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Ethics of science and technology is a navigator for science to benefit mankind

  The ninth meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Deepening Reform reviewed and approved many important documents, among which the "Plan for the Establishment of the National Science and Technology Ethics Committee" was passed at the top. This shows that the central government regards the construction of science and technology ethics as an indispensable and important part of promoting the national science and technology innovation system. The purpose of establishing the National Science and Technology Ethics Committee is to improve institutional norms, improve governance mechanisms, strengthen ethical supervision, refine relevant laws and regulations and ethical review rules, and standardize various scientific research activities.

  Ethics of science and technology is the product of reason

  Ethics of science and technology is a code of thought and behavior for the relationship between man and society, man and nature, and man and man in scientific and technological innovation and scientific research activities. It not only involves ethics in scientific research, nor is it only for scientific researchers to abide by scientific and technological ethics, but also includes ethics in the application of scientific and technological achievements. For example, consent terms for mobile app downloads and informed consent for hospital treatment. If the evolution of human civilization is regarded as a never-ending journey, the driving force for human beings to move towards a higher civilization is technology and innovation. However, motivation alone is not enough. It must also be able to identify the direction. Ethics of science and technology is a navigator that guides science and technology to benefit mankind.

  The ethics of science and technology is the product of reason. The most fundamental reason is to require that scientific and technological innovation and achievements can only benefit or maximize the benefit of people, organisms and the environment, and not harm people, damage organisms and the environment. Even if it will inevitably damage people and things to varying degrees – such as the side effects of drugs, such side effects must be reduced to a minimum or even zero. In terms of specific ethical rules, we should also choose the greater of the two benefits and the lesser of the two evils.

  Science and technology ethics originated in human life, and today there are more and more updated content. Therefore, it is urgent to establish a national science and technology ethics committee to meet the many challenges brought about by today’s scientific and technological innovation. More and more detailed science and technology ethics are needed to regulate scientific research behavior and the use of scientific research results.

  Science and technology ethics need to be predictive and exploratory

  However, proposing and following the ethics of science and technology is not only beneficial to everyone, but also beneficial to the ecology and the environment. Otherwise, it will lead to disaster and failure for everyone, and may even destroy human society. Hawking talked many times during his lifetime that artificial intelligence may destroy human beings. Although human beings are rational and thus gave birth to the ethics of science and technology, human beings also have some irrational thoughts and actions, which has led to some irrational behaviors that violate the ethics of science and technology in history, and even animal and anti-human behaviors. Today, such dangers have not been eliminated.

  During World War II, the Nazi German and Japanese troops experimented with living people (captives), which not only violated the ethics of science and technology, but also committed crimes against humanity and humanity. Although some scientific data and principles have been obtained from human live experiments, scientific research based on harming people and destroying life is absolutely unacceptable to human society. Therefore, the Nuremberg Trials after World War II produced the Nuremberg Code (1946). In 1975, the 29th World Medical Congress revised the Helsinki Declaration to improve and supplement the Nuremberg Code. In 1982, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Council of Medical Scientific Organizations (CIOMS) jointly issued the International Guidelines for Human Biomedical Research, which explained the Helsinki Declaration in detail. Then in 1993, WHO and CIOMS jointly published the International Guidelines on Ethics and Human Research and the International Guidelines on Ethics in Human Research. In 2002, WHO and CIOMS revised and developed the International Code of Ethics for Biomedical Research Involving People, which proposed 21 guidelines to be followed.

  This is one of the most detailed and important scientific and technological ethics in human society so far, embodying the principles of informed consent, life value, and benefit and no harm in bioethics. When scientific and technological innovation has become the most important activity of human beings today, and human beings need scientific and technological innovation to quickly and effectively promote the development of human civilization to a higher stage, there are a lot of new categories, new contents, and new progress in scientific and technological ethics. Human genome and gene editing, artificial life and synthetic life, artificial intelligence, 5G technology, robots, brain-computer interfaces, facial recognition, nanotechnology, assisted reproductive technology, precision medicine, etc., are all new areas of scientific and technological innovation and scientific research and development today, and they are also related to the well-being of all people. However, on the other hand, it may also harm people, and even lead humans to disaster and destruction. In this way, the navigation and normative role of scientific and technological ethics is extremely important and significant.

  Therefore, science and technology ethics need to be prescient and exploratory. When a research or an industry develops to a certain scale and extent, it must be regulated by appropriate science and technology ethics.

  In line with the establishment of a national science and technology ethics committee in our country, the ethics professional committee of the Chinese artificial intelligence society is also planning to establish and formulate various ethical norms for artificial intelligence in different industries, such as intelligent driving norms, data ethics norms, smart medical ethics norms, intelligent manufacturing norms, and robot norms for helping the elderly.

  At the same time, due to the irrationality and profit-seeking nature of human beings, people may not only violate existing ethical principles when conducting scientific and technological innovation activities and scientific research, but also because when new ethical principles have not yet been established, there is a borderline between the old and the new, with and without regulations, resulting in scientific research that violates human ethics or is highly controversial, as well as the improper use of scientific research results.

  It is urgent to establish a new ethics of science and technology

  Although human beings believe that all scientific research and innovation are for the benefit of society, scientific exploration is largely in a state of unknown or even ignorance, and people do not know what consequences and latent risks such exploration and results will have when applied to human society and the natural world.

  Due to limited knowledge and lack of understanding in scientific research, it is possible to break through the original ethical norms and form new ethical gaps, which requires national authorities to identify and judge the potential risks and consequences of scientific and technological exploration and application. It is also very important and urgent to establish new scientific and technological ethics involving specific disciplines and categories.

  This is currently the case in a highly risky study involving cutting-edge research. For example, some researchers believe that the CCR5 gene is an accomplice in causing people to be infected with HIV, so they have knocked out the gene in newborns in an experiment to prevent AIDS forever.

  The original intention of this scientific research may be positive. However, due to the lax ethical review, there is a huge risk in this research, which may not only violate the four existing principles of bioethics – favor, respect, fairness and mutual assistance, but also has a greater practical risk. Knocking out the CCR5 gene can prevent AIDS, but its immune function, anti-cancer function and other beneficial functions will also disappear completely. This is actually due to the lack of understanding of the comprehensive uses of the CCR5 gene. This also shows how important and urgent it is to establish a national science and technology ethics committee and formulate ethical norms for various disciplines and multidisciplinary research and application of results. (Zhang Tiankan)


Automotive intelligent ceiling AITO asks the world M5 to build the "whole family bucket" ecology

On March 5th, the Q-World M5 was officially delivered. As the pioneering work of AITO, it took only three months from release to delivery. Such a fast style does have the taste of Huawei. And Huawei’s sense of participation is stronger in the car system. With the aura of a strong technology and a national brand, Huawei’s first product to open up Hongmeng ecology in the field of travel has entered the lives of consumers.

Only need a Huawei account, whether it is mobile phones, watches, home furnishings, wearables, all smart end points can be interconnected, and now the smart end point joining this camp has another big object – cars.

The reason why the M5 has attracted much attention since its launch is not just Yu Chengdong’s big mouth, but also people’s imagination of immersive intelligence in the automotive space. So what does Huawei Hongmeng cockpit system, which has received the most attention, look like when it is finally delivered to users? Is it worth buying a car because of an "account"?

Compared with a variety of car displays such as triple screens and lift screens, a 15.6-inch intelligent central control screen of the QJI M5 carries everything about the car. First of all, the HarmonyOS smart cockpit has the familiar interface and interaction pattern of Huawei end users. Through a large area of visual interaction area to customize the UI design, similar to tablet computers, most of the settings and information are directly accessible in one step, and the zero-level operation settings are relatively clear.

The personalized shortcut bar Smart Dock service card that resides at the bottom of the desktop can be adjusted according to personal preferences, and will also be actively recommended according to comprehensive analysis of road conditions, owner status, and vehicle conditions. Similar to mobile phones, HarmonyOS smart cockpit has built a rich window display form such as full screen, split screen, and floating window to meet the interaction needs in different scenarios.

In terms of voice interaction, AITO Qinjie M5 brings the voice assistant "Xiaoyi". The voice car control adopts Huawei’s self-developed end-cloud integration architecture for the first time, and at the same time takes advantage of the low latency on the end side and the large model and large entity on the cloud side to provide users with a more natural, smooth, fast and accurate voice interaction experience.

After waking up Xiaoyi, up to 60 seconds of continuous conversation, no need to repeatedly wake up every time a command is issued, the error rate is less than or equal to 1%, and it is not afraid of interruptions and invalid instructions. It can also achieve two tasks in one sentence; it supports full-interface voice control, which can be said visually, and it can also be said that there is no network. Complex instructions can only be completed by saying simple Arabic numerals, saving time and effort, and helping users focus more on driving; it has four-tone intelligent recognition, accurately recognizing instructions from the main driver, co-pilot, and rear row. In the future, Xiaoyi will also support Cantonese and Sichuan dialect recognition, as well as male, female, and children’s voices for users to choose freely.

