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"It’s Worth It" held an event, and Wu Lei’s speech made Hu Ge’s face red

1905 movie network news A few days ago, the film held an event and attended. Wu Lei revealed that his idol was Hu Ge, causing the other party to blush on the spot and causing the audience to laugh.

In the producer-directed film, Hu Ge plays the eulogy editor for "giving away the last journey", and he has many opposite scenes with Wu Lei’s Little Yin. When asked about his relationship with Hu Ge in the play and growing up together outside the play, Wu Lei said that he has always regarded Hu Ge as an idol, but now that he has grown up, he is embarrassed to express it, and hopes to cooperate with "different characters in the future."

Hearing Wu Lei’s words, Hu Ge blushed shyly and said with a smile that he had "sweated", letting everyone see the cute side of Hu Ge.


The weather is going to change! Are you ready for the "cold magic" attack? Shanghai will welcome rare heavy rain in winter before the Spring Festival.

The week ruled by the cold has finally passed.
However, the warm and humid airflow followed.
Umbrella will become
This week’s "personal belongings"
Affected by southwest warm and humid airflow
The cloud cover in this city is increasing gradually today.
Sunlight becomes a rarity.
There is mild haze before noon.
Minimum temperature in the morning
Near 4℃ of Xujiahui Station in the urban area
Some suburbs are between -2℃ and 0℃
East to southeast wind 4 ~ 5
The relative humidity is increased to 95%~50%
After the sun comes out
There was a marked increase in temperature in the morning.
But as the temperature rises, "visiting" together is
Southeast wind and water vapor
There is sometimes light rain around evening.
This week’s Shanghai
It will be warm and humid air flow.
A tug-of-war with cold air
In the next 7-8 days, there will also be continuous rainy weather in this city. The main precipitation periods appear from the night of January 31 to February 1 and February 4 to 5, with moderate rainfall and heavy rain in some areas. During the daytime from January 30th to 31st, the precipitation was generally weak, and most areas were foggy on the morning of 31st.
The continuous rainy weather started from the evening of January 29th to the night and lasted until February 6th. It turned cloudy to cloudy on the 7th. It is estimated that the main precipitation periods will occur from the night of January 31st to February 1st and from February 4th to 5th, each with a moderate rain process and heavy rain in some areas. There was intermittent precipitation during the day from January 30th to 31st, and the rainfall was generally weak.
In late January and early February in Shanghai, the daily precipitation is usually at the level of light rain or moderate rain, and there are few heavy rains and above. There will be two moderate rains in Shanghai in the next ten days, and the total precipitation is obvious.
In the next 10 days, the temperature will fluctuate slightly, with warm and wet in the early stage and cold in the later stage. The temperature is generally between 8 and 13℃ before 31st. There was weak cold air around February 2, and the temperature dropped below 10℃. On the night of February 4th, affected by cold air, the temperature reached a new level. It is estimated that the lowest temperature in Shanghai will drop to about 1℃ on the 9th and 10th.
National weather
With the adjustment of atmospheric circulation, the southwest warm and humid airflow is active, and under the joint influence of cold and warm airflow, there will be continuous rain and snow weather in the middle and east of China in the next 7-8 days, with heavy snow in some areas and heavy snow in local areas. Among them, from January 29 to 30, there was moderate to heavy rain and local heavy rain in central Jiangxi to western Zhejiang. From January 31, the Huanghuai-Jianghan area will gradually turn into snowfall, with heavy snow in some areas and heavy snow in some areas. It is expected that the boundary between rain and snow will extend south to central Jiangsu and central Anhui on February 5-6, and most of the south of the Yangtze River will be dominated by rainy weather.
The time is approaching the Spring Festival, and friends who have travel plans should pay close attention to the weather changes, make reasonable arrangements and make early preparations.
Weather warning
Rainy and low visibility weather
Have a great impact on traffic and travel.
The large-scale rain and snow weather in central and eastern China and the continuous rainy weather in this city have great influence on traffic travel.
At present, it is in Spring Festival travel rush, so please know the weather conditions in time before going out, especially the early warning of bad weather such as rain, snow and freezing, and make preparations in advance. Rainy days make the road slippery, so slow down when driving. Pay attention to the influence of foggy weather on traffic on the morning of January 31.
Rainy weather
Have a certain impact on public life
In rainy weather, it is necessary to do a good job of dehumidification at home, and it is appropriate to open the window for ventilation during intermittent rainfall. Rainy weather is easy to make people feel depressed, so pay attention to emotional adjustment. The weather is cold in the later period, so we should still pay attention to keep warm.
Approaching the new year
Everyone should pay attention to the latest weather in time.
Rain gear is always around.
Pay more attention to changes in temperature and warmth.
Synthesized from Shanghai weather release
Source: Shanghai News Broadcasting

