessible to ordinary people.

In other words, researchers should explain and explain their research results through easy-to-understand language and methods, and carry out scientific communication, so that more people can understand and understand the content, principles, and laws of science, so as to benefit the whole society. Separate lines are like mountains, obviously, this is a relatively difficult task. Therefore, there is a huge controversy over the research of "Hugucha" insects.

However, the author of the article expressed the idea of understanding and practicing the third culture. He pointed out that it is not necessary to explain so much research background in the usual entomology papers. The reason why he deliberately wrote in too much detail is that "the main reason is to take into account the readers of the society and avoid public misunderstandings in advance. Instead, it has caused some professionals to misunderstand from another angle."

The factor that allows more people to understand their papers and intentionally introduce culture is the way some researchers currently use. In addition to using literary language, they also intentionally use literary methods to illustrate science, so as to achieve the goal of science and art breaking up at the foot of the mountain and meeting teachers at the top of the mountain. Of course, it can also make more people understand science.

As one of the leading scientific journals in the world, the British journal "Nature" launched a "Future" column on November 4, 1999 (the magazine’s 130th birthday), dedicated to publishing "fun" short science fiction stories. This is a very unusual out-of-the-loop approach, which is far from reality, reason and law. Of course, this approach of Nature magazine is also seen as an attempt to combine science and culture in a third culture.

Scientific papers naming insects and animals after people, as well as expressing scientific content and results in literary and artistic ways, are all worth trying, but there are also areas for discussion, such as how to do it and to what extent it will be more balanced.

The original title: "Naming insects after Hu Ge and Gu Tianle is an attempt"

Read the original text


Big Mouth View | Geely "Galaxy": Let everyone "look up", or end up in "disappointment"?

To say that the domestic car circle has been a big "fire" in recent days, "Geely Galaxy" should be well deserved.

The story seems to have happened suddenly – according to an industry insider close to Geely’s factory, it didn’t take long from the finalization of the "Galaxy" project to the official launch.

If you carefully follow the clues, from the time the factory first announced the news of "launching a mid-to-high-end new energy series" during the Spring Festival to the official arrival of "Galaxy" on February 23, Geely only took a total of one month – not to be said to be "efficient".

Of course, this will inevitably give many people in the industry a sense of "rushing on the horse".

At the same time, Geely’s chosen promotional "strategy" also seems to support the above situation from the side – in the face of the two major factory slogans "Galaxy: the starry sky everyone looks up to" and "Galaxy L7: the ideal car from the Galaxy", not only BYD looks up to the brand and the ideal (L7) will be speechless, but passers-by will also be "shocked".

After all, Geely is the "top" car company among Chinese car brands in terms of sales in 2022. Basic "integrity" should always be required, right?… If it is said that such a "hot spot" move with almost no "offline" is the brand’s "long-planned and well-considered" behavior – whether you believe it or not, I "dare not believe it" anyway.

Just yesterday (February 27), Changan Automobile commissioned Chongqing Baijun Law Firm to issue a "Lawyer’s Letter" to Geely Automobile, bluntly stating that the prototype "Galaxy Light" released by Geely Galaxy "has a lot of similarities with Changan Automobile’s concept car and mass-produced model, and is suspected of infringing on Changan Automobile’s intellectual property rights."

Faced with the trouble of "appearance plagiarism" after "publicity rubbing hot spots", Geely Automobile also responded quickly – today (February 28), the brand issued a "statement" to completely deny accusations such as "suspected plagiarism and intellectual property infringement".

Regarding whether it is "hastily launched" and "suspected of plagiarism", I will click the following table here. Back to the product level, Geely defined "Galaxy" as a "mid-to-high-end new energy series" (not a new sub-brand), and released a grand plan of "7 blockbuster new energy products will be launched in the next two years!"

At the same time, the first model of the series – Galaxy L7 also debuted and opened reservations. From the product positioning and estimated price (about 200,000 yuan), the opponent of this compact electric hybrid SUV is undoubtedly BYD’s "explosive", the new generation of domestic SUV segment "magic car" – Song PLUS DM-i.

So, why is Geely Automobile so eager to launch "Galaxy" when it already has new energy sub-brands such as Krypton and Geometry?… With the brand’s existing "family background", can it support the ambitious ambition of this new energy product series?… As the first model to make a grand debut, does the Galaxy L7 have the ability to truly challenge the Song PLUS DM-i?…

In the eyes of many people in the industry, all of this seems to be full of too many doubts –

True Galaxy needs to look up, but "Geely Galaxy" doesn’t

– Vehicle Power | Liu Jie

If the pattern is as vast as the galaxy in the universe, it is not impossible for everyone to look up. However, Geely’s operation is indeed a bit "petty".