In addition, Xiaoyi can also intelligently and dynamically recommend services and applications according to users’ usage habits and scenarios. During driving, Xiaoyi can automatically identify users in scenarios such as commuting, leisure and tired driving by analyzing information such as time, date, location, driving time, driving distance, and DMS camera monitoring, and provide corresponding suggestions.

AITO M5 pioneered car-feeling payment, integrating facial recognition service FRS (Face Recognition Service) and Huawei in-app payment IAP (In-App Purchases Kit), and car-related payment services can be completed in the car. In the future, users can also use the outside camera to scan the QR code of the parking lot, and cooperate with the face payment function in the cockpit to achieve fast payment and improve the payment experience.

It is reported that each car can be bound to 5 Huawei accounts, enough for the whole family to use. After getting on the car with facial recognition, all settings in the car will remember personal preferences and automatically restore and complete the adjustment.

Through the same Huawei account, the car-machine-home has achieved true interconnection. Through continuous video, it supports the switching between CMS camera and driving camera, and the content can be shared to Huawei mobile phones with one click. Users can also preset the "warm home" and "peace of mind away from home" scenarios through the control center on the AITO M5 car, easily control smart home devices, and go home without mistake.

Cross-border car manufacturing by technology companies has become a trend, and news of car companies making mobile phones has also been constantly exposed. When software defines the car, the interaction between technology and the car is more and more, "the deep integration of the two industries of automobile and IT will be an inevitable direction and a major opportunity." Zhao Fuquan, director of the Automotive Industry and Technology Strategy Research Institute (TASRI), once said.

At the delivery site of the M5, Wang Yanmin, president of Huawei’s end point BG Smart Selection Business Department, and Xu Lin, the rotating president of Sailis Automobile, appeared on the same stage and started delivery, which is an innovation in the integration model of automobiles and technology.

AITO has created a precedent for the deep integration of new energy automobile enterprises and ICT technology enterprises. At the same time, this integration has also brought new value to AITO automobiles in all aspects of production, sales and research. Especially on the sales side, a new chapter in automobile marketing is opened with the new retail 3.0 model of automobiles. 1.0 is the traditional 4S store, 2.0 is the city exhibition hall, and 3.0 is the intelligent end point scene.

So far, AITO’s end point channel has included more than 500 experience centers and 150 user center sales and service outlets. This year, a total of 1,000 experience centers and about 300 user centers will be settled. A strong channel network layout will provide strong protection for users in pre-sales, after-sales and other links.

In Huawei’s offline experience store, people who come for Huawei are basically attracted by this new car, and most of them will study the car when they enter the car, which adds another group of technology fans to the car.

The integration of ecology is like a thread pulling from one end point to another, so there is a two-way journey between cars and mobile phones. At present, the application of mobile phones is more extensive, and the huge data will support the development and manufacturing of the car end. Car companies also want to hold this part of the data in their hands. When Geely announced the production of mobile phones, Li Shufu said, "Mobile phones are the application carrier of electronic product market verification and software innovation, which not only allows users to share the innovation results as soon as possible, but also transfers some of the safe and reliable results to the application in the car, so as to realize the close interaction between the car machine and the mobile phone software technology."

NIO’s remarks were more conservative. In his latest interview with Li Bin, Che Yun said, "NIO is still in the research stage to enter the mobile phone field. It depends more on the feedback of users. Can we build a mobile phone that is better connected to NIO? What does the mobile phone mean for the interests and experience of NIO users? We are still thinking about it."

Huawei has cut into the car from its own strengths and created a smarter car in a shorter time. But AITO asked the world that the M5 is a "car" after all, and its attributes are travel. In the "three most concerned aspects of buying a car" questionnaire recently surveyed by Car Cloud, the most votes are still appearance, performance, etc. In contrast, intelligence and service are not so concerned.

In any case, the emergence of AITO Q 5 is the first step towards the integration of technology and automobiles, providing a model for the industry to improve the public awareness of smart cars and create new sales models, thus enabling the transformation of the smart car industry.

The prelude has been kicked off. This year, there is also a car equipped with Hongmeng intelligent cockpit system to meet consumers, that is, the Avita 11 jointly invested by Changan, Huawei, and Ningde Times. It is expected to be mass-produced and delivered in the third quarter. The market reflection after delivery is the most realistic evaluation.


Volvo (China) Investment Co., Ltd.

Volvo Trucks, a subsidiary of Volvo Group, is one of the largest commercial vehicle manufacturers in the world. Volvo Group is the world’s leading manufacturer and service provider of drive systems for trucks, buses, construction equipment, ships and industrial applications, and provides complete solutions for finance and after-sales service.

Volvo Trucks always adheres to the core concept of "quality, safety and environmental protection" and is committed to providing professionals and customers seeking high-quality products with a full range of truck solutions from medium to heavy. Volvo trucks have set up assembly plants in 13 countries around the world, and their products are sold to a business network consisting of more than 2,300 dealers and service outlets in 130 countries around the world, providing all-round services for customers’ fleet operations.

Volvo trucks continuously improve the safety, handling and fuel-saving performance of trucks with innovative technology. Volvo trucks, which are famous for their safety, need to pass the world’s most stringent "anti-collision test" before leaving the factory. Their cab and advanced active safety technologies have won a reputation in the industry, and they are well-known in the world for their excellent fuel efficiency and attendance. Volvo FH/FM model is suitable for long-distance trunk transportation, favored by many fast transportation enterprises, and is the best choice for high-speed freight flights. Volvo trucks are equipped with D11-D13 inline six-cylinder diesel engines, as well as advanced I-Shift system and Volvo patented technology VEB (auxiliary braking); In addition, Volvo trucks have adopted many advanced electronic systems, such as VDS (dynamic steering system), AEBS (collision prevention system for emergency braking), ACC (adaptive cruise system), ECS (electronically controlled suspension), LCS (lane change support), LKS (lane keeping system) and DAS (driver warning support), which all represent the advanced level of Volvo truck safety technology.

At present, Volvo trucks have a strong after-sales service system all over the country, equipped with "Volvo Emergency Service Center 4008188999" running 24 hours a day, and equipped with spare parts central warehouse in Shanghai to ensure the timely and effective supply of spare parts. Volvo Trucks provides tailor-made comprehensive transportation solutions for logistics enterprises and provides strong support for the continuous upgrading of enterprise competitiveness.

In addition, Volvo Trucks pays attention to the ability training of truck drivers and social welfare undertakings. The Volvo Truckers Challenge has been held for eleven consecutive years in China. Since its opening in 2014, the Green Driving Academy has trained hundreds of outstanding truck drivers for the society and industry. In 2015, Volvo Trucks joined hands with Lingshan Charity Fund Library to donate reading rooms to poor primary schools in remote areas of the country; By December 2020, 22 schools had received donations from Volvo trucks, benefiting nearly 1,000 students.


The appearance and configuration of Xiaomi car are exposed, and the OEM or Beiqi off-road vehicle has not yet been listed.

On November 15th, in the 377th batch of Announcement on Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, two Xiaomi brand cars appeared impressively. The product names of both cars are pure electric cars, one model is BJ7000MBEVR2, and the other model is BJ7000MBEVA1. Nandu reporter asked the relevant person in charge of Xiaomi whether the time to market of Xiaomi automobile has been determined, and got a negative answer.

According to the information, the enterprise names of the two cars are all Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd., however, the registered address of the enterprise is No.1 Tongxin Road, Zhaofeng Industrial Base, Zhaoquanying Town, Shunyi District, Beijing, and the production address is No.21 Courtyard, Huanjing Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone. According to public information, the former is the company address of Beijing Automotive Group Co., Ltd., and the latter is the site of Xiaomi Automobile Factory in Beijing Economic Development Zone, which was previously reported publicly. From this point of view, Xiaomi may look for Beiqi off-road in terms of production qualification, but the specific production is still carried out in Xiaomi’s factory.

Specific to the vehicle information, the product model BJ7000MBEVR2 is equipped with the lithium battery of Xiangyang Fudi Battery Co., Ltd., the anti-lock braking system (ABS) of Bosch Auto Parts (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. and the engine of United Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd. The model BJ7000MBEVA1 is equipped with ternary lithium-ion battery from Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, anti-lock braking system (ABS) from Bosch Automotive Parts (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. and engine from Suzhou Huichuan United Power System Co., Ltd./Suzhou Huichuan United Power System Co., Ltd..

In terms of appearance, the product model BJ7000MBEVA1 is 4997mm long, 1963mm wide and 1440mm; high; The model BJ7000MBEVR2 is 4997mm long, 1963mm wide and 1455mm high.