Happy New Year’s Eve in Guangdong, Sharing New Year’s Eve Reunion Dinner: Foshan Trade Union expressed condolences to the migrant workers of Sanshui Xingxing Refrigeration Company who stayed in the fa

Text, map/Yangcheng Evening News All-media reporter Liang Zhengjie correspondent Wu Chengping
"I am from Guizhou in southeastern Guizhou. I have been in the company for more than 10 years. This year, I stayed in the factory for the first time for the New Year. I have never tasted Guangdong’s Tuannian potted vegetables, and today I finally got my wish. " Long Bangquan, deputy director of the workshop of Guangdong Star Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Star Refrigeration"), said happily. On January 31st, New Year’s Eve, the condolence group of Foshan Federation of Trade Unions went to Guangdong Xingxing Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. to carry out the warm-hearted condolence action of "Warm Workers, Happy New Year in Guangdong", and sent holiday greetings and blessings to the employees who stayed in the factory for the New Year, especially the migrant workers in southeastern Guizhou.
The leaders of the Federation of Trade Unions send new year gifts to employees.
On the same day, the organizers held fun garden parties, the experience of "Cantonese Cuisine Master", the experience of making Foshan lion’s head and auspicious ornaments for the New Year, and the calligrapher’s gift of waving spring, which added the flavor of the New Year to more than 400 employees who stayed at Star Refrigeration for the New Year. "Cantonese people can’t have a feast without chicken in the New Year, and this ginger and onion chicken must be available for the reunion dinner!" Huang Chihua, the director of the master studio of Guangdong cuisine at the provincial level from Foshan Trade Union Vocational School, and a China cooking master, taught the staff how to make the old-fashioned ginger-onion chicken in the staff canteen of Star Refrigeration Company, so that the staff could feel the taste of Cantonese cuisine from knife skills, ingredients, cooking methods to dish setting.
Calligraphers send spring activities organized by enterprises.
"Happy New Year! I wish you all a good year in Foshan! " Jiang Qing, executive vice chairman of Foshan Federation of Trade Unions, presented the New Year’s group dishes and holiday packages to the staff representatives, and extended greetings and blessings to the staff present. Hong Xiao, deputy director of the Sanshui District People’s Congress Standing Committee and chairman of the District Federation of Trade Unions, also sent a condolence package to the workers’ representatives. On behalf of the company, Wen Yang, general manager of Star Refrigeration, thanked the trade unions at all levels for their concern and sympathy. Afterwards, the people present sat around to taste the Foshan special group dish, share the group dinner and taste the Foshan flavor in the dish.
Leaders of the Federation of Trade Unions share the reunion dinner with migrant workers.
According to reports, this year, the factory has adopted various measures to encourage employees to stay in the factory for the New Year, including more than 20 migrant workers in southeastern Guizhou. In addition to providing corporate New Year gift packages for employees staying in the factory, the factory canteen provides free New Year’s Eve dinner during the Spring Festival, and at the same time, it also organizes all kinds of colorful cultural activities to make everyone have a happy, peaceful and warm Spring Festival. By the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, every front-line employee who returns to work on time will receive a 500 yuan award. In recent years, the post-holiday return rate of employees in Star Refrigeration Company has exceeded 95%.
This condolence activity made the employees of Star Refrigeration Company who stayed in the factory for the New Year feel the warmth of "home", let them truly feel the care of Foshan Party and government and the warmth of trade unions, spend a happy, peaceful, safe and healthy Spring Festival, and also personally experience the local flavor of Foshan.
The Federation of Trade Unions sends holiday greetings and blessings.
During the Spring Festival this year, Foshan City Federation of Trade Unions launched the "Warm Workers, Help Enterprises, Secure Posts" combination boxing, launched the "Warm Workers, Happy New Year in Guangdong" Spring Festival campaign in 2022, launched ten warm measures, and distributed 10 million yuan of WeChat payment red envelopes, over 100,000 tickets for Foshan attractions and over 10,000 movie tickets to trade union members in the city. The employees who have obtained them will be used in the city during the Spring Festival. According to statistics, this year, trade unions at all levels in the city presented 22,700 Chinese New Year potted vegetables, 22,600 New Year condolence packages, 164,000 scenic spots tickets and movie tickets to workers from all walks of life who stuck to their posts during the Spring Festival, especially front-line epidemic prevention workers, new employment workers, key project builders and migrant workers in enterprises.
Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng School
Editor | Huang Lei