Back in the day, insiders were still debating why Geely was always half a beat or even a beat slower when it launched "plug-in" products. Now, the answer is revealed – make way for "Galaxy".

Looking at the entire press conference that day, it was like a "work report", and there was very little interpretation of the core technology of the product. Perhaps, Geely also knew that the more detailed it was, the more people would "associate" with the Thor Hi · P system, but "Galaxy" was a new product series – if "old" technology was still used, it would seem a little "sincere"?…

In fact, Geely could be a little more generous – for example, Thor Hi · P was the power technology that was laid out in advance for the "Galaxy" series of products. After being tested by Emgrand, Xingyue L and other models, this system has abundant performance and strong stability… Of course, if you add some horsepower and torque parameters, it may be more convincing.

As for the "Geely Galaxy" propaganda poster with "look up" and "ideal", this is undoubtedly an even more wrong move.

Take the "BBA" who have been "in love and killing each other" for many years as an example. Although they are rivals, they almost always "touch" in terms of advertising content and marketing methods; even if they are sometimes more "explicit", they will still be very restrained from mentioning the other party’s brand name.

In contrast to Geely, would consumers really think that "BYD and Ideal are not as good as Geely" because of slogans like "Your ideal is to look up at the Milky Way"?…

Can it be done just by being "anxious"?

– Vehicle Power | Lei Tiejun

From the "rapid launch" of the "mid-to-high-end new energy series" project, to the propaganda that seriously "touches porcelain" and loses the "big factory system", it may all reflect Geely’s current mentality in facing the domestic new energy products, especially the hybrid model market segment.

One word: urgent!

In the face of BYD’s unparalleled success and far ahead, and in the face of many "new forces" and traditional car company opponents competing and refusing to give in to each other, Geely, which seems to have long been "laid out" by Geometry, Extreme Krypton, and even Maple Leaf and Ruilan brands, has not yet really made a "name" in terms of the sales scale of new energy products.

On the other hand, it is also the "top" car company among Chinese car brands that will rank among the top three in sales in 2022. Seeing that it has been unable to speed up on the aforementioned new "track" of "winning the future", how can it not be in a hurry?…

However, no matter how anxious it is, it should not mess up the "rules and regulations". If you want to "speed up", you must also have enough technical accumulation, or even "unique skills". In the face of "N weapons" such as "DM-i Super Hybrid" and "Blade Battery" that BYD is famous for, Geely might as well ask himself: Is it enough to rely on the "Thor Hybrid" that has not yet gained enough recognition and reputation?…

What’s more, in the face of the new competition landscape of the era of new energy products, the tactics of "having more children and fighting" like Geely’s "wide net" may be outdated.

Take a look at the global electric vehicle "leader" Tesla, its main sales products can’t be only Model 3 and Y cars (in essence, they can also be considered the same thing); take a look at the 2022 Q4 gross profit margin as high as 20%, much higher than the "overlord" BYD (gross profit margin of about 5%) Li Auto, L7/8/9 "matryoshka" play is simple and direct enough?…

Therefore, instead of "having more children and making a lot of noise" like Geely, it is better to really calm down and study Tesla and Li Auto’s "having fewer children and making a fortune in silence".

Only know how to play "word games", from the level of propaganda to "touch porcelain" Li Auto, Geely is probably "picking up (Diu) (le) (lian) Ma (mian), lost watermelon".


Chen Kun and Zhou Xun, who didn’t walk the red carpet, lived the best friendship in the entertainment circle.

The 18th and 19th China Film China Watch Awards Ceremony was held in Beijing. Half the entertainment circle gathered at this ceremony, and male and female stars competed on the red carpet, trying to show their best.

Zhang Ziyi, the first-line flower, Chen Kaige, the top director, and a number of traffic stars from the bottom came to the event. It is reported that there are more than 600 people from all walks of life in the entertainment circle. It’s not the weight of the China Watch Award that brings so many people together, but it can be regarded as the biggest event of China movies since the epidemic was unsealed.

Red carpet stars came one after another. Unexpectedly, Chen Kun and Zhou Xun didn’t walk on the red carpet, but quietly waited for the award ceremony in the infield. A group of photos of two people in the cinema released by the official studio are full of stories.