Shape and configuration of BJ7000MBEVA1.

Shape and configuration of BJ7000MBEVR2.

In the car-making business, according to the timetable given by Xiaomi, Xiaomi Automobile will be mass-produced in the first half of 2024, and Lei Jun, the chairman of Xiaomi, even set a goal for Xiaomi Automobile to enter the top five in the world. In terms of investment, the financial report shows that Xiaomi’s investment in innovative business such as smart electric vehicles in 2022 is RMB 3.1 billion. By the end of 2022, the size of the R&D team of automobile business was about 2,300 people.

On November 8, it was reported that a closed meeting was held in Xiaomi Science Park. Some participants revealed that this closed-door meeting only invited core customers, and participants were not allowed to bring any electronic equipment such as mobile phones, computers and tablets into the venue. At the same time, it was also forbidden to spread and disclose any information related to the meeting. The meeting mainly involved Xiaomi mobile phones and automobile-related supply chain enterprises.

With the gradual timetable, the outside world has been worried that Xiaomi’s qualification in the car-making business seems to have been solved. According to the relevant policies, the application for the qualification of new energy automobile industry has basically stopped after 2018, which has led many new power brands to obtain relevant qualifications through OEM or mergers and acquisitions. Xiaomi may have found Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd. as a foundry for automobile production.

In addition, according to Tianyancha’s intellectual property information, Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., established in 2021, has applied for thousands of automobile-related patents, of which nearly 600 patents have been authorized, involving motor, vehicle control, battery, automobile structure, autonomous driving and other automobile software and hardware-related fields. According to the information in the annual report, the number of participants in the company in 2022 was 420. In addition, Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. has applied to register a number of "Xiaomi Automobile" trademarks, and the current trademark status is mostly registered.

Written by Southern Reporter Lin Wenqi


Can selling scripts live become a "life-saving straw" for screenwriters?

  This article contributes to the author, which is the author’s personal opinion, and the opinion does not represent the position of poisonous eyes.

  Wen | Pu Juan

  In recent months, the wave of goods carried by the whole people has risen.

  First, Luo Yonghao settled in Tik Tok with high profile, and held several live broadcasts to sell goods and pay off debts. Later, Liu Shishi, Yang Yang, Victoria Song and other stars appeared in the live broadcast room to recommend products to fans together with well-known online celebrity such as Li Jiaqi. Later, even CCTV celebrities Zhu Guangquan and Ouyang Xiadan and Gree Chairman Dong Mingzhu also joined the wave.

  In the last month or two, the fire of live broadcast with goods has finally "burned" into the film and television circle, and screenwriters have joined the ranks, but the goods they bring are not lipsticks and food, but scripts.

  In April, the Writers’ Gang held three online "live selling scripts" activities, and organized 15 writers to bring goods online, including Yu Geng, the original author of the recent hot film "I am Yu Huanshui", and Run Nian Dong, the screenwriter of "My heart is blooming" and "Crazy Alien". People who usually bury themselves in writing suddenly turned into anchors with goods, which attracted the attention of many people in the industry and people who eat melons. The number of views of the third phase of the event accumulated about 13,000 times.

  As of May 2, four "live screenplay selling" activities have been held.

  (Screenshot from the screenwriter to help Weibo)

  Selling scripts live is essentially an online venture capital meeting. Each screenwriter first conducts a 10-minute roadshow to explain his creative experience and script outline to the audience. Then there is a 5-minute interactive question-and-answer session, in which the audience directly asks questions and the screenwriter personally answers them. Although it is somewhat different from the common live broadcast, the audience can also reward the screenwriter or brush comments according to their own preferences, and the producer can also contact the screenwriter to learn more about the script by rewarding 168 yuan.

  The writers’ gang publicized the first phase of the event as "The World’s First Live Screenplay Selling Conference", which also attracted well-known screenwriter Song Fangjin and others to open the platform in Weibo. However, from the feedback of the third phase of the event, it seems that writers, producers and other people in the industry did not fully buy it, and the comment area was polarized.

  Song Fangjin sells scripts for live broadcast in Weibo.

  In the author’s opinion, the reason why the live broadcast of scripts will encounter unsatisfactory feedback is that on the one hand, it has just begun to try, and all aspects still need to be improved and improved; On the other hand, it has something to do with China’s "awkward" position in the industry.

  Why is there a live broadcast selling scripts?

  On the surface, the appearance of selling scripts live is because many aspects of the film and television industry have come to a standstill under the epidemic, so film and television people take this opportunity to launch a self-help. But in fact, apart from self-help, the writer’s weak right to speak in China and the lack of appropriate channels for safeguarding rights and assistance are very important internal causes.

  The film and television industry is a huge social system engineering, which is not only a long industrial chain, but also a "cosmic planet"-like existence, radiating and blending with many related industries. From the perspective of modern enterprise operation, production, distribution and projection in the film and television industry chain correspond to the production, promotion and sales of goods respectively.

  Nowadays, the United States, South Korea, Japan and other major film and television countries have formed a mature industrial value chain of "upstream development, midstream expansion and downstream extension". The production, distribution, marketing and screening of film and television works are closely linked, while the film and television industry chain in China is still in the process of gradual improvement.

  The script development link is a relatively immature one. Script is the starting point and the core soul of a film and television work. As the creator of this soul, the importance of screenwriter is beyond doubt. But compared with other countries, China’s screenwriters are marginalized.

  According to "Hollywood 2017 Salary Report", the top film writers in the United States can earn $3 million to $5 million, while gold-medal TV writers often have the opportunity to enjoy the same treatment as executive producers. Ordinary film writers can also get about $500,000, and TV writers can earn $5,000 to $10,000 for a single episode. At the same time, there is also a Writers Guild ofAmerica in the United States, which has the right to speak in the industry, helping writers to protect their rights and providing notarization of their works and some legal basis.

  In South Korea, top screenwriters can get 100 million won for a single episode, and ordinary signed screenwriters are worth 20 million won, which is basically the same as that of big-name stars. Excellent screenwriters are not only well paid, but also have a high status. Directors can’t modify their scripts without authorization. It is also disrespectful for actors to modify their lines. Even TV stations will make decisions according to their status as screenwriters.

  In contrast, China screenwriters seem to have "long lost their names" in the industry.

  According to an industry insider, there are generally about one million top film writers, and it is not bad for newcomers to reach 150,000. The number of online screenwriters is about 100,000-100,000, and the number of TV dramas is 10,000-30,000. Only the top big coffee can reach 6 digits, and the number of online drama writers will be lower. In theory, scriptwriting is the freest, but in fact, I write scripts almost all the time, and I feel guilty even when I go out for dinner.

  Wang Hailin, a well-known screenwriter, once mentioned: "Basically, children from the planning department come to you, and then put out a bunch of data to tell you that the market needs this and that, and even teach you which are popular writing methods." He also pointed out that the excessive voice of capital and stars makes the screenwriter’s control over the script weaker and weaker.

  In addition, screenwriters also face difficulties such as weakening the right of signature, being paid in arrears, the script being stolen, and the difficulty in safeguarding rights. The Report on the Ecological Investigation of Young Screenwriters in China Film and Television Industry from 2019 to 2020 shows that 75% of the interviewed screenwriters have been cheated. However, due to the overlord clause, weak power and other reasons, even with the protection of relevant laws and associations, screenwriters can not safeguard the most basic rights of works.

  Source "2019-2020 Ecological Investigation Report on Young Screenwriters in China Film and Television Industry"

  In the already weak situation, this year’s epidemic situation can be described as making the screenwriter industry worse. At this stage, the film and television industry is in a state of suspension, and many companies have closed down or laid off a large number of employees. Although screenwriters are relatively safe jobs, many people have said that their income will be greatly reduced this year due to the collateral effect. For screenwriters, especially newcomers with meager income, it will undoubtedly bring many uncertainties to their future development.

  Being in trouble and encountering a black swan, the live broadcast of the script seems to be an attempt by the screenwriter to save himself. Du Hongjun, the founder of the writers’ guild and deputy secretary-general of the China Film Literature Society, said that he hoped to help writers build a good stage for script trading in the form of live broadcast, and then he would help outstanding writers to promote projects and provide legal aid for writers’ rights and interests.

  High opening and low walking, live broadcast with goods unacceptable?

  Since entering Tik Tok to live broadcast and bring goods, Luo Yonghao has not only satisfied the curiosity of all spectators, but also made all brand sellers addicted to the focus of the crowd. Let’s not comment on the rate of goods, but people really brushed up a wave of popularity. It is understood that after seeing Luo Yonghao’s debut show with goods, the screenwriter Run Nian Dong felt in the circle of friends that he also wanted to sell the script live, which was recognized by many well-known screenwriters.