Soon, these photos went viral on the Internet. Isn’t this better than a star competing with concave shapes outside the red carpet? The two of them just sat there quietly, as if telling a story. This is the movie star, and this is the world of light and shadow.

Subsequently, the two men jointly awarded the Best Actor Award, a black suit and a white evening dress, and they walked leisurely to the center of the stage, with the film texture that mature actors naturally have, and the fireworks that seemed to be visible and captured; They also have a sense of relaxation in the vanity fair in the entertainment circle, and they feel so relaxed that Chen Kun and Zhou Xun are really pleasing to everyone. Moreover, there is no utilitarian taste of bundling CP with each other, and there is no humility between men and women, for fear that bundling together will affect the generosity and nature of each other’s fans, which explains the best appearance of friendship in the entertainment circle.

I have known each other for 20 years and cooperated for more than a dozen times.

From "Fog Like Rain Like Wind" to the latest film "Serve the Gods", from TV series to movies, both of them have left each other the most beautiful years.

Zhou Xun and Chen Kun met for the first time, and it was also the first time for everyone to see the appearance of two people in the same box. One was a charming little girl with a pair of ponytails, and the other was a young girl whose eyes were full of tender cream. After so many years, they seem to have changed, but they seem to have not changed. As beautiful as those two pairs of eyes, there are more stories in the eyes and more each other.

In the past 20 years, they have never stopped cooperating with each other. If they want to play a couple, they will play a couple. If they want to make a guest appearance in each other’s movies, they will make a guest appearance in each other’s movies. Compared with later, many people like to say which pair of immortals CP has lived for a long time. In fact, how good the private relationship is, but for those who have no chance to cooperate, they have always been able to cooperate, and they have never deliberately promoted two people in the same box. It is really a good relationship.

Start a company together to find new actors.

In addition to their own cooperation, both of them have become bosses. There are many actors in the entertainment circle who have jumped from star to capital. They all want to make money and squeeze a new generation of actors after becoming capital.

However, they are not the same. After Chen Kun and Zhou Xun started an entertainment company together, they also set up an acting training school called Yamashita School, hoping to explore the possibility of more new actors and explore the limits of actors.

Chen Kun rented a five-story villa to start this school at the foot of the mountain. The overall decoration style is as simple and natural as the name of this school, and everything is simple. Their powerful artists, such as Dahong Ni, naturally became the teachers of this acting school. To give a more successful example, during this period, everyone said that Chen Douling, whose acting skills took off on the spot, studied in the school here. It seems that it was fruitful, and his facial features did not fly around, and his eyes also changed.

Obviously, this school is really different from some stars who go back to their hometown to open a local art test training institution, just to get money from their own star brands, with their mouths full of ideas and their hearts full of business. Chen Kun and Zhou Xun just want to start over and dig up more good new actors.

Not a real couple, but they can grow old.

From their private lives to interviews, both of them have decided that they will grow old together.

A casual search of Chen Kun and Zhou Xun’s private lives shows that they have lived upstairs and downstairs for many years. As long as you move, I will move and wear my own slippers to go across the hall.

When interviewed, it is even more straightforward to say that the other party is their own friendship. Chen Kun is complex and sensitive, with a little emotional change and reaction. Only Zhou Xun can detect it for the first time, and Zhou Xun can give him the most comfortable comfort, which seems to be their innate tacit understanding and trust.

The relationship between Chen Kun and Zhou Xun, I’m afraid, is not just a model state of the entertainment circle. For ordinary people, I also hope to have such good friends.


The Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security reminds: be careful about the frequent fraud in paragraphs 170 and 171.

The Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security urgently reminds that fraud in paragraphs 170 and 171 is frequent, so be careful.

  China Network August 25 th According to the official WeChat message of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, the official WeChat of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security issued an urgent reminder. Be careful when receiving calls from these 170 and 171 numbers. Many people have been cheated!

  Sections 170 and 171 were originally special sections for virtual operator, but they can be purchased without real-name registration because the regulatory measures are not in place, which has become a hotbed of fraudulent phone calls and text messages, which makes people turn pale.

The Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security urgently reminds that fraud in paragraphs 170 and 171 is frequent, so be careful.

  Mention your name directly in the text message and try not to open it! The most serious consequence is that your mobile phone will be infected with Trojan virus, and valuable information in your mobile phone will be stolen.

The Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security urgently reminds that fraud in paragraphs 170 and 171 is frequent, so be careful.

The Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security urgently reminds that fraud in paragraphs 170 and 171 is frequent, so be careful.

  The above is a scam message.

  Real case 1: "You are suspected of money laundering"

  On March 10, 2016, Ms. Zhu reported to the police that she received a phone call claiming to be a police officer of a city public security bureau that she was suspected of money laundering, and the police were about to freeze her bank account involved, and asked her to immediately transfer all the money in her account to the "safe account" provided by the police. After the investigation is clear, if there is no criminal suspicion, she will return the funds in full. Ms. Zhu transferred 7,000 yuan according to her request and found that she was cheated. The case is under further investigation.

  Real Case 2: "Your credit card is overdrawn"

  On April 24, 2016, Ms. Chen received a phone call claiming to be a courier, saying that Ms. Chen had a credit card in it, and this credit card had been overdrawn. Then the other party transferred the phone to a city public security bureau, and a man claiming to be a certain police officer claimed that this credit card was indeed Ms. Chen’s. If she didn’t pay back the money, she would be criminally liable and demanded to pay a deposit of 10,000 yuan. After doing so, Ms. Chen found that she had been cheated.

  Coincidentally. On March 26th, Mr. Huang said that his mobile phone received a short message to increase the credit card limit that day. After he entered the link on the information (wap.zgpqe.com) and filled in the relevant information, he received a call to increase the credit card limit by 1718714XXXX, asking him to tell the other party the verification code. After Mr. Huang told the other party the verification code, he found that his credit card had been transferred by more than RMB 10,000.

The Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security urgently reminds that fraud in paragraphs 170 and 171 is frequent, so be careful.

  Real case 3: "Your mobile phone number was stolen"

  On June 12, 2016, Ms. Ke reported that she received a phone call on the same day. The other party said that a mobile phone number she handled in a business hall owed 4,000 yuan, and now she transferred the call to the Public Security Bureau. A man who claimed to be a policeman said that someone had impersonated her ID card information. Now the mobile phone number has been suspected of illegal fund-raising, otherwise he will be punished for half a year. Then the man claimed to investigate his bank account. Ms. Ke followed the other party’s operation and transferred more than 50,000 yuan to the so-called "safe account", and found that she was cheated.

  Real case 4: "If there is something wrong with your online shopping, you can get a refund."

  On January 1, 2016, Ms. Ye received a phone call at 1708133xxxx. The other party said that there was something wrong with what Ms. Ye bought online, and now she could get a refund, and sent her a short message with a link through this number. After Ms. Ye entered the bank card number and verification code on the website page where the link jumped, she found that her bank card had been transferred away by more than 5,000 yuan.

  Since the beginning of this year, 17 telecom fraud "prologue"

  The following is the "prologue" of the call fraud at the beginning of the number 17 this year. Please be vigilant.

  1. This is Taobao customer service XX. Due to system problems, there is something wrong with what you just bought online (clothes/game prepaid cards). Now I can give you a refund … …

  2. Hello, I am a staff member of a certain bank. In view of your recent good credit of XX Bank, I can help you to apply for increasing the credit card limit of this bank … …

  3. I am the leader of your friend XX, and I need to borrow some money from you because of something urgent. Please remit the money to the bank account of XXXX, with the account name XX… …

  4. Hello, I’m a staff member of the dating website you just registered. If you want to make friends on our website, you have to pay a deposit first, 1000 yuan, and the deposit can be paid to the company’s designated account XXXX. …

  5. I am a staff member of the Finance Bureau. I now inform you that you will go to the ATM of your nearby bank this morning to receive the car purchase subsidy (newborn subsidy, second child subsidy, house purchase subsidy) according to the prompts, and the contact number is 170XXX… …

  6. I am a teacher of a certain university. According to the application for tuition subsidy submitted by you, it has been studied by the school. Now I inform you to go to the cash machine of your nearby bank and follow the prompts to receive the relevant subsidy … …

  7. I am your daughter’s teacher. Your daughter is doing very well in school. Now the school wants her to participate in the XX competition, but now she needs to pay a training fee of 9800 yuan, which can be transferred to the XX account. Contact: Teacher XX, tel: 170XXX… …

  8. Hello, I am a staff member of an airport. The ticket you just bought was not issued successfully due to system problems. Now I can give you a refund. Please provide your bank account and call the staff at 170XXX… …

  The police once again reminded that when you receive a phone call or text message with the number beginning with 170 and 171, please identify the authenticity of the content in detail, try not to click on the link, and please check with the relevant departments in time to avoid cheating.