  In April, the live broadcast of the script really came. In the film and television industry, stars, producers, directors and so on often do roadshows to publicize the films that have been completed in the later stage, and never involve the original script. The venture capital clubs specially for screenwriters are generally offline salons or small forums, and there are few online activities.

  Under the epidemic, many new formats have been born, and selling scripts live is one of them.

  Many screenwriters, producers and people in the industry are curious about the "World’s First Live Screenplay Selling Conference", and some of them are melon-eating people attracted by the "live screenplay with goods". Therefore, on April 3, the first activity of the screenwriter gang won more than 7,000 views. Du Hongjun revealed that most of the audience are insiders, many well-known screenwriters and production companies are among them, and some people also participated in the discussion.

  Screenshot from CCTV6 program China movie report

  During the live broadcast, the writers "do as the Romans do", like online celebrity, came to the screen, used different narrative methods, roadshowed their scripts in turn, and answered questions from the audience. It can be seen that these "literary veterans" are still novices when they become online celebrity. The face is simple, there is no filter, and the speech is still one-sided. However, it is this contrast that has aroused the curiosity of the outside world, and the comment area is very lively.

  These screenwriters have different backgrounds and different working years. They come from professional classes, have changed careers, and have won film festival awards. The types of works they create are also different, involving suspense, science fiction, war and other themes. For such diversity, some producers affirmed: "If there is a lack of projects or screenwriters, I will come here to dig well, and it should be no problem for good screenwriters to reach cooperation."

  However, with the live broadcast, the doubts from the producers became more and more obvious.

  The first is the way to bring goods. Many people I have come into contact with don’t quite buy it: "The script is a matter that requires many parties to participate and communicate many times. It is very difficult to make a deal immediately after watching the live broadcast."

  It is reported that during the live broadcast, if the producer wants to know more about the script, he can be rewarded with 168 yuan, and the screenwriter will help to match and communicate with the screenwriter. If the two sides reach an agreement, the script can be traded. The writers’ gang should set up such delivery rules to shorten the length of the script supply chain and eliminate the risk of second-hand dealers. However, judging from the producer’s attitude, the writer’s road to realizing the goods may still have a long way to go.

  Users can further communicate by rewarding and unlocking (source "Screenwriters")

  The scriptwriter’s explanation is also the hardest hit by the producers. Some screenwriters only talk about the content of the script, so it is difficult for producers to raise interest and judge the quality. Some people jokingly call it "trying to sell but hiding". Some screenwriters have no primary and secondary explanations, which makes people unable to find bright spots. Other screenwriters are immature, perhaps out of self-protection, but basically no one wants to know more about them.

  Producers are more worried about too much creative disclosure. "Now people are too smart to read the whole script at all, just one core idea is enough." A senior person said that a good core idea has been borrowed, and after the film and television company buys this script, there may be risks in copyright and it will also affect the film release.

  Feedback from fellow screenwriters is also mixed. Some people are eager to try and comment on social platforms after watching the live broadcast, saying that this has opened a channel for mutual communication and is also a resource channel. Some people think that the platform needs to establish better processes and copyright protection mechanisms, and continue to wait and see. Some people are not optimistic about this model, and think that public shouting is beneath the dignity of cultural people.

  "Li Jiaqi sells lipsticks and Viya sells rockets, all of which are in kind, just like painters sell paintings and sculptors sell sculptures. Commodities are traceable, and it stimulates your desire for consumption. However, the script is a creative work, which will involve the way of copyright purchase and whether it will be revised subsequently, which is different from a one-time transaction of buying lipstick. " Screenwriter Chen Lu said more directly, "it is better to sell scripts live than to sell screenwriters live."

  In the hot discussion of the main trading objects, the popularity of selling live scripts declined. On the 14th, the second activity was only watched more than 2,000 times, and on the 25th, the third activity was only watched more than 4,000 times. The total cargo volume of the third phase of the event is still unclear, but after the second phase of the event, Du Hongjun mentioned that there are about 10 producers who want to know more about it.

  From much attention to the decline in heat, is it unacceptable for live broadcasts to go so high and low in the screenwriter circle? Not necessarily.

  A painted skin without drawing bones may turn into a paper tiger.

  The screenwriter brings the goods with him. The audience can enjoy 6.66 yuan if they like it, 2.22 yuan if they don’t like it, and 168 yuan if they want to place an order. On the surface, this is the standard of live broadcast, but strictly speaking, selling scripts live is not a real live broadcast.

  The definition of live broadcast with goods is to sell goods by live broadcast, activate and transform users. Under the catalysis of capital, Taobao, Aauto Quicker and Tik Tok have already developed rapidly, forming a "three-legged" pattern in the field of live broadcast. Each platform has a huge user base, a large number of online celebrity anchors, all kinds of commodities, and a perfect supply chain.

  At present, in the mature industrial chain of live broadcast, these factors are indispensable: platform, seller, MCN and user. In the live broadcast of selling scripts, the writers’ gang is the platform, the writers play the dual roles of sellers and online celebrity, and the users are the producers.

  The screenwriter helped the founder Du Hongjun respond to the transaction of the first live broadcast.

  First, from the platform point of view, compared with Taobao, Aauto Quicker, Tik Tok and other pan-entertainment live broadcast platforms, the writers’ gang is more vertical, focusing only on script products. The quality of users of the platform is high, but the volume can’t compete with the big platform at all, and there is no perfect drainage mechanism, so the live broadcast viewing volume is generally low.

  Let’s look at the screenwriter who integrates the seller and online celebrity. The screenwriter is a creative seller, and his written skills outweigh his oral skills, but he may not be able to sell, which is still difficult for some people to accept. "It is a kind of sorrow that the products of wisdom are going to be sold intelligently. The onlookers are just curious, which makes the sales more tragic."

  In this regard, a Buddhist screenwriter said: "The quality of the script is the most important thing. Now I am only worried about whether my writing is good or not, and I don’t care about anything else." However, some screenwriters want to try to sell their own scripts. Although they have not signed up for the event, they have already started to discuss the speech lines with their friends.

  Finally, watching the audience, the screenwriter has been in a weak position in the industrial chain for a long time, with less publicity, weak fan base and poor appeal for bringing goods. At the same time, the marketing skills are not as good as those of online celebrity who came out of the professional system. The live broadcast process is easy to make people bored and can’t afford to buy. As the leader of the upstream link of the industrial chain, producers can decide which screenwriter will write the script, how the screenwriter will write the script, and which director and star will shoot and star in the script, but the overall number is small. The users of the general live broadcast platform are the general public with a large base.

  Display in the live broadcast of selling scripts (new Jingwei in the source)

  Therefore, the live broadcast of scripts is a kind of deformation of live broadcast with goods. Du Hongjun proved this point in the opening remarks of the event: "I hope this attempt can give some inspiration to the industry, rather than simply live broadcast e-commerce replication."

  Based on the above reasons, it is reasonable that the popularity of "live selling scripts" is low, the transaction rate is low, and the scope of influence is limited. Du Hongjun also realized the shortcomings of the activities and accepted everyone’s opinions with an open mind. He said that in the future, the form will be improved, and roles such as "venture capital tutor" or "special observer" will be added to the live broadcast, so as to guide the screenwriter to write and tell good stories and be more capable of improving stories.

  Live broadcast with goods, a possible perfect self-help

  The emergence of venture capital tutors, special observers, screenwriters and script brokers has indeed filled the gap in the "MCN plate" of live broadcast selling scripts, shared the sales tasks before scriptwriting, and made live broadcast selling scripts closer to the mature live broadcast delivery mode. If these people are big coffee in the industry, they naturally have weight in the users, that is, the producers, but now most of the film and television industry advocates "capital success", and it is still a question mark whether they can successfully bring goods in the end; And if these people are stars, the platform may have to be prepared to spend money for a long time.

  A screenwriter mentioned that similar platforms have done similar things before, but it basically didn’t work, and finally it can only be abandoned. It can be seen that increasing the number of venture capital tutors and special observers may not necessarily solve the problem of selling scripts live.

  The writers in trouble seem to have reached a dead end again, so is selling scripts live the right solution for writers to save themselves?

  Anxiety of young screenwriters, source of "2019-2020 Ecological Investigation Report of Young Screenwriters in China Film and Television Industry"

  The author believes that the landing of live e-commerce in the film and television industry can break the boundaries of interpersonal relationships, so that new screenwriters can also be exposed to the same resources as mature screenwriters and get more opportunities. Therefore, even if the current experiment is more meaningful, selling scripts live can also be a self-help for writers. If possible, it is still a perfect self-help.

  With regard to improving the live broadcast of scripts, the author tries to find the answer from the live broadcast industry chain, not that this proven business system is a panacea, but that he wants to get some suitable and effective solutions from it.

  After analysis, the author thinks that there may be traces in the following four aspects-

  First, expand the influence of the platform.

  Under normal circumstances, producers will independently develop scripts, but sometimes they will "cast a wide net, collect more fish, and choose the best ones", such as searching for good projects at major film festivals, salvaging IP online to adapt them, holding some solicitation competitions, and obtaining scripts from similar platforms such as writers’ gangs.

  At present, there are some platforms in the industry that are similar to writers’ gangs, such as script supermarket and Yunlaiwu. Expanding the influence of the platform itself and establishing the credibility of the industry are the best ways to attract the attention of producers.

  In addition to providing high-quality script content, reasonable trading mechanism and good after-sales service, the platform can cooperate with authoritative people to discuss and effectively solve some industry problems. At the same time, follow the example of the live broadcast platform, establish a perfect drainage mechanism by using communities and new media, attract more film and television companies to pay attention, create an active communication atmosphere, and thus enhance the influence of the platform.

  Second, improve the strength of screenwriters.

  Live broadcast with goods can’t turn bad stories into good stories, so the strength of screenwriters is very important.

  For mature screenwriters, the platform can provide an attractive cooperation model, and the two sides will benefit each other for a long time; For potential screenwriters, the platform can provide systematic and comprehensive training courses, such as screenwriter colleges launched by some platforms, to help screenwriters grow and improve, and then feed back the platform. Like live delivery, a good content production relationship is the key for the platform to build a high-quality supply chain.

  Tuyuan vision china

  Third, improve the marketing level.

  Song Fangjin commented that selling scripts live is a new creative form in the new era: "scriptwriters are players and their values are visualized. Stories are luxury goods, and the highest price wins them. This is different from Luo Yonghao, Viya and Li Jiaqi. "

  As said, the script is a special creative product, which is different from the main categories of live broadcast goods such as cosmetics and clothing, so the marketing methods will be different. If the screenwriter’s self-marketing ability is insufficient, the platform can be recommended by the script or screenwriter agent, star, industry expert, well-known director and screenwriter.

  In Hollywood, screenwriters basically sell scripts through brokers. "It is difficult to cultivate excellent script brokers in the domestic environment." The writers’ gang once said. But it is hard not to mean impossible, and practice is the best proof.

  Stars bring their own popularity. If they can stand for the works of screenwriters, it should be more likely for producers to consider bringing goods. Well-known directors, screenwriters and big coffees in the industry recommend scripts, which may also increase trading opportunities.

  In addition, the platform can also assist scriptwriters to display scripts through technical means and creative methods, such as script advertisements, real-life interpretation of scripts, VR/AR, applets and so on. 5G is the biggest variable of live broadcast, and it is also a live broadcast to sell scripts. The improvement of video clarity will create a better story experience.

  Fourth, expand the types of users.

  Producers tend to be market-oriented when they control the content of the script. Jing Wong, a well-known Hong Kong director, has publicly stated that the standard of his film is that the audience likes it. Although this statement may not be accurate, it can really inspire the platform.

  At present, "selling scripts by live broadcast" is mainly aimed at producers, but the scope of communication and influence is limited, far less than that of live broadcast platform. The platform can expand the targeted user types to the general public, and in turn change the minds of a few people by influencing the minds of most people. Because the producers know the public’s preferences, they may trade, then make a film and reshape the audience’s preferences.

  Of course, we can’t ignore the scriptwriting. At the beginning of the event, the platform required that the script must be a complete script with copyright, and the TV series should have at least 5 episodes. Although in theory, scriptwriters occupy the advantages of time and public opinion, there are many people who exploit the loopholes, and the legal team of the platform still needs to make emergency plans for the protection of scriptwriters’ rights and interests.

  As screenwriter Yu Fei said, it is a blessing for the industry if the live broadcast of scripts can form a new industrial model and make the best scriptwriters and scripts go to the market from here, but it is very difficult. But even if it is difficult, it is worth trying.


During the year, the new policy of new energy vehicle consumption was promoted: buying a car and charging subsidies.

  Sino-Singapore Jingwei Client November 7 (Seimi Zhang) New energy vehicles have the advantages of cleanliness and environmental protection. The reporters of Sino-Singapore Jingwei combed and found that during the year, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hainan and other places issued subsidies for new energy vehicles.

  Data map. Zhongxin jingwei photo

  In 2025, the sales of new energy vehicles will account for about 20%.

  The General Office of the State Council recently issued the New Energy Automobile Industry Development Plan (2021-2035) (hereinafter referred to as the Plan). According to the Plan, by 2025, the sales volume of new energy vehicles will reach about 20% of the total sales volume of new vehicles. By 2035, pure electric vehicles will become the mainstream of new sales vehicles, vehicles in public areas will be fully electrified, fuel cell vehicles will be commercialized, and highly self-driving vehicles will be applied on a large scale, effectively promoting energy conservation, water reduction and drainage and improving social operation efficiency.

  On November 3, at the policy briefing in the State Council, Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that on the demand side, it is necessary to strengthen policy guidance, introduce some preferential policies to encourage the use of new energy vehicles, optimize classified traffic management measures, encourage business model innovation such as changing electricity, and at the same time, accelerate the electrification of vehicles in public areas and increase the promotion of new energy vehicles to the countryside.

  Ying Xiwen, head of the macro and regional research team of the People’s Bank of China think tank, pointed out in an interview with Zhongxin Jingwei that the development of new energy vehicles will help improve China’s energy utilization structure and improve energy utilization efficiency; New energy vehicles are the key areas of future competition in the automobile industry in various countries, and it is very important for China’s related industries to occupy the high-end position in the industrial chain; The development of new energy vehicles can promote the accelerated integration of related technologies in the fields of energy, transportation, information and communication, and conform to the development trend and trend of electrification, networking and intelligence of the industry as a whole; The consumption of new energy vehicles helps to upgrade consumption and expand domestic demand.

  Jiang Han, a senior researcher at Pangu Think Tank, said that vigorously promoting new energy vehicles can transform China’s advantages in electric energy into the field of travel, which is of great significance for reducing its dependence on the oil market and enhancing its national strategy.

  Buying new energy vehicles and charging are subsidized.

  During the year, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hainan and other places issued new energy vehicle consumption subsidy policies.

  From April 23, 2020 to December 31, 2020 in Shanghai, consumers who have held the quota of non-operating buses in the downtown area of Shanghai can purchase pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles (including extended-range vehicles), but not used cars, and complete the vehicle registration procedures in this city. If the vehicles are used for non-operation, they can apply for charging subsidy funds. Consumers who meet the application conditions will be given a charging subsidy of 5,000 yuan per person.

  Shenzhen proposed that from June 7, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Individual consumers who newly purchase new energy cars will be given financial subsidies for comprehensive use, including 20,000 yuan for newly purchased pure electric advanced or economical passenger cars and 10,000 yuan for newly purchased plug-in hybrid advanced passenger cars. The newly purchased new energy car must be a new car purchased by an automobile sales enterprise registered in Shenzhen, and the sales unit in the motor vehicle sales invoice must be a registered enterprise in Shenzhen.

  From March to the end of December, 2020 in Guangzhou, consumers will enjoy a comprehensive subsidy of 10,000 yuan per vehicle when purchasing safe and compliant new energy vehicles.

  Hainan proposed that consumers who buy new energy vehicles from May 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 will not be limited by the total number of 15,000 vehicles, and they will all be rewarded with 10,000 yuan/vehicle. At the same time, the provincial business department will support the activity of "new energy vehicles going to the countryside" and promote the popularization and application of new energy vehicles in rural areas.

  Kunming pointed out that from February 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021, the city’s public charging infrastructure charging service fee does not exceed 0.72 yuan per kWh, and new energy vehicles are parked in temporary parking lots (spots) managed by the Municipal State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd., and temporary parking fees are exempted within 2 hours of the first parking on the same day.

  According to the analysis of Xi Wen, in the initial stage of new energy vehicles, due to the immature industrial development, especially the problems of battery energy efficiency and lack of charging infrastructure, the space for relying on the market’s own strength to develop is limited. In this regard, China has launched a series of subsidy policies to encourage the development of new energy vehicles.

  List the renewal targets of new energy vehicles for public transportation.

  While vigorously subsidizing the consumption of new energy vehicles, various localities have listed the renewal schedules. Sichuan pointed out that in 2021, all new and updated buses in Chengdu will be new energy vehicles in principle. In 2022, all new and updated buses in cities and counties (cities, districts) where qualified municipal (state) governments are located will be new energy vehicles.

  Chongqing said that in 2020, car companies in the city will be encouraged to promote the application of 36,400 new energy vehicles.

  Zhengzhou has made it clear that from October 1, 2020, all new energy sanitation vehicles will be used within 1 km of key areas, and the task of replacing new energy vehicles by taxis in the city in 2020 will be broken down month by month, and 3,000 vehicles will be completed by the end of the year. The rest of the vehicles will be updated, and all of them will be updated by the end of 2022.