Li Hui, the representative of the 19th National Congress: Protecting Green Water and Castle Peak with Iron Fist Pollution Control

Li Hui, deputy of the 19th National Congress and secretary of Yongzhou Municipal Committee of Hunan Province, was interviewed by CCTV reporters.

Li Hui, deputy of the 19th National Congress and secretary of Yongzhou Municipal Committee of Hunan Province, was interviewed by CCTV reporters.

  Cctv news(Reporter Tang Shiying, Liu Chunyu, Li Wenxue) "Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our urban and rural landscape has undergone gratifying changes. For ordinary people, the sense of gain is getting stronger and stronger, and there have been great changes in eating and living, and the smiles of ordinary people are brighter!" Li Hui, deputy of the 19th National Congress and secretary of the Yongzhou Municipal Committee of Hunan Province, said that it is the duty of a local responsible comrade to study the report of the 19th National Congress carefully. "After I go back, I will pass the voice of the party to every party member at the first time."

  Yongzhou City is located at the source of Xiangjiang River. In recent years, Yongzhou City has actively integrated into the development mode of "green development and green life". The excellent air quality rate has reached more than 90% all the year round. From January to September this year, the excellent air quality rate ranked first in the province; The city’s forest coverage rate reached 64.7%, with 8 national forest parks, 8 national wetland parks and 4 national nature reserves; The city’s surface water environmental function zones, drinking water sources and urban centralized drinking water sources have reached the standard rate of 100%. Up to now, the water quality of the Xiangjiang River has maintained the Class II water standard for 64 consecutive months, realizing the "Xiangjiang River going north and flooding the river". Ecological advantages and green advantages are accelerating into development advantages.

  Deputy Li Hui said that the changes and development of Yongzhou in recent years are due to the "four persistences" and the insistence on green development as the top priority. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the city deployed 83 key ecological and environmental protection projects with a total investment of 104.2 billion yuan; Adhere to the ecological red line as the bottom line of politics. In recent years, Yongzhou City vetoed 72 projects to be stationed, with a planned total investment of more than 10 billion yuan; Insist on industrial transformation as a fundamental solution. Since 2015, Xiangjiang Paper, which has a history of nearly 60 years, has been shut down and transferred with an annual output value of nearly 1 billion yuan and a tax revenue of more than 100 million yuan. Adhere to the ecological accountability as a sharp weapon, strictly fulfill the "one post and two responsibilities", take the construction of ecological civilization and ecological priority development as the key contents of the "potential performance" assessment, and include them in the performance assessment of leading bodies and the assessment of leading cadres’ execution, so as to lead the green development with the assessment of "baton".

Li Hui, secretary of Yongzhou Municipal Committee of Hunan Province, accepted an exclusive interview with CCTV reporters.

Li Hui, secretary of Yongzhou Municipal Committee of Hunan Province, accepted an exclusive interview with CCTV reporters.

  It is such a series of measures that make Yongzhou’s ecological management and protection come to the forefront of the whole province and even the whole country.

  The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made a new plan of "accelerating the reform of ecological civilization system and building a beautiful China". Deputy Li Hui said that the concept of "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" should be firmly established, and ecological protection and economic and social development should be planned and deployed together.

  Yongzhou will conscientiously implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, insist on guarding the green mountains with an iron fist, promote green upgrading with industrial upgrading, write a green answer sheet with reform and innovation, and cultivate green development with green culture to ensure that Yongzhou has bluer sky, clearer water and greener mountains.

  Deputy Li Hui said that in the next step, Yongzhou will also vigorously implement the strategy of "innovation leading the rise of openness", focus on building "a new highland of innovation and opening up, a new Yongzhou with quality and vitality", highlight the "six major battles" and strive to achieve "four upgrades". Strive to reach the forefront of the province’s second phalanx in comprehensive economic strength by 2022, with an average annual growth rate of 9%, reaching about 350 billion yuan and a per capita GDP of 10,000 US dollars; The total fiscal revenue increased by 15% annually, and the total amount doubled compared with 2017, exceeding 35 billion yuan; The per capita disposable income of urban residents is close to 50 thousand yuan, and the per capita net income of farmers exceeds 15 thousand yuan; It will be built into an inter-provincial regional central city of Hunan, Guangdong and Guangxi, a national civilized city, a national garden city, a national global tourism demonstration city and a world shoemaking capital.