  Ying Xiwen believes that switching taxis and buses to new energy vehicles will help expand the market space. However, it should be noted that due to the long mileage of operating vehicles and higher requirements for endurance, there may be some unsuitable situations in the actual promotion process, so we should listen to market opinions more and not adopt a "one size fits all" implementation method. At the same time, the corresponding charging infrastructure should also keep up in time. We should do a good job in the post-evaluation of the social utility of financial subsidies and make better use of financial expenditures more scientifically and efficiently.

  In Jiang Han’s view, the key to the new energy conversion of taxis and buses in various places is to be gradual, to respect the laws of the market, and not to engage in "flooding".

  Charging pile data map. Zhongxin Jingwei Fu Yumei photo

  Expert: increase the construction of infrastructure such as charging.

  How to better promote the development of new energy vehicles? Experts have said that all localities need to vigorously improve the construction of supporting facilities for new energy vehicles, increase research and development, and promote the integrated development of new energy vehicles.

  Zhejiang stipulates that the new round of award funds in Zhejiang will be distributed according to the promotion and application of new energy vehicles, industrial development, charging infrastructure construction and operation and maintenance, and the cultivation of new formats, with weights of 20%, 30%, 40% and 10% respectively. The implementation period of this round of reward and compensation policy is from 2021 to 2022.

  Xi ‘an proposes that by the end of 2022, the city will basically build a charging infrastructure system with moderate advance, suitable vehicles and piles, intelligence and high efficiency, so as to meet the charging service demand of new energy electric vehicles. The city plans to build and put into operation 200 centralized charging stations; There are 10,000 charging piles, including 3,900 in 2020, 3,290 in 2021 and 2,810 in 2022.

  Nanchang clearly supports the development of new energy automobile enterprises, supports the research and development of new energy automobile products, encourages the use of new energy vehicles, accelerates infrastructure construction and gives cash rewards.

  Ying xiwen suggested that with the technical maturity and marketization of new energy vehicles, the subsidy policy should be gradually introduced; Increase policy support for infrastructure such as charging and power exchange; Increase research and development support for core key technologies of new energy vehicles; Promote the integration of new energy vehicles with related technologies such as energy, industrial Internet, information technology and intelligent manufacturing.

  Su Jian, director of Peking University National Economic Research Center, told Zhongxin Jingwei reporter that he hoped the government would create a good business environment for the development of new energy vehicles. In addition, we should also encourage the development of new energy vehicles from the consumer side and prevent individual enterprises from defrauding and defrauding loans.


Revealing the daily limit | The upcoming Global Game Developers Conference will strengthen the game and cultural media sector.

On March 13, the three major stock indexes of A shares closed down, closing at a daily limit of 62 shares (including 5)ST shares); 30 strands failed to seal the board, and the overall sealing rate was 67%.

Battlefield of daily limit: over 700,000 hands pay the bill to raise money.Xingguang stock

securitiesAccording to the statistics of Times and DataBao, from the closing daily limit, the number of closed orders was the highest, with 717,200 lots; Followed byZhongdian xingfaRongji softwareThe daily limit orders were 568,800 lots and 311,000 lots respectively.

Calculated by the amount of the seal,The amount of 5-share seal exceeds 100 million yuan,China softwareThe amount of sealing orders was the highest, with 362 million yuan, 293 million yuan and 199 million yuan respectively.

Judging from the number of consecutive daily limit days,Aiai precision workLihang technology7 boards,Ming pu guang ci, 4 connecting plates,,Zhangyue technologyYinglian stockPutian technology3 even the board,,Winning numbers jewelleryJi’ nan high-techCaesar cultureEqual to 9 strands and 2 boards.

Besides,ST huatie6 th, 4 boards,*ST meisheng5 th, 3 boards,Luoxin pharmacy2 boards on the 4th,Beijing keruiBaw blue valleyST Shuguang3 rd, 2 boards.

Leading the finishing touch:new energyMulti-share daily limit of automobile industry chain

1. Automobile industry chain

Daily limit stocks:,Lan hai Hua TengSongzhi stockShanzi stockYingli automobileDongan powerBaida precision work

March 12 th news,Xiaomi automobileIt is officially announced that Xiaomi SU7 will be officially listed on March 28th, 2024. On March 11th, the director of the State Financial Supervision and Administration said that he was studying to reduce the down payment ratio of passenger car loans and further optimize the pricing mechanism of auto insurance.

: On March 13th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the 381st batch of "Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products", which included the brand-new smart choice vehicle Enjoying S9 jointly built by Huawei and Beiqi Blue Valley, and the production place was the Beiqi Factory in Caiyu Town, Daxing, Beijing.

: wholly-owned subsidiaries Wuxi, Xu Xuehai and Xinneng.Venture capitalThe establishment of Wuxi Huateng Xinneng will focus on the early stage of Huateng Xinneng.fuel batteryTechnical reserve and research and development of automobile drive system, plug-in hybrid electric vehicle drive system (including extended range) and new energy marine drive system.

: The company has obtainedJACThe passenger car thermal management project cooperated with Huawei is still in the development stage, and the production has not been actually scheduled, which will generate sales revenue after mass production.

2、gameandCultural media

Daily limit stocks:Borui spreadCentury huatongMingchen healthyDasheng culture、、Huicheng technology

In the news, the Global Developers Conference will be held in San Francisco from March 18th to March 22nd, Beijing time.

: Two companies under the company belong to game developers, and independently research and develop well-known IP such as "Chivalrous Road".online gameThe product line covers mobile games, page games and end games.

: AI Xinghe is a project that the company explores the field of "game+medical care" by combining AI and VR technologies.


Daily limit stocks:, Rongji software,Jiuqi softwareenormous data

In the news, Huawei Shengsiartificial intelligenceThe framework summit will be held on March 22, 2024.

: The company’s position in the operating system industry of Galaxy Kirin continued to consolidate, and its market position remained ahead.

Rongji software: the company undertakes government affairs.cloud computingPlatform, engineering, information security and other major national information projects, as well as core business support systems and key common technology platforms in many industries.

The company is mainly engaged in the research and development of report management software, e-government software, ERP software and business intelligence software, and its product line mainly covers government reports and statistics. existbig dataThe application field introduces industry solutions focusing on finance and taxation.

Dragon and Tiger Stand: Net Buy of Dragon and Tiger ListCitic HaizhiOver 80 million yuan

In today’s dragon and tiger list,Insai group、、Shenzhou high-speed railBoshi stock, American new technology,Beilong precisionChuanrun stock,, Lanhai Huateng and others are on the list.

Among them,,, were the top three net purchases in the Dragon and Tiger List that day, with 82.7471 million yuan, 69.0448 million yuan and 41.9992 million yuan respectively.

Among the stocks on the list of institutional seats, the top three net purchases areHuaci stockXingyuan zhuomei, 4.0402 million yuan, 1.3746 million yuan and 166,000 yuan respectively.

ShengutongNet selling of dedicated seatsHigh-tech development56.8152 million yuan, 55.1538 million yuan.Shanghai Stock ConnectNet purchase of dedicated seatsGuoguang electricity23.7335 million yuan,Dongmu stock20.2571 million yuan.

In terms of hot money, Huaxin Xi ‘an Branch bought a net amount of 73.0073 million yuan from CITIC Haizhi;Citic jiantouThe sales department of Qinghe East Road in Guangzhou sold century huatong 71,291,700 yuan.

Disclaimer: All information in DataBao does not constitute investment advice, and the stock market is risky, so investment should be cautious.


Treasure Henan boldly broke the circle of "Dragon Boat Festival Wonderful Tour"

  In the Spring Festival of 2021, a group of Miss Tang Gong who danced from famous paintings and national treasures made the dance program "Tang Gong Night Banquet" popular all over the country, and also helped the Spring Festival Evening of the Year of the Ox in Henan to be successful.

  Traditional culture+modern science and technology, heavy history+literary tour+variety, creative arrangement, technical empowerment, embedding cultural symbols into lively and interesting artistic interpretation, this wave of operation of Henan Radio and Television Station has successfully opened a breakthrough in the presentation of excellent traditional cultural creativity. The subsequent "Fantastic Night of the Lantern Festival" and "Fantastic Tour of Qingming Festival" have broken the inherent expression form of traditional parties, empowered traditional culture with innovative forms, made it glow with new vitality, and produced a circle-breaking effect with the cultural core.

  The innovation of expression has awakened the great charm of traditional culture. The integration of tradition and modernity is not only the trend, but also the value recognition brought by classic culture. It is better to say that it is an excellent traditional culture than a party.

  Henan, a big cultural province, is at the right time to "break the circle"

  Chinese culture has a long history and is profound. Ancient festivals are important carriers of traditional culture, and their formation contains profound and rich cultural connotations.

  Previously, when Henan Radio and Television Station held the "China Festival" series of special programs to create and enjoy the Summit "in Zhengzhou, it was said that under the overall goal of promoting traditional culture and telling the story of the Yellow River, the" China Festival "should be taken as the starting point, relying on the traditional festivals in China all year round, integrating Internet thinking and national tide elements, using technology empowerment, increasing the record inheritance and fashion expression of excellent traditional culture, and strengthening the text and video recording of traditional festivals in China.

  Wang Chunyang, a radio and television station in Henan Province, said that Henan, as an important birthplace of Chinese civilization and a demonstration area of Chinese cultural inheritance and innovation, has a vast array of contents available for a party. This year, Henan Radio and Television Station will take "Fantastic Night" as the main line of the annual program, take Chinese civilization, Yellow River culture and brilliant Henan as the core strategy, and rely on traditional festivals (such as Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival) to continue to tell the story of the Yellow River, promote the construction of a strong cultural province, and dedicate the most dazzling elements of Henan’s history and culture to everyone again in innovative ways.

  The traditional culture of the wonderful Dragon Boat Festival tour contains it.

  Dragon Boat Festival, Spring Festival, Tomb-Sweeping Day and Mid-Autumn Festival are also called the four traditional festivals in China. This "Wonderful Tour of Dragon Boat Festival" is comparable to the mobile Dragon Boat Festival Culture Lecture Hall. While watching the party, I feel the profound Dragon Boat Festival culture, which is entertaining and entertaining.

  Su Shi, a famous poet in the Song Dynasty, wrote in "Huanxisha Dragon Boat Festival" that "the colored thread is lightly wrapped around the red jade arm, and the small symbol hangs obliquely on the Lv Yun. Beautiful women meet for a thousand years. "

  The underwater dance program "Qi" of "Wonderful Tour of Dragon Boat Festival" perfectly reproduces this scene. Dancers dance underwater as if flying: the water dances with them, and their clothes flutter; Dance with the kiss xiu and swing the skirt; Water-milk fusion, lingering … … According to reports, the dance "Prayer" is to show the custom of tying five-color silk thread to pray for blessings during the Dragon Boat Festival.

  And this is just one of the programs. It is understood that the "Wonderful Tour of the Dragon Boat Festival" party is full of innovative comments on the Dragon Boat Festival culture. Dragon Boat Festival, Legend of the Medical Sage and One Side of Zongzi all show the customs of picking dragon boats, dragon festival, picking herbs, hanging wormwood and calamus, tying five-color silk thread, smoking Atractylodes lancea and wearing sachets during the Dragon Boat Festival from different angles.

  "The five-color new silk is wrapped around the corner, and the calamus wine is beautiful and respectful."

  "The roller is wrapped around the arm, and the festival is the Dragon Boat Festival. Aipu is green in front of the door, and the sky is light and the kite dances. "

  When the scene in the poem comes to life, colorful silk threads are wrapped around the wrist, the sweetness of zongzi is between the teeth, wormwood and calamus are hung in front of the door, and the drums of dragon boats are deafening … … In this regard, Professor Mao Defu, director of the Literature and History Committee of the Henan Provincial Political Consultative Conference, said: "Rooted in the 5,000-year history and culture of the Chinese nation, there are cultural genes that will resonate with everyone in China. Tradition is the most fashionable, which is the cultural confidence that we should have for 5 thousand years. "

  A history of Henan, half a history of China, cultural advantage is the biggest advantage of Henan. From the Banquet at the Tang Palace to the Lotus Pond, from "The Stars Move" to "Lantern Festival", from "Fantastic Night of the Lantern Festival" to "Fantastic Tour of the Qingming Festival" to "Fantastic Tour of the Dragon Boat Festival", the programs full of cultural attractions complement each other with the real-life shooting of cultural landmarks, bringing new vitality to generate, the ancient capital of the Central Plains.

  With traditional culture, this is the proper "top flow of the times". What kind of cultural feast will the mysterious Dragon Boat Festival Tour bring us?

  On June 12th, Henan will give us the answer. See you at Dragon Boat Festival! Watch you, Henan! (Correspondent Xiaofeng Zhu Guangming Daily, all-media reporter Wang Shengxi)


The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development fully gives urban real estate control autonomy, and cities can adjust their real estate policies according to local conditions.

January 26, 2006: The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a deployment meeting of urban real estate financing coordination mechanism this morning. The meeting demanded that we should adapt to the new situation that the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market has undergone major changes, speed up the construction of a new model of real estate development, combine the long and short, treat both the symptoms and the root causes, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. It is necessary to adhere to the policy of the city, precise policy, one city and one policy, make good use of the policy toolbox, and fully give urban real estate regulation and control autonomy. Cities can adjust their real estate policies according to local conditions.

It is necessary to work out the housing development plan, improve the housing supply system of "guarantee+market", establish a new linkage mechanism of people, housing, land and money, improve the basic system of housing life cycle, implement the construction of affordable housing, the construction of public infrastructure for emergency use and the transformation of villages in cities, and build a green, low-carbon, intelligent and safe house. It is necessary to rectify the order of the real estate market, rectify the chaos in real estate development, trading, intermediary and property, expose typical cases of violations of laws and regulations, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

Yesterday, Xiao Yuanqi, deputy director of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, attended the press conference of the State Council Office and said that the real estate industry has a long chain and a wide range, which has an important impact on the national economy and is closely related to the lives of the broad masses of people. The financial industry is duty-bound and must be strongly supported.

Xiao Yuanqi said that accelerating the implementation of the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing is effective, requiring banks to act as soon as possible. Under the lead coordination of the urban people’s government, together with the housing and construction departments, the policy toolbox will be used well because of the city’s policy, and the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects will be more accurately supported.

Support local city governments and housing construction departments, further optimize individual housing loan policies such as down payment ratio and loan interest rate due to city policies, and guide and urge banks to better serve the financing needs of the broad masses of people’s rigid and improved housing. Guide and require banks and other financial institutions to vigorously support the construction of "three major projects" such as "emergency and emergency" major infrastructure and urban village reconstruction, and demand that the physical workload be formed as soon as possible.

Previously, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the General Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued the Notice on Establishing a Coordination Mechanism for Urban Real Estate Financing, requiring cities at or above the local level to establish a coordination mechanism for real estate financing, build a communication platform between government, banks and enterprises, and promote the accurate docking of housing enterprises and financial institutions.

Guojin Securities pointed out that the real estate sector is at the double bottom of performance and valuation, and the policy catalyzes or welcomes layout opportunities. The improvement of operating property loan policy can improve the cash flow of housing enterprises to a certain extent, and the key to the stable and healthy development of the industry lies in the stabilization of sales, which still needs the continuous support of loose policies.

Ping An Securities believes that this time, financial institutions and the General Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued a notice on doing a good job in the management of operating property loans, refining the requirements for the management of commercial banks’ operating property loans, such as caliber, duration, quota and use, and further broadening the financing channels of real estate enterprises.

Meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally

Ni Hong, Party Secretary and Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Rerublic of China attended the meeting and stressed that accelerating the implementation of the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing is effective, supporting the development and construction of real estate projects, meeting the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally, and promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

All localities should pay close attention to research and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support to accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs.

The meeting emphasized that the orderly development and construction of the project is the basis for the stable and healthy operation of the real estate market and is related to the vital interests of the people. In view of the current financing problems of some real estate projects, all localities should focus on projects, study and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, coordinate the issuance of loans by financial institutions within their respective administrative regions, and accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs. Credit funds should be ensured to be operated in a closed way and used in compliance, and misappropriation should be resolutely prevented. At the provincial level, it is necessary to track and monitor the implementation and strengthen supervision and guidance. At the national level, an information platform for urban real estate financing coordination mechanism projects will be established, and weekly scheduling and monthly notification will be implemented.

The meeting demanded that we should adapt to the new situation that the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market has undergone major changes, speed up the construction of a new model of real estate development, combine the long and short, treat both the symptoms and the root causes, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. It is necessary to adhere to the policy of the city, precise policy, one city and one policy, make good use of the policy toolbox, and fully give urban real estate regulation and control autonomy. Cities can adjust their real estate policies according to local conditions. It is necessary to work out the housing development plan, improve the housing supply system of "guarantee+market", establish a new linkage mechanism of people, housing, land and money, improve the basic system of housing life cycle, implement the construction of affordable housing, the construction of public infrastructure for emergency use and the transformation of villages in cities, and build a green, low-carbon, intelligent and safe house. It is necessary to rectify the order of the real estate market, rectify the chaos in real estate development, trading, intermediary and property, expose typical cases of violations of laws and regulations, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

The list of the first batch of real estate financing coordination mechanism projects will land before the end of the month.

The meeting proposed that an information platform for urban real estate financing coordination mechanism projects will be established at the national level, and weekly scheduling and monthly notification will be implemented. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has made great efforts to implement the mechanism. It is understood that before the end of this month, the first batch of projects can win loans after landing.

This article comes from: financial circles


Bird bird column: I have the freedom of fashion and the freedom of unfashionability.

The higher a society’s tolerance for fashion, the higher people’s sense of security for self-expression and the more dynamic cultural life.

Bird bird

Although I don’t intend to be a hipster myself, I hope there will be more and more hipsters around me, and I hope they will become more and more fashionable. I have a narrow point of view, that is, the higher a society’s tolerance for fashion, the higher people’s sense of security for self-expression and the more dynamic cultural life.

When telling the editor the theme of this column, she joked that it would be possible not to "damage" fashion, after all, this is a fashion magazine. I said yes, I will write about the benefits of fashion in this issue.

I think besides always asking people to spend money, fashion sometimes highlights the glamorous side too much, but it also has some advantages, that is, it can introduce itself to others as quickly as possible.What clothes a person wears often reflects what he wants others to think of him, just as psychology says: you can’t recognize him without taking off his mask, and sometimes we can know him by what mask he wears.In any case, people can’t avoid fashion or this set of social symbols.

Bird bird

Personally, I prefer being a fashion bystander to being a fashion practitioner. I like people who appreciate beauty to make some wonderful attempts. There are some fashionable people in the talk show actors, such as "Carnivore" Da Mu and Dang Dang. Once I met Yao Yao, who tied many colorful flowers on his beard. At that time, I asked him a lot of questions, because it was really beyond my cognition.The beard is a symbol with extremely masculine characteristics, and the colorful flowers are very cute. When he combines the two elements, I think this idea is really very special.

Ying Ning also has a good dressing style (although I can’t wear it myself, I can also tell who can wear it better). She often wears casual clothes with a little sports style and a little Japanese style, which makes her feel handsome and sunny. Because she also likes sports and is full of energy, it makes people feel particularly appropriate.

Mancai combines carnivore and talk show actor Ning.

Fashion is not only to look good, but also to show one’s inner character. Moreover, it is not necessary to take the pursuit of big names as a goal, but to do daily dressing as an aesthetic practice. Those daunting prices may not be the original intention of fashion.I think the pursuit of fashion will eventually fall on the self, and we can’t just follow the fashion trend to complete the purchase.

To be fashionable, the most important thing is to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror. When I was in middle school, I always secretly put the mirror in my pencil case, and I also had to take a sneak look at it in class. When I got a pimple on my face, I always had to knife it immediately. After that stage, I feel that looking in the mirror is an inefficient thing.

Bird bird

In addition, I always feel that winter is a difficult fashion season, there are fewer clothes to match, and buying clothes is always more functional than aesthetics. Every winter, my mother will knit me a new sweater, and there are two old picture books in the bookcase that teach crochet. Wool is produced in Inner Mongolia, and there is a wool mill in Hohhot. My mother bought some new balls of wool, which are always fluffy and soft, with the smell of camphor balls on them. Then my mother unpacked the wool and asked me to put my arms up and wind the wool again, so that I could put the wool on my arm when crocheting.

My mother’s desire to knit a sweater is mainly influenced by my aunt. My aunt knits one for my cousin every year. My cousin wears it too small, so she will wear it for me the next year. Although the sweater is knitted by myself, it is very aesthetically ingenious. One year, my cousin gave me a sweater with a lion on it. The main body of the lion is a pattern drawn by a needle hook, and only the tail is made of a small handful of yellow wool, which is very real. I often want to stroke it in class. The sweater my mother knitted for me is generally not so complicated, it is pure pink with a little hemp pattern; My mother often calls me to the living room when I am doing my homework, and asks me to try it on my head. I carefully thread my arms and face through some sweater needles, and my mother will say some knitting strategies that I don’t understand.

In order to let me wear the sweater for a few more years, my mother knitted it so long that I had to use a school uniform coat to cover the hem. Later, my mother was more Buddhist, and she took me out to buy sweaters in winter. But the sweaters you buy are often cotton knits. This kind of sweater is heavy and not warm enough. Unlike wool, although it ties your neck, it keeps you warm wonderfully, which makes you sleepy in class.

I think the reason why I am far from fashion is partly because I live in Inner Mongolia. The climate there is rather cold, with sandstorms in spring, large temperature difference between day and night in autumn and biting cold wind in winter. Only a short summer is suitable for pursuing beauty. Fashion people have either migrated to the south, or they can only shoot at home. They want to shoot in the street, not to mention that they can’t find fashion people, and there are not even such dedicated photographers. This is why you always see Shanghai Street Shooting and Shenzhen Street Shooting on the Internet, but rarely see Hohhot Street Shooting. Looking at the street shooting in Shanghai, we often see a kind of leisure. There are few street cafes in Hohhot, and cyclists often have a hard time making a living, so it is difficult to relax.

Recently, I have paid attention to some minimalist bloggers. They have a fashion idea called capsule wardrobe. In fact, the logic is very simple, that is, they all use black, white, gray and camel-colored items to match each other. I look at my wardrobe. There is a big logo on my clothes, no black pants, no white pants, only five pairs of jeans. I can’t help feeling that a truly fashionable person doesn’t even hinder her fashion, but my dressing style is still chaotic and monotonous.

Birds in life

The pursuit of fashion is often different in degree. Everyone has a relatively inherent perspective, that is, people who are not as fashionable as themselves are old-fashioned, and those who are more fashionable than themselves will cause hipster phobia.In fact, hipsters don’t hinder anyone. They just dress themselves up according to their own aesthetics. Just because they are different from our inherent cognition, some people feel uncomfortable. But the most important quality of a civilized person is to respect the existence of others.. I saw a discussion on whether people should wear yoga pants outside on the Internet. One of the hot comments said that freedom of dressing means wearing the right clothes in the right place, which was praised by many people. But I believe that among all the people who like it, what they think is "appropriate" cannot be exactly the same.

It seems that women always fall into such a double dilemma when they wear clothes, either because they have no desire or because they show their sexiness confidently, they are judged inappropriately. When a woman is harassed, there will be two kinds of comments, either belittling the victim as a woman who is not enough to make people want, or saying that since you are dressed so attractively, you must have been prepared for being taken advantage of. This dilemma always makes me feel helpless and confused. How can a woman live in order to be considered attractive and respectable?

Bird Bird talked about the pressure of women’s appearance in the program "Send 100 Girls Home"

Ten years ago, during the Spring Festival, I went to my aunt’s house for the Spring Festival. My cousin had a wound on her face. We asked what happened. My cousin said that she walked at night years ago, because she wore a necklace and earrings, and she also carried a nice purse, so wild one robbed her and took her bag away, dragging people down. Finally, the whole family came to a unanimous conclusion: at the end of the year, people need money, don’t show off their wealth, don’t wear jewelry, and don’t walk at night. Last Spring Festival, my cousin still loved beauty very much. Not only did she dress herself up very well, but my little nephew was also dressed as a hipster by her. I think fashion may have such power:Once you have this aesthetic and creativity, you can’t hide it. Even if it is risky to show your charm, the pursuit of beauty itself is so fascinating..

Compared with food and clothing, freedom of dress is a somewhat melodramatic issue, but I am envious of some people’s desire for beauty and even their willingness to take some risks in pursuit of individuality. It is not easy for people to express themselves and have their own style, so people around them should protect their spirit rather than asking them to cut off branches. After all, this is the meaning of social development, isn’t it? That is, people can not only survive, but also live aesthetically.

Besides, I think the freedom of dressing includes not only positive freedom, that is, people can dress in fashion, youth and show their style as much as they can, but also a negative freedom, that is, they can not make many attempts in fashion.My ideal freedom of dressing is that I have the freedom of fashion and the freedom of unfashionability, so that I can neither be humiliated by sluts because of fashion, nor be criticized as "not enough women" because of unfashionability.

Bird bird also made fun of this photo of hot search on fire in Weibo.

Although I don’t intend to be a hipster myself, I hope there will be more and more hipsters around me, and I hope they will become more and more fashionable. Because only they can wear yoga pants freely, can I wear jeans freely; Only when they can wear big earrings freely can I wear small earrings freely.

You don’t have to fight for the freedom to wear conservative clothes, so you don’t have to sneer at other relatively minority clothes just because you have chosen a safer dress style. I have a narrow point of view, that is, the higher a society’s tolerance for fashion, the higher people’s sense of security for self-expression and the more dynamic cultural life.

The original text was published in the February 2023 issue of Bazaar of Fashion.

Editor: Li Jin

Typesetting: miffy

Some pictures are provided: Laughing Fruit Culture, Birds and Birds Weibo, "Send a hundred girls home "program.